divine talisman

Chapter 1506 Star Refining Divine Abyss [Part 2]

Li Fuyao left through the air, while Qiu Xuanshu stayed behind, assisting Chen Xi to sit in the Daohuang Academy.

This great battle has come to an end.

In this battle, the twelve immortal kings from the three ancient families of Zhongli, Jiang, and Wanqi, and the four colleges of Changkong, Kuji, Dahuang, and Daoxuan were all put to death.

In addition, Yin Huaikong, the chief disciple of the Supreme Sect's True Inheritance, was beheaded with one arm, six disciples, three disciples, and nine disciples were beheaded, and the remaining eight disciples escaped and collapsed!

As soon as this news spread, it immediately caused an uproar in the fairy world, causing a sensation all over the world. The new headmaster, Chen Xi, wiped out the Supreme Master's invasion in one fell swoop with such force, and shocked every ascetic.

Ever since the catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms came, the Supreme Master took the opportunity to get involved in the world, conquering all the major forces in the fairy world like a broken bamboo, invincible and invincible.

And this battle was the first time that the Supreme Master lost, and suffered a huge blow!

Losing the existence of more than ten immortal kings at once is to leave them in the endless years of the immortal world. This kind of loss is rare and unprecedented.

Because this battle took place at dusk and dusk, it was also called "Blood Dusk", leaving an indelible mark in the history of the Three Realms.

And Chen Xi's prestige has also reached an unprecedented height after this battle, eclipsing the ascetics of all heavens and worlds, and surpassing the power and influence of ordinary fairy kings.


Inside the Dao Emperor Shrine.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged and was concentrating on flipping through the jade slips left by fifth senior brother Li Fuyao.

"Under the catastrophe, the realm of gods does not exist. Among the current Supreme Sect, there are only three people who are worthy of fear. The true disciple Yin Huaikong, the Pope worships the elder Kong Zhao, and Taoist Tuokong..."

The first paragraph in the Jade Slip made Chen Xi's heart shudder, and only then did he realize that in order to completely control the Three Realms, the Supreme Master allowed the three Conferred God Realm to exist, and used some kind of secret technique to suppress the realm to the level of the Immortal King. , thus avoiding the detection of the Heavenly Dao Order God Chain, and was not brought into the realm of the end of the Dharma just now.

"This Supreme Master is a dog in the hands of the Heavenly Dao, but now he dares to go against the will of the Heavenly Dao, so he can be regarded as an ambitious watchdog."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then continued to read.

"Although these three people have already become gods, their realms have been suppressed by secret methods. With your current ability, junior brother, you can beat any one of them, but if you want to kill them completely, it is not enough. Once the other party goes all out, it will even attack you Unfavorable, so if you want to deal with them, you need to find another way..."

Seeing this, Chen Xi frowned suddenly, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

He is very clear about the meaning of the fifth senior brother's words. The other party is suppressed, and he can deal with any of them with his own strength, but if he wants to kill them, it is impossible.

The reason is also very simple, once the opponent tries his best, he will definitely undo the secret technique and restore his cultivation to the Conferred God Realm. At that time, it is absolutely impossible for him to be his opponent.

Even if they restore their spiritual cultivation, they will inevitably be brought into the realm of the end of the law, but as long as they get rid of themselves, it can be said that they have cleared the obstacles for the Supreme Sect. At that time, who else in the fairy world can resist the attack of the Supreme Sect? ?

"Since fifth senior brother said so, I'm afraid he has already thought of a way to deal with them..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and continued to read. Sure enough, as he expected, Li Fuyao had prepared some means for this situation.

However, this kind of method made Chen Xi startled slightly, and was very moved, "Shenyan Mountain, Star Observation Tower, Star Refining God Abyss?"

No wonder Chen Xi was moved. According to the jade slips left by Li Fuyao, in Shenyan Mountain, there is a secret place for cultivating Taoism, named Star Observation Terrace. , can completely control the power of the infinite divine talisman.

In addition, on the side of the observatory, there is also a place for sharpening one's cultivation, called Star Refining God Abyss, where one can hone at the level of the Immortal King Realm, which has an incredible effect on improving one's strength.

At that time, among the disciples of Shenyan Mountain, the first gentleman Wu Xuechan, the second gentleman Taoist Ji, the third gentleman Tie Yunhai and others, all had tempered their strength in the Star Refining God Abyss, and they already possessed the power to shake the gods!

what does this mean?

It means that when the disciples of Shenyan Mountain were in the Immortal King Realm, they could fight across borders and contend against the existence of the Conferred God Realm!

This is the real reason why Chen Xi was moved. You must know that the gods have already jumped out of the Three Realms and are not in the Five Elements. They claim to be supreme beings, and their strength is simply unimaginable.

In these years, Chen Xi has also witnessed more than one battle with the presence of gods, and he is very clear about how incredible it is to use the power of an immortal king to fight against gods.

If the Immortal King is the supreme ruler, then the gods are the emperors above the ruler. Killing the Immortal King Realm is as easy as crushing an ant.

But according to what the fifth senior brother Li Fuyao said, the disciples of Shenyan Mountain had acquired the power to forcibly overwhelm the gods through the tempering of the Star Refining Shenyuan when they were in the Immortal King Realm. One can imagine how much this brought to Chen Xi Powerful shock.

"Sure enough, there is a reason why my brothers and sisters are so proud. They are simply a group of peerless monsters!"

Chen Xi clicked his tongue, filled with emotion.

He also didn't think about himself. As early as half a step into the Immortal King Realm, he also fought across borders to kill the Immortal King. Isn't he a heaven-defying evildoer?

Even, he is three points more evil than those disciples of Shenyan Mountain. Those disciples only used the power of the Immortal King Realm to force the gods, but they were unable to kill them.

But he was different, not only managed to fight across borders, but also beheaded his opponents!

Chen Xi himself was also aware of this point. According to fifth senior brother Li Fuyao, the Star Observation Tower and the Star Refining God Abyss complement each other, one is good for cultivation, and the other is good for sharpening one's strength. As long as one understands everything thoroughly, it is enough to shake one's body. God Realm exists, but that doesn't mean you can kill gods.

"As long as you can gain a foothold in an invincible position, that's enough."

Chen Xi pondered for a while, and finally understood the intentions of fifth senior brother Li Fuyao. Yes, as long as he had the power to fight against the existence of the gods, he would be able to fight against Yin Huaikong, the true disciple of the Supreme Master, and the two priests of the Pope. In the middle, remain invincible.

And at that time, their divine aura leaks, and after a long time, they are destined to be noticed by the Doomsday Realm above the heavens, and then they will drop the divine chain of order of heaven and order, and take them away!

Fifth senior brother Li Fuyao is the best example. In order to get rid of the dark realm, he became a god one step at a time. Although he successfully repelled Yin Huaikong, he had to leave in the end and went to the realm of doom.

After thinking through all this, Chen Xi suddenly became enlightened, and the trace of heaviness in his heart was also swept away.

He continued to read the jade slips, but found that the content recorded in them was different, but some mysteries about going to the realm of the end of law, which were temporarily useless to him.

"Forget it, after all the affairs in the academy are handled, let Qiu Xuanshu sit in the academy, and I will go to Shenyan Mountain for a walk..."

Chen Xi put away the jade slips, took a deep breath, and made a decision.


For several days in a row, Daohuang Academy was very quiet.

Of course, the outside world is full of excitement, the situation in the world has changed drastically, and there is a lot of noise. All of this comes from the impact of the "Blood Dusk" battle.

Interested people found that after this battle, the Supreme Master did not take any action, and seemed to have gone into hibernation.

But everyone knew that after suffering such a heavy loss, the Supreme Master would definitely not be reconciled. Perhaps they were gathering momentum and wanted to find another opportunity to make a comeback and take away the Daohuang Academy in one fell swoop.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't pay attention to it. He had been busy these days, and together with Qiu Xuanshu, he expended a lot of energy to re-arrange all the restraints in the academy, and the power was at least doubled compared to before.

Under such circumstances, even if it is an invasion from the Immortal King Realm, if you don't try your best, you can't shake the academy's formation at all.

On this day, Chen Xi had just finished refining the last restriction ceremony in the academy, when Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Xuanyuan Pojun and others came to visit together.

"What happened?" Chen Xi asked.

"Dean, these days, there are too many forces who have come to join our academy. After many screenings, we have not found any forces that have anything to do with the Supreme Sect, but..."

Wang Daolu opened his mouth to express his intention, "However, there are too many people from these forces, and the blessed land and caves in our academy can no longer accommodate so many people."

Chen Xi was also clear that following his own victory in that battle, many of the forces in the fairy world who had originally waited and watched had given up their worries and came to defect to his camp.

"Then let our academy contribute to rebuild Douxuan Immortal City and place them all in the city." Chen Xi pondered for a while before making a decision.

"This...doesn't seem right?" Wang Daolu hesitated.

Chen Xi sneered and said: "At the beginning when they were asked to cooperate with us, they were worried that they would be purged by the Supreme Master, so they didn't want to come. Now that they saw us winning, they flocked to join us. If I can accept them, I will accept them. It is already considered kind, if you don't know what is good or bad, let them go to the Supreme Master!"

Wang Daolu and the others looked at each other, and finally agreed.

"By the way, take care of the three major families of the Liang family, the Gu family, and the Luo family in the City of the Four Sacred Immortals. They were kind to me back then, and they must not be neglected."

Suddenly, Chen Xi remembered something, Liang Bing's slender figure appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. He was so busy these years that he had inadvertently neglected many friends from the past.

His wife Qing Xiuyi, whom he has never met until now, has always been a knot in his heart, and he has often felt ashamed because of it these years. If he didn't know that the world of five aggregates where Nuwa's Taoist Palace is located, it would have been closed when the catastrophe broke out. After disappearing in the Three Realms, he had already gone to fetch Qing Xiuyi back.

Like Zhen Liuqing, Zhou Zhou, Mu Kui, Shang, Huangfu Qingying, Ling Yu, Zhao Qinghe, Fan Yunlan...the whereabouts of these past friends are unknown now, every time Chen Xi thinks of this, he can't help but feel sad and ashamed.

It's a pity that the things on him are too heavy, and now the great enemy, the Taishangjiao, is still unsatisfied, so he can't spare any energy to take care of these things.

Hearing Chen Xi's order, Wang Daolu and the others hurriedly accepted the order, not daring to be negligent, but they were quite moved in their hearts. The three major families of the Liang, Luo, and Gu families were lucky to have been kind to the headmaster back then, and had The dean told me that from now on, they will definitely have a place in this fairy world, and no one dares to offend them!

Of course, the premise is to eradicate the Supreme Master first...

"I plan to go to Shenyan Mountain in the next two days. I may retreat for a period of time. After I leave, you will help me control everything in the academy."

After returning to the Dao Emperor Shrine, Chen Xi found Qiu Xuanshu and told him his plan, "You must pay attention to the movement of the Supreme Master, and notify me as soon as there is any disturbance."

"Don't worry, little uncle, I will take care of everything."

Qiu Xuanshu bowed his hands and agreed.

Chen Xi nodded. Qiu Xuanshu's current strength is only slightly inferior to his own. If he is in charge of the academy, as long as there is no existence of Yin Huaikong's level to invade, there is absolutely no need to worry about anything.

What's more, there are still more than ten immortal kings sitting in the academy today. After killing all the immortal kings last time, Chen Xi got a lot of spoils. Chen Xi rewarded these fairy kings for use.

Under such circumstances, unless the Supreme Master is mobilized, it is absolutely impossible to cause any serious trauma to the academy.


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