divine talisman

Chapter 1513 Strong crush [Part 3]

Baohuang world.

In a large military camp outside the territory.

Tu Guang was devouring a bloody feast, and the severed limbs and arms in full bloom on the plate were all ascetics from the Three Realms who had been killed by him himself, and the lowest cultivation bases were all at the half-step fairy king level.

This kind of meat is also the most delicious. As a supreme king in Tuman Realm, Tu Guang couldn't enjoy this level of feast before he invaded and entered the Three Realms.

However, it is different now. Their foreign army has already crossed the boundary river and conquered many territories in the Three Realms. This also means that as long as he is willing, he can enjoy all kinds of fresh flesh and blood feasts at any time.

"Well, it's a pity, that little girl was snatched away by those guys, otherwise, if I can eat a piece of her meat, I will definitely improve my cultivation base again."

Tu Guangtun was biting a piece of bloody severed arm, and suddenly remembered the fairy queen he caught here a few days ago, and couldn't help sighing.

Immortal king, how delicious should such meat be?

Tu Guang didn't even remember when was the last time he tasted the meat of the Immortal King.

He suddenly lost interest, threw away the unfinished broken arm in his hand, wiped the blood stains from the corner of his lips, and murmured: "Now that the Three Realms are in chaos and the God Realm does not exist, it is a good time to hunt and kill the Immortal King. Maybe, next time I can catch a real fairy king and have a good meal...huh?"

At this moment, he raised his eyebrows, as if he had sensed something, he stood up abruptly.


His huge body like a mountain broke through the entire camp at once, and there was a violent breath permeating from the black hair like steel needles all over his body.


His big copper bell-like eyes swept into the distance, revealing a fierce light.

Tens of thousands of alien troops were stationed near this camp, and when they saw this scene, they were all alarmed, they all stopped their movements, stood up, and waited for the battle.

woo woo woo~~~ woo woo woo~~~~

The world suddenly dimmed at this moment, it seemed to be crying, the situation changed suddenly, and an incomparably terrifying murderous intent swept in like a tide, completely enveloping the world in an instant.

Tu Guang, as a strong foreign race comparable to the Immortal King Realm, immediately felt a sense of oppression, which not only didn't make him nervous, but made him even more excited, with bloodthirsty gleams in his eyes. Hyper luster.

He looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, the king among the natives of the Three Realms! I just wanted to taste the taste of the fairy king, but I didn't expect it to be delivered to my door!"

Amidst the loud laughter, his figure suddenly rose from the ground, and a bloody trident was already protruding from his right arm as thick as a stone pillar, shooting out billions of bloody lights, dyeing the world red, and the arrogance was monstrous.

Fairy King!

When the foreign army heard that there was an attack by the immortal king, they all cheered up. They firmly believed that with Tu Guang as their commander, they would be able to make the kings of the natives of the three realms come and go!

In the distance, two figures suddenly appeared, stepping on the void, without any cover.

It was Chen Xi and the girl in purple clothes.

"Haha, Commander, there is a chick next to the aboriginal fairy king, why don't you leave that chick for us to enjoy after killing him?"

A tattooed, fierce alien strong man laughed strangely.

Hearing this, the other foreign races nearby also laughed out loud, with lewd expressions on their faces, as if they regarded Chen Xi and the girl in purple clothes as dinner on their plate.


But at this moment, the tattooed foreign strong man who spoke before suddenly stared, his smile froze, and the next moment, his neck was cut open, and a stream of scarlet blood shot out, and then he fell to the ground and died. Death.


The audience was shocked and fell into silence, unable to believe it.

Under the watchful eye of Commander Tu Guang, one of their companions was beheaded silently!

At this moment, Tu Guang couldn't help squinting his eyes.

again and again!again and again!again and again!……

Chen Xi stepped forward step by step through the void, and from the beginning to the end, his expression was calm and calm, as if he was strolling in a courtyard.

And with every step he took, an invisible ripple in the void spread out, sweeping away like an invisible sharp edge.

Puff puff……

In an instant, bloody flowers shot out in the field, like a string of firecrackers exploding, and one could clearly see that wherever Chen Xi passed, the nearby alien teams fell down one after another like weeds harvested by a scythe. .

From the beginning to the end, no one can dodge, no one can survive, only the blood is rushing, the corpses are falling to the ground, and the dull sound of death is echoing.

The blood that choked the nose began to permeate the world, and everything was silent.

The purple-clothed girl at the side was nervous at first. After all, she was facing an army of tens of thousands of alien races, and a strong alien race whose strength was comparable to that of the Immortal King Realm, which made her nervous.

But when she saw such a scene, she was shocked, and the lingering tension in her heart couldn't be dispelled for no reason, especially when she saw the man accompanying her, she felt an unprecedented sense of peace in her heart.

It seems that as long as he is there, no one in this world can hurt himself.

This kind of feeling made her feel strange, and also felt a kind of solidity that she had never experienced before, which made her a little bit at a loss, not knowing whether to accept it.

Living with her mother since she was a child, it was the first time she felt this kind of peace of mind from a stranger.


He... is not a stranger...

Thinking of the relationship between herself and the other party, the girl in purple clothes was in a mess again, and she kept her mouth shut.

The killing continued.

The enemies fell silently one after another, and the blood was flying, staining the ground red, which was shockingly beautiful.

Witnessing this scene, Tu Guang's pupils shrank again, and the veins in his big hand holding the trident bulged.

"Damn natives, die for me!"

In the end, he couldn't hold back anymore, and shot first, the trident danced in the air, wrapped in a monstrous wave of blood, and violently killed Chen Xi in the distance.

At this moment, Chen Xi abruptly stopped.

At this moment, a terrifying fluctuation suddenly spread from his body. The remaining alien army seemed to be choked by the throat at this moment, and their whole body froze, and then the whole body exploded, leaving no flesh and blood left!


Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't even look at it. He raised his hand and swiped lightly, and an invisible sword intent gushed out without a trace of fireworks, but forcibly defeated that Tu Guang's attack.

"Tell me, where is the woman you arrested five days ago now?"

When Chen Xi opened his mouth, his thick and long black hair flew up, and he stood up casually, with an aura of controlling the universe and overlooking the Three Realms, which was extremely compelling.

Although the voice was calm, there was an unquestionable taste, as if if he dared not answer his words, he would be obliterated in the next moment.

This strong oppressive force caused Tu Guang to change color again, and finally realized that this guy in front of him was definitely not an ordinary fairy king in the Three Realms.

"Hey, so you came here for that woman. Unfortunately, I have already chopped her up and swallowed her mouthful. Well, look, it's like that."

Tu Guang took a deep breath and grinned again. When he spoke, he suddenly pointed behind him. There used to be a camp there, but now it has collapsed. It can be clearly seen that plates containing broken limbs and arms are piled up on the There.


Wisps of divine light burst out suddenly in Chen Xi's eyes, which turned into lightning and shredded time and space into pieces.

He was angry.

This bastard has already touched his reverse scale!

"Since you're not telling the truth, I'll let you obediently confess!"

In the indifferent and cold voice, Chen Xi's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Tu Guang's heart skipped a beat, but he was unable to lock onto Chen Xi's aura. This made him suddenly feel extremely dangerous, and subconsciously waved the trident in his hand, sweeping across all directions to defend himself.


A big hand that covered the sky pierced through the air, ignoring how perfect his defense was, and slashed him abruptly, which seemed extremely simple and rude.

With a bang, the trident trembled, and Tuguang's entire mountain-like body fell abruptly from midair to the ground as if hit by a comet, creating a big crater.

With one blow, he was completely defeated!

From this, it can be seen how frightening Chen Xi's strength has reached today.

"No—! You may have such terrifying power, who are you!?"

Amidst the roar, Tu Guang's figure sprang out from the ground, his expression extremely frightened and angry.


Chen Xi didn't say a word, stepped forward again, and punched him away.

It's a simple single punch, but it lingers with a breath of divinity, and it also contains endless avenues and mysteries, covering all directions and eight poles, blocking all the opponent's escape routes.

"Damn native, I will fight with you!"

Tu Guang's complexion changed suddenly again, realizing the horror of this punch, furious fluctuations surged from the needle-like black hair all over his body, and he held a trident, desperately fighting Chen Xi.


It's a pity that he overestimated himself and underestimated Chen Xi's power. With this punch, not only was he seriously injured, but the trident in his hand was smashed into pieces, turning into light rain.

With a puff, Tu Guang coughed up blood, his chest collapsed, he didn't know how many bones were broken, blood spurted all over his body, and he looked extremely miserable.

"Why! Why is this happening? Is this the power that the Immortal King can possess?"

Tu Guang yelled loudly, and finally rushed to panic, looking at Chen Xi, there was already a touch of horror and fear that could not be restrained.


Chen Xi remained silent, and violently killed him again.

"Bastard! Damn native, you wait, this time there are more than a dozen supreme commanders in our army outside the territory, and the next day will be your death!"

Tu Guang trembled all over, tearing apart the void, and wanted to turn around and run away.


But as soon as he tore the void, he was hit by a huge force, his head buzzed, and stars shot out, and his whole body was smashed to the ground again, his muscles and bones were all shattered!

Looking from a distance, his whole body seemed to have turned into a huge meatloaf, bloody and bloody, extremely miserable.

"You're going to kill me! You bastard!!"

Tu Guang roared.

"Want to die? It won't be so easy."

Chen Xi approached with steps, his expression still calm and calm, as if the waves were not disturbed, but it was this appearance that scared Tu Guang to the point of death, like falling into an ice cave.


ps: At the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass~~Please everyone~~


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