divine talisman

Chapter 1505 Fly away [Part 1]

Yin Huaikong was wearing a bamboo hat and a black robe, making it impossible to see his face clearly, let alone his emotional changes.

But at this moment, Chen Xi clearly noticed that the other party's aura suddenly became turbulent and violent, obviously stimulated by fifth senior brother Li Fuyao's words, which made him sullen.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the brothers and sisters of Shenyan Mountain are indeed more proud than each other!

"So what if you understand the method of conferring gods, don't forget, you are still an immortal king! As long as you are an immortal king, you are destined to be buried here!"

Amidst the loud shouts, Yin Huaikong launched another attack, controlling the dark doom domain, deriving all kinds of evil spirits and catastrophic visions, and the momentum became more and more frightening.

"The Conferred God Realm is only one step away from me."

Li Fuyao smiled lightly, and suddenly took a step forward. This simple movement caused a sudden change in his whole body, and an incomparably vast divine aura permeated it!

One can even vaguely see strands of divine flames lingering around him, and within each strand of divine flames, it seems that there is a god sitting there, solemn and supreme.

He was able to confer God and testify in one step!

"Confer God in one step! Damn it, Li Fuyao, you lunatic, if you do this, aren't you afraid that the realm of the end of law will take you away now!?"

Witnessing this scene, Yin Huaikong was completely furious, as if he couldn't believe it, and was a little caught off guard.

Chen Xi was also shocked in his heart. He never expected that Li Fuyao would choose to break through the realm and advance to the realm of conferring gods at this moment, and he was so relaxed and casual, as if he could confer the gods anytime and anywhere if he wanted to!

This is too scary!

But immediately, Chen Xi's heart sank. It was exactly what Yin Huaikong said, once he was conferred the gods and proved the way, wouldn't fifth senior brother Li Fuyao be immediately noticed by that day's order god chain, and then bring him into the realm of the end of law? ?

For all this, Li Fuyao didn't seem to notice it, he smiled casually, strands of divine light emerged from his eyes that were brighter than the stars, and he waved his sleeve robe lightly with his right hand.


An understatement of an action, but thousands of verdant leaves that are ready to drip, filled with divine brilliance, evolved into infinite divine talismans, suppressed and killed them.

In an instant, accompanied by a terrifying crackling sound, the infinite evil spirits and visions of disasters were all crushed, and the sky, the earth, the sky, and the boundless universe were also shattered and collapsed at this moment!

The power of one blow actually broke this "Dark Dominion"!

Almost at the same time, Li Fuyao took a sudden step forward, stretched out his right arm, and drew an arc like an antelope's horn, his palm went straight towards Yin Huaikong.

"Fellow Daoist, come with me to the realm of the end of law!"

"Do not--!"

Yin Huaikong was frightened and furious, a terrifying wave of power surged out of his body, unexpectedly disappeared out of thin air at this very instant, abruptly dodging Li Fuyao's blow.


But at the moment when he dodged, he was grabbed by Li Fuyao's palm, tore off his right arm, and a stream of golden plasma splashed out, dyeing the void.

All of this was completed in a ten-thousandth of an instant, so fast that Chen Xi didn't even have time to react, and he couldn't help another shock in his heart.

Immediately, the sky and the earth shook, the universe changed, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed. They had appeared in front of Daohuang Academy again.


The setting sun is like blood, and the red clouds dye the sky.

The ruins outside Daohuang Academy are full of devastation. The huge Douxuan Immortal City has already been razed to the ground and turned into dead ruins, which is shocking.

In the arena, there was no enemy figure, and likewise, there was no trace of Yin Huaikong either.

"Unfortunately, he still escaped death."

Li Fuyao sighed softly, exerted strength with his palm, and with a bang, the severed arm that was torn off from Yin Huaikong's body disappeared into powder.

Chen Xi didn't care to pay attention to these things, and said worriedly: "Fifth senior brother, if you advance to the God Realm, I'm afraid..."

As he said that, he looked at the sky. On the sky, the portal of the sky stood tall, and around it were chains of heaven and order, like a sharp sword hanging above everyone's heads.

Li Fuyao smiled and said: "Don't worry, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, if I don't go, I'm afraid Eldest Senior Brother and the others will stay impatient in the Domain of Doom."

Chen Xi was stunned. He had just met Fifth Senior Brother and was about to be separated soon, so he felt a little bit reluctant.


"The dean has appeared!"

"The dean is not dead!"

At this time, a burst of applause resounded through the sky. In Daohuang Academy, when all the teachers and students saw Chen Xi's figure appear, they all cried out in surprise.

Before, when Chen Xi was brought into the dark realm, they didn't understand what happened, and they didn't even know where Chen Xi went. They thought that something happened to him, and they were all very worried.

Seeing that he is safe and sound now, everyone is naturally happy.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but be a little surprised. The power of the Grand Priest didn't take advantage of the opportunity just now to storm the academy, which is a bit abnormal.

You know, just now even he and fifth senior brother Li Fuyao were trapped in the dark doom, unable to get out, and if the Supreme Master took the opportunity to attack the academy at that time, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

Chen Xi was about to inquire, when he saw Li Fuyao beside him suddenly smiled slightly, looked into the distance, and said, "Little Junior Brother, look who is here."

Hearing this, Chen Xi was slightly taken aback, and followed his gaze.

A young man with a handsome figure, gentle eyes, and a modest demeanor walked out of the distant void step by step.

He has a leisurely demeanor, like an elegant scholar who has come to Beijing to take the exam, and he is holding a three-foot-long, three-inch-wide, black ruler in his hand.

But as soon as he appeared, there was a grand Confucianism and Taoism permeating the air, giving people an upright and awe-inspiring feeling, as if he was a holy king who wanted to reshape the order of the world and restore the order of the world.

"Qiu Xuanshu!?"

Chen Xi was surprised, and recognized that person as Qiu Xuanshu who had met once in the Xuantian Realm of the human world.

"I've seen the Fifth Martial Uncle, I've seen the Little Martial Uncle."

Qiu Xuanshu stepped forward and Jishou saluted.

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he heard Li Fuyao laughing beside him, "He is an old and poor disciple of the Fourth Senior Brother. He used to practice in Qinglu Academy, an unknowable place in the Xuanhuan Territory, and was later brought back to the sect by the Fourth Senior Brother. I have been practicing on the mountain."

Only then did Chen Xi suddenly realize, and thought, "When I met this guy back then, who would have thought that he would become my nephew..."

What surprised him most was that Qiu Xuanshu had now been promoted to Immortal King, his aura was vast and boundless like the sea, and he seemed not much worse than himself.

In Daohuang Academy, many people were confused and did not recognize the identities of Li Fuyao and Qiu Xuanshu.

"Who are those two? The aura is so powerful. Looking at it from a distance, people can't resist any thought of resistance, and feel like ants."

A big man in the dragon world was in doubt.

"It's the descendant of Shenyan Mountain. If I'm not mistaken, that person should be Li Fuyao from Five Immortals Mountain. He proved the Tao with the texture of plants and trees, and realized the wonderful meaning of Talisman and Dao in nature, and his cultivation is unfathomable."

Zhou Zhili whispered to everyone, with a touch of shock and awe, "As for the other person, it's no surprise that he should also be from Shenyan Mountain."

When the others heard the words, they couldn't help shaking their hearts, and then they suddenly remembered that Dean Chen Xi had another identity, and that was the descendant of Shenyan Mountain!

All of a sudden, the audience was silent, and all three of them looked at Chen Xi with a sense of awe. Shenyan Mountain is the most mysterious holy place among the three supreme Taoisms!



After paying respects to Chen Xi and Li Fuyao, Qiu Xuanshu waved his sleeves, and three bloody heads immediately rolled out on the ground, each of them staring angrily, showing a hint of unwillingness.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes: "This is it?"

"The sixth, ninth, and No.12 true disciples of the Supreme Sect, the fifth uncle brought me here before, and when I saw that they wanted to take the opportunity to attack the academy, I stopped them."

Qiu Xuanshu said humbly, "This is also thanks to the guidance of the Fifth Master Uncle, otherwise with my ability, I would have been almost fooled by their concealment method."

It was only then that Chen Xi understood why the Supreme Master didn't take the opportunity to attack the Daohuang Academy. It turned out that the fifth senior brother Li Fuyao had already arranged everything, and then Qiu Xuanshu acted on his behalf.

Chen Xi hurriedly thanked him. If Li Fuyao and Qiu Xuanshu hadn't arrived in time this time, the battle would not have ended so easily.

And everyone in the Daohuang Academy heard that the three true disciples of the Immortal King Realm of the Supreme Master were beheaded by Qiu Xuanshu alone, and they couldn't help but gasp in their hearts. what!

"Junior brother, don't be too polite." Li Fuyao smiled, then looked at Qiu Xuanshu, and said, "Why are there only three heads?"

"Originally there were 11 people, but right after I beheaded these three people, for some reason, they withdrew suddenly, so I couldn't stop them in time." Qiu Xuanshu said apologetically.

"This should be Yin Huaikong's idea."

Li Fuyao pondered, "It's not your fault, what's more, with your own strength, you can't keep them all. If you continue to fight, it will put you in danger."

Speaking of this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, with a look of helplessness on his face, he shook his head and said: "Junior Brother, I have to go."

Chen Xi was startled, his eyes turned to the sky, and he saw that near the gate of the sky, the Divine Chains of Heavenly Law and Order seemed to have sensed something, and began to wake up from the silence, becoming ready to move.

"Five senior brothers."

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he was a little bit reluctant.

"There is not much time. I will record everything in this jade slip. Whether it is dealing with the Supreme Master or going to the realm of the end of the law, it can be used."

Li Fuyao patted Chen Xi's shoulder, then smiled, and suddenly his figure flashed, and he moved up to the heavens.

"Little brother, nephew Xuanshu, take care!"

From the sky, came Li Fuyao's free and gentle laughter, but in the eyes of everyone, his figure suddenly turned into a divine light, and rushed into the portal of the sky.


The chains of heaven and order around the gate of the sky were disturbed, but before they could move, Li Fuyao's figure had already disappeared in it.


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