divine talisman

Chapter 1537

The Supreme Sect Mountain Gate is destroyed!

The Taishang taught a group of top masters to kill them! ?

When Chen Xi’s words fell, the entire audience fell into dead silence, and all the important figures, including Qiu Xuanshu, had their pupils dilated and exclaimed involuntarily.

If other people said this, they would definitely scoff at it, dismiss it, and maybe even humiliate the other party.

But when these words came from Chen Xi’s mouth, the weight was definitely different. No one dared to question it, and there was no need to question it.

Because in today's fairy world, with Chen Xi's identity and status, it has long been destined that every word he utters is like a golden rule and the truth!

The audience was silent.

Everyone was shocked by this news, unable to recover for a long time.

With the advent of this catastrophe sweeping the three worlds, for every ascetic in the fairy world, the Supreme Sect is like a shadow in the heart, which cannot be shaken away, making people sleepless and restless.

But now, just when they were planning to seize the opportunity and launch an all-out counterattack, Chen Xi told them that the Supreme Sect's sect was destroyed and all the masters were executed. Who would not be shocked by this?

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help being startled, he exchanged a glance with Qing Xiuyi, then turned around quietly and left.

As his status got higher and his prestige became stronger, Chen Xi had long since discovered that he was no longer fit to show his face as often as before, because every time he appeared, he would inevitably attract countless admiring gazes and countless amazed words...

Perhaps for others, this may be a rare and supreme honor.

But to Chen Xi, this made him feel very bored, and he had a feeling of being overwhelmed by the heights.


"The Taishang Sect's mountain gate has been destroyed, and all the masters have been beheaded! This is simply great news for the entire Three Realms, and it is epic!"

"God, couldn't Dean Chen Xi do all of this alone?"

"It must be Dean Chen Xi's handwriting. If there is an existence in this world who can step down the gate of the Supreme Sect, who else can be competent besides Dean Chen Xi?"

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

After a while, all the people present were as if they had just woken up from a dream, and they were amazed and cheered endlessly.

At this moment, even Qiu Xuanshu, Zhou Zhili, Wang Daolu, Xuanyuan Pokong and other important figures were all emotionally upset and could not calm down for a long time.

After this incident, looking at the current Three Realms, who would be Chen Xi's opponent?

Under this catastrophe, it is definitely not an exaggeration to call it "No. 1 of the Three Realms"!


Suddenly, Qiu Xuanshu took a deep breath, and said loudly, "Now the headmaster has personally taken action, and has wiped out the Supreme Sect's sect, and all the masters have been killed. Now, it is a good time for me to counterattack the Three Realms. Qiu only asks, but Do you dare to fight?"

The sound was like thunder, and rumbled through the sky and earth, making everyone present bloody and fighting.




Immediately, uniform shouts erupted, resounding in unison, shaking nine heavens and ten earths.

At this moment, everyone is gearing up, eager to return to the fairy world, regain the lost homeland, and take back the control of the entire fairy world from the hands of the Supreme Master!

"set off!"

Qiu Xuanshu shouted loudly.


On this day, the major forces that formed an alliance with Daohuang Academy left Douxuan Immortal City under the leadership of a group of big figures, and launched a counterattack.

The momentum was so great that it caused a sensation in the entire fairy world and excited hundreds of millions of living beings.

On the same day, the news that Chen Xi broke into the Supreme Sect with his sword alone, leveled the 33rd heaven, and beheaded all the masters of the Supreme Sect also spread at an astonishing speed.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and set off an unprecedented uproar in the fairy world, and Chen Xi's name became a topic that everyone talked about.

Chen Xi's prestige can already be called No.1 in the Three Realms today!

I don't know who made such an evaluation, and it suddenly became the consensus of every ascetic in the fairy world. No one felt that this title was exaggerated.

How many immortal kings has Chen Xi beheaded in these years?

Can't even count!

In these years, has there ever been a person who can stand up to Chen Xi?


In these years, has Chen Xi committed any heinous crimes?

never had!

How could such a great figure with lofty prestige and power that tops the Three Realms cannot bear the title of "No. 1 in the Three Realms Today"?

After this title came into being, voices questioning Chen Xi did not occur in the entire fairy world, but as soon as these voices appeared, they aroused public outrage and were severely suppressed.

It wasn't Chen Xi's action, but the spontaneous actions of those ascetics. From this, it can be seen how lofty Chen Xi's prestige in the fairy world has reached.


The influence of the collapse of the Taishang Sect and the execution of a group of masters is not just that.

After this day, the entire Immortal Realm forces mobilized together and began to join forces to eliminate the remnants of the Supreme Sect left in the major regions of the Immortal Realm.

In less than half a year, there was not a single Supreme Master disciple to be found in the fairy world!

And during these six months, Chen Xi has been living in a simple place, accompanied by his relatives and friends, and lived a life of peace and ease.


Jiuding World.

The green hills are charming, and the fairy mist is graceful.

By a lake.

"Grandpa, I will also be No. 1 in the Three Realms in the future!" A boy about seven or eight years old stood beside Chen Xi, opened his eyes wide, waved his little arms, and said firmly.

This little guy is Chen Hao's grandson, Chen Baobao. He looks like a tiger, with bright eyes, and is immature and cute.

Chen Xi laughed loudly, and joked, "So, you're going to kick Grandpa off the No.1 throne?"

Chen Baobao couldn't stop laughing, he couldn't stop laughing.

"Hmph, don't mind grandpa, he's bragging again." Chen Yunyun snorted aside, she was a few years older than Baobao Chen, she was in the prime of life, and her face was young, pretty, and slim.

Chen Baobao was immediately annoyed, and stared at Chen Yunyun: "I don't have it!"

"Okay, you dare to kill me!" Chen Yunyun raised her eyebrows, and grabbed Baobao Chen's ear with her hand. The latter yelled in pain, tears were about to flow out, begging for mercy loudly.

"Aren't you going to be No.1 in the Three Realms? Why are you begging for mercy?" Chen Yunyun asked.

Chen Baobao said pitifully: "I'm not the one anymore, I want to be the second person in the Three Realms."

"Why is it the second person in the Three Realms?" Chen Yunyun asked curiously.

"Because of Sister Yunyun, how can I dare to be number one?" Chen Baobao was a big kid, with a clear and exquisite mind, and he slapped a flattery without any trace.

Chen Yunyun immediately smiled and stopped embarrassing him.

Chen Xi laughed lightly as he watched from the side, enjoying this kind of family happiness very much.

During the past six months, he brought Qing Xiuyi, Fan Yunlan, and Chen Nuo into the world of Jiuding, and lived with his younger brother Chen Hao, younger sibling Fei Lengcui, son Chen An, nephew Chen Yu... and other relatives and friends. together.

Every day, apart from instructing other people to practice, they drink and chat, quietly cultivate their state of mind, and live a peaceful and peaceful life, ignoring external affairs.

"Ha, Grandpa Lingbai, take me to play!"

Suddenly, Baby Chen saw Ling Bai in the distance, his eyes lit up, and he ran over excitedly.

"I'll go as well."

Chen Yunyun also jumped for joy and followed.

There are not only Lingbai in the distance, but also the yellow-haired little bear Aman, the star soul beast Xiaoxing, and the mythical beast Baikui. These four guys play in the world of Jiuding every day, and they are loved by the little boy Chen Baobao and the little girl Chen Yunyun. favorite.

"These two little guys will forget about me when they have playmates."

Chen Xi touched his nose and was speechless.

Immediately, he heard a sound coming from a distance.

"Nuo Nuo, Chen An is about the same size as you, but now you have a baby, why don't you hurry up and find a Taoist partner to give me a grandson? Look how cute Bao Bao and Yun Yun are." This is Fan Yun Lan's voice.

"Mom! How many times have I told you that I don't want it!" Chen Nuo's voice was full of frustration.

"Why? It seems that I spoiled you too much in the past, and even my mother stopped talking?" Fan Yunlan's voice sank.

"No, I'm just..." Chen Nuo said, "Forget it, unless you can find a man like your father, I won't marry you if you kill me! I'll go to practice first."

"Stop!" Fan Yunlan was furious.

Not long after, Chen Xi saw Fan Yunlan approaching from a distance with a displeased expression on his face.

He couldn't help laughing and said: "Nuo Nuo has grown up, she has her own opinions, so you don't have to embarrass her, not to mention, among the ascetics, few are willing to form a Taoist couple."

Fan Yunlan sighed quietly: "You don't understand."

"Chen Xi, so you are here."

Suddenly, Qing Xiuyi also came from a distance, her white clothes were more than snow, her expression was beautiful and peaceful.

The moment he saw Qing Xiuyi, Fan Yunlan quickly collected his emotions, his face was like still water, calm and calm.

The two women looked at each other, neither said much, and the atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

Chen Xi felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. In the past six months, Fan Yunlan and Qing Xiuyi had met each other more than once, but every time the two of them were like needles facing each other, neither of them took the initiative to talk to each other, which gave Chen Xi a headache.

"Father, I heard that you are leaving this time?"

The dull atmosphere didn't last long before it was broken by a voice, it was Chen An who came.

This made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief, and said, "Mm, not bad."


However, when Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan heard these words, they spoke at the same time, their expressions were a little stunned. For the past six months, they have lived in this world of Jiuding, uncontested, like a paradise, almost Almost forgot everything outside.

Now that Chen An mentioned this matter, his heart suddenly tensed up.

"The time is almost up, we can't delay any longer, otherwise the passage leading to the Ancient God Realm will probably be closed." Chen Xi stood up and answered seriously.

These days, while accompanying relatives and friends, he has not been idle. He is preparing for his departure to the Realm of Doom, and now it is almost time to have to leave.

"When are you leaving?" Qing Xiuyi couldn't help asking.

"In the next two days, I will go to the Dao Emperor Academy, and I will leave immediately after all the funeral arrangements are made." Chen Xi said after a moment of pondering.

Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan were stunned again, leaving so soon?


ps: Let’s make an update today, I’m too busy, let Jinyu take a breath, if possible, Jinyu really doesn’t really want to celebrate the New Year, there are a lot of messes!In addition, welcome to join the Jinyutang cross-server chaos group, group number: 292866140, established by Platinum Leader x Hao~


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