divine talisman

Chapter 1533 No Potential Tailai [Part 2]

The battle continued and became more and more fierce.

Chen Xi was completely suppressed, he could only resist, but could no longer fight back, his situation seemed to be in a precarious situation.


A moment later, Chen Xi was shaken back, his face turned pale, and a terrifying divine power rushed into his body, intending to shatter the universe in his body, but at this critical moment, the Wuji divine talisman activated and ruthlessly crushed this force. Refined, just avoided a catastrophe.


However, before Chen Xi could catch his breath, Yin Huaikong took the opportunity to come over with the "Dark Tribulation Sword", and the sword flow rushed. Even if Chen Xi had subconsciously avoided it, he would still be scratched by the sword energy, leaving a deep visible line under his left shoulder. The scars on the bones, dripping with blood, stained the clothes.

The situation is getting worse!

"Quick, this kid is almost overwhelmed, let's take him down!"

Yin Huaikong yelled sharply, there was a touch of excitement between his brows, they had an absolute advantage at this time.

Without his reminding, Kong Zhao and Taoist Tuokong had stepped up their offensive rhythm.


Kong Zhao shouted loudly, and slashed down with the Moon Slayer Sword in his hand.


But at this moment, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he suddenly sacrificed the "Nine Heavens Breathing Soil", covering his whole body, blocking this terrifying blow, but his whole body was shaken back again, and his figure staggered.

Nine days of rest!

Yin Huaikong's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he was extremely greedy. The gaze he looked at Chen Xi was like staring at an incomparably huge treasure of God.

He slammed his sword forward, trying to snatch the Nine Heavens' Breathing Soil first.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi once again sacrificed the God-binding rope, and violently bound Yin Huaikong, but before he could kill him, he was knocked back by Kong Zhao and Taoist Tuokong who came from both sides.

And Yin Huaikong took advantage of this opportunity to break free from the shackles of the Shensuo.

In desperation, Chen Xi could only dodge again.

In the following process, he sacrificed Zhou Xukong to release the lamp, Luobao copper coin, and Da Luotian respectively, but in the end they all failed.

Instead, the opponent almost took the opportunity to snatch these innate spiritual treasures.

But even so, his situation was like a beast in a predicament, becoming more and more dangerous, he was injured from time to time, his body was covered in blood, his face was pale and almost transparent.

But even in such a dangerous situation, Chen Xi's expression was still calm and composed, and the fighting intent in his eyes was still as hot as boiling lava, showing his extraordinary tenacity and will.

This was beyond the expectations of Yin Huaikong and the others, and made their expressions even more gloomy, with murderous intentions wanton.

Time is running out, and they can even feel at this moment that above the heavens, the chains of heavenly order and order that were originally silent are about to move and are about to fall down.

If Chen Xi cannot be killed before this, then the final situation will only be that they are forcibly brought into the realm of doom, and no matter how seriously Chen Xi is injured, as long as he lives, there will be no one in the future Three Realms Can do nothing to him!

Such consequences are absolutely unacceptable to them.


"Damn! This bastard is so difficult!"

"Quick, no matter what, use the forbidden method to kill this son!"

Shouts of shouts resounded, and at this moment, Yin Huaikong cast a forbidden method, his whole body surged with divine power, and his aura was once again elevated.


At this moment, he slashed out a terrifying sword energy with the "Dark Tribulation Sword" in his hand, causing the world to collapse, and the entire universe was surrounded by endless disasters and darkness.

It was as if eternal night had descended, dragging Wan Ru into endless darkness!

This sword was so terrifying that Chen Xi also smelled a deadly threat, and his hair was terrified. At this critical moment, a cold light flashed in his eyes, as if he had made a certain decision.


But at this moment, a wave of light suddenly diffused from his body, turning into blossoming lotus stands of light, covering Chen Xi's entire body, and blocking the sword energy.

It's Qing Xiuyi!

At this moment, she actually appeared from among the treasures that Chen Xi was carrying, and cast a certain method to block this blow for Chen Xi.

This was beyond Chen Xi's expectation. He never thought that Qing Xiuyi could act without authorization, and it was too late to stop her.


The two collided, and the blossoming lotus stands of light were broken, flying like paper paste, but in the end, they blocked the sword after all.

However, Qing Xiuyi spurted out a mouthful of blood when she suffered this impact, her whole body seemed to have lost all vigor and vitality, she was sluggish, and almost fell from the void.


Chen Xi's eyes were about to split open, and he suddenly blocked Qing Xiuyi's delicate body, a wave of fury as violent as the ocean surged in his heart, and the blood in his whole body seemed to explode.

At this moment, Qing Xiuyi resolutely stood in front of her and almost fell!

How could Chen Xi accept this?

He was completely angry, and his breath became violent, like a volcano that had been silent for countless years was on the verge of erupting.

"Today, you all must atone for your sins with death!!"

Chen Xi raised his head to the sky and roared, his thick black long hair fluttering in the air, revealing endless anger and hatred, shaking the world.

"Big words, if it weren't for this bitch, you wouldn't be able to stand up and talk!"

Yin Huaikong's complexion became extremely bad. Exercising this kind of forbidden method caused him to suffer great backlash, and lost a lot of the origin of the divine way. He thought he could capture and kill Chen Xi in one fell swoop, but who would have thought that this bastard would escape for a while again? robbery.

"Not good! The chain of heaven and order is about to fall!"

At this moment, Kong Zhao and Daoist Tuokong all changed their expressions and looked towards the sky.

There, the sky was torn apart, thick and icy chains of order were inserted through the gaps, and fell down like twisted black dragons.

This made Yin Huaikong's face change suddenly, and hissed: "Hurry up and kill the bastard!"

While speaking, he held his sword and slashed at Chen Xi again, like a madman.

The fall of the God Chain of Heavenly Dao Order means that the absolute advantage they have finally obtained will begin to disintegrate at this moment.If he didn't take the opportunity to kill Chen Xi, the consequences would be disastrous!



At this moment, not only Yin Huaikong, Kong Zhao and Daoist Tuokong also sensed the seriousness of the situation, roared angrily, and unleashed their respective trump cards to kill Chen Xi.


From Qing Xiuyi's appearance, blocking Yin Huaikong's sure-killing blow, and then to the heavenly chain of order, Yin Huaikong and the three launched an all-out attack, back and forth, almost in an instant.


too fast!

If it were an ordinary ascetic, I'm afraid it would be too late to react.

It can also be seen from this that at this moment, how urgent and dangerous the situation is.

But at this moment of extreme urgency, Chen Xi gently carried Qing Xiuyi on his back, and then, he looked at Yin Huaikong and the other three who rushed to kill him, with a flash of determination in his eyes.


At this moment, Chen Xi's entire aura changed, his whole body seemed to be on fire, his flesh and blood were crystal clear, and billions of blazing symbols floated out, as if they wanted to burn this world.

That thick black long hair suddenly turned silvery white like frost and snow, his whole body was like a burning furnace, and his spirit turned into a straight smoke that charged towards Zhou Yu, and his aura doubled in an instant!

White hair like snow.

The overall momentum has doubled!

"The explosive energy killing god skill of the Yazi clan!"

Yin Huaikong and the others shrank their eyes and pupils. Qi Qi recognized the forbidden technique that Chen Xi had used, and his face immediately changed, and he was horrified. He never expected that Chen Xi was still in control of this kind of technique.

The reason is that, even among the current Yazi clan, this supreme method has long been lost for an unknown number of years, so they were so shocked when they saw that Chen Xi had actually mastered this method.

They didn't know that Chen Xi also obtained this method by chance in the Abyss of Cangwu by chance, and he has only used it once or twice since he practiced it so far.


Chen Xi's hair was as white as snow, and he stepped forward to meet him vigorously. The Dao E sword in his hand flew into the air, and slashed out.

At this moment, he only has endless murderous intentions in his heart, to kill God!


In the three consecutive fierce confrontations, Yin Huaikong and the three came and went quickly, and they were shocked to fly backwards, and they were powerless to parry!

The reason is that Chen Xi's combat power and demigod level cultivation have doubled after he used the explosive energy to kill the gods. What kind of concept is this?It is even worse than the real gods!

Under such circumstances, how could the three of Yin Huaikong be his opponents.


At this moment, the thick and cold Heavenly Dao Order God Chain came to kill, like twisted black dragon shackles, they all rushed towards Yin Huaikong and the others.

Looking from a distance, it seemed that these divine chains of order were helping Chen Xi and attacking and killing Yin Huaikong and the others together.

"Damn! Damn!"

Seeing this scene, Yin Huai was so angry that he was about to go crazy, seeing that he was about to win, but such a sudden change made his aggrieved heart bleed.

"There is no chance..."

The complexions of Kong Zhao and Taoist Tuokong were also extremely different. The Heavenly Law Order God Chain had already suppressed and killed him. Even if Chen Xi hadn't used the Qi Explosive Killing God Art, they would have no chance to kill him.

Because compared to Chen Xi, to them, the power of that day's Dao Order God Chain is the most terrifying!


Kong Zhao shouted violently and made a decision.

Seeing this, Daoist Tuokong and Yin Huaikong could only choose to leave even if they were extremely unwilling in their hearts. The reason was that, with their abilities, they had no way to compete with the Heavenly Dao Order God Chain.

Swish, swish, swish~~ The three of them flew into the air together and were about to leave.

"Want to go? With my consent?"

Suddenly, Chen Xi's indifferent and cold voice came from behind, and immediately, a silver rope tore through time and space, intercepting the three of them out of thin air.

Almost at the same time, Zhou Xukong released the lamp, the Luobao copper coin, the nine-day breath soil, and the Daluotian four innate spiritual treasures also emerged slowly, blocking the way ahead, suppressing and killing them.

"Bastard! You think you can stop me from waiting!!"

Seeing this, the three of Yin Huaikong were so angry that their seven orifices were smoking, their lungs were about to explode, and they attacked with all their strength, shaking all these innate spirit treasures away.

However, affected by this, their actions appeared a little stagnant.

And Chen Xi seized this fleeting opportunity, held the sword of Dao'er, stepped on the void, and slashed away!


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