divine talisman

Chapter 1535 The Destruction of the Mountain Gate [Part 1]

After a great battle, the 32nd layer of the Supreme Realm has turned into a mess.

The earth was cracked, the ban was broken, mountains and rivers collapsed into devastated places, corpses of immortal kings were lying in pools of blood, the air was filled with blood, the scene was miserable, and there was a sense of death and sorrow.

In this battle, the 36 true disciples of the Immortal King Realm of the Taishang Sect were killed, and none of them survived. The three existences of the Conferred God Realm, Yin Huaikong, Kong Zhao, and Taoist Tuokong, were also massacred at the last moment. .

It can be said that the elite top forces of the entire Supreme Sect left in the Three Realms have been wiped out, and there is no possibility of causing harm to the world.

And all of this was written by Chen Xi!


The streamer shines at night, and time and space gradually calm down.

Chen Xi and Qing Xiuyi walked side by side, the male was handsome and upright, with snowy hair like silver frost, the female had black hair shawls, and her face was so beautiful that it was like a couple of gods.

Soon, the two reached over 33 days.

This place is chaotic, boundless and vast, and there is only an ancient altar standing alone, and a dark and solemn sacred seat, and there is nothing else.

This place was originally the place where the supreme leader practiced and lived, but now, with the catastrophe coming, the supreme leader left the Three Realms, and there is no longer any owner here.


The chaotic mist surged and filled the air, making whimpering sounds, and the emptiness made this place even more silent.

When Chen Xi arrived at this moment, he felt a sense of déjà vu.

He suddenly remembered that the scene here was reflected in the jade slips left by his father Chen Lingjun that he saw last time in Yuanwei Immortal Prison.

In the picture is Chen Lingjun from the previous life, named Tai Ling, who is the teacher's younger brother of the leader of the Supreme Sect, and had a conversation with the leader of the Supreme Sect here.

It was also after that conversation that Taishang leader killed Tailing with his own hands.

There is only one reason, Tailing doesn't want to stay in the Three Realms anymore, and wants to return to the ancient God Realm, but it is opposed by the Supreme Leader, so there is a conflict between the two.

Now, when Chen Xi stepped here, seeing this familiar scene, he couldn't help but think of his father, Chen Lingjun, and his mother, Zuo Qiuxue, who left with his father.

"Ancient God Realm...have you arrived now?"

Chen Xi stared at the surroundings for a long time, and couldn't help sighing softly in his heart.

At that time, the jade slip left by Chen Lingjun once said that as long as he took good care of the fragments of the river map, when they arrived in the ancient gods, their family would meet each other one day.

"When I return this time, repair my injuries, and then go to the Realm of Doom... I want to see what the Ancient God Realm is like!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he made a decision.

"Do you know where the soul of the swallowing beast was suppressed?"

Qing Xiuyi who was at the side suddenly asked, after she arrived here, she kept searching, but she didn't find anything.

"Under the throne."

Chen Xi raised his hand and pointed to the distance, where there was chaos, howling divine aura, the sun, moon and stars were up and down all around, and in the center of the chaos stood a black divine throne, brilliant and supreme, representing a kind of supreme authority.

Qing Xiuyi was startled, she had also seen the divine seat before, but she never thought that the ray of soul that was taken away by the swallowing beast would be suppressed under the divine seat.

While talking, the figures of the two flashed, and they had already arrived in front of the black god seat.

When viewed from a close distance, this sacred seat is very ordinary, the whole body is black, like the color of eternal night, without any carvings, but there is a terrifying aura on it.

It is not owned by the throne of God, but the aura left by the Supreme Leader who once sat on the throne of God. It is faint, majestic and unstoppable!


Without any hesitation, Chen Xi sacrificed the sword of Dao'er, and slashed fiercely at the god seat.

When he cut out this sword, he suddenly thought of Chaos God Lotus, Dao Lotus and Xie Lian. Now that he has stepped through the gate of the Supreme Sect, if they can see this scene, they will be extremely pleased, right?

With a bang, the seat of the gods glowed, and a billowing divine aura surged up, which actually blocked Chen Xi's sword!


Before Chen Xi could continue his actions, a curtain of light suddenly emerged from the throne, turning into a figure of a man in black robe.

This figure seems to be infinitely tall, filled with supreme majesty, like the master of heaven and earth, the supreme of all things, releasing an aura that makes the universe tremble.

Supreme leader!

When he saw this figure, Chen Xi's heart shuddered, his pupils shrank, and he grabbed Qing Xiuyi's hand and moved it far away.

But soon, Chen Xi noticed that this figure was not real, but an existence similar to a spiritual imprint, and there was no danger at all.

This made him feel a long sigh of relief. To be honest, no matter how confident he is in his cultivation now, he still has no confidence to fight against the existence of the Supreme Master.

"Those who dare to desecrate the throne of God must not be the generation of my Supreme Master, but there are only one or two people who have traveled all the way to the 33rd heaven and survived safely."

An empty and indifferent voice resounded through the heaven and earth, and the eyes of the "Supreme Master" suddenly looked at Chen Xi, like two rays of divine light.

Even though he knew that it was not the real body of the Supreme Leader, Chen Xi still couldn't help feeling a throbbing in his heart when he met the other person's gaze.

This made him frown, take a deep breath, operate his cultivation base, and wipe out the fright in his heart, and his expression returned to normal.

"Chen Xi! But you?"

The voice of the Supreme Leader resounded again, sound like divine thunder, revealing an absolute self-confidence that knows everything well.

"Although I have never met you before, I have never neglected any news about you, including your experiences when you were young, your journey of cultivation in the human world, and your experience in the fairy world. in the eyes."

This made Chen Xi feel terrified again. He would not think that the Supreme Master was boasting to deceive him, because it was completely unnecessary, but why did the Supreme Master pay so much attention to him?

This is the key that made Chen Xi palpitate the most.

"Don't take it seriously, I think this old thing is just playing tricks."

Qing Xiuyi's soft and clear voice came from beside his ears, making Chen Xi's heart warm, and he nodded towards Qing Xiuyi, signaling that he was fine.

"This seat also has to admit that after possessing the fragments of the river map, you are no longer comparable to other disciples of Shenyan Mountain, and no one in the three realms can detect your fate."

The Taishang leader spoke, there was no emotion in his voice, but a sense of supreme majesty, "Unfortunately, the fact that your fate is covered up means that it is difficult for you to control your own destiny."

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled slightly, and said another thing: "After all, the structure of the Three Realms is too small, like a cage, which only binds a group of small and humble creatures, which is not worth showing. If you want to kill me , let’s hurry up and come to the Ancient God Realm, I also have a little interest in the river map on your body, I hope you will not perish in the Realm of Doom..."

Accompanied by the sound, the figure of the Supreme Leader gradually faded away, gradually disappearing between the heaven and the earth.

Everything returned to silence again.

And Chen Xi stood still on the spot, frowning tightly, as if he had fallen into deep thought.

Why did the Supreme Leader leave behind such a wisp of will?

Could it be that he had already guessed that he was back?But if this is the case, why didn't he arrange a backhand to kill himself here?

What did he mean by what he said earlier?

At this moment, his mind was full of thoughts, his thoughts were flying, and he was unable to deduce an answer that satisfied him.

"Don't think about it too much, the Supreme Leader is clearly suspicious. If you can't reach this place, you won't see this brand mark." Qing Xiuyi whispered from the side.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, regained consciousness from his contemplation, and said, "No matter what, I will go to the Ancient God Realm after all. Regardless of whether the Supreme Leader's words are threats or not, one day, I will personally kill him."


Before the words fell, there was a sound of breaking, and the black seat in the distance was shattered at this moment.

This is like a fuse. Not long after, the world shook violently, and time and space began to become violent, showing faint signs of collapse.

Not only that, at this moment, everything in the entire 33rd layer of the Supreme Realm is shaking, everything is shattered, the heaven and the earth are in chaos, and terrifying cracks appear one after another.

"Not good! This place of the Supreme Master's mountain gate is about to be destroyed!"

Qing Xiuyi narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth in surprise.

"wait a second."

While speaking, Chen Xi's figure flashed and disappeared in place.


After half a sound, Chen Xi's figure returned, grabbed Qing Xiuyi's jade hand, and then dodged, using the method of teleportation, and left suddenly.



In the tunnel under the deep ruins of Vientiane, the swallowing beast, which was resting with its eyes closed, was suddenly awakened by an earth-shattering sound, and opened its eyes.

It released the power of perception and swept away. After a while, it suddenly exclaimed: "God! The gate of the Supreme Sect is going to destruction! How is this possible?"

The Swallowing Beast was completely shocked, and its whole body went stiff. The 33 Heavens of the Supreme Sect have stood upright since the ancient times, and they have been attacked many times, but none of them can traumatize the gate of the Supreme Sect.

But now, it actually shows the trend of destruction!

Who actually did this?

Could it be that human kid?


With a swish sound, before the Heaven-Tuning Beast could recover, it saw Chen Xi's figure coming through the air, which made it immediately understand that it was really possible that this kid did all of this!

All of a sudden, it felt turbulent in its heart, and it was actually done by him... Who is this kid?To be able to step down the gate of the Supreme Sect alone?

"What are you still doing, let's go!"

Chen Xi frowned, and shouted in a low voice.

At this moment, the Sky Swallowing Beast surprisingly didn't get angry, but took a deep look at Chen Xi, took the initiative to take a step, moved its huge body with a range of one hundred thousand miles, carried Chen Xi on its back, broke through time and space, and turned around. and go.


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