divine talisman

Chapter 1528 Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas [Part 1]

Taishangjing No.30 Duo.

Baoxiao destroys the world.

After Qing Xiuyi arrived here, she still did not encounter any obstacles.

At this moment, she raised her eyes to look into the distance, pursed her cherry lips lightly, and her figure stagnated for a moment, but in the end, she still stepped forward and swept towards 33 Chongtian.

Seeing this, Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and a flash of determination flashed between his brows.

He couldn't tell what kind of conspiracy the Supreme Master was secretly preparing, but he could be sure that when Qing Xiuyi set foot on the 33rd Heaven, she would definitely be blocked.

And the danger she will face at that time is destined to be unusual.

Therefore, he decided to show up, stop her, and make a long-term plan. No matter what purpose she came here for, Chen Xi would help her complete it, but he would never allow her to go all out now.

That's too dangerous!


However, just when Chen Xifu was about to show up, there was a wave of fluctuation in the space in the distance, like raging waves, and majestic figures emerged out of thin air.

The leader is Yin Huaikong, the chief disciple of the Supreme Master!

Beside him, there are 36 true disciples, each of whom has the power of the peak fairy king realm, and Jiang Lingxiao is also among them.

When witnessing this scene, Chen Xi's eyes shrank suddenly, it seemed that except for the two elders who worshiped the Pope, all the most elite forces of the Supreme Master Sect were mobilized at this moment!


At this moment, Qing Xiuyi also stopped abruptly, her eyes swept over Yin Huaikong and the others, and a dignified look appeared on her quiet and beautiful jade face.

Obviously, she also realized the seriousness of the situation.

The originally silent atmosphere became oppressive and chilling at this time, making the void whine and almost collapse.

"You are Qing Xiuyi? I heard that you have gone through a hundred generations of reincarnation, cut off the cause and effect of your previous life hundreds of years ago, and returned to the Nuwa Taoist Palace, but it seems that very few people know about your origin before a hundred generations. Can you tell me to wait?"

After arriving here, Yin Huaikong's gaze was like lightning, and he locked onto Qing Xiuyi in an instant, a playful and cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

When he was speaking, the 36 true disciples around him moved out together, occupying all directions, besieging Qing Xiuyi alone in the center.

Regarding this, Qing Xiuyi ignored it, but stared at Yin Huaikong with a pair of star eyes, and said indifferently: "If I were you instead, I wouldn't talk nonsense at this time."

Yin Huaikong narrowed his eyes, and said calmly: "Nonsense? Hehe, although you are a woman, you are not inferior to men in the world. I am very curious, how can Nuwa Taoist Palace leave you alone after closing the five-color world?" Running to the Supreme Master to send him to death? Is there no one in the Nuwa Taoist Palace?"

Qing Xiuyi didn't feel angry at all, and said calmly: "It's just to level the Supreme Master, I alone is enough."

The words are plain, but there is a powerful look of disdain, and there is a great momentum to go despite all the people.



"Hmph, when death is imminent, I still don't know it, how pitiful it is."

Those true disciples of the Grand Supreme Sect sneered, feeling a great provocation from these words, stepping down the Supreme Supreme Sect?This woman really dares to speak out!

Yin Huaikong waved his hand to silence everyone, and then said: "Tell me, what is the purpose of you breaking into my Supreme Sect's mountain gate alone, maybe I will leave you a whole room for your cooperation. corpse."

Chen Xi in the distance frowned, a strong murderous intent surged in his heart, but in the end he held back, he also really wanted to know why Qing Xiuyi came here.

Qing Xiuyi pursed her lips and remained silent.

"It's just that you are too high to teach and don't like it."

Just when Yin Huaikong and the others were about to lose patience, Qing Xiuyi suddenly spoke and gave such an answer.

dislike; despise?

This made Yin Huaikong and others startled, and their faces darkened immediately. What is the reason?It's obviously a provocation!

"She..." At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little stunned, he knew in his heart that Qing Xiuyi definitely didn't come here alone because of this reason, but she didn't want to say it.

Even, according to Chen Xi's understanding of Qing Xiuyi, it was only natural for her to answer like this, because she was originally such a person, as if she was independent from the world, proud and never said it herself.

"Eldest senior brother, don't talk nonsense with this bitch again, as long as you capture her, you won't believe that she won't talk!" Jiang Ling smiled and gritted her teeth. She hated Qing Xiuyi to the bone.


Unexpectedly, Qing Xiuyi acted ahead of time, and suddenly sacrificed the "God-binding rope", which turned into a flash of silver light, and rushed towards Jiang Lingxiao out of thin air.


At the same time, "Zhou Xukong Releases the Lantern" and "Nine Heavens Breathing Soil" were also sacrificed. The former radiated divine light and enveloped Qing Xiuyi, while the latter turned into a majestic yellow cloud. kill and go.

In an instant, all three innate spirit treasures were dispatched!



"court death!"

All the true disciples were furious, they never expected that under such circumstances, Qing Xiuyi, who had become like a trapped beast, would dare to take the initiative to attack, which immediately enraged them.

In the next moment, they didn't hesitate any longer, and rushed to attack, sacrificed all kinds of powerful treasures, casted all kinds of heaven-reaching techniques, and killed Qing Xiuyi in unison.


This piece of heaven and earth was immediately covered by the blazing precious light, the celestial clouds flowed, the waves roared, time and space collapsed, the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth, and everything in the universe fell into chaos.



With a flash of Yin Huaikong's figure, he avoided the attack of "Nine Heavens Breathing Soil".

"Sure enough, this woman has three innate spiritual treasures... I really don't know what her identity was before a hundred generations ago. How could Nuwa Dao Palace reward her with so many treasures."

Yin Huaikong's eyes were shining brightly, and he was not in a hurry to act, but stared at Qing Xiuyi's three innate treasures carefully, with a hint of greed undisguised.

The three innate spiritual treasures are all ranked in the top fifty, especially the Void Release Lamp that week, which was ranked No. 20 and seventh, only three places behind the Luobao copper coin.

If it can be obtained by him, Yin Huaikong is absolutely confident that no one would dare to underestimate him even if he enters the realm of the ancient gods!

"This time, we must grab these three divine treasures!"

After making a decision, Yin Huaikong's eyes flashed with a ruthless look, and without hesitation, he suddenly joined the battlefield.


As soon as the war broke out, Qing Xiuyi was at a disadvantage!

After all, there are 36 peak-level fairy kings, and Yin Huaikong, who has long been conferred a god and is now suppressed in the fairy king level.

Under this kind of encirclement, even if Qing Xiuyi possessed three powerful innate spirit treasures, it was impossible for her to compete with her opponent.

What's more, the current state of Qing Xiuyi, due to the previous injury, is far from recovering to the peak level.

Under such circumstances, her situation can only be described as "precarious", and she may be captured and killed at any time.

However, even in this situation, Qing Xiuyi's expression was still indifferent and calm, except that there was a trace of determination between her brows that was not there before.


She had already expected this situation to happen, so she made a desperate plan from the beginning?


A bronze hammer attacked from behind.

Without turning her head back, Qing Xiu manipulated the God-binding rope, turned it into a flash of silvery light, and tied it towards the bronze hammer.

However, at this moment-


Suddenly, three dazzling, sharp golden lights appeared in the shape of "pin" and pierced through the air. Before the bronze hammer, they hit the God-binding rope with a bang.

I saw the golden light of divinity overflowing, and three ancient and mysterious chaotic handwritings of "Heaven", "Earth" and "Human" emerged from the three golden copper coins, suppressing and binding the gods.

In just a split second, the God-binding rope fell to the ground with a plop, like a seven-inch snake being hit.

With a puff, Shenshensuo lost control, causing Qing Xiuyi to be affected and cough up a mouthful of blood.

Then before she could react, the three golden copper coins disappeared out of thin air, as if they had a pair of space-time wings, and they took the opportunity to shoot down the "Nine Heavens Resting Soil" and "Zhou Xukong Shideng" in succession!

All of this was completed in less than one-thousandth of an instant, which was unbelievably fast and shocking.

From this, we can also know how precise the timing of Yin Huaikong's attack is, and how terrifying the power of the "fallen treasure copper coin" in his hand is.

When all this ended, Qing Xiuyi had lost control of the three innate spirit treasures, and her pretty face suddenly became extremely pale and transparent.

"Haha, fellow juniors, this girl is entrusted to you!"

Yin Huaikong succeeded with one strike, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky, full of ambition, the three innate treasures are within reach, no one would be unhappy.

After giving this command, he reached out and grabbed it, and was about to take back the "Treasure Falling Copper Coin" together with the three divine treasures.


But at this moment, a big picture with a clear outline like a star appeared out of thin air, and in an instant, it wiped out the "Luo Treasure Copper Coin" and the three divine treasures!

This scene happened so suddenly that Yin Huaikong was caught off guard.

His complexion changed suddenly, the pupils of his eyes dilated, and the veins on his forehead suddenly burst open. The treasure at his fingertips was suddenly stopped by someone, and that feeling stimulated him into a sudden rage.

"What bastard! Get out of here!!"

While speaking, he grabbed it with his big hand and exerted his strength again to store the big one.

Rumble~~ At this moment, a thick and blazing sword energy swept across the sky, like a galaxy rewinding, crushing time and space, wrapping up monstrous power, as if it was about to wipe out the universe.

This sword is too terrifying, not only Yin Huaikong is enveloped, but also other nearby true disciples are locked.

In an instant, the situation in the field changed suddenly.

Everyone showed shock, feeling the horror of this sword, and even the movements in their hands showed a bit of stagnation.

What a terrifying sword!

Who is it?

"court death!"

Yin Huaikong's clothes were flickering, his whole body burst into billions of immortal king light, a long and narrow black sword appeared in his hand with a buzzing sound, and he slashed away fiercely.


ps: Ordinary group 2 and the three major forces are pk... There are still more than 200 vacancies. Teenagers and girls who are passionate about fun can join if they are interested. If you feel noisy, you don't need to join the group, because the atmosphere of group 2 is indeed a bit too lively... Group number, 410189159


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