divine talisman

Chapter 1512 The Heart of Killing [Part 2]

Hearing Chen Xi's decision suddenly, the purple-clothed girl couldn't help but startled slightly, pursed her lips, and looked at Chen Xi not as stubbornly and unruly as before.

"I want to go out for a while, and the academy will be handed over to you."

Chen Xi turned around and looked at Qiu Xuanshu who was on the side.

"Uncle, don't worry."

Qiu Xuanshu hastily agreed, and he finally knew at this moment that the girl in purple shirt was actually the daughter of my junior uncle, and he felt both emotional and embarrassed.

After all, this was considered Chen Xi's family affair, so it was a bit inappropriate for him to be present as an outsider.

"Let's go."

With a wave of his sleeve robe, Chen Xi used space teleportation, and led the purple-shirted girl straight out of the academy.

"Junior Martial Uncle's current cultivation has clearly reached the level of a demigod. I don't know who took the girl's mother away. This has offended Junior Martial Uncle's Ni Lin..."

Qiu Xuanshu stood on the spot, deep in thought.

When he saw Chen Xi before, he discovered that after returning from Shenyan Mountain, Chen Xi's aura had changed, surpassing the Immortal King Realm, and stepping into the ranks of "Demigods"!

This also means that in the current Three Realms, even if there are attacks in the Conferred God Realm, they can no longer harm Chen Xi's life!

It was precisely based on this cognition that Qiu Xuanshu suddenly felt a little sympathetic to those enemies who offended Chen Xi Nilin. Isn't this asking for death?

In particular, Qiu Xuanshu also noticed that Chen Xi's current mood...is very bad!


"Who took your mother away?"

"Aliens from outside the territory."

"An alien race?"



"Five days ago."

"Do you know where she was taken away?"

"Extraterritorial battlefield."


A flowing rainbow tore through the void, cast the method of great teleportation, and galloped towards the outer battlefield at full speed at an incredible speed.

Chen Xi had once been to the battlefield outside the territory. At that time, he was still a student in the outer academy, and he went there to participate in the test with the instructor of the academy.

It was also at that time that he obtained the Emperor Yu Kyushu Tripod.

Now that he was going there again, Chen Xi was no longer what he used to be. Regardless of his state of mind or cultivation, he had already set foot above the Three Realms, enough to look down on all the kings in the world, and he would no longer put those alien races in his eyes.

Along the way, Chen Xi tried to communicate with the purple-shirted girl, but unfortunately, except for some matters related to Fan Yunlan's arrest, the latter would answer one by one, the rest of the time, he kept his mouth shut.

This made Chen Xi sigh again, and he only hoped that after rescuing Fan Yunlan, this kind of father-daughter relationship that was almost like a "cold war" could be improved.

"How could a foreign race suddenly take your mother away?"

At this time, Chen Xi could only talk about this kind of topic. In fact, it didn't matter if he knew it or not. The moment he learned that Fan Yunlan was captured by a foreign race, Chen Xi had enough reasons to kill someone.

"Since the ancestor left, my mother and I have left the Demon Realm and lived in a world near the battlefield of the Three Realms. We thought we would spend our whole life just like this. Who would have thought that the catastrophe of the Three Realms would break out, and the alien race living on the other side of the boundary river Taking advantage of the opportunity to attack on a large scale, they captured many territories in the Three Realms, and the world where my mother and I live will not be spared..."

The girl in purple shirt spoke calmly, without any emotional fluctuations, and she was explaining a fact.

But after all, she had already spoken, which made Chen Xi feel very relieved, but immediately, his attention fell on the foreign races outside the territory.

These days, he has been fighting against the Supreme Master, which made him almost ignore the existence of alien races outside the territory, but now he has realized that at this moment of turmoil in the Three Realms, the alien races outside the territory will definitely not miss this golden opportunity to invade the Three Realms .

"How strong are they?"

Chen Xi continued to ask.

"There are a few powerful aliens who are equivalent to the Immortal King Realm sitting in the town. If it weren't for this, there would be nothing for my mother."

When the purple-shirted girl said this, she suddenly raised her head and glanced at Chen Xi, wanting to say something, but finally restrained herself and lowered her head again.

But this action of hers made Chen Xi's heart shake. Was she... was she worried just now that I would not be a match for those powerful people from other races?

Thinking of this, an unspeakable joy surged in his heart, even happier than his cultivation base improved, and a smile could not help but appear on the corners of his lips.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just worried that if you die, no one will save my mother."

The purple-shirted girl glanced at him, and said coldly, her wine-red soft long hair flew up, making her clear and white face even more dusty and refined.

Chen Xi was stunned, and said seriously: "Don't worry, even if I break the sky, I will rescue your mother."

The calm voice did not have any sonorous color, but it revealed an absolute self-confidence, and there was a hidden courage to look down on the three worlds and overlook all living beings.

I don't know if it was infected by Chen Xi, the outline of the purple-shirted girl became a little softer, and she was silent for a long time before she said, "I hope you can do it."

Chen Xi smiled, noncommittal.

He knew that the gap between his daughter and himself was still deep, and she might not be able to change her opinion of him in a short period of time, but as long as he continued to work hard, he would definitely be able to make her truly accept him.


After tea time.

A vast galaxy appeared in the field of vision.

This galaxy is like a moat across the sky, completely separating the fairy world from the foreign world. The camp of the three realms is on this side of the galaxy, and the foreign races are on the other side of the galaxy.

This is the Boundary River, which is deep and endless, and it has been a place of wars and killings throughout the ages. I don't know how many earth-shattering wars have broken out, and I don't know how many shocking great figures have been buried.

Chen Xi still remembered that when he arrived for the first time, Zhou Zhili, the head of the Outer Academy, said proudly: "The stability and prosperity of the Three Realms are all due to the blood and lives of the ancestors fighting here. , is the biggest hero of the Three Realms!"

Now that he revisited his old place, Chen Xi couldn't feel this kind of pride.

Because the boundary river in front of me has long been occupied by alien races from outside the territory, and even the territory belonging to the fairy world on the boundary river side has now fallen and is controlled by alien races from outside the territory!

Looking at it with Chen Xi's current eyes, inside and outside the river, in the borders, soil, void, and secret realms, there are figures of alien races from outside the territory everywhere, densely packed, like locusts.

But looking in all directions, I can't find a single practitioner of the Three Realms!

In other words, today's borders, inside and outside the river, have become territories controlled by alien races from outside the region.

This made Chen Xi angry, and he couldn't help hating the Supreme Master even more. Even if catastrophe came, if they didn't take the opportunity to make waves, how could those alien races from outside the region break the boundary river defense line and enter the territory of the Three Realms?


"Huh? There are actually two natives from the Three Realms!"

"Quick, catch them!"

At this time, suddenly a group of foreign races from outside the region rushed out of the void, and when they saw Chen Xi and the purple-shirted girl, their faces all had an undisguised look of excitement and ferocity.

The purple-shirted girl's heart twitched, she never expected that she would be spotted as soon as she arrived.


Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't even look at it. With a light wave of his sleeve robe, an invisible force spread out. In an instant, that team of foreign races outside the region had no time to react, and they were all evaporated!

Even the voices they made before disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace!

"Let's go, save your mother first, and clean up the rubbish later."

Chen Xi opened his mouth with a calm expression, as if he had done an ordinary and trivial thing.

However, for him now, this is indeed a trivial matter. If it wasn't for alarming the other party, so as to avoid any mistakes, he could wipe out all the alien races inside and outside the river in a matter of minutes!

This is not an exaggeration, you know, he is now a "semi-god" realm existence, and has reached an unprecedented height in this realm, one breath can shatter a world!


Fan Yunlan was captured in the "Baohuang Realm", which is a small area on the edge of the Boundary River.


Under the instructions of the girl in purple clothes, Chen Xi arrived here very quickly.

Baohuang Realm is indeed not big, and it is densely covered with wilderness, desert, and barren mountains... Between the sky and the earth, there is a vast expanse, and the environment is extremely harsh.

Chen Xi really couldn't imagine why Fan Yunlan didn't come to him all these years, but why he brought his daughter to live in such an area.

Could it be... is she worried that I won't see her?

Or, she has already forgotten me?

Chen Xi took a deep breath, shook his head, and discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Immediately, an incomparably huge will suddenly spread out from his body, covering every area of ​​the entire Baohuang Realm within a few breaths.

Then, various pictures appeared in Chen Xi's mind.

Teams of foreign races occupy every area of ​​Baohuang Realm, some are killing prisoners of war, some are practicing, some are drinking and celebrating...

Among them, the one with the highest cultivation level is an alien strongman who is equivalent to the Immortal King Realm. He is covered with black hair like steel needles, as tall as a mountain, and a pair of copper bell-like pupils are strangely pale green. The whole person is like an ancient savage bear.

Chen Xi recognized that this was a strong man from the "Tuman" world outside the region. He was born with infinite strength, was brutal and ferocious, and loved to devour the flesh and blood of his enemies.

Like now, this Tuman strongman is using a sharp knife and fork to enjoy a bloody feast. Those dishes are impressively broken limbs and arms, including internal organs, muscles, bones, and blood!

Upon sensing this scene, Chen Xi's expression darkened immediately, and a bad feeling surged in his heart, and he asked, "Your mother was taken away by him?"

Speaking, he swiped his finger, and a light curtain appeared in front of the purple-shirted girl. Inside the light curtain was a picture of the pretty strong man eating raw flesh and blood.

"Yes, this guy was among the opponents who besieged my mother at that time!"

The purple-clothed girl recognized this strong man at a glance, and there was a deep hatred in her pair of clear eyes.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and murderous intent surged.

"Where to go?"

The girl in purple clothes was startled.


Lightly uttering two words from his lips, Chen Xi waved his sleeve robe, and the girl in purple clothes disappeared out of thin air in a flash.

Almost at the same time, a terrifying murderous intent quietly spread throughout the Baohuang Realm. At this moment, the world seemed to be in a wail, and the situation changed.


ps: The head is a little heavy, it looks like a cold, the third one will be later, the goldfish will work hard~~


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