divine talisman

Chapter 1514 Attack on Fengmo Gorge [Part 1]

In the blink of an eye, a strong foreign race that was comparable to the Immortal King Realm was defeated by Chen Xi, unable to struggle!

Seeing this scene, the purple-clothed girl couldn't help being slightly stunned and gasped for breath. She finally realized that the man in the distance who was related to her by blood was far more powerful than she imagined!

But... since he is so powerful, why hasn't he come to look for me and mother all these years?

The girl in purple clothes was stunned, her mood was turbulent and she couldn't calm down.


A Qingdou Palace Lantern emerged, emitting strands of holy flames.

Chen Xi grabbed it with his hand, and a wave of invisible rune restraints spread out, directly peeling Tu Guang's soul from his body, and sealed it into the Qingdou Palace Lantern with a bang.

Here it is!Here it is!

The Qingdou Palace Lantern is an ancient fairy treasure, and the flames inside it are extremely domineering. As soon as Tu Guang's soul was sealed, it was burned for a while, making a sound like refining oil.

"Ah—! I said, I can say everything, please give me a happy time!"

Tu Guang screamed in pain, his whole soul was twisted violently, unable to bear this unbearable pain any longer, he completely surrendered.

"I'll give you three breathing times." Chen Xi said calmly.

"That woman... didn't die, but was taken away by the Lord of the Emperor's Spirit World, Holy Emperor Void!" Tu Guang replied quickly, with an unspeakable sense of dejection and despair in his voice.

"Phantom Sacred Emperor? Where are they now?" Chen Xi continued to ask, Fan Yunlan was not yet in trouble, which made him secretly relieved.

"In the middle of the Boundary River, Fengmo Gorge."

"How many helpers are there?"

"Together with the Void Sacred Emperor, there are altogether eight kings of the domain sitting in the town, and a hundred thousand alien troops. This is the base camp of our attack on the Three Realms from outside the domain."


After learning all this, Chen Xi mercilessly wiped out Tu Guang's soul.

"Aren't you worried that he lied to you?"

Seeing this, the purple-clothed girl couldn't help but wonder.

"He dare not."

Chen Xi smiled, and didn't explain too much. Under his current will, whether the other party lied or not, he simply couldn't hide it from his discerning eyes.

"Let's go to Jiehe."

As Chen Xi said, he used the method of teleportation, and took the purple-clothed girl away.


The boundary river is vast, separating the extraterritorial and the three realms.

In the middle of the boundary river, there is a piece of black land floating, stretching endlessly.

This piece of land is Fengmo Gorge.

Since ancient times, it has always been a battleground between the camps of the Three Realms and the camps outside the territory. As long as they control this place, they can drive straight in and reach the other side of the boundary river.

But now, this Fengmo Gorge has fallen and is controlled by alien races from outside the territory.

At this time, on the land of Fengmo Gorge, there were [-] alien troops stationed densely, like locusts, distributed in every area.

Each of them was full of murderous aura, and gathered together, the evil spirit released by the army was like black dragons, rolling endlessly in the sky, extremely terrifying.

In the center of Fengmo Gorge, there is a city that looks like a war fortress.

At this moment, on the city wall, there are a series of majestic and majestic figures, a total of eight figures, each of whom has the power comparable to the existence of the Immortal King Realm!

These eight are the supreme kings from the eight realms outside the realm!

"Tuguang is dead."

A thin man in a black robe in the center frowned and opened his mouth. His complexion was white and clean, his eyes were like a pair of rubies, blood-red, overflowing with a terrifying luster, he was the Holy King of Void.

"It seems that a ruthless character has come from the Three Realms." A white-haired old man said coldly, with silver threads flying all over his head, like a galaxy waterfall, radiating wisps of dazzling silver light.

If Chen Xi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was the white-haired Holy Emperor who escaped from the wonderful gates of the "Cangwu Divine Abyss" in the Xuanhuan Territory!

At that time, Xiao Ding cooperated with the imprint left by Ant Supreme, but failed to leave it behind, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

"Chi Yan, have you ever deduced the identity of the person who came?" The Void Sage Emperor glanced at the man next to him.

This man was wearing a fiery red robe, with an obscure rune tattoo branded between his brows. At this moment, he was closing his eyes and deducing something, with mysterious fluctuations bubbling all over his body.

This person is the Chi Yan Holy Emperor, a supreme king from the Chi Yan Realm, who was born in the natural world and is very good at deduction.

"It can't be speculated that this person's fate is extremely strange, and it seems to be completely obscured..."

Blazing Sacred Emperor frowned, opened his eyes, and said solemnly, "This kind of sign only shows that the strength of the coming person is probably extraordinary."

When the other holy emperors heard the words, they all narrowed their eyes.

Among the Three Realms, they are currently being attacked by the Supreme Sect, and everyone in the Immortal Kings is in danger. Under such circumstances, who has the time to care about the affairs here?

"You said, it shouldn't be the young man who just took over the Emperor Guan Academy? Now he is the most famous in the Three Realms. He has beheaded many fairy kings in a row, and even the Supreme Master has run into a wall and retreated. Nothing to do with this person."

The Void Saint Emperor raised his eyebrows and said.

"Chen Xi?"

It was said that the other holy emperors all remembered who it was. During this period of time, the news that Chen Xi beheaded the kings in anger was so sensational that they, the experts from outside the region, had already noticed the existence of Chen Xi.

"If it's really this young man, I'm afraid it will be a little tricky."

Blazing Holy Emperor pondered.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? If he really comes, with our means, we can completely keep him. In this way, it is equivalent to clearing away an obstacle for us to attack the Three Realms."

The white-haired Holy Emperor said coldly, disapproving.

"No matter what, if this Chen Xi can win such a prestigious name in the Three Realms, he must be comparable to an ordinary fairy king. Let's make preparations first."

The Void Sacred Emperor waved his hands and made a decision, "Guisu, Chi Yan, Xuan Chen...you go to control the various teams and jointly set up the ancestral spirit refining formation."

Ancestral Spirit Refining Formation!

It was said that the other holy emperors were all surprised. This was their trump card. Just because of a guess, they had to work hard to set up this formation, but it was a bit of a fuss.

"Tu Guang is dead, I don't want anyone else to fall."

The Void Sage Emperor swept away the crowd and said, "Just do what I say."

At this moment, even if the other holy emperors still didn't take it seriously in their hearts, they could only accept the order and immediately left the city wall separately.

"Holy Emperor, that woman is still unyielding."

Suddenly, a voice came into the ears of the Void Saint Emperor.

He frowned, and there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes, "Tell her, if you don't cooperate anymore, you will pull out her spirit and seal her into a soul battle partner. At that time, she will no longer have any consciousness, and can only become a non A monster that is not a human being!"

After giving all these instructions, he glanced into the distance, and suddenly saw, in the very distant boundary river, there was a figure straddling the galaxy, traveling through time and space, and galloping towards this side.

"It really is that kid!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that he would actually dare to come!"

"There is only one little girl by my side. This kid is crazy. Could it be that he thinks that our foreign army is just for display?"

Almost at the same time, other holy emperors who had already been distributed in various areas of Fengmo Gorge also found this figure, and they all sneered.


On the city wall, the Void King waved.


In an instant, the entire Fengmo Gorge seemed to be in motion. Groups of alien armies flew up, and under the dispatch of the seven holy emperors, they united and set up restrictions one after another.

In the end, these prohibitions were combined to form a complete formation, covering the entire Fengmo Gorge, and filled with a terrifying aura.


In the distance, Chen Xi witnessed this scene, his figure didn't stop, and his expression didn't show any emotion from the beginning to the end, it was extremely calm.

"Are you... going to fight them hard?"

The purple-clothed girl looked at the Fengmo Gorge in the distance, felt the terrifying murderous aura emanating from it, and couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

Eight holy emperors, one hundred thousand alien troops!

Faced with such a terrifying power, who can not be shocked?

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder: "I won't be reckless, first wrong you and hide, and you will come out when I rescue your mother."

Being slapped on the shoulder by Chen Xi's palm, the purple-clothed girl froze all over, seemingly resisting, but in the end she didn't struggle, and she accepted this kind of concern by default.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help smiling, and with a wave of his sleeve, he hid the purple-clothed girl in the fairy treasure he was carrying.


After finishing all this, Chen Xi didn't hesitate any more, and rushed towards Fengmo Gorge in the distance at full speed. His speed was exceptionally fast, tearing apart time and space, and in an instant, he had already arrived in front of Fengmo Gorge.

"So fast?"

The seven holy emperors sitting in the various areas of Fengmoxia were all taken aback.


Almost at the same time, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the virtual Saint Emperor on the city wall, and he looked at Chen Xi who had rushed over in an instant, and the latter also looked at the past from afar.

The eyes of the two collided, murderous intent overflowed.

"It's interesting, the strength seems to have reached the level of the peak peak fairy king, no wonder he dared to attack alone." The Void Saint Emperor sneered, "It's a pity that coming to the battle alone, isn't he in a desperate situation? Could it be that this guy thought he was God Realm exists, can sweep across the area?"


At this time, the hundred thousand troops of foreign races in Fengmo Gorge all noticed Chen Xi.

"Are the natives of the Three Realms crazy?"

"Then it must be Chen Xi. I heard that he is the most prestigious king in the Three Realms today, but he dared to rush over in such a rampant way. He simply didn't know what to do."

"I think so too."

When they saw Chen Xi alone, the foreign army from outside the territory thought that this famous King of the Three Realms had gone crazy and was simply seeking his own death.


Regarding all of this, Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to it, casually sacrificed the sword talisman, and rushed away.

"Go, stop him!"

In the Fengmo Gorge, the Holy Emperor Guisu issued an order to command an army of tens of thousands of souls and puppets to take action.


Immediately one piece after another of the soul war puppets flew into the sky, densely packed like black clouds, and violently killed, causing the void to shatter. Wangjing.

Ghost Su Shenghuang didn't ask them to kill Chen Xi, as long as they could entangle him for a moment, it was enough to calmly arrange a killing array to trap Chen Xi to death.


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