divine talisman

Chapter 1515 Invincible [Part 2]

Chen Xi was no stranger to soul battle partners.

As early as in Xuanhuanyu, he had obtained a copy of "The All Saints of the Imperial Objects", which was the supreme inheritance of the Guifang Yanshi clan, and it contained the orthodox methods for casting soul war partners.

Moreover, "Shang" is also a soul battle partner. When he was in the human world, he showed extremely amazing fighting power and astonishing potential.

At this moment, when he saw batches of soul battle puppets jumping into the air and killing him violently, the corners of Chen Xi's lips could not help revealing a playful smile.

"A bunch of idiots."


The sword light flashed.

The sword talisman swept through the air, tearing out a trace that did not contain the smell of fireworks. As soon as he made a move, the faces of many strong men in the Fengmo Gorge all changed, whether it was the Void Sage Emperor, the White-haired Sage Emperor, Chi Yan, etc. The Holy Emperor, or the other Holy Emperors, all of them had very vicious eyes, so they could see the frighteningness of Chen Xi's sword at a glance.

"What a terrifying sword intent." The Void Saint Emperor said in shock.

"This swordsmanship..."


A ray of sword light is like an endless rainbow, tearing apart time and space, spreading away with unrivaled power.

Those soul battle partners were full of confidence. After all, they themselves can be called magic weapons. They are the best at flocking to entangle their opponents. The materials needed are all rare materials, and their toughness is no less than that of Taixu Immortal Treasure.

But when that ray of sword light came on, these soul partners were all stunned, and their souls trembled. Even though their bodies were against the sky, they still had souls.


They struggled to resist.

bang bang bang...

But this sword light was extremely sharp. Wherever it passed, one after another soul combat partner was torn apart, beheaded in pieces, and almost instantly, they were all pulverized and shattered into pieces.


The entire Fengmo Gorge fell silent for a moment.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't realize it at all, as if he had done an ordinary and trivial matter, he still rushed away at a terrifying speed.

"Not good!" The face of the Saint King on the city wall changed suddenly, "This son is too strong, even in the Immortal King Realm, he is extremely top-notch!"

Before, he had ordered Ghost Su Shenghuang to use those soul puppets to entangle Chen Xi, so that the other holy emperors could work together to completely suppress and kill him.

But now it seems that the plan has to be changed.

"Everyone, quickly open the ancestral spirit refining formation!" The Void Saint Emperor immediately issued an order.


The other holy emperors had already made their preparations. Hearing this, they did not hesitate to use their means to activate the entire formation.


A terrifying wave of restraint spread out, causing the surrounding world to be plunged into a chaotic black mist, within which there were even strands of thunder and lightning, rolling and crushing towards Chen Xi.

This formation claims to be able to "refine the gods", and a group of holy emperors sit in it together, and they are not afraid of fighting with real gods.


Chen Xi watched the terrifying restraining forces crushing towards him, within which a figure of a holy emperor appeared faintly, and a cold arc appeared on his lips.


He drew his sword again.

In an instant, it seemed that there was an extra bolt of lightning in this world!But faster than lightning!

The surging terrifying power of restraint, like a bubble under this sword energy, was torn open in an instant, and some strong foreign races sitting in the restraint were killed in an instant, and their bodies and spirits were wiped out.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi continuously slashed and slashed out thousands of sword qi, roaring away, criss-crossing in all directions, tearing the large formation that covered the entire Fengmo Gorge torn apart, revealing flaws everywhere. .

Under this kind of attack, the alien army hidden under the large formation was killed one after another, blood was flying everywhere, and the corpses were scattered, and there was no time to react and dodge.

"How is it possible!" The Void Sacred Emperor was shocked, "This is the ancestral spirit refining formation, which can trap even gods, how could it be broken so quickly, this, it is impossible..."


"Help, help."


In the Fengmo Gorge, under Chen Xi's attack, an army of hundreds of thousands actually killed and injured tens of thousands of them. Such a shocking and terrifying scene suddenly stimulated the surviving alien army to completely collapse and cry. Father calls mother, loses fighting spirit.

Even the "Ancestral Spirit Refining God" formation couldn't resist the opponent's attack, making them feel like ants, and they might be slaughtered at any time.

What frightened them most was that Chen Xi kept moving from the beginning to the end, and the sword light was flying. In just a few breaths, there were large swaths of aliens who were ambushed and killed. It was impossible to resist!

"This way of the sword...is too scary!"

"No, it's not just that, this son's cultivation has obviously surpassed the Immortal King Realm too much, even if he hasn't become a god yet, I'm afraid he won't be far away!"

"Wrong! You have all misjudged your eyes. This son's attainments in restraint are also extremely good. Every attack he has hits the weak point of the ancestral spirit refining formation. It is unimaginable. If it weren't for this, he Definitely can’t do that.”

At this moment, all the holy emperors were also shocked, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"Big trouble!"

On the city wall, the Void Sacred Emperor's heart suddenly sank. Chen Xi's combat power was too heaven-defying. Even though he had never underestimated the opponent, it was only when he was actually fighting that he realized that the power controlled by the opponent had exceeded his estimation by far.

But before he could react, suddenly, a cold voice resounded through the world—"Little thing, do you remember me? Back then, you were a little cultivator in the human world. Here, you can also smile at Jiuquan!"

It was the white-haired Holy Emperor who suddenly moved!


His figure flew into the sky, his long hair like a silver waterfall suddenly stretched straight, it continued to surge and dance, and turned into silver threads all over the sky, violently killing Chen Xi.

Those silvery long hairs are like swords and guns, each strand is full of unparalleled chill and fierceness, shredding time and space, with an incomparably terrifying aura.

Chen Xi naturally recognized the other party at a glance. When he was in Cangwu Divine Abyss before, he didn't have any power to shake the other party. Even a single thought of the other party was enough to easily kill him.

But now it is different, Chen Xi is no longer the little monk he was back then!Even looking at the entire Three Realms, Chen Xi is no longer afraid of anyone!


Almost at the same time that the white-haired Holy Emperor made his move, Chen Xi also made his move, the sword talisman broke through the air, and a strange and unpredictable sword energy flashed instantly.


Thousands of long silver snowy hairs were chopped off and broken inch by inch.


Immediately, the head of the white-haired Holy Emperor was thrown into the air.

The headless body disintegrated immediately, and the soul was annihilated, revealing a large number of foreign races that formed the "ancestral spirit refining formation".

Crash~~~ The sword light is like a wave, spreading away, drowning all the alien races.

As soon as Chen Xifu made a move, he used his strongest strength, and only wanted a quick victory, so he didn't have time to waste time with these alien races.Before beheading Tu Guang, he didn't use his swordsmanship, and he killed the opponent like a wreck, and now he used all his strength, one can imagine how terrifying the power he erupted.

Whether it was the white-haired Holy Emperor or the foreign powerhouses in the formation, although there were many in number, the difference in strength compared to Chen Xi was really too big, and their outcome was already doomed from the moment the battle started.

"Do not--!"

"how so!?"

"How can this damn guy be so strong."

All of this happened too quickly. When the other Holy Emperors reacted, the white-haired Holy Emperor and the nearby foreign races had already been strangled by the sword energy and wiped out!


In this scene, the face of the virtual Saint Emperor on the city wall was extremely livid, and the hearts of the other Saint Emperors who watched were shocked and terrified. You must know that this is their base camp, with an army of [-], eight Saint Emperors, and a tower strong enough to trap gods. The big formation of the environment, but still can't help the opponent!

Even, in front of the other party, all these powers were easily broken apart like paper, and even the white-haired Holy Emperor was easily beheaded. How could this not be horrifying?

"Even if it's me, I don't have the slightest chance to block this sword..."

The Void Saint Emperor's heart trembled. Chen Xi's sword that killed the white-haired Saint Emperor before was too weird and simple. No one would have thought that it would erupt with such terrifying power, making him look away. Eye.

This Chen Xi actually made him, the supreme commander of the army outside the region, feel faintly terrified?

The Void Sage Emperor didn't want to believe it, "How could he be so strong? It doesn't make sense, and he doesn't exist in the divine realm. It is impossible to do this step..."

I swear to God, he can absolutely guarantee that Chen Xi hasn't become a god yet, but he can't figure out how he can be so strong even if he breaks his head.

Not only him, but the other holy emperors also felt palpitations and couldn't see through Chen Xi's details. It was also because of this that Chen Xi became more and more mysterious in their eyes.



After slaying the white-haired Sage Emperor, Chen Xi did not stop, and continued to slay with his sword. The surging sword energy roared across the sky and earth, covering the entire Fengmo Gorge.

At this moment, this place turned into a purgatory, with screams everywhere, and groups of alien troops fell in a pool of blood.

The scene was terrifying.

It was obvious that Chen Xi was alone, but like a demon god who ruled life and death, he was invincible at the point of his sword, harvesting souls of the dead without holding back.

If this scene is seen by all living beings in the Three Realms, they must cheer for Chen Xi passionately. Such an achievement, if compared to the past, would be enough to leave an indelible mark in the long history of the Three Realms, and be praised by hundreds of millions of beings in future generations. .


Suddenly, the Void Sacred Emperor roared, and his voice shook the sky. He could no longer maintain his composure. He was going to wipe out their army attacking the Three Realms by himself. This kind of heavy loss was beyond his ability.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't seem to be aware of it, the sword intent soared to the sky, covering the whole world, chilling, ruthless, and ruthless, as if he was determined to kill all the enemies here.


The Void Sacred Emperor was furious, and couldn't hold back anymore, he jumped up suddenly, "Everyone, join hands to kill this beast! Don't let him continue to act violently!"


ps: Please, everyone, buy a monthly pass at the end of the month. If there is no monthly pass, the enthusiasm for coding will be hit~~~


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