divine talisman

Chapter 1538 Everything is ready [Part 1]

It has been half a year since the Supreme Sect was destroyed.

In the past six months, too many things have happened, and the pattern of the entire Three Realms has quietly undergone earth-shaking changes.

Under Chen Xi's instruction, Qiu Xuanshu led a group of big figures in the academy to re-establish order in the world with the major forces in the fairy world, and then rebuilt the central heavenly court.

Those major forces that immediately formed an alliance with Daohuang Academy under the threat of the Supreme Sect all benefited from it, and became the controllers of the four thousand nine hundred continents in the fairy world.

And the control of the order of the entire fairy world seems to have formed a pattern dominated by Daohuang Academy!

In addition, the big men in the college are divided into two groups, and they descend on the human world all the way, trying their best to wipe out the invasion of foreign races, integrate the order of the human world, and rebuild the universe.

Along the way, under Chen Xi's behest, they arrived in the Nether Realm, assisted the Emperor of the Underworld and the Queen of Judgment, Cui Qingning, to pacify the civil strife in the Nether Realm, regain control of the Underworld, the Six Dao Division, the Ten Halls of Yama, the Meng Po Hall, the Gate of Ghosts, and the Nether Blood River. , so that all order can operate.

It can be said that during the past six months, after all the disciples left by the Supreme Sect in the Three Realms were beheaded, the chaos in the Three Realms was effectively stopped under Chen Xi's absolute control, and everything had faintly recovered. signs of prosperity.

The foreign races outside the territory even lamented "Chen Xi is in power in the Three Realms, and if the time is not with me, it will be useless", and finally withdrew their troops from the Three Realms, retreated outside the territory, and did not dare to easily invade the Three Realms.


But all this is not over. Above the heavens, the gate of the sky is still standing, and the chain of order of heaven is still eyeing, which means that the catastrophe that swept the Three Realms is not over yet.

This is like a sharp sword hanging over the heads of all beings in the three realms. No one knows when it will come again, which makes people feel like they are sitting on pins and needles.

"The Three Realms have changed."

In Daohuang Academy, above the void, Qiu Xuanshu sighed, "The turmoil in the entire Three Realms has been pacified, and for a long time from now on, at least there will be no more invasions from the Supreme Master and foreign races."

"En." Chen Xi nodded.

For the past six months, he has been staying in the Nine Cauldrons World to accompany his relatives and friends, but this does not mean that he has no understanding of things in the Three Realms.

Even some major decisions had to be made by him personally, like sending troops to the human world and the nether world, like rebuilding the central heaven, all came from Chen Xi's orders.

"Uncle, are you really leaving?" Qiu Xuanshu looked at Chen Xi.

"Have to leave."

Chen Xi nodded, "There is no way to do this. The arrow is on the string, so I have to do it. According to my estimate, within a year, the path leading to the Ancient God Realm will be closed, and before that, I must safely reach the Doomsday Only in this way can we find the path leading to the realm of the gods."

Qiu Xuanshu understood and understood that Chen Xi also had difficulties, so he couldn't help asking: "Then after you leave, what about the Three Realms? What about your relatives and friends?"

Regarding this issue, Chen Xi had already considered it, and Dang Li said, "This time I plan to leave alone."

Speaking of this, he turned his head and looked at Qiu Xuanshu with a smile, "You don't have to worry about anything. After I leave, if you encounter difficulties, you can go to Xiuyi and Yunlan for help."

"What's more, in addition to them, Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Xuanyuan Pojun and other comrades in the academy will definitely fully support you to sit in the academy and maintain the order of the entire Three Realms."

"En." Qiu Xuanshu nodded, "Master, don't worry."

He knew that it would be impossible for Chen Xi to stay in the Three Realms even if he wanted to, because Chen Xi's strength had already approached that of the Conferred God, and under this catastrophe, once he took this step, he couldn't help but not leave.

Instead of this, it is better to act in advance, and there is a great chance to find a way to the ancient gods.

"Master, look." Qiu Xuanshu suddenly looked into the distance, "Miss Axiu is here."

Chen Xi was startled, and sure enough, he saw that Axiu was wearing a green dress and approaching from a distance, and he couldn't help but feel complicated emotions welling up in his heart.

Since returning with Fan Yunlan last time, Axiu's attitude towards her has changed drastically, and she has been avoiding seeing her. This is the first time they have met since these days.

Seeing this, Qiu Xuanshu had already made up his mind to leave, leaving only Chen Xi and Axiu in the field.

As in the past, Axiu was wearing a green dress, elegant and graceful, with her hands behind her back, she looked at Chen Xi pretending to be relaxed, and said, "I heard that you are leaving?"

Chen Xi nodded: "Yes, Axiu, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Axiu interrupted: "Chen Xi, do you still remember that when you were in the human world, you promised to promise one thing?"

Chen Xi was stunned, and thought of all kinds of things in the human world in a trance, the scene of himself and Axiu traveling in the gourmet city of Taotie, and the scene of Axiu's exhaustion of cultivation to resist the ghost Su Sheng in order to save himself. The scene of the emperor's attack reminded me of...

Scenes, vividly.

It spread like ripples in Chen Xi's heart.

"Of course I remember." Chen Xi said firmly, looking at Axiu with clear eyes.

"Alright then, this is what I want you to agree to." Axiu took a deep breath, as if she had made an extremely important decision, she took out a jade post and handed it to Chen Xi.

After finishing all this, she turned and floated away.

Chen Xi was startled, but he didn't stop him, but opened the jade sticker in his hand, on which there was only a few elegant handwritings: "We will meet again next time, and I want you to marry me in front of the whole world."

In an instant, Chen Xi's heart shook violently, and all kinds of emotions surged into his chest like a tsunami, causing his hand holding the jade sticker to tremble uncontrollably, and he was speechless in a daze.

"Okay, I promise."

Chen Xi didn't say these words, it was more like a silent declaration. When he made this decision, his heart became surprisingly calm.

There is no more emotion.

I have no more thoughts.

It was an indescribable guilt and joy.

After a long time, Chen Xi put away the jade stickers carefully. He didn't tell Axiu that he planned to reveal all his feelings to Axiu in the first sentence when they met just now...


The next day, Nine Cauldron World.

"Although you are going to the Realm of Doom this time, you can also bring the Xingchen Cave Mansion and Yuhuang Kyushu Ding. They are also gods and will not be repelled and destroyed by the forces inside."

Xiao Ding spoke, his voice was as flat as usual.

But Chen Xi heard a hint of concern, and said, "No need, with my current cultivation, the Xingchen Cave Mansion is no longer needed. As for the Yuhuang Kyushu Cauldron, I'd better keep it in your hands and use it."

The Realm of Doom is an extremely dangerous and mysterious area, which is the source of the catastrophe of the Three Realms, and there is a passage leading to the ancient gods hidden in it.

Chen Xi's understanding of the realm of the end of law is only limited, and only the existence of the divine realm can enter it, and then it is possible to survive.

And this also means that once the power and objects within the scope of the Three Realms enter the realm of doom, they will be rejected and destroyed.

Like treasures, all treasures under the divine treasure will lose their original power as long as they are brought into the realm of doom.

In other words, Chen Xi could only carry divine treasures as his weapons when he went to the realm of the end of law.

But he is not worried about these, now he has three unpredictable magic treasures, the sword talisman, the falling treasure copper coin, and the big Luotian.

The three congenital spiritual treasures like Zhou Xukong releasing the lamp, Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, and Binding Shensuo were originally Qing Xiuyi's items, and now they have already been returned to her.

Other treasures such as the Dark Tribulation Sword, Moon Slaughter Sword, Huoyun Fuchen obtained from Yin Huaikong, Kong Zhao, and Taoist Tuokong, such as Qingdou Palace Lantern, Hentian Seal, Xuanhuang Gourd, etc., were passed on to him by him. Fan Yunlan, Chen Hao, Chen An, Chen Yu, Chen Nuo and other relatives.

It can be said that when Chen Xi decided to go to the Realm of the Ending Law, he already left all the treasures that he didn't need to his relatives and friends, and he only had a few divine treasures left on him.

"Since you have made a decision, I won't force you." Xiao Ding said, "But this second clone, do you really intend to keep it in the Three Realms?"

Chen Xi nodded: "With him here, I can completely rest assured after I leave."

Today's second avatar has already reached the peak of the Saint Immortal, and is only one step away from entering the ranks of the Immortal King, and is still an Immortal King at the level of body training of gods and demons!

According to Xiao Ding, at this time, as long as Chen Xi himself is fused with the avatar, without the help of the spirit of Dao Fruit, he can step into the divine realm in one fell swoop, ignite the divine fire of the soul, and shape an immortal body. almost imagined.

But Chen Xi still refused. It is true that as he said, he was worried about the Three Realms, and even less worried about those relatives and friends. The Three Realms seem to be peaceful now, but in fact the catastrophe of the Three Realms is still hanging above the heavens. This is what made him make this decision. an important reason.

Seeing that Chen Xi had made up his mind, Xiao Ding stopped trying to persuade him, and said, "But you have to be careful, the existence of the realm of the end of law has already surpassed the scope of the Three Realms, and the status of gods in it is no different from that of ordinary people in the human world."

Chen Xi was startled, and suddenly realized that today Xiao Ding seemed to be a bit wordy, and his words seemed plain as water, but he was actually thinking of himself everywhere.

Xiao Ding obviously realized this too, and after saying that, he immediately shut up and remained silent.

After a long time, Xiao Ding seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit secretive, and immediately became impatient, "Leave as soon as you want, why hesitate, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, hurry up."

Chen Xi smiled wryly, and thought to himself: "From the beginning to the end, it seems that you are the mother-in-law, right?"


late at night.

In the main hall of the Chen family, Chen Xi gathered all his relatives and friends together and held a banquet, but he did not tell the others that he was leaving.

Because the second clone will stay in the Three Realms, there is no need to let everyone know the news and worry about themselves.

Only Qing Xiuyi, Fan Yunlan, Chen Hao, Chen An, Chen Yu... and a few others knew that Chen Xi's purpose for holding this banquet was rather complicated.

After the banquet was over, Chen Xi quietly left the Nine Cauldrons World and returned to the Dao Emperor Academy, intending to submerge himself in cultivation, stepping into the Conferred God Realm in one fell swoop, and immediately set off for the Realm of Doom.

But just before he retreated, Qiu Xuanshu came in a hurry, bringing a jade box and an unexpected piece of news.


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