divine talisman

Chapter 1523 Incarnation of Kunpeng [Part 1]

Swallow the sky!

This scene, like swallowing the world in one gulp, is shocking.

This is the Heaven Swallowing Beast's innate forbidden technique, possessing supreme and terrifying power, combined with its huge body with a range of [-] miles, the power it produces is also extremely frightening.


The sky shattered, the earth cracked, and everything rushed towards the mouth of the swallowing beast uncontrollably.

And at this moment, Chen Xi, who had been locked by the Sky-Swallowing Beast, also suffered a terrifying and powerful suction force, which caused his body to shake uncontrollably, and was almost dragged into the Sky-Swallowing Beast's trap uncontrollably. big mouth.

This suction is extremely unique, containing the power of the great way, twisting and tearing, as if it wants to tear people apart, obliterate them, and turn them into dust.

If it were an ordinary fairy king, it would be impossible to compete with it.

Because of that feeling, it was as if an ant was resisting the sweep of the storm vortex, the difference was too great.

"Kill him! Quick, kill him!"

"The power of swallowing the sky is indeed well-deserved. If it weren't for the sect's regulations, I really wish I could kill this beast, take out its natal bone, and comprehend the power of swallowing the sky. Maybe it will make my cultivation advance by leaps and bounds again."

"Now, let me see how Chen Xi should deal with it!"

In the far distance, the burly middle-aged man and others were all excited and looked forward to it. They all knew that the Sky Swallowing Beast had fallen into a rage, and it used the bottom-of-the-box method.

This kind of attack, even if they are united together, they dare not say that they can resist it!


"Swallow the sky? Hmph, I will show you what the real method of swallowing is!"

Under the unparalleled and violent swallowing power, Chen Xi's long hair fluttered, like a kite struggling in the strong wind, and it was on the verge of falling. This made his face darken immediately, and he snorted coldly.

There was a bang, and in an instant, Chen Xi's whole figure surged with hundreds of millions of mysterious gold Immortal King Qi, which was blazing and dazzling, and there was even faint wisps of divine aura within it.

Immediately, his whole body flickered and disappeared.

But in the field of vision of the burly middle-aged and others, they saw a Kunpeng roaring from Qingming with the power of heaven and earth!

That is indeed Kunpeng, known as the number one fierce beast in the ancient world after the chaos. Its body stretches across the universe, and its wings are like hanging clouds, covering an unknown number of miles.

As soon as it appeared, the whole world was filled with its huge body, as if it was going to squeeze the universe!

Kunpeng Divine Art!

Witnessing this scene, the burly middle-aged and the others froze, as if struck by lightning.

"The method of Kunpeng!?"

Suddenly, the Heaven Swallowing Beast let out a roar of incomparable shock and anger, and immediately after that, its bloody mouth roared, and it swallowed towards Chen Xi, as if a boundless abyss descended.

It has been in existence for an unknown number of years, how could it not be aware of the horror of this kunpeng art? Among the ancient beasts, it may have a more rare origin than the existences of phoenix, phoenix, Xiezhi, and 梼杌. It can be said that its power , but I have to admit that even it is not as good as Kunpeng!

That is the most ferocious beast in the ancient times, devouring the eight wildernesses, and has killed countless gods, it is so fierce.

So when it noticed that Chen Xi had actually used the Kunpeng Art, it immediately didn't dare to be negligent, and used all its power to kill Chen Xi in one fell swoop.

And the reason why it dared to do this was because it believed that Chen Xi was not the real Kunpeng, and when it came to his roots and background, he couldn't compare with Kunpeng at all.


Almost at the same time, the Kunpeng transformed by Chen Xi roared towards it, its giant tail curled upside down, and slapped down, just like a cosmic galaxy sweeping down.

With one blow, the heavens and the earth turned into chaos, time and space collapsed, and everything was crushed!

Bang, bang, bang... The Swallowing Beast and the Kunpeng collided and fought together, just like the sun and the moon colliding again and again, producing terrifying fluctuations, spreading in all directions, disrupting the world within a million miles, turning it into a shattered chaos area.

If someone is in it at this time, I'm afraid it will be wiped out in an instant!

This scene was indeed too frightening. If one looked down from the sky, one would find that the Kunpeng transformed by the Sky Swallowing Beast and Chen Xi was like two huge and incomparably huge storm vortexes.

One has the ability to swallow the sky.

One with the power to devour everything.

The confrontation between the two contained a "swallow". At this moment, everything was torn apart by two different terrifying forces, and the chaos reached the extreme.

The faces of the burly middle-aged and the others changed, and they dodged and retreated one after another, fearing that they would be affected. With their strength, at this moment, they were also terrified and terrified.

This is simply an unrivaled battle, ordinary fairy kings can only watch from a distance, not daring to go one step further.

"The power of swallowing the sky is just a way of "swallowing", but my power of swallowing can swallow the power of the world and refine it for my own use. This is the difference between you and me. Under such circumstances , how do you fight with me?"

The Kunpeng that Chen Xi had transformed into spoke, with a look of contempt in his voice, full of the air of being the only one in heaven and earth.

"Little guy, you are not Kunpeng!"

The swallowing beast roared, furious to the extreme.

"Naughty animal, since you are not convinced, I will beat you until you do!" Chen Xi said coldly.


After half a sound, Kunpeng swung his tail and slammed a blow on the big mouth of the swallowing beast, causing the opponent's huge body to fly backwards, smashing the world into pieces.

This caused the burly middle-aged and the others to change their countenance again, and they were horrified. A desolate beast that guarded the infinite years of the Supreme Master had used all its strength to be unable to do anything to Chen Xi?

Isn't this kid too strong?


Before they could react, Kunpeng soared into the air, its wings drooped, and with a light lift, it sent the Sky-Swallowing Beast flying again, and its huge body with a range of [-] miles was filled with blood.

It roared angrily, extremely unwilling, and came to kill again, the power of swallowing the sky spread, like a black hole in the universe, trying to involve Kunpeng in it.

It's a pity that when this kind of swallowing power encounters Kunpeng's devouring power, it is difficult to display that level of power, but it is suppressed by Chen Xi for a while, and it is sent flying again and again.

bang bang bang...

Next, without saying a word, Chen Xi turned into a Kunpeng, and suppressed the Heaven Swallowing Beast, causing the opponent's body to explode with blood, and kept screaming in pain, and it was no longer possible to turn the situation back.

This made the burly middle-aged and the others feel chills all over their bodies, as if falling into an ice cave. Chen Xi's combat strength had far exceeded their expectations.

They even suspected that Chen Xi was no longer in the Immortal King Realm, otherwise, how could he suppress the Heaven Swallowing Beast to such an extent?

They guessed right. Chen Xi is indeed no longer in the Immortal King Realm, but has stepped into the rare "Demigod" Realm, far surpassing the Immortal King, and can even be ranked among the Conferred Gods at any time.

However, their previous cognition was still based on the impression that Chen Xi had just advanced to the Immortal King Realm. If they knew that Chen Xi had killed eight holy emperors from outside the region, destroyed a god formation, and wiped out a hundred thousand alien troops from outside the region by himself. I'm afraid it won't be so shocking.



Suddenly, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he had returned to his original shape. He stepped on the head of the Heaven Swallowing Beast. No matter how the latter struggled, he was powerless to resist.

The scene at this time was very visually impactful. The Sky Swallowing Beast had a huge body with a range of one hundred thousand miles. Compared with it, Chen Xi's figure was like the difference between an ant and a mammoth.

Unfortunately, this "ant" stepped on the head of the "mammoth", making it unable to struggle anymore!

"Are you convinced?" Chen Xi asked with a calm expression.

"Boy, if the old ancestor hadn't been taken away by the Supreme Leader and imprisoned here, with your little ability, would you also want to shake me?" The swallowing beast roared, revealing endless anger and anger. Unwilling to be defeated by a human race, it felt great humiliation and aggrieved.

"Submit to me, and I'll help you get back that wisp of original spirit." Chen Xi said suddenly.

"You..." The Sky Swallowing Beast was stunned, obviously not expecting that at this moment, instead of killing it immediately, Chen Xi made such a request.

For a moment, it couldn't help but hesitate.

"Naughty animal! That ray of your soul has been suppressed above 33 layers of heaven, do you think that Chen Xi can do it? You are simply an idiot!"

Far away, the burly middle-aged man yelled sharply. The defeat of the Swallowing Beast made him also feel a kind of horror, but when he heard that Chen Xi was brazen enough to save the Swallowing Beast, he couldn't help laughing outrageously. stand up.

As he said that, he raised the long black whip in his hand, shook the void, and ruthlessly whipped towards the Sky Swallowing Beast.


At this moment, Chen Xi also moved, and the sword talisman flew across the air, and he slashed away with his sword.

With a bang, the burly middle-aged long whip was still in the middle of the way, and it was shaken by this sword energy, causing severe pain in his wrist and almost breaking his bones.

This made his expression change suddenly, and he gave Chen Xi a slightly apprehensive look.


Almost without any hesitation, the burly middle-aged man and the other four fairy kings turned around and fled away by using the method of teleportation!

He had no choice but to leave. The battle just now had already made him realize how terrifying Chen Xi's strength was, and the five of them alone definitely couldn't be his opponent.

Under such circumstances, if you try your best, it is no different from sending yourself to death.

Now, they can only hope to return to the sect and invite elder brother Yin Huaikong and the others to kill Chen Xizhen in one fell swoop.

As for the life and death of the swallowing beast, they would not care about it, let alone believe that the swallowing beast dared to betray. After all, its original soul was still suppressed in the Taishangjiao, and it was impossible to escape.

"Even if you don't believe it, you can take a walk with me and take me to the place where the Supreme Pope is. It won't be too late to make a decision after I take out your original soul."

Chen Xi didn't chase after him, but just glanced at the burly middle-aged man and the others, and then turned his gaze to the Sky Swallowing Beast under his feet.

"What on earth are you doing?" The Sky Swallowing Beast was silent for a moment before asking.

"I want you to help me guard Dao Emperor Academy, and when this catastrophe of the Three Realms is over, I will completely return you to freedom." Chen Xi said without hesitation, without hiding anything.

"It's for my ancestor to act as a watchdog again..." Swallowing Beast roared sadly.

Chen Xi said: "One is to live with dignity, and the other is to be imprisoned as a slave for eternity. Make your own choice."


ps: Thanks to the brother "Mr. Taishangjiao Jiang" from Jinyutang Ordinary Group 2 for the reward and support, thank you~~

In addition, the 2 groups have just been established for 2 days, and there are already nearly 500 small partners, and they are also divided into three camps: Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace, and Taishangjiao... Jinyu has upgraded the number of groups, and there are still 500 vacancies, group number: 410189159, children's shoes who are interested can add it, and children's shoes who have added 1 group do not need to add~~


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