divine talisman

Chapter 1539 Proving the Dao and Conferring the Gods [Part 2]

Qiu Xuanshu presented the jade box first, and said: "Uncle Master, this is from the Underworld Emperor Huang Quan, who said that you are about to travel far away, and these two treasures should also be returned to their original owners.

Chen Xi immediately understood that what was contained in the jade box were You Ming Lu and Xie Xie Pen.

"It's rare that he still remembers this." He took the jade box in his hand and said with emotion, originally he planned to take these two days to return to the Netherworld, but now it saves him a lot of effort.

After all, the Nether Record and the Xie Xie Pen belonged to the third Nether Emperor, and they were imprinted with the end of the inheritance of Taoism. They are taboo-like powers that cannot be lost.

With Chen Xi's improvement in cultivation now, he has become more and more aware of how heaven-defying and powerful the ending dao will is. Once mastered, it can kill almost any existence that claims to be "eternal and immortal".

Among them, the gods are naturally included!

It's no wonder that the third Nether Emperor was besieged by all the gods in the sky, which ended the existence of Taoism, and it was destined to make many people restless.

"Isn't there another piece of news?" Chen Xi asked casually.

Qiu Xuanshu nodded and said: "Exactly." After speaking, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Chen Xi.

Jade Jane?

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, opened it, and when he saw the contents clearly, he couldn't help but tighten his heart.

This jade slip was obviously left by the great sage Tatian, and it roughly tells that with the outbreak of the catastrophe in the Three Realms, his junior sister Zhen Liuqing has already gone to the realm of the end of the Dharma under the leadership of Dao Que.

As for Huangfu Qingying, Zhao Qinghe, Zhou Zhou, Ling Yu, Shang and the others, they are currently cultivating alongside the Great Sage Ta Tian, ​​and they will not be able to join Chen Xi in a short time.

It also specifically stated that they are now in a secret realm arranged by Dao Que Daoist, and the secret realm is now closed to avoid catastrophe.

This also means that unless this catastrophe ends, everyone, including the Great Sage Stepping on the Sky, will be stranded in that secret realm.

This is the same as Nuwa Taoist Palace. As soon as they leave, they close the five-color world, in order to avoid the invasion of this three-world catastrophe.

After watching all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling lost in his heart.

Zhen Liuqing and her master Dao Que have already stepped into the realm of the end of the Dharma, while Huangfu Qingying, Zhao Qinghe, Ling Yu, and Zhou Zhou stayed with the Great Sage Tatian and stayed in a secret place isolated from the world middle.

It seems that there is an invisible force in the dark, preventing him from meeting these friends. Since entering the fairy world, it has made them miss each time and cannot meet each other.


From that day on, Chen Xi began to retreat, to attack the Conferred God Realm.

The Conferred God Realm is also divided into different levels. These days, Chen Xi has also read the classics left by the four senior brothers of Shenyan Mountain, the old poor, one by one, and roughly understands the power of the existence of the God Realm.

Generally speaking, Conferred God is just a general title. According to the opinion of the fourth senior brother, the old and poor, the existence of the known gods in the three realms in the past can be roughly divided into three levels.

They are Dongwei True God, Dongguang Spiritual God, and Dongyu Ancestral God. These three realms of gods hold three completely different powers.

Like [Dongwei True God], it is the first realm after stepping into the realm of the gods. Arriving at this realm is equivalent to opening the "Immortal Divine Fire" in the soul, also known as the "Eternal Divine Fire". Power".

[Dongguang Lingshen] is completely different from Dongwei True God, who builds his own altar and controls the "power of the domain".

Further up is the [Ancestral God of Dongyu], who evolved into the universe of the era and controls the "power of the universe".

These realms have all appeared in the gods of the ancient times, like the fourth senior brother, who is poor and poor, is a cave light spirit god who controls the "power of the domain".

However, it is said that there are higher existences above this triple divine way realm, but those realms are no longer comprehensible to the old and poor of the fourth senior brother.

Gods and demons, innate beings born in the chaos, as well as Fuxi, the lord of Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa, the lord of Nuwa's Taoist Palace, and the Supreme Leader are existences standing above the triple divine realm!

After understanding all of this, one can understand that the power in the three realms is indeed limited, and the inheritance methods related to the divine realm are too rare and rare, and there are only Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace, and the Supreme Sect. Among the supreme forces, it was recorded just now.

From this, we can also know how difficult it is to advance to Conferred God.

At least in the Three Realms, the people who can confer gods are almost all giants who are rare in the world, amazing existences that are rare in thousands of years.

For example, in the Realm of the Conferred Gods, with the abilities of Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao, the true disciples of the Ether Master, they can only pin their hopes of stepping into the Realm of the Conferred Gods on the Spirit of Dao Fruit.

It is a pity that because of Chen Xi's intervention, they also fell short in the end, and missed the opportunity to confer the gods and prove the way.

In short, the existence of the God Realm has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not included in the Five Elements, and the power it possesses has also surpassed the scope of the Three Realms.

Only in this way can it be called the status of "Supreme".

For all living beings in the Three Realms, the existence of the God Realm can indeed be called "Supreme".


But for Chen Xi, conferring gods was no longer a difficult task.

Even, he now has at least three ways to step into the divine realm, one is to use the power of the spirit of Daoguo, and the other is to fuse the deity with the clone to build an "immortal body" and step into the realm of conferring the gods.

As for the third type, it is simple, and it is to rely on one's own cultivation and potential to break through to reach the divine realm!

The first two methods can allow Chen Xi to step into the ranks of conferred gods at any time, while the last method requires Chen Xi to spend some time to comprehend.

But it's not that difficult. Today, he has the unique "primordial Dao source", the inheritance of "Wuji Divine Book", and the cultivation base of "Half-God Ultimate Realm". The combination of the "Luck of the Heavens" that he obtained in his life made his potential and power infinitely close to that of a real god.

Under such circumstances, it was a matter of course for Chen Xi to use his own potential to step into the realm of conferring gods.

Therefore, Chen Xi chose the third method of conferring gods.

As for the Daoguo spirit he possessed, he handed it over to the second avatar for safekeeping, and will give it to Qing Xiuyi, Fan Yunlan, Qiu Xuanshu... when they hit the Conferred God Realm, they will give it to them.

In this way, the first two methods are ruled out.

In doing so, Chen Xi only hoped to use his own strength to help the people around him as much as possible, which can be said to be well-intentioned.



On the seventh day of Chen Xi's closed-door retreat, an invisible and obscure force roared violently, and his soul, like boiling molten lava, illuminated the universe in his body.

It can be vaguely seen, as if a ray of flame is about to jump out of its soul.

This is "igniting the fire"!

As long as you take this step, you will be able to build the "Inextinguishable Divine Fire" and step into the ranks of Dongwei True God.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was solemn, his whole body was filled with aura of divinity, radiating ten thousand rays of light, every inch of his skin seemed to be gushing out of aura of divinity.


Just when the power of the soul boiled to the extreme, Chen Xi shouted loudly in his heart.



At this moment, outside the Dao Emperor's Palace, the situation changed, and a vortex suddenly descended from the sky, covering the sky, and the vortex roared, and there were colorful divine fires in it, red, purple, indigo, dark blue... various colors The divine fire in his body was steaming, releasing an incomparably terrifying coercion.

Everyone in the entire academy was alarmed. They stopped their movements and looked over. When they saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

"Headmaster... is he going to set foot in the Conferred God Realm?"

Many big shots vaguely guessed a certain possibility, and gasped for breath.

As for those disciples whose cultivation base was below the Immortal King Realm, at this moment, their Dao Xin almost fell, their minds went blank, and they were shocked by the divine power in the vortex, and almost fell to their knees.

That scene was too terrifying, it was a kind of supreme divine power, descending into the sky now, turning into a vortex, that kind of power is not something that ordinary ascetics can resist.


Not long after, there was another change. Above the heavens, the portal of the sky, standing silently, seemed to have sensed something, and trembled violently.

Then, one after another, the incomparably thick chains of the order of heaven and order descended rumblingly, densely packed, like a cage of avenues linked by billions of chains descending, trying to restrain the heretics in the three realms.

"Not good! If the dean is disturbed at this time, I'm afraid it will fall short!"

Qiu Xuanshu and the others suddenly changed their countenance and were horrified, but they were powerless to stop anything, because with their current strength, they could barely resist the divine power between heaven and earth, and they lacked even the strength to do it.

At this moment, all the ascetics in the [-] continents of the fairy world also noticed this scene.

The silent portal of the sky has revived again, and the next chain of order descended. What does this mean?Could it be that the silent catastrophe will sweep over again?

All beings were shocked and at a loss.


In this extremely oppressive atmosphere, suddenly a figure soared into the sky, bursting with billions of divine brilliance, like a sun rising slowly in the entire fairy world, extremely blazing, and reflected in everyone's vision.

"That is?"

"It seems to be Chen Xi, the principal of Daohuang Academy!"

"God, what is he going to do?"

The whole fairy world was shaken and there was an uproar, guessing the identity of that blazing figure.


Before they recovered their senses, they saw that blazing figure reach out and grab it, and the vortex releasing countless colorful divine fires was caught immediately, exploded, and turned into billions of light rains, all of which were absorbed by that figure. into the body.

Almost at the same time, dense chains of heaven and order descended, trying to cover that fiery figure.


But at this moment, that blazing figure suddenly raised his head, pulled out a sword with a clang, and swiped across the sky, an astonishing, immeasurably brilliant sword energy swept out, and a boom, boom, and earth-shattering sound resounded through the air. , shaking for nine days and ten places.

Under the horrified eyes of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, the divine chains of order were cut off one after another and fell!


ps: The last few chapters may be a bit dull, but everything is paving the way for the ancient gods. This kind of content is the most difficult to write, and the plot must be comprehensive, concise and refined, and all kinds of clues must be paved. Goldfish It took a lot of energy for this, please understand and encourage a lot~~Hold your fist~~


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