divine talisman

Chapter 1521 Swallowing the Desolate Beast [Part 2]

Three breaths!

Such a short period of time, but to Nangong Lie, it was so long, so tormented, mixed with unprecedented fear, anger, unwillingness...

"I promise."

When the time for three breaths was approaching, Nangong Lie spoke out almost subconsciously. After making this decision, even he himself felt flustered.

what happened?

I have lived for countless years and experienced countless storms and waves, how could I be so frightened and helpless today, and it is difficult to maintain my composure?

"a wise decision."

Suddenly, that voice sounded again, and what made Nangong Lie's hair stand on end was that this voice came from behind him, and he never noticed that someone had invaded his surroundings from the beginning to the end.

He turned his head with difficulty, and a tall figure came into view, wearing a blue shirt, with a handsome face, and a pair of eyes that were deeper than the starry sky and brighter than the stars.

"Chen Xi!?"

Nangong Lie cried out, never expecting that the one who threatened to kill his entire clan would be the most prestigious young Immortal King in the Immortal World.


The veins on Nangong Lie's forehead burst out, and he was so angry that he slapped Chen Xi with a single palm.

However, his palm seemed to be smashed into an invisible quagmire, and before the palm force could reach Chen Xi, it was silently dispelled.

This made him frightened again, and roared angrily: "You are the dignified dean of the Imperial Academy, you have done such a despicable thing, aren't you afraid of being cast aside by the world!"

"If it wasn't for you being worth something, you would be dead at this moment." Chen Xi calmly said, "As for why I came to you instead of someone else, you should be clear in your heart."

Nangong Lie's heart trembled: "What do I understand?"

"Are you sure you want to keep pretending?" Chen Xi suddenly had a cold light in his eyes, which was incomparably frightening.

Nangong Lie swallowed his saliva with difficulty, his expression was cloudy and uncertain, and finally his face was slumped, as if he had given up resisting.

"The Supreme Master's dog is not so easy to be." Chen Xi glanced at him coldly, "Lead the way, don't let me remind you again, it may mean death."



The void fluctuated, Nangong Lie led the way, and Chen Xi followed closely behind.

The reason why Nangong Lie was asked to lead the way instead of pointing out the location of the Supreme Master's sect was that Chen Xi didn't trust this old fellow to give him a correct and precise answer at all.

It is the safest way to let him lead the way himself.


For the Immortal King Realm, it is possible to cross the void and reach a million miles away in an instant.

But this time, Nangong Lie took Chen Xi to move for nearly three hours, across an unknown number of fairy cities, mountains and rivers, all the way west.

In the end, after passing through the "Candle Dragon City" at the westernmost end of the fairy world, Chen Xi realized that the 33rd heaven where the Supreme Master Sect was located had already left the territory of the fairy world.

To the west of the extreme west is an endless dead desert, time and space are chaotic, and broken and flowing black holes can be seen everywhere, which is extremely frightening. Let alone ordinary ascetics, even immortal kings have to be careful when they come here, and dare not take it lightly.

Along the way, Nangong Lie was very cooperative and seemed to have given up all resistance.

Even after arriving here, he introduced to Chen Xi in a low voice: "This desert is called 'Swallowing the Wilderness', and it is densely covered with turbulence in time and space, and across the sky, it is the 'chaos' entrenched by the Supreme Sect Mountain Gate. Deep Ruins'."

Chen Xi nodded, and suddenly asked: "I heard that you set foot in the Immortal King Realm as early as a million years ago?"

Nangong Lie was taken aback for a moment, as if he did not expect Chen Xi to ask such a question at this moment, he nodded subconsciously and said, "That's right, at that time the catastrophe of gods and demons had just ended, and I just happened to grasp a sliver of luck from the sky, and set foot on the fairyland in one fell swoop. King's Row."

"However, millions of years have passed, and you haven't become a god to prove the way. According to Shi Yu, the nuwa Taoist palace, your aptitude is really bad."

Chen Xi glanced at the other party indifferently, but his words were actually unceremonious.

Nangong Lie's expression froze, the corners of his lips twitched fiercely, and then he said in a low voice: "Principal Chen Xi's talent is unrivaled, and it's not like mediocre people like this old man can compare."

"Mediocrity is the next best thing, and it can be made up for with time, but if there is a problem with xinxing, then there is no cure." Chen Xi suddenly stopped, and looked at Nangong Lie with a half-smile.

"What does Principal Chen Xi mean by this?" Nangong Lie asked with a frown.

"I planned to leave you a way to survive, but obviously, you don't appreciate it." In the indifferent voice, Chen Xi did not see any movement, and his right hand had already grabbed Nangong Lie's throat violently.

"Principal Chen Xi! You are..." Nangong Lie blushed, his neck was thick, he was about to suffocate, his whole body was restrained, like a person about to drown, struggling desperately, frightened and angry to the extreme.

"Everyone, please show up."

Ignoring Nangong Lie, Chen Xi's eyes opened and closed like lightning, and he coldly glanced into the distance.

The place where they are sitting now is a dead desert, the sky and the earth are dark, and the space-time storms are raging everywhere, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, empty and deserted.

But as Chen Xi's voice spread, the void in the distance suddenly fluctuated violently, as if something was about to emerge from it.

Seeing this, Nangong Lie's old face became extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and his eyes were full of disbelief, as if he never thought that Chen Xi would know all of this like a prophet.

"It seems that Chen has to 'invite' you out?"

Chen Xi frowned, and with a wave of his sleeves, an invisible force surged away, pulverizing and crushing pieces of time and space, and then with a bang, it ruthlessly swept towards that piece of violently fluctuating void.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, figures suddenly sprang out from the violently fluctuating void, and in an instant, they avoided Chen Xi's blow.

There were ten of these figures, both men and women, all of whom were filled with a turbulent and terrifying aura. As soon as they appeared, the turbulent flow of time and space within a million miles came to a standstill.

"Principal Chen Xi has such vicious eyesight."

"That's right, it's a well-deserved reputation. It's a little stronger than I expected."

"Hmph, if he is powerful, how could he be tricked into this 'Swallowing Heaven' desert? He is nothing more than an idiot, please don't praise him."

These figures sneered, and approached Chen Xi step by step, all of them showed murderous intent in their eyes, and they did not hide it.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was noncommittal, with an unmoving expression. He turned his head to look at Nangong Lie whose neck was clutched in his hands, and said, "Now, what else do you have to say?"


Nangong Lie's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to try his best to say something when he felt his throat burst with a crack, and a terrifying force poured into his body. In an instant, the universe in his body was shattered, and even his soul was directly crushed!

This old Nangong family who had lived for countless years had no room for resistance, so he died suddenly on the spot.


Chen Xi casually discarded Nangong Lie's corpse, then looked at the ten people in the distance, and said, "When I heard the news about Nangong Lie in the academy, I felt something was wrong. A man who has lived for millions of years Old thing, how can you be so old and foolish, you have to wait for me to find you before leaving in a hurry?"

After a pause, Chen Xi suddenly smiled: "Now I finally understand, it turns out that all this is just to lure me here."

"I understand now, but it's a bit late."

A burly middle-aged man spoke coldly. He was wearing a light blue fairy armor and holding a long spear. His whole body was shrouded in a terrifying black mist.

"It's not too late. I just happened to come to the Supreme Master, and Nangong Lie didn't lie to me. At least he told me clearly where the Supreme Master's mountain gate is."

Chen Xi said flatly, "I'm just a little curious. Why are you so confident that you can keep me, Chen? Just ten of you?"

He acted too calmly, which made the ten people a little surprised, and they were not in a hurry to act.

"You are wrong, 'Swallowing the Heaven and Wilderness' is not the correct way to lead to my Supreme Master."

The burly middle-aged leader said with a sneer, "If it is so easy for me to be found, it will appear that I am too incompetent."

"What's the mistake? Aren't you still there?" Chen Xi said calmly, "Grab one of you, and I will find the right path."

These words were spoken with extreme confidence, but in the eyes of the ten Supreme Master disciples, they became arrogant and supercilious, making their faces all gloomy.

"Very good, then I will let you understand why this place is called Tuntianhuang!"

The burly middle-aged man spoke coldly.


Before the sound fell, the earth shook violently, producing a roar like thunder.


Immediately, a beast's roar resounded through the sky, stirring the nine heavens and ten earths, filled with an incomparably terrifying violent and bloodthirsty aura, which turned the world's color pale.

The roar was too frightening, it spread like a wave, shredding the void, cracking the earth, sweeping in all directions, if it were an ordinary ascetic here, if he heard this roar, his liver and gallbladder would be shattered , Dementia.


A sky-high shadow casts down, covering the earth, and one can clearly see that at some point, an unimaginably huge ancient beast comes through the air.

It has a huge body, shaped like a turtle, its head is like a dragon's head, its limbs are like pillars of the sky, and it is covered with wisps of obscure power fluctuations, which collapse time and space, which is extremely terrifying.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that the body of this beast is huge, covering a distance of [-] miles, just like a [-] mountains that can move.

"Swallow the beast!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and recognized the origin of this beast. It was a terrifying alien species that had been extinct since ancient times. It was also called a desolate beast. It was rumored to be born from chaos. It was so powerful that its roar could shatter the sun and the moon. , between one breath and one breath, can turn rivers and seas, make the universe changeable, extremely powerful.

And according to Chen Xi's detection, the aura of the Heaven-swallowing Beast in front of him at least has the level of an Immortal King!

This is astonishing. Desolate beasts are different from cultivators. Their bodies are huge, and the immortal energy they store is beyond imagination. They are born to control some terrifying bloodline supernatural powers and forbidden methods. In the same realm, It is enough to easily crush a monk!


ps: There will be a third update tonight. In addition, the newly created group yesterday already has more than 3 friends. If you are interested in children's shoes, you can add them. There will be no restrictions in the past few days, and you can enter after adding them. Group number: 200


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