divine talisman

Chapter 1524 It seems that an old friend is coming [Part 2]


A desolate beast shaped like a tortoise and turtle, with a body spanning a hundred thousand miles, stepped on the ground with all four limbs, stepped forward, stepped forward, and the space-time fluctuations exploded, no less than teleportation.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the head of the Swallowing Beast, looking into the distance.

Before, the Swallowing Beast had already agreed to his conditions, but if he wanted it to surrender, he still needed Chen Xi to successfully retrieve that ray of original spirit from the Supreme Sect.

Regarding this, Chen Xi naturally had no opinion at all.

He came to the 33rd Heaven this time to make a break with the Supreme Master, and he was very happy to be able to rescue a desolate beast that was almost extinct as early as the ancient times.

This guy can always block the power of the immortal kings. If he can be allowed to guard in front of the Dao Emperor Academy, then even if Chen Xi leaves for the Realm of Doomed Law, he can feel at ease completely.


At this moment, the Sky Swallowing Beast was carrying Chen Xi all the way forward in the "Tian Swallowing Desolation" desert.

After a while.

A strange ruin appeared in Chen Xi's field of vision.

In the ruins, there are broken secret realms floating one after another, densely packed, as if endless.

Every dilapidated secret realm presents different visions, such as the endless sword energy that shoots out, the roaring lava sea of ​​fire, and the mountains piled up with strange flowers and grasses...

These visions are intertwined and presented in the ruins, reflecting a bizarre scene, as if at a glance, various small worlds are staged in the field of vision.

Chaos in the ruins!

Chen Xi judged the name of this place in an instant. According to Nan Gonglie, the entrance to the 33rd Heaven where the Supreme Pope's Gate is located is hidden in this chaotic deep ruins.

"This is a lore-killing place, which was left on purpose by the Supreme Master. Anyone who tries to enter the Supreme Master's sect from here will die tragically on May Day, without exception."

After arriving here, the Sky Swallowing Beast suddenly stopped and spoke with a loud voice.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows: "Then where is the correct path?"

"Under this deep ruin."

As the Sky Swallowing Beast said, it swung its body violently, turning into a thick light, tearing apart the void, and rushed towards the bottom of the deep ruins.

This made Chen Xi's heart tremble. Who would have thought that the 33rd heaven where the Supreme Master is located would actually be located under the earth?

But soon, he noticed that along the way, the swallowing beasts seemed to be speeding down the deep ruins, but in fact their positions had been moving up.

"The prohibition of reversing the universe... No wonder, the sky is the earth, and the earth is the sky. What is rare is that there is no trace of the restriction and fluctuations, as if it was born naturally. If you can't see through this kind of mystery, I'm afraid no one will be able to find it. Go to 33 The path to heaven."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, how powerful his talisman attainment was, and he deduced the mystery of this "chaos in the deep ruins" in almost a moment.


"Boy, Patriarch, I can only send you here."

Not long after, the swallowing beast stopped and spoke in a deep voice.

Chen Xi noticed that they had come to an incomparably deep and dark space at this time, with bone-like flames floating around them, and wisps of evil spirit surged in the flames.

This area is extremely vast, and the strands of flames are floating. From a distance, it seems that hundreds of millions of will-o'-the-wisps are dotted in it, which is strange and permeating.

And in the far distance of this area, there is a river flowing, the river is vast, and thick blood flows in it, with white bones floating, like the blood river in the nether hell.

"Crossing this calamity river, on the other side is the first realm of the 33rd heaven - Xue Tu Chi Tomorrow... Huh? No, there seems to be a battle near this calamity river!"

Swallowing Beast was talking to himself, suddenly seemed to notice something, and suddenly raised the volume of his voice.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and swept away with a huge will, and he really noticed that near the mighty river of blood-colored bones, there was an aura of war, and there were many broken corpses and fresh blood stains nearby. , and the collapsed ground...

"Could it be that someone has already broken into the Supreme Master in advance?"

Chen Xi's heart trembled, this was a bit appalling, in the current Three Realms, catastrophe was imminent, and the Supreme Sect was so arrogant that it was almost invincible.

Under such circumstances, it is a bit unimaginable that someone is not afraid of the Supreme Master, and forcibly enters the Supreme Pope's door.

Who is that person?

Is it the same as your own purpose?

But in today's Three Realms, which fairy king has such courage?

"The battle just happened not long ago. From this point of view, someone has indeed broken into the Grand Master. Heh, what a bold person. If the Grand Master is so easy to deal with, why would I be imprisoned here for endless years?" Swallowing Beast sneered, with disdain, resentment, resentment, and resentment in his voice, which was extremely complicated.

Chen Xi directly ignored this sentence, and asked, "Is this the only way to reach the 33rd Heaven?"

"No, as far as I know, there are four paths leading to this place, which are divided into four directions: east, west, north, and south. The path we came to is located at the extreme 'west'. Few people know about the main killing." Heavenly Beast said casually.

"It's no wonder that during the previous battle, five of their ten disciples of the Supreme Sect left in the middle of the battle. Obviously, they heard the news that someone had broken into the gate of the Supreme Sect and went to rescue them."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then made a decision, got up and walked across the river in the distance.

"Boy, you have to be careful. After all, it is where the Supreme Pope is located. There are countless forbidden laws. Don't be brave and put your own life in it..."

From behind, there was a loud reminder from the Heaven Swallowing Beast. Obviously, it was not optimistic about Chen Xi's actions this time.


too classy.

Tomorrow will be slaughtered with blood.

This is the first level of the 33 heavens, a vast and boundless world, and it is the place where the lowest-level disciples of the Supreme Master Sect live and practice.

The buildings, mountains, rivers, and even the ground here are all pitch black. Arriving here, it feels like entering a dark world, giving people an extremely oppressive feeling.

There are a total of 33 heavens in the Supreme Realm, and each heaven represents a level of status. The lower the level, the lower the status in the Supreme Sect.

On the contrary, the status and status are higher.

For example, above the 33 heavens, it is the place where the supreme leader occupies the place of practice.

It's just that with the catastrophe coming, the existence of the gods in the Supreme Sect is not immune, and went to the realm of the end of the Dharma together with the Supreme Sect Master.

So now among the Supreme Pope's sect, those with the highest status and status are the elders and true disciples.Their cultivation bases are almost all in the Immortal King Realm.

Of course, Immortal King Realm and Immortal King Realm are also different.

For example, Yin Huaikong, the great disciple of the True Tradition, sacrificed to the Pope, the elder Kong Zhao, and Taoist Tuokong. They were all gods, but now they suppress the realm and appear as the fairy king. The purpose is to sit in the Three Realms and lead the Supreme Sect to control the world. .

And the power they have is not comparable to other fairy kings.

In addition, the cultivation of the other true disciples of the Supreme Master should not be underestimated. In the Immortal King Realm, most of them are hovering around the top level.


Chen Xi's figure appeared out of thin air in Xue Tu Chi Tomorrow, his body was full of immortal power, and he was full of vigilance, like a bow and arrow ready to go.

But to his surprise, this world was completely silent, and after he arrived, he didn't even attract any attention.

"As expected, there was a big battle here..." Immediately, Chen Xi sensed that there were corpses and pools of blood lying in this world.

Perceiving the breath of those corpses, there was a wisp of disaster, and they were all disciples of the Supreme Sect.

"It's amazing, to be able to break into the gate of the Supreme Sect and start killing people. I'm afraid the strength of this son is definitely not comparable to that of the ordinary Immortal King Realm..."

Chen Xi groaned for a moment, then diffused his will, and after carefully perceiving it for a moment, he dodged and used the teleportation method to disappear in place.


Above the first layer of heaven is the "Taiming Yao Skyscraper".

After arriving at this place, Chen Xi still only found corpses all over the place, and a series of restrictions that had been shattered.

"Excellent, the power of killing can be said to be devastating. Someone with such strength must be extraordinary in the fairy world, but who is he? Why can't I guess it?"

Chen Xi became more and more curious about this "master" who broke into the Supreme Master like himself.

Next, he no longer hesitated to stay, and continued to go to the high place.

Nihility is exiled to heaven.

Beidou Ahengtian.

Ruichen Yuandongtian.


Almost non-stop, Chen Xi crossed many realms, and saw many scenes of fighting and killing along the way, and his heart became more and more amazed.

No.18 Heavy Brahma light colorless sky.

When Chen Xi arrived here, he suddenly sensed a fierce battle fluctuation.

This made his heart tremble, and he understood that the "master" who broke into the Supreme Sect was now fighting in the No. 18 sky of the Supreme Sect.

Chen Xi didn't dare to be negligent, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed towards an extremely distant place.


This is an endless green plain, but at this moment it has turned into a vast battlefield, with celestial lights bursting everywhere, turbulent flows across the sky, forbidden fluctuations, celestial treasures colliding, and spells looting everywhere, all in chaos.

There are thousands of disciples of the Supreme Sect, and they jointly formed various restrictions, surrounded a slender figure, and the blazing light flooded the world, making it impossible to see clearly the battle that took place there.

But when Chen Xi arrived here from afar and saw this scene, his eyes froze. The battlefield... unexpectedly surged with pure and unparalleled power of light!

Could it be that the "master" came from Nuwa Taoist Palace?

Immediately, his terrifying will swept away towards the distant battlefield. When he finally saw clearly the figure trapped in the center of the battlefield, his body froze suddenly, his pupils dilated, and his whole body felt as if struck by lightning.


Chen Xi lost his voice and opened his mouth. There was a trace of uncontrollable tremor in his voice, and even a touch of indescribable excitement. It seemed that he never expected that he would meet the other party at this very moment.

This was beyond his expectation, so unexpected that he was a little stunned, feeling ups and downs.


ps: It’s the last two days at the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass~~~~·~~~~


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