divine talisman

Chapter 1532 Shocking the Divine Realm [Part 1]

The power of divinity permeates, filling the world in an instant.

At this moment, the entire territory of the 32nd level of the Supreme Realm fell into a great terror. Everything was whining and trembling, as if surrendering, and seemed to be about to collapse.

Because this is true Shinto power!

This kind of power has already surpassed the scope of the Three Realms. The horror of power is enough to reshape the universe, rebuild mountains and rivers, turn decay into magic, omnipotent!


The heavens and the earth fell into a roar, time and space could no longer maintain stability, and began to explode violently, turning into torrents roaring, and the heavens and the earth were in chaos!

At this moment, Chen Xi's eyes froze, and his heart felt vigilant.


His figure flashed suddenly, flickering in the shattered time and space, far away from the coercion of this divine power.

Then, he took a deep breath, the universe roared in his body, and the Promise Divine Talisman was fully activated. The original power of Dao source and the surging divine breath permeated from his body, making his whole body full of divine brilliance, lingering hundreds of millions of Taoism Mysterious runes.

At this moment, Chen Xi didn't dare to be negligent, and used all his strength to display all the foundations he possessed after stepping into the demigod realm.

Because he knows that this duel is destined to be dangerous and unpredictable!

Because this is the first time he has to confront a real god since he practiced, and there is more than one!



In this terrifying chaos, the void fluctuated, reflecting three majestic figures filled with divine light, they were Yin Huaikong, Kong Zhao, and Taoist Tuokong.

It's just that these three are different from the past. When you move your hands and feet, the power of divinity pervades, and if you stand at will, you are like the three masters who control the world, possessing supreme power.

Obviously, in order to suppress and kill Chen Xi, they had lifted their own seals, and their strength had returned to the realm of conferring gods!

"Damn bastard, in such a short time, you actually killed my classmates!"

As soon as Yin Huaikong appeared, he realized that his 36 true disciples from the same sect had all been executed at this moment, and their corpses were lying on the spot.

He had just left for less than a quarter of an hour, but Chen Xi killed 36 peak-level fairy kings with his own strength, how could he not be sullen?

These disciples are the mainstay of their Supreme Master to control the Three Realms!

Now that they have died tragically here, the loss is not insignificant, and it has even disrupted their steps to sweep the entire Three Realms!

"A group of drunkards and idiots, if you kill them, you will be killed. Are you only allowed to run amok?"

Chen Xi snorted coldly. Even in the face of the existence of the three gods, he was still unafraid. Instead, his fighting spirit boiled like molten molten metal, making his aura even stronger.

"There's no need to talk nonsense with this kid, hurry up and kill him."

Kong Zhao spoke indifferently, understating it. He was dressed in a blood robe, and his face was thin and sinister. Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his big hand and patted Chen Xi who was in the distance.

He actually did it as soon as he said it, without any hesitation at all.


The big hand soared into the air, like a piece of blue sky covering it, hanging down the divine power, locking all the organs in all directions, the power is immeasurable.


Chen Xi let out a cold snort, his figure swung up like a giant roc, and the blood-red Dao E sword flew into the air, and with a chuck, it actually broke that piece of palm power.

In the burst of divine brilliance, he did not retreat but advanced, rushing to kill Kong Zhao all the way.

"Sure enough, he is a demigod. It's a pity that with this ability alone, he will definitely die today."

Kong Zhao's expression was indifferent, his figure flashed suddenly, and a magic knife appeared in his palm, the whole body was black, shaped like a waning moon, filled with a palpitating divine aura, and he slashed down with force.

The name of this knife is "Tu Yue", an innate spiritual treasure, unparalleled in sharpness, capable of beheading gods and demons, invincible!


The two are strong, and the divine power is booming. If the thunder of destroying the world explodes, the terrifying aftermath will sweep across the world. Wherever it passes, time and space will be annihilated, and everything will perish.

With one blow, the figures of Chen Xi and Kong Zhao just swayed, and they fought for an equal share.

This made Kong Zhao's expression darken, and he realized how terrifying Chen Xi's combat power was.

Seeing this, Yin Huaikong and Taoist Tuokong also knew that Kong Zhao alone would not be able to do anything to Chen Xi, so they hardly hesitated at all, and the two also rushed out brazenly.

They unsealed themselves and exposed the power of the gods. They had to hurry up and kill Chen Xi, otherwise they would be forcibly taken away by the heavenly order god chain after a long time.

That's not what they want to see.


A divine light overflowed, and the steaming whisk flew into the sky, reflecting hundreds of millions of mysterious visions, sweeping towards it, like a sea of ​​fire covering the universe, with terrifying power.

This is the divine treasure of Taoist Tuokong, "Fire Cloud Whisk", an innate spiritual treasure, rumored to be transformed from the original fire essence in the chaos, and the divine fire permeating the whisk, even a single wisp of it, can incinerate a large world. It is terrifying.


A black long and narrow sword swept through the air, clean, neat, and simple, but it was like a ray of sharpness from the original darkness, exuding a breath-taking chill.

This is Yin Huaikong's "Dark Tribulation Sword". Although it is an acquired spiritual treasure, when it comes to lethality, it is slightly stronger than ordinary innate spiritual treasures.

After all, whether it is an innate spirit treasure or an acquired spirit treasure, each has its own magical function, and the presentation of the comprehensive power depends on the strength of the strong man who uses the sacred treasure.

Like this Dark Robbery Sword, the Supreme Leader collected the most precious treasures in the world and spent thousands of years to refine them. It is more lethal than Kong Zhao's "Tuyue Sword" and Tuokong Taoist's "Fire Cloud Whisk". "Nothing less.

At this moment, Yin Huaikong and Taoist Tuokong mobilized together, sacrificed their respective divine treasures, and suppressed and killed Chen Xi. With such a posture, if they were in an ordinary Immortal King Realm, they might not be able to resist at all, and they would be so frightened that their livers would be torn apart.

Chen Xi also felt great pressure, but under the stimulation of this pressure, not only did he not dodge, but he rushed forward again on his own initiative.


In the right hand, the sword of Dao'e swept across, forming billions of pure sword lotuses, filling the world.

In the left hand, the sword talisman crossed the sky, reflecting the patterns of divine talismans, and came out through the air.

The two swords struck out, shaking Taoist Tuokong and Yin Huaikong respectively. In an instant, the roar resounded through the sky and the earth, just like a hundred thousand gods collided and collapsed at this moment.

Ding Ding Deng!

With a flicker of Chen Xi's figure, he uncontrollably retreated three steps in the void. With each step, time and space exploded, splitting black holes one after another.

On the other hand, Yin Huaikong and Taoist Tuokong didn't move a single step, and they were unscathed.

Obviously, under this blow, Chen Xi was obviously at a disadvantage, and was shocked backwards.


"Let's do it together!"

"We can't delay any longer!"

Seeing this, Yin Huaikong, Taoist Tuokong, and Kong Zhao had so much experience in combat, they seized this opportunity and once again joined forces to kill Chen Xi in one go.

At this moment, a vague smile appeared on the corners of Chen Xi's lips. Although the previous blow put him at a disadvantage, it had blocked the joint attack of the two gods after all.

And it's still under the situation of head-on hard shock!

This made Chen Xi, who was fighting against an existence in the God Realm for the first time, finally realize that with his current combat power alone, he could indeed achieve the power of a cross-border battle in the God Realm.

That's enough!


The battle broke out completely, and Chen Xi fell into a mess. He confronted the three gods all by himself, and turned the entire 32 layers of heaven into a battle field, fighting from the sky to the ground.

Those rare battle scenes seem to have returned to the ancient times. The scene of the gods fighting for hegemony reflects all kinds of horrific and terrifying visions.

If anyone was here, they would definitely be moved by Chen Xi's fighting power. With a posture of a demigod, he was able to fight against three real gods alone to such a degree. Even if he failed in the end, it could be called a battle. The power is unparalleled, shining through the ages, and can shock all living beings in the three realms!


After a while.

The battle situation started to be unfavorable for Chen Xi.

After all, there are three God Realm existences, who control all kinds of divine treasures, possess supreme divine power, and it is conceivable how terrifying it is to attack with all their strength.

Even if it is a real god, it is difficult to fight against it.

And even though Chen Xi had already stepped into the demigod realm, and even though he possessed enough combat power to fight across borders and stand up to the gods, after all, what he was facing was not one strong man in the god realm, but three of them!

what does this mean?

It means that he is not only fighting across the border at this moment, but also fighting in a one-to-many way!

Under such circumstances, no matter how powerful his fighting power is, as time goes by, he will inevitably fall into a disadvantage, faintly about to be suppressed.

But even so, the combat power displayed by Chen Xi moved Yin Huaikong and the others, and Zhan Yue was even more frightened.

The boy in front of him had just set foot in the Immortal King Realm less than a year ago. Now, not only has his cultivation level broken through again, he has advanced to the level of a demigod, and his combat power is so strong that he can actually fight against the three real gods alone. Shock, this terrifying speed of cultivation is simply beyond imagination, unbelievable!

If you give him a period of time to grow, wouldn't even the existence of the gods be able to do anything to him?

As the battle progressed, they were still unable to suppress and kill Chen Xi. This made Yin Huaikong and the others feel more serious. They had to admit that the Chen Xi in front of them was simply a freak that couldn't be measured according to common sense. Rare, there are not many found throughout the ages.

This kind of cognition also made Yin Huaikong's three people's murderous intent more intense, and they pressed on every step of the way, with a decisive attitude to wipe out Chen Xi.

From their point of view, if Chen Xi is not killed this time, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it is destined to be a serious problem that no one can suppress in the future!


"He must be killed this time!"

"This son is obviously delaying time. Once the chain of heaven and order descends, we are doomed to fail in this battle. Therefore, we must kill him in one fell swoop before then!"

Yin Huaikong and the others communicated with their thoughts, and they were all motivated to kill. The offensive suddenly increased again and became even more terrifying. The killing made Chen Xi have to dodge again and again, and staggered backwards.

The situation became more and more unfavorable to Chen Xi...


ps: 3 updates tonight.


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