divine talisman

Chapter 1527 Going up step by step [Part 1]

Thanks for the rewards of "lyn123456" and "Mr. Jiang" yesterday~~


Zhou Xukong released the lamp and hung it in the air, shining brightly.

This lamp is nine inches high, and the whole body is pure white, as if carved from ice and snow. Its shape is like a blooming lotus, and the lotus heart is the wick.


Wisps of divine chaotic gas turned into holy light, like tides, illuminating the heaven and earth, extremely dazzling, and the breath diffused from it has the terrifying power to purify all evils in the world and destroy the world's evil barriers.

This innate spirit treasure was taken out by Nu Wa from the chaos, and then sacrificed for an unknown number of years with the supreme light power. It is unpredictable and ranked No. 20 and seventh among the [-] innate spirit treasures!

At this critical moment, Qing Xiuyi suddenly sacrificed it, and beheaded a true disciple of the Supreme Master Sect in one fell swoop, which shocked the audience, making Jiang Lingxiao and the other three all scream angrily and dodge one after another.

As for Chen Xi, he stopped abruptly, and was also shocked.

Before, Qing Xiuyi charged all the way through the [-]th heaven, and did not use any immortal treasures from the beginning to the end, but when he started the battle with Jiang Lingxiao and others, he sacrificed "Nine Heavens Resting Soil" and "God Binding Cable" one after another "Zhou Xukong Releases the Lamp" has three treasures, one of which is more powerful than the other, and all of them are innate spiritual treasures!

This kind of wealth background made her kill two true disciples of the Immortal King Realm at the peak level of the Supreme Sect in a row under the siege. From this, it can be known that she broke into the gate of the Supreme Sect alone, obviously well-prepared come.



The power of light swept across like raging waves, deriving infinite power.

Under this pressure, Jiang Lingxiao and the two remaining true disciples could only fight against it with all their might, and the situation reversed and became precarious.

Even though Qing Xiuyi was injured at this time, but she possessed three innate spiritual treasures, with Jiang Lingxiao and the other three's means, they couldn't help each other at all.

The most important thing is that among the three of them, only Jiang Lingxiao has an acquired spirit treasure, let alone a congenital spirit treasure...

In the treasure confrontation, they have been completely suppressed.

This is not to say that the background of the Supreme Sect is inferior to that of Nuwa Dao Palace, but because there are so many disciples and elders of the Supreme Sect, even if they have many innate spiritual treasures, it is not enough.

In terms of cultivation and combat power, although Qing Xiuyi was injured, she was strong enough to challenge any of them.

Under these circumstances, Jiang Lingxiao and the others had completely lost their combat advantage.


A moment later, Qing Xiuyi used the spirit-binding rope, seized the opportunity, bound a true disciple of the Supreme Sect again, and directly incinerated his whole body with Zhou Xukong's release lamp, and his soul was annihilated.

The screams before dying were horrific and horrifying.

This scene directly broke the fighting spirit of the two remaining Jiang Lingxiao, turned around and fled, no longer wanting to fight, because the situation could no longer be reversed.


Seeing this, Qing Xiuyi's heart moved, and the silver-bright God-binding rope flew into the air and disappeared. When it reappeared, it came first and then bound a true disciple again, making him scream in rage and unable to break free .


The Nine Heavens Breathing Soil turned into a piece of yellow cloud, which crushed and directly killed the true disciple, his body exploded and turned into powder.

All of this happened too fast, from Jiang Lingxiao's escape to Qing Xiuyi sacrificing the God-binding rope to bind the true disciple, it was all done in an instant.

It can be seen how fierce and thrilling this fight was.

"Bitch! In a short while, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

Jiang Lingxiao's voice was filled with incomparable anger, and in a flash, he disappeared into the No.19 sky.

Seeing this in the distance, Chen Xi thought about it, and in the end he forced himself to suppress the murderous desire in his heart, and did not go to rob and kill Jiang Lingxiao. Now that the chief disciple of the Grand Supreme Sect, Yin Huaikong, and others have not shown up yet, he also does not want to be angry because of Jiang Lingxiao. Ling smiled, and revealed his whereabouts in advance.

After Jiang Lingxiao left, Qing Xiuyi also didn't chase after her. With a simple move, she put away the three innate treasures, and then she suddenly let out a muffled snort, her face turned pale.


Immediately, she couldn't help coughing up a mouthful of blood, and her figure was shaking.

Earlier, she had been hurt, and then sacrificed three innate treasures to kill the enemy. Although the enemy was defeated, it was also a great consumption of herself. Only then can it exert its full power as a treasure, and the consumption of power is also astonishing.

Qing Xiuyi's ability to support her until now is enough to show how profound her cultivation is. If she were an ordinary fairy king, she might not be able to continue.

"It's only No.19 heavy..."

Qing Xiuyi took a deep breath, took out a bottle of elixir, and swallowed it in one gulp, and then her originally sluggish breath recovered at an astonishing speed.

In just a few short breaths, the strength that she had consumed was restored to seventy-seven eighty-eight, and her pale and transparent face also glowed with a touch of radiance.

Pursing her cherry lips, she fluttered her white clothes, set off again, and fled away. From the beginning to the end, she had no intention of retreating.

"It turns out that she has already prepared many means for today's battle..."

Chen Xi muttered, appearing from the darkness, looking at the place where Qing Xiuyi had left, a trace of doubt lingered in his heart, why...why did she work so hard?

With just a flash of this thought, Chen Xi discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, and ran after him.

According to his speculation, even if the present Qing Xiuyi has three innate spiritual treasures, it is absolutely impossible to completely level the gate of the Supreme Sect.

Because there are also Yin Huaikong, Kong Zhao, and Tuokong Taoist in this Supreme Sect, these three have long been enshrined as gods, even if the suppression realm is now at the level of the Immortal King, once they fight, Qing Xiuyi is absolutely impossible to be their opponent.


No.20 Chongtian "Mole Jiusantian".

No.20 First Heaven "Heaven of No Silence and Black Qi".

No.20 Second Heaven "Constant Eight Tribulations".

...To Chen Xi's surprise, starting from this Supreme Sect No. 19 Chongtian, along the way, he has never encountered any obstacles, and he has not even found a trace of the enemy.

"It's weird. The Supreme Master has obviously noticed everything, but he hasn't done anything for a long time. Could it be that he is secretly accumulating strength and laying traps?"

Chen Xi's brows gradually frowned, and he followed Qing Xiuyi secretly all the way until now, he had already reached the No.20 Nine Heavens, and he had never encountered any obstacles. This abnormality made him suddenly vigilant.

However, Qing Xiuyi seemed to be unaware of all this, without hindrance, she kept moving forward with a calm expression, as if she was not afraid of anything at all.

Noticing this scene, Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as if since he knew Qing Xiuyi, he had never seen her be afraid, afraid, no matter where she was, she always looked so indifferent.

The two walked forward, one behind, one bright and the other dark.



33 Above the heavy sky, strands of clear chant of the Great Dao resounded through the heaven and earth, deafeningly deafening.

Accompanied by Qing Yin, streaks of extremely dazzling, lightning-sharp golden light spread out, disturbing the situation in all directions, tearing and penetrating time and space, which is extremely frightening.

And in the place where the streaks of golden light were produced, there were three golden copper coins suspended, and the surface of the copper coins overflowed with a strong divine aura, like three dazzling suns.

Yin Huaikong and the others sat cross-legged on the Taoist altar, with solemn expressions, plucking all kinds of mysterious formulas, continuously offering sacrifices to this object, and the atmosphere was solemn and dignified.

Jiang Lingxiao watched all this from a distance, her brows were furrowed, and she was burning with anxiety, why is it not over yet?If this continues, that bitch will have to kill the 33 heavens.

After escaping from the No.19 Chongtian, Jiang Lingxiao ordered the disciples of the Supreme Sect who were originally stationed in other realms to retreat on the way back.

Because she knows that Qing Xiuyi, who has three innate spiritual treasures, is not something that ordinary disciples of the supreme sect can compete with, and only the eldest brother Yin Huaikong, or the two elders who sacrifice to the Pope, can completely suppress this bitch. up.

But what Jiang Lingxiao didn't expect was that the elder brother and the others were now working together to refine the "Treasure Falling Copper Coin", and there was no sign of stopping until now.

This made her worry unavoidably, she only hoped that before Qing Xiuyi arrived at the 33rd Heaven, the elder brother and the others could successfully sacrifice the Luobao copper coin.

"Damn bitch, if it wasn't for the senior brother and the others who couldn't escape, how could they have made it so easy for you to come to this point!" Jiang Lingxiao thought of Qing Xiuyi breaking through the gates of her own family like a broken bamboo. Jing Tian couldn't help feeling aggrieved and angry.

Since ancient times, who dared to break into the gate of the Supreme Sect?


Even the gods dare not go one step further!

But now, with the Supreme Leader and other great figures in the divine realm leaving for the realm of the end of the Dharma, only their disciples, true disciples, and two sacrificial pope elders are left in the 33rd Heaven.

According to common sense, this kind of power is enough to sweep the entire Three Realms, flatten all directions, and make hundreds of millions of sentient beings tremble.

But what Jiang Lingxiao never expected was that Qing Xiuyi of Nuwa Taoist Palace would be so powerful, and possessed three innate spirit treasures ranked among the top [-], and she was forced into it. Among the mountain gates!

This is simply a great shame for them to be too religious!

"Bitch, since you dare to come to the Supreme Master to act wildly this time, what awaits you will only be death, not survival!" Jiang Ling smiled with hatred.

Just as she was thinking wildly, there was a terrifying buzzing sound that spread out, and the golden light was blazing, causing her eyes to feel a twinge of pain.

The sacrifice was successful?

Jiang Ling's heart skipped a beat with a smile.

"Hahaha, with this treasure, even if you don't restore the power of the gods, who in the three realms can compete with me?" Yin Huaikong laughed with his soft and hoarse voice full of pride.

In the palm of his hand, three falling copper coins were dripping and floating, lingering wisps of divine golden light, taking the soul away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Lingxiao hurried forward and told everything that happened just now.

"Three innate spiritual treasures?"

Yin Huaikong's eyes froze, and an unconcealable excitement appeared on the corners of his lips, "I didn't expect that my precious copper coins would come in handy in advance!"


ps: Chinese New Year is coming soon, and many friends asked if there will be a new year update... Goldfish is also a little nervous, preparing for New Year's goods, visiting relatives and friends, reunions with classmates, spending holidays with family members... It seems that there are so many things to do during Chinese New Year, but Goldfish still I have to guarantee that as long as there are enough monthly tickets this month, I will do my best to keep updating!

Finally, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month~~


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