divine talisman

Chapter 1511 Purple Clothes Girl [Part 1]

Dao Emperor Shrine.

With a buzzing sound, light and shadow flowed, and Chen Xi's figure emerged out of thin air.

"Little uncle."

To Chen Xi's surprise, Qiu Xuanshu seemed to have been waiting for him here for a long time.

"What happened?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Could it be that the Grand Master is committing crimes again?"

Qiu Xuanshu shook his head. He first glanced at Chen Xi in surprise, and then said: "Three days ago, a little girl came from outside the academy and asked to see you."

Chen Xi frowned: "Could it be that this little girl is different?"

As early as the moment when he became the dean of Daohuang Academy, every day, there were countless important people who wanted to meet him, or to ask for something, or to form a good relationship with him.

At the beginning, he was willing to meet with one of them, but after a long time, it was unavoidably boring, so unless the matter was of great importance, he no longer went to receive outsiders.

Qiu Xuanshu was obviously aware of this too, but he came here for a little girl at this time, and Chen Xi suddenly realized that there was probably something hidden in it.

"I asked her carefully, but she didn't say anything. At first I thought she just came here for the name and wanted to pay homage to you, but then I found out that she..."

Speaking of this, Qiu Xuanshu couldn't help hesitating.

"What's up with her?"

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help but be aroused by his curiosity.

"Why don't you see her once, uncle, maybe you will understand when you see her face."

Qiu Xuanshu weighed it over and over again, but in the end he still didn't know how to explain it, so he could only suggest Chen Xi to meet that little girl.

"Oh? Where is she now?"

Chen Xi glanced at Qiu Xuanshu thoughtfully.

"Uncle, wait a moment, I'll go and attract her."

With that said, Qiu Xuanshu was about to leave in a hurry.

"Forget it, I'll go with you."

Chen Xi thought about it, and immediately made a decision.

Qiu Xuanshu's reaction was a little weird, which made him curious about this little girl.

What's more important is that after hearing all this, a premonition suddenly appeared in his heart. He felt something faintly, but couldn't deduce it, so he immediately paid more attention to this matter.

After reaching Chen Xi's level, he already has his own cognition and control over the secrets, cause and effect, and destiny. Facing an ordinary person, he can even see through the trajectory of his life's fate at a glance, even when he will be robbed, when The past can be accurately judged.

Even for ordinary ascetics, they can also rely on their own power of deduction to deduce the good and bad luck in their fate.

This is not divination, but a kind of instinct after controlling the Immortal King's Way. It is high above the ground, and it has already broken through the cage of heaven and earth, and it can open the barrier of life and death at a glance.

Just like now, he suddenly had a sudden whim, which was an omen from instinct, and Chen Xi was unable to deduce the specific situation, which proved that this matter was no small matter.


The outer courtyard of Daohuang Academy.

In front of a beautiful and dense cave.

The evening sun shines in the evening, and the orange-red sunset glow is faint. A girl in purple clothes is sitting alone in front of the cave, with her arms around her knees, staring at the setting sun in the distance.

She has long wine-red hair, soft and curly, tied behind her head with a ribbon, revealing a clear and white oval face, especially the black eyebrows on the pair of star pupils, which are thick and dark, slender like a sword, Exuding a spirit of agility and sassyness.

However, at this moment, her pair of beautiful eyebrows were tightly clustered, the corners of her thin and rosy lips were tightly pressed, outlining a stubborn arc, and the firmness on her clear and white melon-seeded face was still hard to hide. The color of worry.

Such a beautiful girl in purple clothes, sitting alone with her knees hugged in the sunset, looks like a green bamboo from a distance, which can make people feel the strength of her heart, and at the same time, she can't help but feel pity for her.

"Uncle, look, that's..."

In the distance, Qiu Xuanshu pointed at the back of the girl in purple clothes and spoke softly.

Accompanied by the sound, the purple-clothed girl seemed to froze all over, and turned her head abruptly. A pair of clear eyes, like sharp swords, looked at Qiu Xuanshu from a distance, and immediately moved away, falling on Chen Xi who was at the side.

The moment she saw Chen Xi, the girl's breathing seemed to be still, her eyes widened, revealing excitement, joy, hatred, struggle... and other emotions, which finally turned into bewilderment.

She seemed to be stunned, forgetting everything.

And almost at the instant that purple-clothed girl turned around, Chen Xi's pupils shrank uncontrollably, and his heart was more like being hit by a giant hammer, shaking violently. On his usually calm and calm cheeks, at this moment There was also a touch of stunned, unexpected, seemingly unbelievable, and finally turned into bewilderment.

Time seems to stand still at this moment.

The purple-clothed girl and Chen Xi looked at each other, at a loss.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Xuanshu opened his mouth and closed it again, he didn't know what to say.

In other words, since the first time he saw the purple-clothed girl three days ago, his heart was full of turmoil, and he couldn't refuse her request, let alone expel her from the academy.

Even though, he didn't know this girl in purple clothes at all, but the other person's appearance...was so similar to his little uncle!


Yes, the face of this girl in purple clothes is [-]% similar to that of Chen Xi!

Especially her pair of eyebrows that were as black as ink, straight as a sharp sword, and her straight nose bridge, it was almost as if they were carved out of the same mold as Chen Xi.

Anyone who sees this purple-clothed girl is afraid that Chen Xi's appearance will appear immediately. Under such circumstances, no one dares to deny that there is no relationship between this purple-clothed girl and Chen Xi!

Who is she?

And what kind of relationship does it have with Chen Xi?

For three consecutive days, Qiu Xuanshu had been thinking about this question, trying to get an answer from the purple-clothed girl, but no matter how much he asked, the other party would not answer a single word.

"You are……"

Chen Xi suddenly opened his mouth, with an indescribably complex look on his face, he seemed excited, but he also seemed uncertain. As soon as he spoke, he realized that his voice had become hoarse and trembling, and he couldn't even control it.

The girl in purple clothes also woke up like a dream. She took a deep breath, stood up, tightly pressed her red lips, raised her head stubbornly, stared directly at Chen Xi, and still said nothing.

It seemed... She wanted to confirm whether the man in front of her was the figure she had been thinking about in her mind all these years.

The sunset was like fire, coating the girl's slender and slim figure with a layer of holy brilliance, and her wine-red soft long hair was swaying in the wind, very eye-catching.

For some unknown reason, when he saw the girl's tightly pursed red lips, and looked at her stubborn and determined appearance, Chen Xi's heart felt blocked, and he inadvertently thought of his young self. At that time, in order to survive, in order to be able to Taking good care of grandpa and younger brother, why isn't he also so silent and dull, stubborn and firm?

Suddenly, the girl seemed to have made up her mind, looked at Chen Xi and said seriously: "My mother was taken away, I thought about it, you are the only one left in this world who can help me and my mother, so... I will coming."

At the end, she clenched her white hands quietly, and veins appeared on the back of her hands because of too much force, as if she was trying her best to control her emotions.

But when she finished speaking, she still trembled imperceptibly, as if she was about to lose control.

That appearance, like a determined and lonely wolf cub, is telling himself to be calm with ice-like reason, so that he can maintain his minimum dignity.

It's a pity that some things are destined to go beyond reason and calmness, just like now, when she faced Chen Xi, she could no longer maintain her previous strength.

And when he heard these words, Chen Xi's head buzzed, as if struck by lightning, he couldn't help but tremble and said, "Your mother is... Fan Yunlan?"

This is a name that is destined to make him unable to avoid it all his life.

Because of an incident back then, some kind of intimate relationship had developed between him, Fan Yunlan and Qing Xiuyi by mistake.

After so many years, he only knew that Qing Xiuyi gave birth to a son, Chen An, for him, but he never thought that Fan Yunlan...would give birth to a daughter for him...

This feeling is too complicated!

It was surprise, ecstasy, guilt, and discomfort, all kinds of feelings lingered in his heart, and he was a little caught off guard.

Of course, he was sure that the girl opposite was his daughter, and the natural blood relationship between them couldn't fool Chen Xi's gaze at all!

Hearing the word Fan Yunlan, the girl in purple clothes pursed her lips and said nothing, as a tacit consent.

Seeing this, Chen Xi could no longer restrain his emotions, and was about to step forward. He had too many questions to ask...

But the girl in purple clothes seemed to be vigilant and said, "Don't come here!"

Chen Xi was startled for a moment, instead of feeling annoyed, he felt more guilty, and said, "I've been sorry to you mother and daughter all these years."

"I'm afraid you have forgotten."

The purple-clothed girl suddenly sneered, with a hint of sarcasm and hatred in her voice.

A word, like a knife, was thrust into Chen Xi's heart abruptly, causing him to turn pale all of a sudden. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the scene when he had a conversation with his father Chen Lingjun.

At that time, I also hated my father so much, I didn't understand why he did this...

But now, facing the purple-clothed girl in front of him and his own daughter, Chen Xi finally understood his father Chen Lingjun's feelings at that time.

The guilt and pain I felt couldn't be described in words.

"Sorry, I have no reason to question you about everything."

Suddenly, the girl in purple clothes lowered her head and said, "For the sake of our blood relationship, please do me a favor and save my mother. When the matter is resolved, I promise that I will never appear again in this life." before your eyes."

Chen Xi's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and his heart was so blocked that he was about to suffocate. His daughter, seeing him for the first time, actually swore that she would never appear in front of him in the future...

A deep sense of remorse and self-blame surged into Chen Xi's heart like a volcanic eruption. He lowered his head and fell into silence.

It took a long time before he finally raised his head, looked at the girl in purple clothes, and said, "Let's go, save your mother first."


ps: Make up for the day before yesterday, there are 2-3 updates tonight.Whether this chapter is bloody or boring, Jinyu himself likes it very much, and has devoted a lot of effort to it. He wants to try to describe the cold conflict between father and daughter~~ This kind of relationship is something that Jinyu has never written before. of.


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