divine talisman

Chapter 1541

The domain of doom is where the power of the catastrophe of the Three Realms comes from.

Stepping into this road, even the gods, will find it difficult to turn back, which means that there is no way out except to find a way to enter the ancient gods.

This road is very long, running through the boundless space, full of chaos, speeding through it, like a torrent across time.

The place was deadly silent, Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the divine talisman, and kept going back and forth, as if there was no end to it.

"Everything will be a new beginning, and we must not take it lightly..." Chen Xi took a deep breath, and stopped thinking about it. With a thought, two divine treasures appeared around him.

A clear and dreamy big one.

Three copper coins filled with golden brilliance.

Da Luotian, the supreme treasure of the Shenyan Mountain Town School, ranks No. 16 among the [-] innate spiritual treasures known in the Three Realms!

This treasure is mysterious and unpredictable, it can hunt the sky marks of the great way, fate and luck, Fuxi, the lord of Shenyan Mountain, used this thing to snatch the river map from the battle of the gods in one fell swoop!

Falling Treasure Copper Coin, ranked No. 20 and fourth, this treasure is so powerful that it is beyond imagination. As long as it is sacrificed properly, it is enough to drop all acquired spiritual treasures. Even among the ranks of innate spiritual treasures, it is also a rare thing.

Now, the divine treasures on Chen Xi's body, apart from the sword talisman that he sacrificed, and the Youminglu and the Xiexie Pen, which were branded to end the inheritance of Taoism, only these two innate spiritual treasures remained.

But at this moment, to avoid accidents, Chen Xi sacrificed Da Luotian and three falling treasure copper coins at the same time, and defended them around his body. After doing all this, he felt a little more at ease.


Chen Xi closed his eyes, and the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness hummed softly, emitting a pure and blurred light.

Then, a broken pattern emerged from the fragments of the river map.

On the pattern, there is only a broken iron sword, half of which is blood-stained, bright red, and half of which is scorched black, as if it has been severely injured.

Even though he has stepped into the divine realm and become a true Dongwei True God, when his mind is locked on this incomplete pattern, Chen Xi still cannot help but tremble a little.

It was an emotion similar to awe and fear. I felt like an ant, and my proud "Sword God"'s perfect kendo cultivation was pale and powerless in front of this blood-stained sword.

Because the aura of this blood-stained and incomplete sword is too terrifying, even if it has long been broken, even if it is just a broken pattern, it is enough to disturb the galaxy and kill the heavens and myriad ways!

This breath is definitely not something that the Three Realms can possess.

Even Chen Xi once suspected that when this blood-stained and crippled sword's real body appeared, even the power of No. 16 "Da Luotian" would not be comparable to it!

"My current sword practice has been in the sword god's perfect realm for too long. With this picture of a broken sword, I can set foot on the sword emperor's realm as soon as possible."

Chen Xi held his breath and focused his attention on the incomplete sword diagram, and began to comprehend it quietly.

In the past few years, he has often comprehended this incomplete sword drawing, which made his sword practice improve by leaps and bounds, and thus broke out in battle after battle with shocking combat power.

But this does not mean that he has grasped all the truths in the incomplete sword diagram. From this, he can know how extraordinary the origin of this incomplete sword diagram is. It only allows Chen Xi to comprehend some mysteries, and let him cultivate the way of the sword. Being promoted, if this scene is known to other people, I'm afraid I can't believe that there is such a terrifying inheritance in the world.

The fact is exactly the same, this incomplete sword map is definitely the first one in the world, because it... comes from the river map!

As for the realm of the Sword Emperor, Chen Xi has always had a feeling that as long as he breaks through this realm, some special changes will take place.

If the previous perception of the sword is a quantitative accumulation, then once you step into the realm of the sword emperor, it will be a qualitative transformation.

Chen Xi was looking forward to it.


Time passed silently, and before I knew it, more than a month had passed.

On this day, Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes.


At this moment, suddenly, this chaos trembled violently, time and space were distorted, and everything was in chaos, as if everything was about to collapse.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi was not surprised but delighted, a knowing smile appeared on the corner of his lips, the arrival is finally here!

In his field of vision, in the chaotic depths of time and space, a gigantic vortex suddenly emerged.

The vortex is like the black hole in the deepest part of the universe, tearing apart the chaos. The circles of vortex turbulence made Chen Xi feel a heavy oppressive and suffocating feeling.

"As long as you successfully break through the vortex, you can reach the realm of doom."


An obscure chaotic force surged out, like a ray of sharp edge, brushed across Chen Xi's temples, and almost hit his head.

This was caused by the terrifying power bursting out of the vortex, and it was extremely terrifying.

"Sure enough..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and suddenly rushed up, his body was filled with divine brilliance, like a Kunpeng, he broke through many spaces, and rushed towards the vortex.

call out!

A stream of gray light flew over, engulfed in chaotic energy, shining with divine luster, brilliant and dazzling.

Chen Xi dodged again and again, but these gray streamers were too dense, and they all shot out from the incomparably huge vortex. No matter how much he dodged, his shoulder was still rubbed in the end.

With a puff, blood splashed, and with his current divine strength, he was actually injured by this blow!

Regarding this, Chen Xi did not change his face, he pursed his lips, his black eyes were fierce, and from the beginning to the end, his figure never stayed at all.

As time passed, he got closer and closer to the vortex, but the attacks he suffered became more and more intensive, like a violent storm, covering the whole area.

I don't know what kind of power those gray streamers are, and they are so intimidating that Chen Xi, a strong man in the divine realm, feels a kind of great pressure and crisis.


Another piece of gray streamer flew over, bringing with it a period of hazy chaos, that kind of power frightened even the gods.

There was no way for Chen Xi to avoid it, so he gritted his teeth in the end, and desperately risked being injured, he swooped down and smashed away with the sword talisman in his hand.


In the end, he managed to break through, but his chest was still cut open, and the blood flowed out, almost piercing through his heart. It was extremely thrilling!

There are generally only two possibilities on this passage leading to the realm of doom.

Either be swallowed and obliterated by the incomparably huge vortex, or use all means to pass through the vortex, other than that, there is no other possibility.


The vortex rotates, shooting billions of gray streamers.

The extremely powerful vortex tearing force twisted, collapsed, and turned this channel into turbulent currents, as if to strangle everything.

Chen Xi's figure flickered, and he didn't confront it head-on. Instead, he followed the power of this vortex, and at the same time, he used the method of "swallowing Taoism" to dissolve the devouring power in those vortexes.

As a supernatural being who mastered all kinds of supreme avenues, Chen Xi had already reached an inconceivable level in terms of power control.

The twisting and tearing power of the vortex couldn't trap him, the only thing that made him feel troublesome was the gray streamers that kept shooting out.


This chaotic space shook violently, time and space shattered, more power spewed out from the vortex, streams of light were countless, and the chaotic aura surged, becoming more and more dangerous.

"Strange, this vortex seems to be targeting itself. Could it be that it already has consciousness?"

The situation was getting worse and worse, and Chen Xi couldn't help being a little bit suspicious. He had a faint feeling that something was wrong with this situation, as if he was caught in a sniper attack that was waiting for him.


A moment later, a stream of gray light gathered and turned into a zigzagging chaotic lightning, wrapped in terrifying divine brilliance, and struck.

This kind of power is extremely terrifying, surpassing what I have seen before, once it hits, even a strong person in the divine realm will immediately drink his hatred on the spot, and the divine body will be smashed to pieces.


At this moment, Chen Xi yelled loudly, and sacrificed the falling treasure copper coins with a bang, and the three golden copper coins shone brightly, surrounding his body in the shape of the word "pin".

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi's figure jerked, piercing through the air and obstructing the attack, passing through this dangerous area, and diving headlong into the vortex.

A violent explosion came from behind, the chaos split open, and the sky was filled with divine brilliance. This area completely collapsed and collapsed, forming a terrible energy turbulence.


Chen Xi only felt as if a hundred thousand mountains were slamming down on his back, his bones almost shattered, his throat suddenly felt sweet, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his lips.

Then, like a kite with a broken string, he rumbled into the depths of the vortex.


After a while.

In a huge chaotic vortex, with a bang, a figure staggered out of it.

"Finally came out." Chen Xi, whose face was slightly pale, showed a look of joy, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe, and felt relaxed all over his body.

Everything before was like a nightmare, dangerous and terrifying, more dangerous than fighting with a strong man in the divine realm.

Because all those powers are mysterious and powerful, reversing time and space, collapsing chaos, and if you are unlucky, you will definitely die, and even gods will not be spared.

"The Realm of Doom, here I come!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and the injuries all over his body recovered at an incredible speed, while his eyes looked at the surrounding world.

This is a wilderness, extremely vast, the sky is blue and misty, the mountains on the earth are undulating, the ancient trees are towering, and the air is filled with wisps of obscure chaos.

"Hey, you were escaped by this lower realm prey?"

"I think it was just a fluke."

"Young Master, don't worry, this old slave will go and capture this prey."

Just as Chen Xi was looking around, a sound suddenly resounded throughout the world.

Nether prey?

Get away with it?

Little Lord?

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and his pupils shrank suddenly. At this moment, he suddenly understood that everything he experienced just now had been watched by others!

In other words, as early as when I entered the vortex, someone was "waiting for a rabbit" here!


At this moment, there was a wave in the void in the distance, and a dazzling red divine light tore through the sky and earth, crushed time and space, and burst into it!

That is a divine arrow!

Wisps of divine brilliance wrapped around the arrow body, blazing and glaring, releasing an invincible and terrifying power.


At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and there was a divine sound like the cry of a god and demon, all of which were caused by the red divine arrow!


ps: I wrote the outline for a whole day, and I am not satisfied. Chen Xi has just stepped out of the Three Realms. Goldfish needs to spend some time to go through the plot. Let's resume the 2nd update tomorrow.


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