divine talisman

Chapter 1518 Returning to Douxuan [Part 1]

The corpses piled up in Fengmo Gorge, filled with blood, and there were ruins everywhere.

If there are outsiders around, I'm afraid I can't believe that all this was done by one person.

Chen Xi stood alone in it, but his heart was ups and downs. He didn't pay any attention to these things at all. The destruction of the alien army from outside the territory did not bring him any pride and honor at all.

He only cares about one person.

Fan Yunlan.

"is it you?"

When Chen Xi's will spread into the underground grotto, it was also noticed by the beautiful figure sitting cross-legged in it. Her figure suddenly sat upright, and a strangely bright luster appeared in her eyes.

The voice trembled even more.

Indeed she is...

Hearing this sound, Chen Xi's whole body froze. He stood in place for a long time before suddenly jumping up.


With a sword, the earth was easily cut open like tofu, revealing the underground grotto, and a ray of light shone into it, dispelling the darkness, revealing a figure.

She was dressed in plain clothes, with wine red soft long hair shawl, revealing a beautiful face that is as beautiful as a country, but at this time her cheeks are pale, her clear eyes are dim, and her breath is quite weak, as if she has suffered some serious injury.

The moment when you see each other.

Both Chen Xi and Fan Yunlan were stunned, they stared at each other, and fell into silence.

In the air, there was only the sound of whimpering wind whistling, it was evening, and the orange-red sunset glow smeared the sky and the earth, shining obliquely on the two of them, smearing a layer of solemnity.

"these years……"


After a long time, Chen Xi and Fan Yunlan spoke almost at the same time. The former was full of guilt, while the latter was full of sadness. As soon as he opened his mouth, both of them were startled, and they both closed their mouths together, as if they wanted to wait for each other. Firstly.

As a result, the atmosphere became silent again.

Chen Xi suddenly felt a little blocked in his heart. He wanted to say something, but he was unable to explain it. Over the years, he had indeed been too sorry for Fan Yunlan, and now that he had reunited after a long absence, he didn't know where to start.

"Come with me for a walk."

Fan Yunlan stood up and glanced at Chen Xi.


Chen Xi nodded hastily.


Under the setting sun, the two walked side by side in the ruined Fengmo Gorge. There were pools of blood, corpses, and ruins everywhere. The scene was terrifying.

Fan Yunlan glanced over the ruins of the battlefield one by one, and suddenly said: "I didn't expect that you are so powerful now."

Chen Xi smiled bitterly: "No matter how powerful you are, what's the use if you can't get you back early?"

Fan Yunlan was stunned, and said: "You don't have to blame yourself, I have heard a lot of news about you these years, but I don't want to meet you."

Under the setting sun, she was dressed in plain clothes, her soft long wine-red hair fluttered in the breeze, and her pair of clear eyes reflected the red glow of the setting sun, full of waves, and the picture was so beautiful that the world was overshadowed.

"Why?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Fan Yunlan was silent for a long time before saying: "I don't know how to face you. After all, you already have Qing Xiuyi and Chen An. I... can't find any reason to intervene in your life."

This time, on the contrary, Chen Xi was stunned. He never thought that the reason why Fan Yunlan hadn't seen him all these years would be because of such a reason.

He stood still, turned around and looked at Fan Yunlan: "What about now?"

"Now..." Fan Yunlan was at a loss, as if at a loss.

"Come back with me, whether it's for yourself or for our daughter." Chen Xi sighed softly. He didn't want to say anything that had been accumulated in his heart these years. He just wanted to take Fan Yunlan and her daughter back. Make up for their mother and daughter in their spare time.

Fan Yunlan's whole body froze, her jade face fluctuated, and she said after a long time: "Let me think about it?"

Chen Xi stretched out his arm and grabbed the catkin of the other party, grasped it tightly, and said word by word: "Don't think about it, just do as I say."

Fan Yunlan struggled violently, but couldn't shake off Chen Xi's palm at all. In the end, he glanced at Chen Xi with anger and resentment, and lowered his head, as if... acquiesced.

Seeing this, Chen Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Fan Yunlan would overreact. If that happened, he really didn't know what to do.

"Come on, let's go back."

Chen Xi laughed, looking at Fan Yunlan who was standing beside him with his head bowed, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Some things have passed for too many years, and the reason why they are accumulated in my heart is nothing more than because I can't let go of them. Now that I have met each other, we are safe with each other, and the old things no longer need to be brought up again.

"Where's Nono?"

Fan Yunlan suddenly raised his head and asked Chen Xi.

"Nuo Nuo?" Chen Xi was startled, and suddenly remembered the girl in purple clothes, and said with a smile, "So, our daughter's name is Nuonuo, Chen Nuonuo, that's a nice name."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeve robe, and the shadow of the girl in purple was reflected in the flashing glow.

"Huh? This is..."

When she saw the ruin-like bloody battlefield in Yingying's eyes, the girl in purple couldn't help shrinking her eyes, but immediately, she noticed Chen Xi beside her, and... Fan Yunlan.

In an instant, she said pleasantly and crisply: "Mother!" and immediately hugged Fan Yunlan.

At this moment, she was undefended, her face was full of joy and excitement, and her eyes were full of tears, ready to drip.

These days, she has been living in fear, like a desperate cub, the pressure in her heart is about to collapse her.

Now, the moment she saw Fan Yunlan, the grievance, hesitation, and despair in her heart seemed to have found a vent, and she couldn't hold back the tears all at once.

like a child.

Fan Yunlan was also extremely happy at this moment, hugging her daughter tightly, tears in her eyes, these days when she was taken away by alien races outside the territory, she also endured in despair, now, not only saw her daughter again, but also had a relationship with Chen When Xi met again, she could imagine how excited she was.

Chen Xi stood aside and watched this scene, feeling both happy and guilty in his heart. If he had appeared earlier, the mother and daughter would not have suffered so much.

"Nonuo, this is your father."

Suddenly, Fan Yunlan's expression became serious, and he pulled the purple-clothed girl away from his arms, and said seriously.

The face of the purple-clothed girl suddenly became cold again. Obviously, she still had a lot of grudges against Chen Xi, a father.

Seeing her daughter's indifference towards Chen Xi, Fan Yunlan was immediately displeased, and said, "Nuo Nuo!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi quickly said: "Forget it, Nuonuo and I just met, after all, we are a little strange, and it will gradually change in the future."

Fan Yunlan thought for a while, finally sighed in his heart, and said no more.

Chen Nuo didn't appreciate it, and cast a cold glance at Chen Xi, but didn't say much.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was not worried at all, this was his flesh and blood, and since he hadn't seen him for so many years, it was understandable that he had grudges in his heart.


At this moment, waves of void suddenly appeared in the distance, and immediately, figures emerged from the boundary river far away, rushing towards Fengmo Gorge here.

Those are all foreign races outside the territory!

Thinking about it, this Fengmo Gorge is just the base camp for aliens from outside the region to attack the Three Realms. Besides, there are many other alien troops from outside the region distributed on both sides of the boundary river.

These foreign races that appeared at this time obviously noticed the movement here.

"Let's go."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, used the method of teleportation, and took Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo away out of thin air.

"It turns out...all of them are dead!"

"How could this be? The Holy Emperor and the others have all fallen?"

"Damn, who did this!"

As soon as Chen Xi and the others left, figures of alien races from outside the domain appeared on Fengmo Gorge. When they saw the devastated ruins, their eyes were tearing apart, and they were extremely shocked and angry.


At this moment, a wisp of sword energy descended from the sky, stretching across the boundless void, brilliant and blazing, with a single strike, the entire Fengmo Gorge was split into two halves, and crashed into the boundary river.

Before the foreign races who rushed over had time to react, they were destroyed here along with the Fengmo Gorge.


On this day, Chen Xi killed all directions by himself, beheaded nine saint emperors from outside the region, and wiped out all the teams from outside the region that had invaded the Three Realms.

"From today onwards, if you dare to cross the limit of the boundary river, you will be killed without mercy!"

Before leaving, Chen Xi left a brand of will here, unleashing supreme power, which resounded throughout the universe and galaxy, without dissipating for a long time.

After this event was known to all the beings in the three realms, they were all shocked and excited, pushing Chen Xi's prestige once again to an unprecedented height, becoming a legend that no one can surpass since ancient times!


Douxuan Immortal City.


The void fluctuated, reflecting the figures of Chen Xi, Fan Yunlan, and Chen Nuo.

Today's Douxuan Immortal City has been rebuilt. On the original ruins, there are now majestic buildings standing row after row in all directions.

On the spacious street extending in all directions like a spider, the prosperity of the past has also been restored. There are many pedestrians and heavy traffic, making it quite lively.

Those gathered in the city now are all forces that have taken refuge in Daohuang Academy. They come from other areas of the fairy world. Due to the limited space in the academy, they can only stay in Douxuan Immortal City.

But even so, these forces are still very satisfied. Today's Immortal World is full of turmoil and turmoil. Most of the area has fallen and is controlled by the Supreme Sect. Since these forces are unwilling to be controlled by the Supreme Sect, they have taken refuge in the Taoist Academy. Nature is their happiest choice.

"Dean Chen Xi!"

"It's actually Senior Chen Xi!"

"I've seen Dean Chen Xi!"

As soon as Chen Xi's figure appeared, he was immediately recognized, which caused commotion in the surrounding area, and everyone showed reverence on their faces, saying hello to Chen Xi one after another.

Taking back Fan Yunlan and his daughter Chen Nuo this time made Chen Xi feel very good. Seeing this, he smiled and nodded one by one without showing any impatience.

Seeing this, the ascetics on the street became more and more excited, and many of them couldn't help shouting: "Principal Chen Xi, when are we going to counterattack the Grand Master, I've already made preparations, and I've been waiting for your order for a long time."

"When the time comes, I will notify you as soon as possible." Chen Xi replied with a smile.

Everyone agreed with a bang, and everyone was extremely excited.

Seeing this, Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo at the side looked at Chen Xi a little differently. They had heard about many things about Chen Xi before, but those were rumors after all. Now they saw with their own eyes that Chen Xi actually possessed such a thing. Such lofty prestige, the feeling in the heart is naturally very different.


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