divine talisman

Chapter 1526 Spirit Treasure Ranking [Part 2]

Three golden copper coins floated in the air, filled with chaotic energy.

Looking carefully, this coin is round on the outside and square on the inside, with obscure chaotic patterns imprinted on the surface, and the three talents of "Heaven", "Earth" and "Human" appear on the three copper coins, which is extremely miraculous.

As soon as it appeared, it released a compelling divine aura, pure and thick, which made people look sideways.

Congenital Spirit Treasure - Falling Treasure Copper Coin!

When they saw this treasure, the eyes of the others shrank, revealing a touch of shock. This is a supreme divine treasure, born in the origin of chaos, and it is the thing of the supreme leader. Its power is miraculous and beyond imagination.

It is rumored that as long as the sacrifice is done properly, this treasure can contain all acquired spiritual treasures, and even among the ranks of innate spiritual treasures, it is a rare thing.

As early as the ancient times, the Supreme Leader used this treasure to take away countless treasures of Chaos gods and demons, which can be called a miraculous treasure.

"I didn't expect that the leader would pass this treasure on to the elder brother." A true disciple said enviously.

Not only him, but even the two popes and elders couldn't calm down at this moment, they gave Yin Huaikong a somewhat complicated look, as if they hadn't expected that the Luobao copper coin would be in the latter's hands.

"The Hierarch passed down this treasure to make it easier for me to level the Three Realms. My personal prestige alone cannot match this treasure."

Yin Huaikong smiled modestly, but there was a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Innate Lingbao, that is, innate artifacts.

A kind of strange treasure born in the chaos. From the beginning of the chaos to the present, there are only a few hundred and eight known innate spirit treasures in the entire Three Realms.

This Luobao copper coin is one of them. Among the 20 innate treasures, it ranks No. [-] and [-]th in terms of power and magical effect!

Think about it, since the creation of Chaos, there have been so many Chaos gods and demons, and there are so many existences in the God Realm, but there are only a few hundred and eight of these innate spirit treasures. One can imagine how precious these treasures are rare.

It is even more extraordinary that this falling treasure copper coin can be ranked No. 20 or four.

"Everyone, let's start the sacrifice."

After Yin Huaikong gave an order, he opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of mysterious gold immortal power, wrapped the three fallen copper coins, and then pinched the Xuanmiao formula with his hands, and began to sacrifice.

Because this thing is too powerful, even with Yin Huaikong's current strength, he can't refine it alone, so he can only sacrifice it with the help of other people.

"let's start."

The others glanced at each other, all of them looked solemn, turned their cultivation bases, and began to help Yin Huaikong.


A terrifying wave spread out, and the three golden falling copper coins buzzed and chanted, like the sound of chaotic heaven, resounding through the 33 layers of heaven.


The No. 19 of the Taishangjiao is heavy, and he suffered from disaster.


The fierce battle continued, Qing Xiuyi was alone, circling in the battlefield, her hair fluttering, her expression peaceful, she wiped out a life with just a few gestures, appearing extremely neat.

Blood is splashing.

Howls echoed.

And from the beginning to the end, Qing Xiuyi didn't blink her eyes, she was calm, her clothes fluttered like a fairy Lingbo, she was holy and holy, she was clearly killing the enemy, not only did she not look cruel and bloody, but on the contrary gave people a kind of pleasing to the eye Feel.

Soon, the fighting situation was completely tilted towards her.

"Fortunately, I don't need to make a move..."

Chen Xi saw all this in his eyes, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, his eyes narrowed suddenly, and he suddenly looked to one side, and saw figures flickering out of thin air, roaring towards him from a very far away at an incredible speed.

"Jiang Ling smiled!"

In an instant, Chen Xi recognized the leading woman as Jiang Lingxiao, one of the true disciples of the Supreme Sect.

Beside her, there were three men and one woman, all of them were extremely aura, at least they were already at the peak of Immortal King Realm.

"Finally sent some decent masters..."

Seeing this, instead of being nervous, Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was that the other party would not show up for a long time, hiding in secret and playing tricks.

Now that the traces have been exposed, there is no need to worry about other conspiracy threats.


At this time, Qing Xiuyi on the battlefield also noticed Jiang Lingxiao and the others, but she didn't stop her movements, and instead became more aggressive.

"Hmph, what a ruthless woman, she dared to be so rampant when she broke into my Supreme Pope's gate, she simply didn't know how to live or die." Jiang Ling laughed coldly and waved her hand.

The four true disciples beside her immediately rushed out to the distant battlefield.


One after another, the tyrannical treasures tore apart time and space, and killed Qing Xiuyi from all directions.

"The others back off, and I will come and kill this girl!"

Almost at the same time, Jiang Ling smiled and fluttered her clothes, stretched out her slender and white palm, and held out a bronze mirror engraved with dense runes, and took a photo of it towards Qing Xiuyi in the sky.


Immortal light flashed on the surface of the bronze mirror, and a lightning-like purple divine light spewed out, wrapped in an incomparably fierce aura, piercing through the void, and shooting away.

Acquired Spirit Treasure—Crape Myrtle Mirror!

The "crape myrtle divine light" is conceived in this mirror, which contains the divine breath, which can kill the soul of the gods and destroy the spirituality of all things, and its power is extremely terrifying.

In an instant, Qing Xiuyi was surrounded by enemies from all directions, but she was unafraid, unafraid, Su held a snow-white fairy sword in her hand, pointing at the sky and hitting the earth, defusing all the attacks one by one.

bang bang bang...

The terrifying collision sound resounded, earth-shattering.

Although she blocked a heavy attack, Qing Xiuyi's face turned slightly pale, and she obviously felt strenuous, not as comfortable as before.

But she didn't say a word, and continued to fight, with the radiance all over her body transpiring, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths, making her look like a god walking out of the light, with great power.

"Hmph, the trapped beast is still fighting, you don't have to hold back anymore, kill her!"

Jiang Ling laughed coldly, and the Ziwei Lingxi mirror was spinning continuously, pouring out hundreds of millions of crape myrtle divine lights, turning into terrifying and distorted lightning bolts, and killing them away.

The other four true disciples also used all their strength to cooperate with Jiang Lingxiao to block all of Qing Xiuyi's escape routes, like a bird in a cage, completely eliminating the possibility of escape.

"These bastards are really ruthless. They use all their strength as soon as they come up..." Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and a murderous intent flashed in his dark eyes.


However, just when Chen Xi was about to help, he saw Qing Xiuyi suddenly sacrificed a yellow cloud-shaped treasure in the battlefield, and when it appeared, it seemed to have infinite gravity, and it unexpectedly crushed and collapsed that piece of heaven and earth easily.

The yellow cloud-shaped treasure is a piece of soil, showing a chaotic brown color, filled with strands of astonishing air of guarding the soil.

With a slight shock, it knocked back the besieging immortal treasures and dispelled the obstacles of various methods, which was extremely powerful.

"Nuwa Dao Palace's Nine Heavens Breathing Soil! No wonder I dared to break into the gate of my Supreme Sect alone. It turns out that I have this kind of innate spiritual treasure as my reliance."

Jiang Ling's eyes narrowed with a smile, and she let out a voice in surprise. This object is a well-known fetish in Nuwa's Taoist Palace, and it ranks fourth among the [-] innate treasures.

However, no matter how powerful the treasure is, it depends on who uses it. What's more, there are five people on their side, and Jiang Lingxiao is still confident that he can kill Qing Xiuyi.


But to Jiang Lingxiao's surprise, just after Qing Xiuyi sacrificed the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, she unexpectedly sacrificed a treasure again, which was a shining silver rope, showing an almost transparent amber color.

Strands of runes flowed on the surface of the rope, lingering with divine aura, as soon as they appeared, they disappeared out of thin air with a swish.

"Bind the gods! Be careful!"

Jiang Ling smiled and said in surprise, she recognized that this was another innate spirit treasure, ranked No. I don't know how many gods!

It's a pity that her reminder was a beat too late, and with a chirp, a true disciple was bound, unable to struggle at all, and lost his combat effectiveness.

"Kill her!"

Seeing this, Jiang Lingxiao and the others rushed forward to rescue her and besieged Qing Xiuyi with all their strength.

But Qing Xiuyi didn't dodge or evade this, and with a flash of her figure, she forcibly killed the bound true disciple, which was a completely desperate way of fighting.


With a muffled sound, the bound true disciple was smashed on the body by Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, his body was like paper paste, it burst into pieces, and his soul was wiped out in ashes.

A peak fairy king died!

But almost at the same time, Qing Xiuyi was also attacked by others, and a ray of purple sky light penetrated her left shoulder.

At the same time, the attacks of the other two hit her back hard, causing her to fly upside down. With a puff, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and her face turned pale in an instant.

This style of play was unexpected, and it was a desperate gesture of burning everything together.

Not only Jiang Lingxiao and others did not expect, even Chen Xi in the distance did not expect that Qing Xiuyi would be so ruthless to him, making it too late for him to help.

"Kill! Kill her for me!!"

As soon as the battle started, Jiang Lingxiao was completely enraged by the loss of a fellow sect, and wanted to kill Qing Xiuyi in one fell swoop while Qing Xiuyi was injured.


Chen Xi's face suddenly darkened, no matter how much he cared about hiding his figure, the moment his figure flashed, he was about to rush out.


But at this moment, the power of light flashed all over Qing Xiuyi's body, and she once again sacrificed a crystal clear and snow-white precious lamp, releasing billions of lights in an instant, illuminating the world, making it extremely dazzling.

It made Chen Xi narrow his eyes, and his figure appeared a little sluggish.

"Zhou Xukong released the lamp! Damn it, Nuwa even taught you such a treasure, who are you!?" In the bright light, Jiang Lingxiao screamed angrily and shocked.


Almost at the same time as Jiang Lingxiao screamed, a scream resounded, extremely horrific, and then stopped abruptly. Obviously, someone was killed again.

This surprised Chen Xi as well. He couldn't believe it. He never expected that the treasures carried on Qing Xiuyi's body would be more powerful than the other, and all of them were innate spiritual treasures!


ps: After reading the author's backstage, as of now, nearly 20 words have been updated this month, with an average of nearly 7000 words per day. Isn't this update bad? So, in the last hour and a half, ask for a monthly pass~~~


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