divine talisman

Chapter 1540

With one sword strike, the divine chain of order in heaven was easily severed.

Looking from the ground, one after another thick black chains were like severed dead snakes, falling from the sky one after another, shocking people's hearts.

That is the power of the order of heaven, representing a kind of absolute control, overlooking the Three Realms, so that hundreds of millions of living beings dare not prosecute, but now, it was cut to pieces by Chen Xi's sword!

The entire fairyland was shocked.

As early as the beginning of this catastrophe, the existences of gods all over the Three Realms, no matter where they hid, were all bound and restrained by the god chain of that day's law and order, and were forcibly taken away, unable to struggle.

At that time, many people noticed this shocking scene.

This also made them fear the power of the catastrophe from the bottom of their hearts, realizing that under this catastrophe, even the gods were helpless and could only sit and wait for death.

But who would have thought that just today, they all saw Chen Xi's figure soaring into the sky, cutting off many divine chains of order with one strike!

What kind of terrifying cultivation should be possessed to achieve this step?


Just when the world was shocked, Chen Xi didn't stop, and stepped forward step by step.

His whole body was filled with blazing divine brilliance, he slashed with the blade of the sword in his hand, and charged all the way, those divine chains of order that came down were chopped into pieces one after another, unable to stop Chen Xi's pace.


One after another, the earth-shattering explosions resounded throughout the four thousand nine hundred continents of the fairy world, as if the gods were beating a big drum, which was soul-stirring.

"The dean is really about to leave..."

In Daohuang Academy, while shocked, the big figures couldn't help being in a trance, pouring out a lot of reluctance, but no one stopped them.

Because they already knew that sooner or later, Chen Xi would leave!

Because his road is still very long, he has set foot on the height that all beings in the Three Realms can only look up to, and these Three Realms are too small for him after all, the only way for him is to leave and enter the Ancient God Realm.

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to have become the focus of attention of the entire fairy world, and even many eyes in the human world and the nether world were watching this scene.




All kinds of emotions are mixed, making all beings in the three worlds seem to be witnessing an unprecedented miracle happening before their eyes.

Everyone knows that a glorious era represented by Chen Xi may come to an end today. His glory, his prestige, his strength, his legend, his experience... will all be branded to the Three Realms like a brand. It is recorded and admired by all generations!

No one dared to speculate whether in the days to come in the Three Realms, there would still be people who would be able to surpass the various miracles created by Chen Xi.

But at least everyone knows that, looking at the boundless years of the past, compared to those epic and shocking figures who have appeared in the Three Realms, in terms of prestige, there are only a handful of people who can reach and surpass Chen Xi's height. That's all.

Chen Xi!

This name is also destined to become an indelible brand in the Three Realms.


"Comrades, please take care, goodbye!"

From above the sky, came Chen Xi's quiet and indifferent voice, resounding through the nine heavens and ten earths, echoing in the [-] continents of the fairy world, like the voice of a god, it lasted for a long time.

Then, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of millions of living beings, Chen Xi's blazing and majestic figure broke through the chains of heaven and order, jumped into the portal of the sky, and disappeared.


The sentient beings didn't know why, but they felt a great sense of loss, and fell silent, staring at the portal of the sky, without saying a word for a long time.

"Take care of yourself."

"Father, you must come back."

"Principal, feel free to seek your own way, the Three Realms will be your strongest backing from now on!"

At this moment, those relatives and friends of Chen Xi, the teachers and students of the Dao Emperor Academy, and the ascetics in the Three Realms all prayed for Chen Xi in their hearts.

The ancient God Realm is the place where the gods live and is the place of eternity. A long time ago, a group of innate gods born in the chaos, those powerful beings who had already stepped into the realm of the gods left the Three Realms one after another.

Now, Chen Xi has also left the Three Realms.

This is a great honor.

But in the same way, this is also a brand new way, the road ahead is vast, and the danger is unknown.

Will Chen Xi be able to successfully set foot in God's Domain and reach the pinnacle of the Great Dao?



A fairy sword shuttled through the void, constantly advancing.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the fairy sword, his eyes scanned his surroundings.

After entering the portal of the sky, what appears in the field of vision is a vast chaos, which seems to be boundless and endless.

"This should be a tunnel of time and space. It's chaotic, and I don't know when it will reach the real realm of doom." Chen Xi withdrew his gaze and pondered in his heart.

After entering this place, there is no danger along the way, the atmosphere is dead silent, except for the sound of the fairy sword breaking through the sky, there is no other sound.

"Those imprisoned existences in the God Realm are now being forcibly brought into the Realm of Namo Law. The situation must be extremely dangerous. I don't know if the senior brothers and sisters have all safely reached the Ancient God Realm from it..."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi shook his head, "I just hope that when I arrive, the passage leading to the God's Domain will never be closed."

The domain of doom, the source of the eruption of catastrophic power, and the power to control the order of heaven, have taken away an unknown number of divine existences during these days.

All of this is doomed, there is definitely a place of great danger!

Chen Xi even suspected that if those kidnapped god realms could not find a way to the ancient god realm, their lives would have to be handed over to the realm of Dharma Doom.

Under such circumstances, he dared not take it lightly.

Chen Xi's current strength has been promoted to the realm of "True God Dongwei". When the fire of soul is ignited, all the power in the universe in his body has been transformed into almost transparent and obscure divine power.

This kind of strength is enough to be proud of the ages in the Three Realms, and to overwhelm the world, but in the realm of the end of the law, I am afraid that it will become the most ordinary existence.

After all, that is an area that only the divine realm can reach, and Chen Xi has just set foot in the divine realm.

However, this promotion to the God Realm, relying on his incomparably solid cultivation foundation, has greatly transformed his strength. At least he is not afraid of confronting the True God Dongwei who is in the same realm.

You know, as early as when he was in the semi-divine state, he beheaded the three real gods Yin Huaikong, Kong Zhao, and Taoist Tuokong in one fell swoop!

But now that he has truly stepped into the realm of the gods, the power and influence he possesses has long been extraordinary and comparable.


The benefits brought by advancing to the Realm of Dongwei True God are not limited to this. For example, the strength of the divine power in Chen Xi's current inner body is also far beyond that of the ordinary True God Dongwei.

In particular, the soul fire he ignited caused the entire soul to create a soul vortex, and a ray of transparent divine fire burned eternally in the vortex, illuminating the entire universe within the body.

But the divine fire ignited by the ordinary True God Dongwei is far from reaching this step.

What's more important is that around Chen Xi's soul fire, there is still a "Forbidden Path Secret Rune" hanging over it!

This is absolutely impossible for other True God Dongwei to have, because this "Forbidden Path Secret Rune" comes from the fragments of the river map, and it has become a part of Chen Xi's soul long ago.

At that time, he didn't know the specific magical effect of the "Forbidden Path Secret Pattern", but he could feel that as long as there was this Forbidden Path Secret Pattern, even if he was killed, his soul would not be wiped out!

In other words, this "Forbidden Path Secret Rune" is like an unshakable armor, defending around Chen Xi's soul, preventing it from being harmed.

But now, when Chen Xi ignited the soul fire, this "forbidden path secret pattern" reappeared, no longer hidden, but lingered around his soul fire, steaming wisps of obscure runes, appearing magnificent and mysterious.

The existence of the divine fire of the soul also means that as long as the divine fire does not go out, Chen Xi can exist forever!

Similarly, because of the defense of the "forbidden path secret pattern", unless there is an irresistible and huge change, his soul fire is destined not to be extinguished.

This point alone is not comparable to other Dongwei True Gods.


In addition, the Great Dao of the Immortal King controlled by Chen Xi, after stepping into the realm of conferring gods, has also been transformed into the power of order in the divine way.

The order of the Shinto is the profound meaning of the Dao controlled by the gods!

The path of cultivation, from the initial dao rhyme, dao meaning, law, dao god pattern, holy dao law, immortal king's law... are all an interpretation of the profound truth of the dao.

This process can be seen as a process of mastering the Dao from shallow to deep.

And this order of the divine way is a kind of profound meaning of the great way above the law of the immortal king, and it is a manifestation of the "way" beyond the scope of the three realms.

It is also called "The Way of God"!

The way of gods is also divided into different types. The so-called three thousand ways of the gods are different. On this road of gods, some people follow the "five elements god way", some people walk the "yin-yang god way", and some people walk the "wind and thunder god way" Etc., etc.

Chen Xi, on the other hand, followed the "Divinity of Talismans"!

In his divine way, the Five Elements, Tai Chi, Star Annihilation, Immortality, Nirvana, Life and Death, Time, Space... and so on are integrated, which can be called all-encompassing and infinitely mysterious.

And the astonishing transformation of his own cultivation, morality, combat power, spirit...etc., made Chen Xi fully feel how terrifying the power of the existence of the gods is, and he has the ability to turn decay into magic, reshape The supreme power like the world of heaven and earth!


When Chen Xi advanced to Conferment of God and entered the gate of the sky, outside the Three Realms, in a vast and chaotic world, a golden divine light suddenly lit up.

Then, this ray of golden light turned into a mysterious and majestic scroll, which spread out across the chaos, and one could clearly see that brilliant names appeared on the surface of the scroll!

These names line by line, line by line, are like pearls inlaid in the chaos, blooming with various supreme auras, full of great majesty.

"Among the Three Realms, there is someone who defied the sky and became a god again, and attained fruit status!" Suddenly, a mysterious eye appeared, staring at that golden scroll.

"Huh? The name can't be detected by the list of gods..." That mysterious eye suddenly narrowed, bursting out with a terrifying radiance of billions of feet, steaming violently, looking at the golden scroll again.

But in the end, it also found nothing, closed its eyes extremely unwillingly, and disappeared into the chaotic boundless world.

On the golden list, a name was looming, completely different from other names nearby, making it impossible to see what it represented.

Until later, this name disappeared from the golden list little by little, as if it had never appeared before...


ps: Let’s make an update today, and a new volume will be opened tomorrow, which is the final volume of Fuhuang. There are many things and materials that need to be sorted out. In addition, for the list of gods, you can refer to the description of chapter 1359, and I won’t go into details~


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