divine talisman

Chapter 1504 Dark Dominion [Part 2]

Da Luotian fell from the sky, Jiang Taizhong looked ferocious and wanted to desperately.

Chen Xi came over with a sword talisman in his hand, and slashed at Jiang Taizhong from one side.

A big white and slender hand approached suddenly, tearing apart the divine restraint, and seized the opportunity to capture and kill Chen Xi.

At this moment, three different movements staged a scene of praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind, which was unbelievably fast and thrilling to the extreme.

Everything seemed to end with Chen Xi being killed, but at this extremely urgent moment, a green leaf that was about to drip fell out of thin air, drawing a mysterious and indescribable arc, and at an unimaginable speed, blocked the In front of the big white and slender hand.

Time seems to slow down at this moment, time and space are like a freeze frame, and all actions become lengthy.

It can be clearly seen that on this day the leaves are perfectly round as if they are flawless, and the green leaves are about to drip green, and the surface is covered with strands of veins, which are natural and radiant, filled with an indescribable mysterious atmosphere.

As soon as it appeared, the deadly and dangerous aura that enveloped Chen Xi's body disappeared without a trace, causing his originally tense nerves to be relieved, and his eyes also became astonished at this moment.

Almost at the same time, the white and slender palm that pierced through the air froze for a moment, as if sensing danger, it stopped abruptly halfway, and then pulled back suddenly like an electric shock!

But it was still a step too late, the green leaf seemed to have eyes, fluttering, like a petal, gently fell on the big hand...


The moment Aoba touched the slender white palm, an incomparably emerald green luster suddenly lit up, blazing brightly, and a mysterious and mysterious rune pattern emerged, and it struck down with a bang.

In an instant, the big hand seemed to be struck by lightning, and a crack was cut on the white and moist skin, the bones were visible deep, and golden blood burst out, dyeing the void.


Chen Xi sucked in a breath of cold air. All of this happened clearly before his eyes, so that he recognized at a glance that what appeared on the green leaf just now was an obscure and mysterious divine talisman pattern!

Could it be that the senior brother from Shenyan Mountain came here?

No, now that catastrophe has swept across the Three Realms, the divine realm does not exist, and all the brothers and sisters on Shenyan Mountain have already gone to the realm of the end of the law, how can there still be disciples?

Chen Xi had some doubts in his heart.

"Gara Shen Zhiye! Li Fuyao, you haven't been taken away!"

Suddenly, a loud and frightened cry came out, the voice was soft and hoarse, stirring the world.

Li Fuyao!

It's the fifth brother!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he suddenly remembered that the little senior sister Li Yang once said that among the disciples of Shenyan Mountain, the fifth senior brother was the only one who rebuilt the Immortal King's Way for some reason. Based on this calculation, it is really possible for senior brother Li Fuyao Still in the Three Realms!

Sure enough, at this moment, a clear and gentle voice said, "I haven't reached the divine realm yet, why do I have to leave? On the contrary, you, Yin Huaikong, have already advanced to the divine realm, but you used the technique of seizing puppets to suppress the realm to the fairy king realm, This is against the will of the heavens you follow."

While speaking, the divine taboo that Chen Xi had set up burst into pieces, and the light and rain flew away.

But what surprised Chen Xi was that the place where he was standing at this moment was no longer outside the Dao Emperor Academy, but came to a mysterious world!

This place is dark, boundless and desolate, like a universe without stars, empty and dead.

This shocked Chen Xi, and he instantly understood that he had fallen into the enemy's "Tao" before he knew it, and might be moved to a secret realm, or a strange treasure!

Like Meng Xinghe's "Constellation Disk", the universe is formed within it, and the enemy can be brought into it silently.

Immediately Chen Xi saw a figure wearing a bamboo hat and covered in a black robe standing extremely far away, making it difficult to see his face clearly.

The aura of this person is dark and abyss, and the place where he stands is shrouded in eternal night, black clouds are raging, and filled with endless calamity. Looking from afar, he looks like the master of this world, which makes people feel palpitating.

"Junior brother, this person is Yin Huaikong, who ranks first among the seven true disciples of the Supreme Sect. Thousands of years ago, he was conferred the title of god and advanced to the next level. Now he uses secret methods to suppress the realm, and he has just shown the cultivation base of the fairy king. "

In his ear, that clear and gentle voice sounded again. Chen Xi raised his head, only then did he see that there was a young man standing beside him, looking at him with a smile.

He wears a high crown and ancient clothes, elegant demeanor, although his appearance is ordinary, his eyes are brighter than the stars, and the corners of his lips are smiling. Although there is no divine brilliance around him, but just standing there casually, there is an aura of awe, emptiness and tranquility. Zhikong, with a faint demeanor, seems to be unable to bend his spine an inch even if the sky falls.

This person is Li Fuyao, the Fifth Master of Shenyan Mountain!

"I have seen the fifth brother."

Chen Xi cupped his hands, feeling a warm current in his heart. At the critical moment, it was still Senior Brother Shen Yanshan who came to help him, which made him quite happy.

While speaking, he also noticed that beside Li Fuyao, Jiang Taizhong was tightly bound by Da Luotian, his eyes were closed tightly, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"You're welcome, Junior Sister told me everything before leaving."

Li Fuyao smiled very gently, making people feel like a spring breeze, with a sense of intimacy, possessing a very unique charm.

"Hmph, isn't that the same for you, Li Fuyao? After advancing to the God Realm, it's really stupid to reincarnate and rebuild. Now that you want to re-enter the Ancient God Realm, I'm afraid there is no hope."

Yin Huaikong opened his mouth, his figure was soft and hoarse, and his body was surrounded by black mist, making him look like a demon emperor in the dark, which made people feel palpitating.

"I'm different from you. The heavens of the three realms regard me as a traitor, but you... are just a dog in the hands of the heavens. Now you suppress the realm and don't want to go to the realm of the end of the law. This is nothing like betraying the will of the heavens." It's a bit disrespectful."

Li Fuyao spoke slowly, with his hands behind his back, his eyes were extremely bright, he looked at Yin Huaikong in the distance, his words were calm, his voice was clearer and gentler, but the content of his words was like a knife, and every sentence was heartbreaking.

"Hmph, death is imminent, and I don't bother to care about it with you. This [Dark Evil Realm] was sacrificed by the essence and blood of twelve immortal kings. It was originally intended to be used to suppress and kill the Taoist Academy. Now, it can serve as a The place where the two of you brothers and sisters are buried is a worthy death."

Yin Huaikong snorted coldly, without any anger, it seemed that the city was extremely deep.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he finally understood why the Supreme Master did not show up for a long time when he killed the group of kings. It turned out that he wanted to use his own hands to kill the group of kings, and then used them The original essence and blood of the [Dark Doom]!

This made him feel chilled, and he couldn't deduce it at all. When did the Supreme Master arrange all this, and why did he think that he would be able to kill these fairy kings?

"Junior brother, don't worry, no matter whether you can kill those fairy kings or not, their end must be a dead end. The Supreme Master will never treat these guys as his own."

In his ears, Li Fuyao's gentle and clear voice came, resolving his confusion.

"As for the arrangement of the [Dark Doom], it is actually very simple. When the twelve immortal kings took refuge in the Supreme Master, their bodies were already restricted. After they died, the original essence and blood in their bodies would trigger this restriction, thus Condensing this [Dark Doom] is nothing more than a trick commonly used by the Supreme Master, and there is nothing mysterious about it."

Knowing all this, Chen Xi finally came to a realization, and he couldn't help feeling a little pity for Jiang Taizhong and those immortal kings. When they took refuge in the Supreme Master, did they ever think that they would have this day?


Suddenly, in this empty and dead dark universe, wind, cloud, thunder and lightning suddenly surged, and evolved into a series of vicious phantoms of gods, which appeared between the heaven and the earth.

"Li Fuyao! Chen Xi! This seat will send you on your way right now!"

Yin Huaikong uttered a cold voice, his black robe fluttered, as if he had turned into a demon god overlord, with the forceful aura of controlling the world and judging life and death.

Before the sound fell, the vicious spirit that filled the sky had already roared towards them, attacking Chen Xi and the two of them, with a menacing aura, filled with a menacing aura of misfortune.

"Yin Huaikong, I forgot to tell you that before going down the mountain this time, I have already realized the Conferred God Technique. If you wish, I can take you to the realm of the end of the law!"

Faced with all this, Li Fuyao smiled lightly, his clothes were loose, and strands of obscure and terrifying aura surged from his body, spreading in all directions.

An invisible wind suddenly lingered around Li Fuyao, turning into pieces of verdant leaves that were about to drip, dancing all over the sky.

chi chi!chi chi!

Among those leaves, mysterious and obscure divine talisman patterns emerged, suppressing and killing the eight poles, and actually shattered, strangled, and wiped out the evil spirits that filled the sky.

Even, this piece of dark and empty sky was torn apart and was about to be shattered!

Chen Xi, who was on the side, witnessed this scene, and couldn't help being amazed. He originally thought that he was already invincible in the Immortal King Realm, but no matter whether he was compared with that Yin Huaikong, or with fifth senior brother Li Fuyao, he realized that he still had to Just a little bit worse.

That is the control of power, and it is also a search for the power of the gods!

Although the current him is only one line away from this level, but only one line away, the gap has already been separated, and the judgment will be judged.

In fact, he also knew that this Yin Huaikong was originally an existence in the divine realm, and the fifth senior brother was reincarnated and recultivated in the divine realm. When it comes to understanding the divine way, he is far better than himself.

In short, Li Fuyao and Yin Huaikong had already set foot on the road of seeking the divine way, while Chen Xi... was just about to step on the threshold.

"The power of the gods! How is this possible? You were reincarnated and recultivated 300 years ago. How could you comprehend the way of the gods again in such a short period of time!"

Seeing all this, Yin Huaikong seemed to be a little bit unexpected, and very rarely made a sound of shock and anger, and there was a touch of disbelief in his voice.

"What you can't do, doesn't mean others can't do it. What's more, you, Yin Huaikong, don't have any qualifications to compare with me, Li Fuyao. Such a comparison will only make your life more desperate."

Li Fuyao smiled, his voice was as clear and gentle as before, without any clang, as if he was narrating an extremely ordinary fact.

But it was this kind of attitude that stimulated Yin Huaikong's body to surge with black mist, as if he had fallen into rage.


ps: To be honest, I quite like the name Li Fuyao, as well as my personality, if I hadn’t used it long ago, I would have wished to use it as the protagonist in the next book...


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