divine talisman

Chapter 1516 The Sword Overwhelms the Universe [Part 1]

The Void Saint Emperor was completely enraged.

"You holy emperors, activate the formation quickly, and kill this beast with me!" Amidst the thunderous roar, he jumped up and joined the battlefield.

This time, their army from outside the territory crossed the boundary river and broke into the Three Realms like a broken bamboo. It can be said to be smooth sailing without hindrance, but who would have thought that a mere Chen Xi would actually cause them to suffer heavy losses!

Under normal circumstances, they have an army of [-] aliens, plus eight holy emperors sitting in command. They can completely bind the enemy with the "ancestral spirit formation" and then completely suppress them with the power of the formation.

But Chen Xi's strength was too heaven-defying, and had already surpassed the Immortal King Realm. As soon as he arrived, he easily dismantled a divine formation, beheaded tens of thousands of alien powerhouses in one fell swoop, and even the white-haired Saint Emperor was defeated in the blink of an eye. erase.

This kind of terrifying destructive power completely made the Void Sacred Emperor feel palpitations, fear, and unbelievable.

He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and planned to attack with all his strength.

As the supreme commander who ruled the army outside the domain this time, the Void Sacred Emperor would never be able to watch his subordinates be ruthlessly slaughtered.


"Let's do it together, kill this son!"

"Life and death are at stake, and we must go all out!"

The other holy emperors got the sound transmission, and they all started to act, knowing that at this moment, their situation has reached the critical moment of life and death, and the outcome is here!


Many restrictions covering the entire Fengmo Gorge have been activated again!

The imaginary Saint Emperor sits in the center of the formation, and the other six Saint Emperors control other areas. Together, they use all their means of suppressing the bottom of the box.


I saw a huge ax shadow suddenly condensed in the void, and as the power of heaven and earth continued to gather, the shadow of the ax became more and more condensed, and the aura became more and more terrifying.

The ax seemed to break out of chaos, and was entangled with a mysterious and terrifying ancestral spirit, which was extremely strange, completely different from the aura of the Great Dao possessed by the Three Realms, but it was incomparably frightening.

Boom~ The big formation was in motion, the sky and the earth roared, and after the appearance of this ax shadow, jet-black divine thunders, divine flames, divine lights, and divine swords appeared again in the large formation.

Every kind of power is horrifying and terrifying, disrupting the secrets of heaven, enough to deter the gods!

This is the strongest trump card of the ancestral spirit refining formation. With the power of the ancestral spirit, it can exert enough power to trap and kill gods, and spread out from the large formation. The power is unimaginable.

"Hmph! What kind of restriction is nothing more than a trick."

Chen Xi stood there, the coldness on the corners of his lips intensified, and he did not hide his disdain at all.It must be known that he has now mastered the Wuji divine talisman, and made another breakthrough on the road of talisman, even if it is forbidden by the gods, it can no longer be difficult for him.


Chen Xi looked up into the distance, and let out a loud shout from his lips.

Hundreds of millions of beams of brilliant sword energy flew from all around Chen Xi's body, turning into a torrential rain of swords and whizzing away. Every single sword energy was as brilliant as a flowing rainbow, lingering in the aura of divinity, possessing the might of destroying the world!

bang bang bang~~~~

There was a sound of explosions in the sky above Fengmo Gorge, shaking for nine days and ten places.

Hundreds of millions of sword qi, fighting head-on with the ax shadow, the divine thunder, the divine flame, the divine light, and the divine sword.

First of all, those divine flames were extinguished and dissipated, and the terrifying and omnipresent divine light was also smashed and disintegrated by the sword energy, and disappeared.

However, the ax shadow, divine thunder, and divine sword were extremely powerful, and they were indistinguishable from Chen Xi's spreading sword energy.

"Suppress!" One after another divine thunder pierced through the sky, and they shouted like gods and demons. Wherever they passed, time and space were smashed, everything was destroyed, and they were extremely domineering.

"Slash!" The divine sword slashed across the void, stretching endlessly, with the sword's intent like a horse, and slashed at Chen Xi angrily.

"Mie!" The most frightening thing was the shadow of the ax, covering the sky and covering the earth, filled with chaotic energy, crushing it with a destructive power.


"Kill! Destroy this beast for me!" The Void Sacred Emperor sitting in the center of the great formation watched this scene from a distance, gritted his teeth, and kept cursing in his heart. He longed, longed to turn Chen Xi into dust in one fell swoop.

This son is too strong, so powerful that he is also frightened, so he will never allow this son to live in the world again!

"Must die, die!!"

The other holy emperors who controlled the formation were also looking forward to it.

The power displayed by Chen Xi made them feel an unprecedented threat, and even regarded him as the most difficult bone for their army from outside the region to attack the Three Realms. If they could take this opportunity to get rid of Chen Xi, it would be a great deal for them , is definitely an unprecedented victory.


In the deepest part of Fengmo Gorge, in a dark and cold underground grotto, it was pitch black.

"Who is here? Could it be the gods in the Three Realms? No, the catastrophe has come and the gods do not exist. In the current Three Realms, who can enter the base camp of the foreign army alone?"

A weak murmur sounded in the darkness of the grotto, and a beautiful figure could be vaguely seen sitting cross-legged on the ground, making it hard to see her face clearly.

"Could it be... him?"

Suddenly, she straightened her body, with a trembling sound in her voice, which was extremely complicated.

Immediately, she sighed again, mocking herself: "How is it possible, if he has such ability, it would be great... I just hope that he... will recognize this daughter Nuonuo..."

Immediately, everything fell into silence again.



Chen Xi let out a cold snort again, and stretched out his figure, his whole body was filled with the monstrous Immortal King's profound golden aura, illuminating ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers, and within that aura, there was even faint strands of divine aura, which was extremely unique.So that although he has not yet reached the state of conferred gods, he already possesses the power of the divine way.

This is the "Demigod Realm", a rare realm that few people have been able to step into since ancient times!

"Suppress! Suppress!" In the distance, divine thunders smashed through the air, and the gods and demons shouted wildly, stirring up the surrounding fields.


Holding the sword talisman in Chen Xi's hand, he leaped forward and displayed a divine talisman pattern derived from billions of sword qi.

This move, performed with Chen Xi's current cultivation level and assisted by a sword talisman comparable to the Houtian Lingbao, already has the power to communicate with gods, it is dignified and invincible.

Rumble~~~ The sword qi divine talisman and the divine thunder collided and fought together. Immediately, those divine thunders were wiped out by the sword qi divine talisman, and the powder was wiped out.


Almost at the same time, another sword qi divine talisman pattern covering all directions and eight poles rose into the air, and it shook head-on with that divine sword. As a result, that divine sword collapsed immediately.

clack clack...

There was a pattern of sword energy and divine talisman, and the shadow of the ax that covered the sky was also shaken head-on, shaking the latter until spider-like cracks appeared on the surface, and finally collapsed with a bang.

In the blink of an eye.

Chen Xi exerted what he had learned, and the sword qi rose into the air to generate the patterns of divine inscriptions, directly smashing into pieces the divine thunder, divine sword, and ax shadow!

This scene made all the foreign races in Fengmo Gorge stunned and fell into an eerie silence.

"Hiss! This... this..."

"It's too scary!"

"Is he a god of the Three Realms?"

All the foreign races, including those holy emperors, were terrified at this moment, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe that the attack with all their strength was still broken by the opponent?

how can that be! ?

"The power of this divine formation is not bad, but unfortunately, the way of the formation cannot help me at all." Chen Xi shook his head secretly, "As for the power condensed by the ax shadow, the divine sword, and the divine thunder, it already possesses divinity Breath, but after all, it is not the real existence of God."

The power of those divine lights, divine swords, divine thunders, and ax shadows are all extremely terrifying, and any fairy king of the top peak realm cannot resist them at all.

Even, if trapped in the ancestral spirit refining formation, I am afraid that even the gods will not be able to escape.

But Chen Xi was different. His attainments in talisman dao made that great formation completely non-threatening, and the power he possessed was enough to fight across borders, to overwhelm the gods, and it was no problem to destroy these attacks.

"What to do, what to do?" The Void Sage Emperor was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, "I can't do anything to kill him with all my strength, do I have to wait for him to escape?"

At this moment, he doesn't have the bearing of a holy emperor.

"Xuxiang, what do you say?"

"What should I do now?"

The other holy emperors were also extremely anxious, frightened and angry to the extreme, and they couldn't help each other even with all their efforts, which made them even a little unable to accept this fact.

The Void Sage Emperor's eyes were red, his eyes were about to split, and he roared angrily: "Once we retreat, the advantage we gained in this attack on the Three Realms will be gone. Even if we return, the elders will definitely punish us. In this case, we have only one way, fight!"

Speaking of this, he roared fiercely: "You don't need to panic, this son only has the strength of an immortal king, but he will always have such a heaven-defying fighting power. He must have used some kind of taboo method. The more he fights, the more his power will be consumed , he won’t be able to hold on for long, and with the help of the Divine Formation...even if we can’t kill him temporarily, we can drain his strength!”


"Drain him!"

"That's right, he's obviously not in the divine realm, but he can exert power comparable to the divine realm. He certainly won't last long with such consumption!"

They were already riding a tiger and had no way out, so they could only fight Chen Xi to the end.

And by using the formation, they can unite all the forces of Fengmoxia, and can communicate with the power of heaven and earth for their own use. The consumption on themselves is very small. They only need to fight for a long time, and they can turn the situation around.



The conversation between them was the voice of will, and it was completed in an instant. When a decision was made, the shadow of the ax, the sword, the thunder, the light, and the flame appeared again in the world...

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head.

To adopt conservative attrition tactics?

The formation is a dead thing after all, and all kinds of attacks follow the rules, and there is a certain interval of time. As long as I use all my strength, how can this formation resist?

What's more, even if it is exhausted, he has the help of the Cangwu seedling in his body, so he is not afraid at all.


Chen Xi's figure swept across the sky, set foot on the Nine Heavens, and overlooked the entire Fengmo Gorge.

"Break it for me!"

At this moment, his whole body was overflowing with radiant brilliance, his long hair flew flying, and he used all the strength in his body to gently lift the sword in his hand, uttering a chant like a tide, and the sword intent shook the universe.


An understatement of sword energy that does not contain pyrotechnics, chops out.


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