divine talisman

Chapter 1525 Followed [Part 1]

On the battlefield, that graceful figure stands out from the world, with white clothes better than snow, black hair like waterfalls, starry eyes are illusory, and the beautiful and tranquil jade face is hazy in the mist and rain, like a dream, untainted by fireworks.

Her figure swayed, shuttled among the shadows of enemies, her whole body was filled with holy and bright aura, she raised her hands and feet, with a calm, calm, and cold aura, she looked extremely outstanding.

Among the thousands of Taishang disciples, there are many immortal kings, and there are many restrictions on the battlefield, but they can't help her in the slightest.

Looking from a distance, she is like a ray of light walking in the sea of ​​swords and flames, extremely dazzling.

She is indeed Qing Xiuyi!

This is also the reason why Chen Xi's whole body was stiff at this moment, as if struck by lightning, because that was his Taoist companion, his wife!

As early as in the Jiuhua Sword School of the Xuanhuan Region, Qing Xiuyi, with the cultivation base of the Daluo Jinxian, broke through the shackles of the sky with one foot, and Xiaju soared into the fairy world.

At that time, she had agreed with Chen Xi that when Chen Xi arrived in the fairy world, she would come to look for Chen Xi.

But so many years have passed, but due to various reasons, the two have been unable to meet each other for a long time, which makes people have to sigh with emotion.

It wasn't until later, when the catastrophe of the Three Realms came, that Chen Xi finally learned about Qing Xiuyi from Shi Yu, the great disciple of Nuwa Taoist Palace Weidao.

But before he went to Nuwa Taoist Palace to pick up Qing Xiuyi, he heard the news that the five-color world where Nuwa Taoist Palace was located was closed and disappeared from the world, and most of the ascetics in Nuwa Taoist Palace Then go to the realm of doom.

This made Chen Xi feel regretful all the time.

But he never expected that he would meet the other party in the gate of the Supreme Sect!

Why is she here?

Since you are obviously in the Three Realms, why don't you come to see yourself?

Chen Xi's heart was ups and downs, his thoughts were flying, and he couldn't figure out why Qing Xiuyi would do this.

Fan Yunlan didn't come to see her because she didn't know how to get along with her, what about her?Even if you don't want to see yourself, don't you even want to see An'er?

Thinking of it, Chen Xi felt inexplicably sad.


The battle in the distance is still going on.

In the end, Chen Xi didn't show up. Firstly, he had seen that Qing Xiuyi's current strength was enough to deal with everything in front of him.The second is that he wants to see why Qing Xiuyi came here.

He knew very well that if he met Qing Xiuyi at this time, according to her quiet and reticent temperament, she would definitely not tell him the real reason.

Because she was too proud, so proud that she didn't even bother to explain everything, including when she was dealing with Chen Xi, she also had the same temperament, which couldn't be changed.

If it changed, it wouldn't be Qing Xiuyi anymore.


Chen Xi's figure flashed, he cast a secret technique, and hid quietly. Unless there was an existence whose strength was clearly superior to his, it would be difficult for others to notice his existence.

After finishing all this, he carefully looked at Qing Xiuyi and left.

It's a pity that Qing Xiuyi and Yurong Gujing are calm and calm, and it is impossible to see her emotions at the moment.

Even Chen Xi can only judge that her current cultivation has reached the peak level of the Immortal King Realm, and the Taoism she controls has even reached the level of perfection. Usually five or six Immortal Kings attack together, it is not at all She's a match.

Obviously, Qing Xiuyi's strength has been improved by leaps and bounds during the years of practicing in Nuwa Dao Palace, which can even be called unimaginable.

But after thinking about it, Chen Xi felt relieved.

As far as he knew, Qing Xiuyi had gone through hundreds of reincarnations, and her identity was even more mysterious than that of her father, Chen Lingjun. With her roots and talents, plus the experience accumulated in her previous life, it would be difficult to improve her strength.


Suddenly, there were bursts of shocking roars in the distance.

Qing Xiu's clothes were fluttering, walking alone in the battlefield, she had already broken all the restrictions, and even the thousands of disciples of the Supreme Sect were killed by her.

On the battlefield, blood splashed and screamed continuously, the only remaining disciples of the Supreme Sect saw that the situation was not going well, they ran away in fright, and did not dare to deal with Qing Xiuyi again.

Regarding this, Qing Xiuyi did not pursue it.

Dressed in snow-white clothes, she stood alone in the bloody battlefield, like a white cloud that was not stained with dust, holy and quiet, and aloof from the world.

She raised her eyes and stared quietly into the distance for a moment, then her figure flickered and drifted away.

"Do you want to continue killing..."

Very far away, Chen Xi frowned, and recognized that Qing Xiuyi was leaving this No.18 layer and going to the No.19 layer "Suffering from Misfortune".

He pondered for a moment, then quietly followed.



"Quickly dispatch!"

"Kill this woman from Nuwa Dao Palace!"

In the Great Motian of Misfortune, a group of Supreme Cultists gathered together, and under the leadership of the five Immortal Kings, they set up a series of restrictions and treated them strictly.

In detail, the defense of the Supreme Master is not insignificant. There are many restrictions arranged in each layer of heaven. Once activated, it can be said to be murderous every step of the way, dangerous and unpredictable.

If it were an ordinary fairy king who came here, he would have been besieged and killed as early as the first heaven.

And there is only one reason why Qing Xiuyi was able to kill No. 19 Chongtian alone, like a broken bamboo, and that is her strength is far beyond ordinary, and those restrictions can't help her at all.

Looking at it with Chen Xi's gaze, he had to admit that the power Qing Xiuyi possesses now is quite different from his strength when he first advanced to the Immortal King Realm.

Even, Qing Xiuyi's fighting strength is slightly better than Qiu Xuanshu's.

This made Chen Xi even more curious. Why did she... come here?




The battle broke out again without any suspense.

"Three thousand and six hundred enemies, five immortal kings, 160 eight layers of restraint... How can such a power win her?"

In an instant, Chen Xi had judged the situation on the battlefield. Even so, he still couldn't help but feel a little worried for Qing Xiuyi.

He is ready to wait, and if even the slightest accident occurs, he will not hesitate to help. Compared with the real reason for Qing Xiuyi to come here, he is more concerned about Qing Xiuyi's safety.

"Having killed the nineteenth heaven, can the others of the Supreme Sect fail to judge the situation? What about Yin Huaikong, the great disciple of the true biography? Could it be that these disciples of the Supreme Sect were killed?"

Suddenly, Chen Xi noticed something was wrong. Until now, the Supreme Sect didn't seem to attach much importance to Qing Xiuyi, and so far they haven't dispatched a true Immortal King Realm expert.

This is not normal.

"No matter what, since I'm here this time, I will never allow her to be in any danger..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.


Almost at the same time, 33 days above.

On an ancient Taoist altar, there were figures sitting cross-legged, each with majestic power and long aura, showing a supreme and powerful aura.

Among them, Yin Huaikong, the first true disciple of the Supreme Master, Jiang Lingxiao, the fifth true disciple... and so on.

In addition, there are two old men in blood robes who are extremely eye-catching. One has a skinny cheek, a gloomy expression, and sunken eye sockets. Wisps of obscure avenue mist flow from his body, covering his whole body.

The other one has a straight face and a meticulous expression, the sharp brows are filled with a murderous look, and a pair of eyes are full of cold current, soul-stirring.

These two are the two elders of the Taishang Sect who worshiped the Pope—Kong Zhao and Taoist Tuokong!

"Eldest senior brother, Qing Xiuyi from the Nuwa Taoist Palace has now reached No. 19 Chongtian."

A disciple of True Inheritance said worriedly, holding a bronze mirror in his hand, and the battle scene in No.19 Chongtian was impressively reflected in the bronze mirror.

Yin Huaikong, who was wearing a bamboo hat, frowned, looked at Jiang Lingxiao who was on the side, and said, "Junior Sister Jiang, take a few juniors for a quick battle."

Jiang Ling smiled and nodded, then stood up and floated away with the other three true disciples.

After giving all these instructions, Yin Huaikong swept away the other people and said, "This urgent summoning of everyone is an important news from the realm of the end of law."

The Domain of Doom!

Everyone was shocked, and even the two elders who worshiped the Pope narrowed their eyes slightly, revealing a look of seriousness.

"According to the news from the Master's Gate from the Realm of Doom, the situation is not good. Although it is impossible to find out the details, what is certain is that someone has entered the Ancient God Realm."

Yin Huaikong's face also became serious at this moment.


"How is this possible? Our Grand Master has placed many forces in the Realm of Doom, and has already blocked the passage to the Ancient God Realm. How can such a thing happen?"

The others thumped in their hearts, and they all couldn't help discussing.

"In any case, this matter has been proven to be true."

Yin Huaikong's voice was hoarse and feminine, and he said slowly, "According to my speculation, since such a thing happened, it won't be long before the gate leading to the Ancient God Realm will be completely closed, and even the leader cannot change it."

Everyone's face was gloomy.

Although they have been acting for the "Day of Heaven", if they want to enter the ancient gods, they still need qualifications. If the gates of the gods are closed now, they are destined to never be able to set foot in that piece of gods again!

"Eldest brother, what do you think we should do?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Others also looked at Yin Huaikong.

"Don't worry, it will take some time before the passage of the ancient gods is closed. During this period of time, our top priority is..."

Yin Huaikong took a deep breath, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his voice, "Eliminate Chen Xi, flatten the Dao Emperor Academy, and wipe out all the existences of immortal kings in the Three Realms!"

After a pause, he continued, "Only in this way can we leave early, go to the realm of the end of the law, meet with the seniors of the master, and go to the ancient gods together."

When everyone heard the words, they all pondered for a while, and then they all agreed.

"Next, everyone, please lend me a helping hand to refine an innate spiritual treasure. With this thing, killing this son of Chen Xi will be as easy as pie!"

Suddenly, Yin Huaikong flipped his palm, and three golden copper coins emerged, dripping and spinning endlessly in the air, spreading a horrible and obscure chaotic atmosphere.


ps: It is the last few hours at the end of the month, and if you don’t vote for the children’s shoes with the monthly pass in your hand, it will be automatically cleared...


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