divine talisman

Chapter 1508 Condensing Divine Talisman [Part 2]

Big Brother Wu Xuechan!

In Chen Xi's cognition, it was also when he took revenge on the Zuoqiu clan in the Iris Desert, and he accidentally learned this name from his junior sister Li Yang, which seemed very strange.

But to this day, Chen Xi still deeply remembers what the little senior sister Li Yang said when facing the threat of the Seven Killing Generals of the Supreme Sect: "If my senior brother was here, the seven of you together wouldn't be enough to look at. "

The Seven Killing Generals, those are the seven terrifying existences who have already stepped into the divine realm and followed the Supreme Leader to fight the world for countless years, but Li Yang actually said such a sentence, from which we can know that the cultivation level of the senior brother Wu Xuechan What a horror.

"No wonder, with my current cultivation base, my mind would be uncontrollable and intimidated just now. It turns out that he is the big brother Wu Xuechan..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and finally confirmed this fact.

"This is a ray of will left by me, and it will disappear soon. I'm afraid I won't be able to communicate with my junior brother too much."

The phantom transformed by Wu Xuechan spoke.

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and he said, "I don't know if Elder Brother has any orders?"

"It's not an order."

Wu Xuechan smiled, with snowy hair fluttering all over his head, he pointed to the piece of bluestone in front of the thatched cottage: "This is the star observatory, and only by concentrating on meditation on it can we control and control the real Wuji Divine Talisman, and also It is the core inheritance of our Shenyan Mountain."

After a pause, he continued: "As for this hut, there is the Abyss of Star Refining God, which is filled with divine aura, and was sealed by the master with the supreme method. Lu grasps."

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little strange. In the world of stars, he often comprehends the wondrous methods from the infinity talisman. Logically speaking, it seems that he doesn't need to comprehend and practice too much anymore, right?

Seemingly seeing through Chen Xi's mind, Wu Xuechan said softly: "The Wuji Divine Talisman in Xingchen Cave Mansion is left by Master, you can only accept and comprehend the magic method from it, but it does not allow you to truly control your own Wuju Divine Talisman. The difference, when you really do it, little junior brother, you will understand."

Only now did Chen Xi fully understand, and said, "So that's how it is."

"Little brother, the tempering in the Star Refining God Abyss is full of dangers, but you are carrying the fragments of the river map, so you can turn danger into good fortune and obtain unexpected great opportunities."

Wu Xuechan spoke calmly, and said slowly, "Now that the catastrophe of the Three Realms is coming, it is not only an unprecedented disaster, but also an unprecedented great opportunity. For our Shenyan Mountain, the real battlefield is no longer in the Three Realms, but in ancient times. In the realm of the gods!"

Speaking of this, his expression became solemn, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, and he stared at Chen Xi, "Junior brother, I believe that with your ability, you will be able to wipe out the power of the Supreme Sect remaining in the Three Realms, but if you want to wait After finishing all of this, you must go to the Realm of Doomed Law early, there are some opportunities, once missed, there will be no chances in the future..."

Chen Xi's heart was shocked. He originally planned to go to the Realm of the End of Law after the matters in the Three Realms were settled, and look for opportunities to enter the Ancient God Realm. Hearing what his senior brother Wu Xuechan said, he began to pay more attention to this matter. .

Could it be that there is still a time limit for going to the Ancient God Realm?

"Little brother, the avenue is boundless. Beyond the three realms, it is far more magnificent than imagined. I and a group of juniors and sisters are one step ahead. We look forward to meeting you again in the future. Take care!"

In the warm and calm voice, Wu Xuechan's phantom disappeared like a bubble.

All of a sudden, only Chen Xi was left in front of the cottage.

He stood and pondered for a long time, finally he seemed to have figured something out, and without hesitation, he came to the bluestone and sat cross-legged.

In an instant, in Chen Xi's eyes, the eternally bright starry sky above his head suddenly became different from before.

The hundreds of millions of stars that were originally suspended at this moment began to roar and circulate, and along a mysterious trajectory, they converged towards the center of the universe, forming an extremely vast nebula pattern.

The stars are like the texture of runes under the tip of a pen, showing endless changes, mysterious and complicated, as if covering all the evolutionary principles of the universe.

For other people, seeing such a vast and magnificent scene, I am afraid that their soul will be sucked away at a glance, and they will fall into a place of eternal doom.

But Chen Xi was different, he already possessed the attainment of the "God of Talisman" level of Talisman Dao, and he recognized at a glance that the nebula pattern in the universe above his head was interpreting a kind of Dao!

That is the breath of "Promise"!

Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, relied on the river map to deduce the secrets of heaven, comprehended and mastered the mysteries of the Wuji Dao, and created Shenyan Mountain, the highest Taoism.

But now, these supreme mysteries of Shenyan Mountain appeared in Chen Xi's field of vision in the form of nebula revolving.

Hundreds of millions of stars revolve, outline a nebula pattern, and emerge in the center of the universe, constantly performing various mysterious and mysterious trajectories, presenting a breath of infinity.

At this moment, Chen Xi's mind was clear, and he was completely immersed in it, chasing the endless trajectory, comprehending the mysteries filled within it.

In a trance, unaware of the passage of time.


seven days later.


A strange wave resounded through the universe in Chen Xi's body, like the first ray of sound from the chaos. In an instant, the universe in his body completely boiled and began to operate automatically.

The stars formed by internal organs, acupoints, meridians, essence, qi, spirit, etc., originally just surged in the body in a disorderly manner, but at this moment, these stars seem to be controlled by an invisible big hand , began to circulate along various trajectories in the universe of the body.

This process continued for a day.

Until the end, the billions of stars in the universe in Chen Xi's body turned into a mysterious and brilliant nebula pattern, which was exactly the same as the nebula he saw in the universe above his head!

That is to say, at this moment, the changes in the universe in his body and the universe in the outside world have completely matched together, echoing each other from a distance, orderly, and full of mysterious breath of infinity.

At this moment, the billions of stars in the universe seemed to suddenly brighten up, and wisps of clear star brilliance drifted down to the sky, covering Chen Xi's entire body.

And in the universe within Chen Xi's body, the stars are like the rain after a long drought, and they are dyed with traces of clear starlight, becoming more lively, and the trajectories of the cycle are becoming more and more round and graceful. .

Chen Xi was unaware of all this.

Another seven days passed.

At this moment, Chen Xi's waist was straight, his expression was calm and solemn, and his whole body was covered with a layer of silvery starlight, which was blazing and dazzling, like a star god entrenched between heaven and earth.


All of a sudden, his whole body was shaken, and a loud Dao sound resounded in his body, stirring up nine heavens and ten earths.

Almost at the same time, the whistling nebula in the universe above the head suddenly stopped. For an instant, it seemed that everything in the world had gone silent, and only this sound was echoing.


Chen Xi opened his eyes, and between his eyes opened and closed, hundreds of millions of mysterious rune tracks surged out, continuously deduced and disillusioned, just like the change of stars in the universe.

It took a long time before the vision in his eyes disappeared and became calm and clear.

"Sure enough, this is the Divine Talisman of Promise!"

Chen Xi raised his eyes and saw that the still nebula in the universe just outlined the outline of a divine talisman pattern, which was exactly the same as the Wuji divine talisman he had seen in the Xingchen Cave Mansion, it was not the infinite divine talisman What is it?

That is to say, the trajectories of the evolution of the universe and the stars that he saw while sitting cross-legged on the "Star Observatory" these days are exactly the various mysteries contained in the Wuji Divine Talisman!

At the same time, Chen Xi also noticed that all the internal organs, meridians, acupoints, essence, qi, spirit, etc. in the universe of his body had also evolved into a pattern of a boundless divine talisman!

He can clearly perceive that the avenues and celestial powers he controls have all become a part of this infinite divine talisman, constantly evolving and revolving, tempering everything around him, which is incomparably miraculous.

"It turns out that this is the inheritance of Shenyan Mountain. In the past, I only used the power of the Wuji divine talisman to practice the magic method. Now, I control it and start to deduce the magic method by myself..."

Suddenly, a clear understanding arose in Chen Xi's heart. It was like one technique masters all techniques, comprehending the core mystery of the inheritance, and looking back at the wonderful techniques he had mastered in the past, he had the feeling of "seeing all mountains and small things at a glance".


Chen Xi tried to operate his cultivation, the universe in his body suddenly roared, and the Promise Divine Scroll emerged, generating waves of incomparably vast immortal power, surging and whistling.

In just a split second, Chen Xi could clearly perceive that his cultivation had advanced a step further, and even his combat power had undergone a transformation, showing faint signs of saturation and perfection.

"It's almost time, it's only a mile away to set foot on the ultimate realm of the Immortal King Realm and seek the avenue of God!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and stood up, looking at the bluestone on the ground, he couldn't help being amazed again.

In less than 20 days, he allowed himself to master the Inheritance of the Promise, and even his strength improved again. This "Star Observation Platform" is really wonderful.

Immediately, he restrained his mind, no longer hesitated, and looked at the thatched cottage not far away.

The door of the thatched hut was closed tightly, still as it was when we first saw it, ordinary and ordinary.

But now Chen Xi is clear that the "Star Refining Abyss" is inside the thatched hut. According to fifth senior brother Li Fuyao, when he emerges from the Star Refining Abyss, he is not afraid of anyone from the Supreme Master. .

Among these people, Yin Huaikong, the true disciple of the Supreme Master, and the two Pope Sacrificial Elders, Kong Zhao and Daoist Tuokong, were included!

"I would also like to see what kind of danger is hidden in this Star Refining God Abyss, and whether it is really as powerful as the big brother Wu Xuechan said..."

A flash of curiosity flashed in Chen Xi's eyes, and there was even a hint of determination, as he stepped forward and pushed the door open.


When Chen Xi just stepped into the hut, before he could see everything clearly, he was engulfed by an invisible force, moved away in an instant, and lost his perception.


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