divine talisman

Chapter 1536 Returning With Beauty [Part 2]

Outside Daohuang Academy.

The atmosphere on this day was obviously unusual. There were dense figures gathered outside the academy, as dense as a tide, and it could be called a sea of ​​people.

"Right now, our forces stationed in Douxuan Immortal City have reached an agreement to launch a counterattack against the Supreme Master today, and now we have been waiting for senior Qiu Xuanshu to nod and agree."

"Sigh, Senior Qiu Xuanshu is not Dean Chen Xi after all, so I'm worried that he won't be able to make such an important decision."

"Don't be impatient. This action has been approved by Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Xuanyuan Pojun and other academy figures. They are now asking Senior Qiu Xuanshu for orders. Under such circumstances, Senior Qiu Xuanshu will definitely not refuse."

"I hope so."

The crowd talked a lot, and they all turned their eyes to the Daohuang Academy, with hopeful faces on their faces.

Over the past few days, the situation in the entire fairyland has changed, and the forces of the Supreme Master have withdrawn from the fairyland and disappeared. This has given the forces who have taken refuge in the Daohuang Academy an opportunity, and they have demanded to counterattack the Supreme Master and regain control of the fairyland. right.

To this day, this kind of voice has reached an unprecedented height, and all the forces have pleaded for their orders, unwilling to wait any longer.

Right now, they just waited for Qiu Xuanshu's order, and then they would lead their subordinates out of Douxuan Immortal City and launch a counterattack against the area of ​​the Immortal Realm that was originally controlled by the Supreme Master.


Dao Emperor Shrine.

Qiu Xuanshu fell silent.

In front of him stood Zhou Zhili, Wang Daolu, Xuanyuan Pojun and other academy professors, as well as leaders of Zuoqiu Feiming, Dragon Realm, Huang Clan and other forces.

These big shots also came to plead for orders, asking Qiu Xuanshu to allow this operation.

After all, the situation in the Immortal World is very good right now, and the forces of the Supreme Sect are retreating, which is a great opportunity to launch a counterattack, and they don't want to miss this excellent opportunity.

"Everyone, although I have been entrusted by my uncle to take charge of all the affairs of the academy temporarily, but this time the matter is of great importance. If something goes wrong, I am afraid that no one can afford such responsibility."

After a while, Qiu Xuanshu sighed softly and said that he was actually very much in favor of launching a counterattack, but he had to consider too many factors and dared not make his own claims.

Hearing this, those big shots couldn't help showing a touch of disappointment.

They understood Qiu Xuanshu's actions very well, such actions involved a lot, and if they were snobbish, they would have no way to explain it when Chen Xi returned.

"Just do what you want, there is nothing to hesitate."

At this time, a melodious and deep voice sounded in the hall, and along with the voice, Fan Yunlan's slender figure floated over.

Seeing Fan Yunlan unexpectedly appear, Qiu Xuanshu was taken aback, and hurriedly saluted.

Seeing this, the other big figures all showed a look of joy. They knew that Fan Yunlan's identity was extraordinary, and he was Chen Xi's Taoist companion.

If this matter can be approved by Fan Yunlan, it will be more than half successful.

"Aunt Master, it seems like..." Qiu Xuanshu hesitated.

"Are you worried about the failure of the operation?" Fan Yunlan interrupted directly.

Qiu Xuanshu shook his head: "The current situation in the Immortal World is very suitable for a counterattack. It is unlikely that we will lose, but we have to consider this."

"Then you are worried that if your uncle finds out, he will blame you for making claims?" Fan Yunlan continued to ask.

Qiu Xuanshu pondered for a moment, then smiled wryly: "That's not the case."

"Then why are you hesitating?"

Fan Yunlan said, "When your uncle leaves in the future, you will be the dean of this college. Remember not to be indecisive or hesitant to do things. This will only put you in a dilemma."

Qiu Xuanshu blushed for a moment, cupped his hands and said: "What Master and Aunt taught is that Xuanshu understands what to do."


A moment later, Qiu Xuanshu led a group of big figures to appear outside Daohuang Academy.

Seeing this scene, the crowd gathered outside the academy cheered up and cheered endlessly. They could see that Qiu Xuanshu had clearly agreed to this action!

"Senior Qiu Xuanshu, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!"

"Yes! We have made an oath in this operation that we will not take back the area of ​​the fairyland occupied by the Supreme Master Sect, and we will not return it!"

"Hahaha, with senior's consent, I wish I could kill 33 Chongtian and destroy the Taishang Sect's lair!"

"Don't talk nonsense! The Supreme Realm is so dangerous. I don't know how many gods have gone there since ancient times, trying to destroy the foundation of the Supreme Sect's mountain gate, but they all ended in failure. You can't joke about this!"

Everyone spoke in a hurry, excited.

Seeing this, Qiu Xuanshu's heart was full of pride, and just as he was about to speak, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he suddenly looked into the distance.


At this moment, a shocking roar sounded from the sky far away, like thunder piercing the sky, spreading throughout the nine heavens and ten earths.

At this moment, whether it was those characters in the academy or the people gathered outside the academy, their expressions froze, their expressions changed slightly, and they all looked into the distance.

A shadow suddenly emerged from the void in the distance, covering the sky and the sun, like a floating continent.

"That is?"

Everyone gasped in unison, and they suddenly discovered that the shadow covering the sky was a huge and terrifying beast!

This beast is shaped like a tortoise, with a head like a dragon's head, a pair of eyes as huge as a lake, and wisps of monstrous celestial power permeating its body, like an ancient beast god.

As soon as it appeared, it brought a terrifying oppressive force to everyone present, causing their expressions to change again, showing shock.

Even Qiu Xuanshu, Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili and others were shocked at this moment, swallowing the beast!God, that is actually a rare desolate beast that has been extinct since ancient times!

"Damn, what the hell is this!?"

Someone exclaimed.

"Whatever it is, it's obviously not a good person, so I'll go and meet it first!"

A grumpy existence in the Immortal King Realm shouted loudly, and was about to rush out to fight the Sky Swallowing Beast.

But before he could move, he was stopped by Wang Daolu on the side, "Stop! Didn't you see that there are two figures on the back of the swallowing beast?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people present were stunned for a moment. After looking carefully, they saw two figures standing on top of the Sky Swallowing Beast. Those two figures were like tiny ants, but they didn't notice them just now.

But at this moment, everyone present saw the two figures, especially when they saw the appearance of one of the figures clearly, many people exclaimed.

"That is?"

"Looks like Dean Chen Xi?"

"But when did his hair turn white?"

"You can't be wrong, he is Dean Chen Xi! Hey, he actually subdued a swallowing beast as a mount. This is simply more remarkable than riding a dragon and a phoenix!"

At this moment, even Qiu Xuanshu and the others recognized Chen Xi's identity, but when they saw his snow-white hair, they couldn't help being startled, vaguely feeling that something might have happened to Chen Xi.

But soon, their attention was attracted by the beautiful woman beside Chen Xi.

She has pitch-black hair, a clear and beautiful face, bright red lips, snow-like skin, and illusory starry eyes. Standing side by side with Chen Xi, she has a transcendent and holy beauty that makes the world eclipse.

"Could it be that the dean brought back a Taoist companion?"

Wang Daolu made an innocuous joke. When Chen Xi returned last time, he brought back Fan Yunlan and Chen Nuo, but this time, he brought such a beautiful woman who was embarrassingly beautiful.

Hearing this, the others were also dumbfounded, knowing that Wang Daolu was joking.

"You're right."

But to everyone's surprise, Qiu Xuanshu sighed softly, and said, "That is indeed my uncle's Taoist companion, named Qing Xiuyi, the descendant of Nuwa's Taoist Palace. They got married as early as in the human world. I have become a Taoist couple, and I have a child named Chen An."

Everyone was dumbfounded, this is actually true!


At this moment, the huge figure of the swallowing beast has already enveloped it, staying above the nine heavens.

Chen Xi and Qing Xiuyi jumped down from above, and came to the side of Qiu Xuanshu and others.

"Meet the Principal!"

"Meet Uncle Shi!"

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly saluted as if they had just woken up from a dream.

The crowd gathered outside the academy also bowed in unison, saluting loudly to Chen Xi.

All of a sudden, the entire world echoed Chen Xi's name, and the scene was incomparably magnificent.

It was the first time for Qing Xiuyi to encounter such a situation, and she couldn't help leaning her body towards Chen Xi. She had a quiet temperament and didn't like being the center of attention.

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder, and then said to Qiu Xuanshu and the others, "What are you guys trying to do?"

When he spoke, he glanced at everyone outside the academy, and couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Qiu Xuanshu quickly explained the reasons, and at the end, he added: "Uncle Shi, now that you have returned, please come and decide on this matter."

After hearing all this, Chen Xi was taken aback, with a strange look on his face.

"Uncle, is there something wrong with this matter?"

Qiu Xuanshu saw Chen Xi's expression, but he couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart, thinking that Chen Xi was very dissatisfied with his actions.

The gazes of the other important figures also looked at Chen Xi in unison, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

It’s no wonder that they are like this, the current Chen Xi has a high prestige, even faintly surpassing the posture of the previous academy, Meng Xinghe, and he is definitely the most prosperous existence in the three worlds today.

Even though Wang Daolu and the others had lived for countless years and were countless years older than Chen Xi, they did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Chen Xi. Even when they faced Chen Xi, they all had a touch of awe in their hearts.

The atmosphere was calm, and everyone outside the academy looked at Chen Xi in unison, feeling extremely nervous.

Regarding this, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head: "You all don't need to be nervous, I am not objecting to this action."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"What does Uncle Master mean?" Qiu Xuanshu couldn't help asking.

"Just do as you say."

Chen Xi patted Qiu Xuanshu's shoulder, and said in relief, "Don't worry about losing, the Supreme Sect sect has been destroyed, all the masters have fallen, and there is no longer any threat to the fairy world."


As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked, and all the big figures cried out in surprise.


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