divine talisman

Chapter 1522 Angry Swallowing 8 Desolation [Part 3]

Sky-swallowing beasts are indeed rare.

It is rarer than the ancient gods and beasts such as Phoenix, Huang, Yazi, Xiezhi, Jiaojiao, and Jiuying, because it has long since disappeared in the ancient times.

It is rumored that this beast was born in chaos, swallows everything, and its power is only second to the real Kunpeng!

It was also because of this that Chen Xi couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the appearance of this Heaven-swallowing Beast. He never expected to see such a different species on the site of the Supreme Sect.

"Naughty animal, the time has come to take the blame and make meritorious deeds. If you dare to disobey, you will definitely not be able to survive or die!"

The burly middle-aged man shouted sharply.

When he was speaking, he and the other nine disciples of the Supreme Sect flashed, and they fled far away, wanting to hand over Chen Xi to the Heaven Swallowing Beast.

Obviously, from their point of view, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Xi to be the opponent of the Sky Swallowing Beast.

Chen Xi didn't stop him, but looked at the Heaven Swallowing Beast thoughtfully. Through the words of the burly middle-aged man, he immediately understood one thing.

Obviously, this swallowing beast was not tamed by the Supreme Master, but was imprisoned here!


Amidst the terrifying roar, the Sky Swallowing Beast's pair of eyes the size of a lake suddenly locked on to Chen Xi, and its fierce light appeared, revealing a violent and bloodthirsty murderous intent.

With a bang, it slapped its palm, covering the sky with its giant palm, like a piece of eternal night falling, and the whole world was crushed.

Its body is too huge, with a range of one hundred thousand miles, and its right palm is like a curtain covering the sky, it slaps down, as if the sky is falling, it is extremely terrifying.

"Sure enough, it's an evil animal!"

Chen Xi snorted coldly, and didn't dodge. With a shake of his right arm, he pushed his palm up into the sky, intending to shake it hard.

From a distance, it looks like an ant is about to touch the soles of a mammoth, and a scene of "mantis arm blocking a car" is vividly staged, giving people an absurd visual impact.

Far away, the burly middle-aged and other ten people were not far away. When they saw such a scene, they were all stunned and almost couldn't believe their eyes. Could this guy be frightened out of his wits?


Before they could react, Chen Xi and the Heaven Swallowing Beast had already shaken together, and the two collided, creating a terrifying wave, as if a hundred thousand volcanoes erupted between them, shaking the world.

At this moment, the surrounding land, which is tens of thousands of miles away, was completely crushed, and everything was wiped out and turned into nothingness. This shows how terrifying the power of this blow is.

"Nie Zhan, I will give you a chance to reform yourselves, surrender to me, and I will take you away from the Supreme Master and the sea of ​​suffering!"

Amidst the smoke and dust, Chen Xi's voice came out, shocking the burly middle-aged and the others, and the sneer on the corner of their lips froze and stiffened.

In their field of vision, Chen Xi stood on the spot, with his clothes loose and unscathed, but under his feet, the earth had already sunk, collapsed, and turned into an abyss.

Unexpectedly... He blocked the blow of the Heaven Swallowing Beast! ?

How can this be?

Everyone was stunned, their eyes widened, but they knew very well that when the Supreme Pope's door was opened at the beginning of the 33rd heaven, the Supreme Pope personally took action to tame this beast in one fell swoop in a remote ancient secret place, arresting and confining it , and ordered him to guard the gate of the mountain, it has been a long time ago.

It is also because of this beast guarding that all the ascetics who have set foot here since the ancient times and wanted to find the Supreme Pope's sect were all killed by the swallowing beast, and none of them survived!

All of this is enough to prove how powerful this beast is. Seven or eight ordinary immortal kings together would not be able to match this beast. But now, a single Chen Xi was able to face it head-to-head without losing. How is this not shocking?

"Evil obstacle! How dare you hide your clumsiness, believe it or not, I will destroy your soul in one fell swoop!!" The burly middle-aged man yelled sharply, thinking that Tiantian Beast let go on purpose.

In his hand, there was a long black whip, and it slammed on the Swallowing Beast, smacking~~~ The mighty Swallowing Beast was beaten until it screamed in pain, and its whole body was trembling.

"Go! Kill this son! Quick!"

The burly middle-aged man shouted and cursed.


Without his instigation, the Heaven Swallowing Beast was already insane, its limbs were swinging, it was extremely violent, and it violently killed Chen Xi. The power of swallowing and sucking surged in each giant palm, distorting time and space, reflecting the terrifying aura of the avenue, as if to World-ending.


Chen Xi's clothes vibrated, and he rose out of thin air. He even shook his hands and feet with his bare hands. He raised his hands and feet, looking as weak as an ant, but with every palm he struck, he was evenly matched with the Heaven Swallowing Beast.

All of a sudden, sand and rocks were flying everywhere in this world, strong winds were blowing, the sun and the moon were dark, and there were even horrific signs such as howling ghosts and gods, flashing thunder, torrential blood, and the sound of Taoism collapsing... and so on.

At this moment, even the burly middle-aged people in the distance dodged and retreated, fearing that they would be involved.

They were in the Immortal King Realm, and at this moment they also chose to dodge by coincidence. It can be seen how terrifying the destructive power produced by the confrontation between Chen Xi and the Heaven Swallowing Beast was.

"This son is indeed as powerful as the rumors said. The last time the elder brother and the others launched an attack on Daohuang Academy and returned home, I thought it was Li Fuyao's fault, but now it seems that this son should not be underestimated." .”

A man with a hooked nose said in a concentrated voice.

"He can kill the kings alone without relying on the power of the Dao Emperor's Palace, which is extraordinary. Otherwise, he would not let ten of us go out together. Coupled with the cooperation of the Swallowing Beast, this lineup is enough to show Everything."

An old man spoke coldly.

"But all of this will end today! As long as you get rid of this son, there will be no obstacles in the entire fairy world for my Supreme Master."

The burly middle-aged leader put his hands on his chest and said indifferently.


At this moment, a strange wave suddenly came and pierced into the ears of the burly middle-aged man, causing his expression to change slightly, and his expression became gloomy.

"Damn it! I didn't expect that someone would actually take the opportunity to break into our mountain gate this time..." The burly middle-aged man gritted his teeth, his eyes were icy cold.

He turned around and ordered five of them directly, saying: "You five, return to the sect quickly, and kill an uninvited guest together with the elder brother and the others."


"Someone broke into our Grand Priest's mountain gate?"

The expressions of the others changed when they heard the words, as if they never thought that anyone in this world could do this.


The burly middle-aged man ordered sharply.


The five people did not dare to be negligent, they cupped their hands one after another, cast the method of teleportation, and disappeared in an instant.

"We stayed and killed Chen Xi together. This time, in order to lure him to show up, our Supreme Sect spent a lot of money and recalled all the disciples from all over the fairy world back to the sect. Therefore, this time, we will never allow things that fail! "

The burly middle-aged man said word by word.



Suddenly, Chen Xi punched the Heaven Swallowing Beast's head from the air, and sparks flew everywhere, but it failed to break through the opponent's defense.

However, this punch made the Sky Swallowing Beast roar in pain. Obviously, the power of Chen Xi's punch made it suffer endlessly.

"Well, what I just said, do you agree? Why don't you leave with me instead of helping the emperor to teach the emperor? I promise to give you back your freedom."

While fighting, Chen Xi transmitted sound.

"If you really want to help my ancestor, then obediently let him swallow it alive, so that I may suffer less pain!" The swallowing beast conveyed a cold and bloodthirsty thought.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, there is only one chance. If you miss it, not only will you not be able to continue doing evil, you may even sleep here forever."

Chen Xi wasn't discouraged. He could tell that the Heaven Swallowing Beast was completely coerced by the Supreme Sect, and was suppressed by the Supreme Sect for endless years. He must have already held the Supreme Sect's resentment to the extreme in his heart.

"Ridiculous! Let me talk about it after defeating the ancestor!"

The Heaven Swallowing Beast remained unmoved, and its attack became more and more terrifying. Its limbs were like a swing, sweeping across the world, and it surged out a terrifying force of swallowing and sucking, which was extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't say any more, and there was already a trace of sullenness in his eyes. This vile beast simply doesn't know what to do!

boom!boom!boom! ...

He no longer held his hands back, jumped forward, stepped on the void, and cast a mysterious and unpredictable punching technique, which broke through the defense of the swallowing beast, and punched the opponent's body with a punch, making a roar like a drum beating .

Huozhaoshenquan - a supreme method from Nether Records, which contains the profound meaning of the other side. Once it is used, it is like paving the way of Huozhao, and it will extradite all things and bring them into the reincarnation of the netherworld.

This is what Chen Xi learned during his training in the Nether Realm. In addition to this, there are two supreme methods, the "Sinking Suppression of Heaven" and "Seven Ways of Judgment".

These techniques were performed by the current Chen Xi, and evolved into the power of the divine talisman, which was filled with the aura of divinity, and the power was quite different from the past.

At this time, even if the third person, Great Emperor Youming, was resurrected, he would probably praise Chen Xi again and again.

This is one method, ten thousand methods.

After reaching Chen Xi's level, the techniques that can be used with every gesture can display a terrifying power beyond imagination.

Under such blows, the Sky Swallowing Beast was beaten until its body trembled continuously. Although each punch did not break its flesh, its inner strength was extremely terrifying, which caused it to suffer a lot of injuries.

This caused the burly middle-aged man and the others to change their expressions again. They couldn't believe that Chen Xi was able to gain the upper hand and gradually suppressed the Heaven Swallowing Beast.

"Evil animal! At this time, you still haven't used your full strength!?" The burly middle-aged man roared, and sacrificed that long black whip, and slammed it on the swallowing beast from the air.

The Sky Swallowing Beast was suppressed by Chen Xi, and now it was whipped by the burly middle-aged man. It was completely enraged, its eyes were red, and it was about to ooze blood.

Roar~~ Roar~~ Roar~~

The Sky Swallowing Beast roared up to the sky fiercely, and opened its bloody mouth, like a bottomless abyss appeared in the world, trying to swallow the world.

Accompanied by the long roar, an incomparably terrifying force of swallowing and sucking spread, the void, light, dust, rocks, air currents... everything seemed uncontrollable at this moment, being swallowed by the swallowing beast.

Innate Forbidden Law - the power of swallowing the sky!

At this moment, within a radius of a million miles, everything was restrained and rushed uncontrollably from all directions towards the mouth of the swallowing beast. Even the sun, moon and stars nine days away were crumbling, and the scene was extremely terrifying.


ps: Completed, please [monthly ticket] encourage me v?v


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