divine talisman

Chapter 1534 Slaughter God [Part 3]


With a single sword strike, all phenomena are clustered together, releasing billions of divine brilliance.

This sword strike was made by Chen Xi in anger, and he used his utmost swordsmanship. It is definitely the most powerful sword that Chen Xi has used so far.

Under this sword, it seems that the sky cannot be stopped, the earth cannot be trapped, and the road can only be changed!

Its power and influence made Yin Huaikong, Kong Zhao, and Tuokong Taoists all change their faces.


They tried their best to resist, but they were shaken by the sword and flew upside down, like a kite with a broken string.

Before he could catch his breath, Chen Xi came violently again. With Qing Xiuyi on his back, his white hair flew like a waterfall, his aura was blazing, and it shrouded immeasurable divine brilliance. The Dao Evil sword in his hand chanted, as if eager to drink the divine blood.

Not only that, but the vast and thick chain of order also enveloped Yin Huaikong and the three of them.

It can be said that at this moment, the situation has completely reversed, and Chen Xi has the initiative and has an absolute advantage!

"Damn it, I'm going to fight you!" Yin Huaikong roared angrily. When the situation was reversed, he fell into a rage and was about to lose his mind.


It's a pity that at this moment, Chen Xi, after using the Qi Explosive Killing God Kungfu, was already beyond his ability to contend. With a turn of the sword, he ruthlessly knocked him back, coughing up blood incessantly.

"Come back soon!"

Seeing this, Kong Zhao and Taoist Tuokong cried out in fright and wanted to come to help Yin Huaikong, but before they could move out, they were surrounded by the divine chains of order and order, and it was difficult to escape.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi raised his hand, and once again cast out the "God Binding Cable", which turned into a flash of silvery light, and bound Yin Huaikong the next moment.


Chen Xi stepped into the void, and slammed his sword at him.

"Do not--!"

Yin Huaikong was frightened, his pupils dilated, and he felt a great terror that permeated his whole body, like falling into an ice cave. Up to now, he has never thought that he would be so close to death one day.

It never occurred to him that after touching his own seal, he would not be taken away by the divine chain of heavenly order, but would be about to be killed in Chen Xi's hands.

All of this stimulated his expression to distort, his whole body burst into divine brilliance, and he wanted to fight Chen Xi to death.


It's a pity that he still overestimated himself, and underestimated how terrifying Chen Xi was at the moment. With a single strike, he directly chopped off his head and sprinkled the heavenly blood!


After succeeding with the sword, Chen Xi reached out without any hesitation and grabbed it with his hand. He sacrificed Zhou Xukong to release the lamp, and unleashed a divine fire of endless light, which actually completely incinerated Yin Huaikong's corpse. His soul was annihilated, and not even a trace of dross was left.

An existence in the divine realm was beheaded by Chen Xi at this moment!

This is definitely an act of "slaughtering gods" in the strict sense, and it is also worthy of the name of the supreme inheritance of the Yazi clan, "Blasting Qi and Killing Gods"!

Explode, and then kill God!



At this moment, Kong Zhao and Taoist Tuokong roared and broke the shackles of the divine chain of heaven and order, but it was already too late. Yin Huaikong had already been chopped off by Chen Xi's sword, and his body and dao disappeared. Its healing rebirth.

This made the eyes of Kong Zhao and the two of them tear apart, bleeding came from the corners of their eyes, and their hatred reached the extreme.

"Nie Zhan, one day you will be brought into the realm of doom, and that will be your time of death!!"

Kong Zhao roared angrily, and dashed towards the heavens. The only sliver of reason left told him that if he stayed at this time, not only would he not be able to do anything to Chen Xi, but he might also be reduced to Yin Huaikong's miserable end.

"Hmph, at least now, you will definitely die!"

With a cold snort, Chen Xi leaped forward, and the God-binding rope flew into the air again, a silvery luster appeared, which disappeared in a flash, and bound towards Kong Zhao.


Kong Zhao swung the "Fire Cloud Whisk" to shake the God-Binding Cable back.

But what made him resentful was that at this moment, the heavenly chain of order came violently and bound him.

This has to be said to be a great irony. The Taishang Sect has always pursued "doing the way for the heavens", controlling and using the power of the heavens to harm the three realms. Since ancient times, I don't know how many catastrophes have been caused and how many innocent lives have been killed.

But now, Kong Zhao, as an elder of the Supreme Sect who worshiped the Pope, was continuously hindered by the divine chain of heaven and order at such critical moments, and instead seemed to be indirectly helping Chen Xi, how ridiculous and ridiculous?


Holding the sword, Chen Xi took this opportunity to behead Kong Zhao again, and the divine blood splashed into the air, dyeing the heavens and the earth.

"Want to escape?"

After doing all of this, Chen Xi suddenly turned around and coldly glanced into the distance.

There, Taoist Tuokong used the method of teleportation, crossed many time and space, and was fleeing at a very fast speed, and he was about to escape from the 32 heavens.

This person is also very good. When Chen Xi beheaded Kong Zhao before, he turned around and left without saying a word. His grasp of the timing was extremely ingenious.

But he ignored one point. He didn't expect that Kong Zhao would be defeated so quickly. He also didn't expect that Kong Zhao was captured not by the God-binding rope, but by the Heavenly Law and Order God Chain, and finally beheaded by Chen Xi in one fell swoop.

And all of this undoubtedly gave Chen Xi a chance!


The next moment, a thick and bright sword energy tore through the void, and came first, slashing towards Taoist Tuokong outside the boundless void.

"Damn things, do you really want to kill them all?"

Daoist Tuokong sensed the danger, his complexion changed suddenly, and his figure flashed suddenly, trying to avoid the sword, but just as he dodged, another sword qi pierced through the air.

This made his face darken again, and he had to dodge again.

Chi la!Chi la! ...

Next, sword qi pierced through the air one after another, like maggots on tarsal bones, without giving Taoist Tuokong any chance to move around.


Forced to be helpless, Taoist Tuokong could only choose to fight with it, but he was shaken by the sword energy one after another, trembling in the void.

Every time he resisted the next sword energy, his face became paler.

Until he blocked all the sword energy, he couldn't help but spurt out a big mouthful of blood, his whole body felt like he was about to collapse.

"But fortunately, it was finally blocked..." He breathed a sigh of relief, gritted his teeth, and ran away again.

But the moment he turned around, his whole body froze suddenly, because in his field of vision, he suddenly saw Chen Xi blocking him at some point.


Taoist Tuokong lost his voice in shock.


The one who greeted him did not answer, but a flash of sword light.


Amidst the terribly shrill screams, Taoist Tuokong was split in half, his soul collapsed, and he died tragically on the spot, following in the footsteps of Yin Huaikong and Kong Zhao.

Between the heaven and the earth, the blood of the gods is pouring, filled with endless blood.

And the three gods left by the Supreme Sect in the Three Realms were all wiped out, died suddenly, and there was no possibility of rebirth!

Similarly, this also means that after stepping into the demigod realm, Chen Xi took the step of fighting across borders and killing the real god-level powerhouses, and he still killed three gods in one fell swoop!

If this battle is seen by all the people in the three realms, they don't know how they will feel.


The heavenly order divine talisman dancing all over the sky lost its target, and suddenly became irritable, like a group of flies, shaking constantly, as if searching for something.

In the end, they actually locked their eyes on Chen Xi!

Chen Xi's heart trembled, but he was not afraid. When he advanced to the Immortal King Realm back then, he had attracted the attention of these Heavenly Dao Order God Chains, but in the end he cut off a Order God Chain and rewarded it to Wang Daolu and Zhou Zhili. and others.

Now, he doesn't mind taking advantage of this opportunity to cut off some chains of heaven and order.

But before he could make a move, the divine chains of order clattered, Qiqi disappeared, and they left on their own initiative.

This made Chen Xi slightly startled, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

As soon as he relaxed, a feeling of exhaustion rushed into his heart. The energy and immortal power in his body seemed to evaporate out of thin air, leaving him empty and uncomfortable.

In just a few breaths, Chen Xi's brows were filled with an uncontrollable look of exhaustion.

This is the sequelae of the "Burst Qi Killing God Art". Although it can double the strength in a short period of time, it has an extremely serious loss of energy, energy, and even one's own origin.

In this way, at least for a period of time, Chen Xi will be in a "weak" state.

But at this moment, Chen Xi's aftereffects from using the Blast Qi Killing God Art had not fully erupted. Taking advantage of this time, his figure flickered continuously, taking back the treasures on the battlefield one by one.

Of course, treasures such as the Moon-Slaying Sword, Fire Cloud Fuchen, and Dark Tribulation Sword also became Chen Xi's trophies.

"Put me down."

After doing all of this, Chen Xi was thinking to himself whether he should take this opportunity to go to the 33rd heaven, when at this moment, a soft and clear voice sounded in his ears.

He suddenly remembered that Qing Xiuyi was still carried on his back.

"Are you OK?"

Chen Xi landed on an open space, put Qing Xiuyi down carefully, and asked with concern. While speaking, he carefully sensed Qing Xiuyi's state again, and found that the injury was not as serious as he imagined, and he immediately felt relieved. Take a breath.


Qing Xiuyi shook her head, then immediately raised her eyes, looked at Chen Xi worriedly, and said, "Are you... all right?"

Chen Xi's black hair turned into snow-white hair in an instant, and at this moment, the aura in his body was wilting at an astonishing speed, which made Qing Xiuyi extremely worried.

But she is also very clear about how serious the sequelae of that explosive qi killing god skill are.

"Of course it's fine." Chen Xi smiled carefreely.

Qing Xiuyi nodded. She had a calm temperament and few words. Even if she cared about others, she seemed extremely quiet. Seeing that Chen Xi was fine, she felt relieved a lot.

As for Chen Xi, he was also not the kind of flamboyant playboy. At this moment, both of them fell into silence, staring at each other, speechless.

The atmosphere is delicate, but they seem to want to make peace, and they are extremely at ease in each other's hearts.

"Accompany me to the 33rd Heaven. Before I came, I promised a swallowing beast that I would help it retrieve the ray of soul that was suppressed here."

It was Chen Xi who broke the silence first and spoke.

Qing Xiuyi nodded, and it was the rare first time that she took the initiative to hold Chen Xi's hand.

At this moment, Chen Xi's whole body shook, and an unconcealable warmth welled up in his heart. He couldn't help smiling brightly at Qing Xiuyi, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.


ps: The third update is here, ask for a monthly pass~~


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