divine talisman

Chapter 1509 Refining the Stars


When Chen Xi opened his eyes, he immediately saw an incomparably huge star falling from the sky and bombarding him.

The star is too big, blazing and dazzling, rubbing out dazzling flames in the void, smashing time and space, and its power is terrifying.


Chen Xi gasped, feeling an incomparable depression, and before he had time to dodge, his whole body slammed and was hit hard.

That feeling was like a hundred thousand mountains crushing on an incomparably small ant. After all, that star was really too big, and Chen Xi was like a drop in the ocean in front of it.

In an instant, all the bones in Chen Xi's body were crackling, his seven orifices were bleeding, and a golden star appeared in front of his eyes, and his whole body was "embedded" in the depths of a rock on the surface of the star.

next moment--

With a crash, Chen Xi's figure sprang out from the depths of the rock, his clothes were stained with blood, and his figure was in a state of embarrassment. If he hadn't reached the peak level of the Immortal King level, he would have been almost wiped out by this blow.


This star is actually shrouded in divine power!

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and he could tell that every inch of this star was actually evaporating strands of obscure divine aura, raging violently and incomparably frightening.

With his current cultivation base, he felt a feeling of suffocation at this moment, it was no different from facing an existence of the Conferred God Realm!

Could this be the Star Refining God Abyss?


Before he could react, in his field of vision, there was another star whistling from a distance, blazing like a scorching sun, engulfed with billions of surging divine power.

Wherever it passed, time and space collapsed, turning into terrifying ripples and spreading, and the rage of the breath seemed to destroy the world.

At this time, Chen Xi was standing on the first star. Once the second star roared towards him, the two stars would definitely collide, and the destructive power produced would be absolutely beyond imagination.

At that moment, Chen Xi's expression became extremely serious, and he almost didn't hesitate to use the method of teleportation to avoid it far away to one side.


Without any danger, Chen Xi's figure appeared in a void a hundred thousand miles away.

But when he looked back, he saw in astonishment that the star he was standing on did not collide with the second star, but as if consciously drawing a mysterious trajectory, they staggered away from each other.

Then, at the same time, these two stars roared towards their position again!


Chen Xi's face suddenly sank, his whole body roared with the aura of an immortal king, and he tried his best to dodge, his whole body was like a flash of rainbow, flickering endlessly in time and space.

At this time, he also noticed that the place where he stopped was actually a chaotic universe, and there were stars hanging in the universe, densely packed, as if there were infinitely many.

Every star is bright and blazing, full of divine aura, like a god, covering every area of ​​the universe, making one's scalp tingle.

Moreover, these stars are not motionless. As soon as Chen Xi's figure appeared in this chaotic universe, the stars all started to rotate, roaring all over the sky, and disturbed the entire chaos.

It looks like a group of sharks smelling blood, making waves in the universe, creating chaos, and the surging divine aura is raging, which is extremely frightening.

And Chen Xi was in it, like a little bug scurrying among the sharks. Every shark seemed to eat him, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

This also made him hardly dare to stop the figure, and urged his cultivation base with all his strength, kept dodging and running around, without any time to stop.


Tens of thousands of stars fled, the divine aura spread in all directions, and time and space collapsed.

Chen Xi fled in it, but it was like being trapped in a maze. No matter how he dodged, the place he appeared would definitely be accompanied by the bombardment of stars one by one.

What made Chen Xi speechless was that although the stars in the sky were in a frenzy, they would not collide with each other at all. This also meant that unless he could shatter these stars one by one, he could only risk his life like this. Constantly dodging against the danger of their lives, without stopping for a moment...

This situation is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and like wandering between life and death, with murderous intent lingering and danger everywhere.

Star Refining Abyss!

This must be the Star Refining Abyss mentioned by the big brother Wu Xuechan. It is not only dangerous, it is deadly!

There was bitterness on Chen Xi's lips. He had never imagined that he had already reached the peak level of the Immortal King, and he was strong enough to defeat all the Immortal Kings. Like a small thief, being chased and killed by a group of top experts, not to mention how embarrassing it is.

If the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy saw this scene at this time, and saw that they were invincible, and the dean who was overwhelming the kings was forced to such a field, they would be so shocked that their jaws would drop to the ground, right?

Chen Xi also tried to attack a star, but he could only shake the opponent, but could not completely destroy it.

The reason is that the aura of divinity pervading above the stars is too terrifying. Fighting against it is like fighting a Conferred God, and there is no chance of winning.


After the cup of tea, more than ten stars whizzed towards him, blocking Chen Xi's way of retreat, and he was unable to dodge. In the end, he was hit by a star again, causing his bones to shatter every inch of his body, and blood spilled out.

But in the end, he still found a way out and dodged it.


Chen Xi took a deep breath, his broken muscles and bones returned to normal, and the injuries all over his body healed in an instant, but his face turned three points pale.

While doing all this, from beginning to end, he never dared to stop his figure.

"Too deceiving!"

With Chen Xi's good temper, he was also forced to jump his feet at this moment. The tempering of the Star Refinement Shenyuan is too perverted. I really can't imagine what kind of purpose Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, arranged for. Such a forbidden area.

"No, if this continues, even with the support of Cangwu seedlings, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, while fleeing frantically, while trying to calm himself down, he tried his best to deduce the solution in his heart.

According to fifth senior brother Li Fuyao, every student of Shenyan Mountain will go to the Abyss of Alchemy to sharpen their strength as long as they reach the Immortal King Realm and master the inheritance of Wuji Divine Talisman.

And almost every disciple who walks out of Star Refining God Abyss has the combat power to fight across borders and forcibly overwhelm the Conferred God Realm.

At that time, Chen Xi still held a skeptical attitude towards this, but now that he personally experienced this kind of perverted tempering method like purgatory, he finally completely believed it.

The reason is very simple. The stars are filled with divine power, like gods, and they can walk out of their tempering. It is conceivable how powerful the combat power has reached.

However, how to get out of such trials?

Chen Xi suddenly remembered that his elder brother Wu Xuechan had said before that only after he had mastered the inheritance of the Wuji Divine Talisman could he enter the Abyss of Star Alchemy to sharpen it. Does this mean that the inheritance of the Wuji Divine Talisman is the key to solving the current predicament?

"Refining stars...refining stars...or in other words, the stars here cannot be destroyed at all, but can only be refined? And the method of refining comes from the inheritance of the Promise?"

The more Chen Xi thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, and he vaguely felt that he seemed to have caught a correct path.


A star whizzed towards it with menacing momentum.

This time, Chen Xi seized the opportunity, did not dodge, but violently sacrificed Da Luotian, and in an instant, it turned into a shadow covering the sky, covering the entire stars.

Almost at the same time, he stimulated the Wuji magic talisman in the universe in his body, surging out endless immortal power, containing the breath of Wuji, and that vast immortal power turned into strands of mysterious and obscure runes, which burst into his brain Enter the Da Luo Tian.

Xianli is the rune!

Runes, evolve infinite power!

This is the most essential mystery of the Wuji Divine Talisman.


Sure enough, after being restrained by Da Luotian, the speed of the star's roar suddenly stagnated, like a shark being caught, it suddenly began to struggle violently, making terrifying buzzing sounds.


Because the divine power permeating the stars was too tyrannical, even if it was captured, it would still affect Chen Xi, his mind was shocked, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and almost lost control of Da Luotian.


A ruthless look flashed across Chen Xi's handsome face, he gritted his teeth violently, and unreservedly released all his strength, all of which was used to refine this star.

Booming~~Booming~~ Da Luotian is filled with hundreds of millions of clear stars, condensing into patterns of divine scriptures, which are constantly suppressed on that star.

Sure enough, after only a moment, the star stopped struggling completely, and began to shrink continuously in the Da Luo Tian, ​​its volume shrinking by a thousand times in an instant.

In the end, the star turned into a ball of blazing divine light the size of a fist.

"It actually... really succeeded..."

Chen Xi was startled, as if he couldn't believe it.


At this moment, his whole body was shaken violently. Unprepared, he was hit hard by a whistling star. His whole body was like a stone being thrown into the air, smashing hard tens of thousands of miles away. outside.

With a wow, Chen Xi coughed up blood again, his muscles and bones were shattered, and his cheeks were contorted due to the severe pain.

But his eyes became extremely bright at this moment, brighter than the countless stars in the distance!

Because the star he refined before was actually absorbed by the universe in his body at this moment, and became a star in the Wuji divine talisman!

This star is pure and shining, exuding wisps of divine aura, which is perfectly integrated with his own immortal power, spirit, spirit, and even the original source.

At this moment, he didn't make any movements at all, and all the injuries on his body healed, and even his own cultivation had faintly improved!

"So it turns out that the divine power of refining the stars can be used for one's own use!"

Chen Xi suddenly understood.


ps: There is something temporary, I will update it tonight, and I will make it up tomorrow~ I wish you all a happy weekend, Jinyu is going to work overtime...


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