divine talisman

Chapter 1519 Family Joy [Part 2]

Daohuang Academy.

When Chen Xi returned with Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo, it attracted the attention of the teachers.

"Dean, who are these two?"

Along the way, more than one instructor asked this question.

"This is my Taoist companion, Fan Yunlan, and this is my daughter, Chen Nuo."

Chen Xi did not avoid suspicion. No matter who asked the question, he answered with a smile, seeming quite proud and happy.

But when he was happy, he left a group of dumbfounded gazes, and his jaw dropped in shock.

This made both Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo a little uncomfortable. It was because those eyes were too weird, shocking, amazed, stunned, stunned... and so on, which both of them couldn't accept.

When Zuoqiu Feiming and other members of the Zuoqiu clan heard the news, they were all overjoyed and proud. Half of the Zuoqiu clan's blood flowed through Chen Xi's body, and now he has a Taoist companion and a daughter. There is honor.

Some people are happy, others are sad.

When all the important figures in the Xuanyuan Clan heard the news, they all felt as if they had been struck by lightning, with frowning faces. Back when Xuanyuan Shao, the lord of the Xuanyuan Clan, was still around, they all regarded Chen Xi as their aunt, and they were all set up with A Xiutian. of a couple.

In fact, it was precisely because of this relationship that the Xuanyuan family received a lot of courtesy in the academy these days, and they were very proud of Dean Chen Xi as their uncle.

But who would have thought that when Chen Xi went out for a trip, he not only brought back a Taoist companion with an overpowering appearance, but even had a beautiful daughter...

This time, all the members of the Xuanyuan clan were dumbfounded.

In short, when Chen Xi brought Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo back to the Dao Emperor Shrine, news about them swept through the entire academy like a hurricane.

In less than a day, almost everyone knew about the fact that Chen Xi had brought back his Taoist companion and daughter, and it caused quite a commotion all of a sudden.

After all, the current Chen Xi is already very comparable, he is the head of Daohuang Academy, and a few days ago he even beheaded the kings in anger, showing immeasurable power, and he has become the most dazzling king in the fairy world. Can stand shoulder to shoulder with it.

Now, he has brought back his Taoist companion and daughter, so he has naturally become the focus of attention.

Fan Yunlan?

Who is this woman?

And when did you become a Taoist couple with Principal Chen Xi?

Then Chen Nuo is already this old, why didn't she know that her father was actually Dean Chen Xi?

Questions like this have become a hot topic among people.


Dao Emperor Shrine.

Chen Xi didn't know anything about what happened outside, and as soon as he returned, he seated Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo, while he excitedly began to prepare the ingredients.

"Today we have a good family gathering."

Chen Xi smiled and asked, what is the most heartwarming moment of a family reunion?It is natural to eat together in harmony, and chat freely.

At this moment, Chen Xi completely forgot about his current identity, instead, like a chef, he enthusiastically took out his housekeeping skills and started cooking dishes.

If this scene is seen by other people in the fairy world, they will definitely go crazy. The majestic dean of the Daohuang Academy, who is now the most powerful and powerful existence in the fairy world, who dares to imagine that he will cook in person?

Even Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo couldn't help being stunned when they saw this scene, a little inconceivable.

But immediately, the two felt warm in their hearts. With Chen Xi's current status and power, he was able to put down his body and prepare dishes for them in person. This kind of intention alone was enough to move them.

Soon, a table of delicious dishes was presented.

Chen Xi called Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo to sit down, served them food, and poured wine for them, as if he was a qualified husband and father.

At the dining table, Chen Xi and Fan Yunlan were basically chatting. Chen Nuo didn't say a word, and even ignored some of Chen Xi's questions.

However, Chen Xi was already very satisfied, and even enjoyed this atmosphere very much.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the curtain of a meal just ends.

Chen Xi made some tea again, passed it to Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo, and then said with emotion: "Sometimes, I wish I could just go on like this and ignore other mundane things, but unfortunately... there are too many times when I can't help myself. "

Fan Yunlan pursed her lips, deeply convinced.

Chen Nuo snorted coldly.

At this time, Axiu came to visit suddenly, which made Chen Xi startled slightly.

"Axiu, what do you need from me?"

Standing outside the shrine, Axiu just glanced at Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo in the shrine, then shook her head and said, "I heard that you're back, so I came over to take a look, it's all right, go get busy. "

After saying that, she turned her head and left, and Chen Xi didn't even have time to persuade her to stay.

"This girl, she's a little abnormal today." Chen Xi frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

"Hmph!" Suddenly, Chen Nuo snorted again, seemingly quite dissatisfied.

"What's wrong?" Chen Xi asked.

"It's okay, this girl is used to being crazy." Fan Yunlan glared at A Xiu, and then said to Chen Xi, his expression was calm, but he didn't show any emotional fluctuations in response to A Xiu's arrival.

However, Chen Xi suddenly realized the problem, his expression froze slightly, and he opened his mouth to explain something.

But Fan Yunlan smiled slightly, parted her red lips, and said, "Needless to say, it is enough for you to be with me."

"What do you mean is enough? That woman obviously has a different relationship with him!" Chen Nuo said angrily, a little anxious for his mother Fan Yunlan.

"Nuo Nuo, don't bring up this topic again in the future, otherwise, don't blame me for letting you retreat." Fan Yunlan's understatement made Chen Nuo stunned, angry and annoyed, stomped his feet fiercely, and sat alone Go sulking there.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, this daughter of his has become more and more prejudiced against him...

"Qing Xiuyi should have left with the ascetics from Nuwa Taoist Palace, what about Chen An?" Fan Yunlan ignored her angry daughter. She understood some things better than her daughter, but she didn't say much. It is a question of experience.

"An'er?" Chen Xi was startled, and said, "He is currently cultivating in the world of the Nine Cauldrons."

After a pause, he finally told the truth, "An'er now has her own Taoist partner, and gave birth to a granddaughter for me... The little guy's name is Yunyun, very cute."

At the end, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his lips.

Hearing this, Fan Yunlan couldn't help but feel a little bitter, this guy has become a grandfather now...

"Hmph!" The angry Chen Nuo raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly again, "Mom, I think we'd better go, so as not to disturb other people's lives, but be ridiculed by others instead."

Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little headache, as there was nothing he could do about his daughter.


Fan Yunlan's eyes were stern, and there was already a touch of sullen anger, which made Chen Nuo curl his lips in fright, and finally dared not say more.

"Okay, don't blame her. Speaking of which, Nuonuo is also doing it for your own good. I understand that you are worried that you will be left out in the cold." Chen Xi smiled slightly and said in a warm voice.

It was said that they were strict fathers and loving mothers, and now it was all right. When it came to dealing with Chen Nuo, Chen Xi and Fan Yunlan switched roles and became loving fathers and strict mothers.


After that, Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo stayed in Daohuang Academy.

In daily life, apart from dealing with some affairs, Chen Xi stayed by the mother and daughter's side all the time, and only by doing this would the guilt in his heart be calmed down a bit.

And as time went by, Chen Nuo's attitude towards him became more and more relaxed. Although he still didn't want to talk to him, at least he wouldn't show any embarrassment to him anymore.

This made Chen Xi feel quite relieved, this is his daughter!

Even, for Chen Nuo to practice hard, he even replaced Fan Yunlan's position, and began to personally teach Chen Nuo to practice, imparting what he had learned to the other party without hesitation.

As for some fairy treasures, he picked out the best ones and gave them to Chen Nuo. He looked like he wanted to give all the best things in the world to his daughter one by one.

This feeling is different from treating Chen An. Chen An is a boy, and now he has become a father, so there is no need for him to point fingers anymore.

And Chen Nuo is a girl, born to be doted on by her father, the so-called poor son, rich daughter.That is to say, no matter how rich the family is, it is necessary to raise the boy poorly, so as to cultivate his perseverance. Similarly, no matter how poor the family is, the best is provided for the daughter, so that she can be independent when she is in the outside world. Blinded by all kinds of temptations.

Chen Xi's attitude towards his daughter Chen Nuo now is roughly like this.


"Nuo Nuo, you have to remember, to the end of your practice, what you have cultivated is the mind of the Dao, and everything else is trivial, including the Dao of Heaven! If the heart is dusty, you will not be able to feel the essential power of the Dao at all."

"In short, practice is to cultivate the mind."

On this day, Chen Xi looked serene, and he was talking about his knowledge of the Dao.

Chen Nuo was sitting on the side, propping his chin with both hands in some boredom, staring blankly at the sky in the distance, as if he didn't listen to everything Chen Xi said at all.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't care too much. Some of the wonderful truths of the Dao were indeed very boring, and it was difficult for Chen Nuo to understand them at his current state, but as long as she remembered them, she would understand them sooner or later.


Fan Yunlan on the other side couldn't stand it any longer, and slapped her daughter on the head, Liu Mei yelled upside down: "If you are more perfunctory, you will go to retreat for me!"

She was really annoyed. With Chen Xi's current status and realm of cultivation, if he announced the opening of the altar to preach, he was afraid that ascetics from the entire Three Realms would rush to listen.

But Chen Nuo was lucky, he didn't care about such an opportunity at all. This made Fan Yunlan's teeth itch with hatred. If it wasn't for Chen Xi's face, she really wanted to beat up this disobedient girl.

"Yun Lan!"

Chen Xi glared at Fan Yunlan, "Nuo Nuo is just a child, don't be too harsh on her."

Fan Yunlan suddenly smiled wryly, but she said that there was an indescribable sweetness in her heart. Chen Xi doted on her daughter so much. As a mother, how could she not be used in her heart?

"Who wants you to scold my mother?" Chen Nuonuo stared.

Chen Xi's expression froze immediately, and he said, "Alright, alright, Nuonuo taught you the right thing, I promise there won't be a next time."

Seeing this, Fan Yunlan couldn't help but smile, this is really called one thing, one thing, not a family, not entering a family...

The atmosphere of this kind of family getting along together is actually extremely harmonious and a lot of fun, but unfortunately, all of this is already destined to not last long.

On this day, Qiu Xuanshu hurriedly came to ask for an interview, and brought a piece of news that Chen Xi didn't expect.


ps: After eating at night, I suddenly suffered from a stomach problem. I tried my best to finish this chapter, and I will make up the owed chapter tomorrow.In addition, the first group of Fuhuang is already full. Other friends who want to join the group can add two groups. The group number is 1. Goldfish just created it.


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