divine talisman

Chapter 1542 Hollow Spiritual God [Part 1]


The red divine arrow pierced through the air, disturbing the situation in all directions.

In an instant, the pores of Chen Xi's body were terrified, and his entire body was locked by a terrifying and powerful will.

This is an effect that can only be achieved by reaching a terrifying level in the way of arrows. No matter how you move and move, as long as you are locked on the Qi machine, you will not be able to avoid the sniper attack of the terrible way of arrows!

Obviously, it was a sharp archer who shot suddenly!

Being able to lock in the cultivation of arrows to lock onto a godlike existence like Chen Xi, one can imagine how frightening the person's cultivation of arrows has reached.


At this critical juncture, Chen Xi let out a cold snort, the divine brilliance in his eyes opened and closed, and in his sea of ​​consciousness, the secret lines of the forbidden path shrouded around the "soul fire" suddenly trembled.

With a bang, it was as if an invisible will was shattered, and the energy that was locked around Chen Xi's body suddenly disintegrated and disappeared.


Almost at the same time, with a slight flash of Chen Xi's figure, he narrowly avoided the attack of that red divine arrow.

Rumbling~~~ The red divine arrow fell into the air, and ruthlessly blasted the ground behind Chen Xi, forcibly digging a bottomless crack and abyss, in which the divine aura was chaotic, crushing everything.

The power of an arrow is so terrifying!


A cry of surprise came from a distance, it seemed that Chen Xi was able to avoid this blow.


At this moment, Chen Xi's huge thoughts spread out, and in an instant, in a wilderness thousands of miles away, he found the enemy who was attacking and killing him.

It was a group of people, a bearded old man with a big animal bone bow and naked upper body.

The old man is nine feet tall, and his muscles are like cast iron, full of explosive power. He is extremely powerful. There is a "God Bow" tattoo on his cheek. Divinity breath.

Beside the old man, there was also a young man in white robes, and a group of strong and stern guards.

Obviously, the young man in white robe is their core figure.

"Who are these guys? Could it be that they are from the Ancient God Realm?" A thought flashed in Chen Xi's mind, and from the aura of those people, he could tell that the other party was obviously not the generation of the Supreme Sect.

This also means that the other party is either a cultivator living in this realm of doom, or he is from the realm of the ancient gods!

"Hmph, waiting here and treating me like a prey is really arrogant and rampant!" Chen Xi's expression turned cold, and a bone-chilling chill welled up in his eyes.

"Uncle Jiu, this prey from the lower realm is quite strong. I want to capture him as a god slave and be driven by me for the rest of his life." Thousands of miles away, the young man in white robes spoke in a young voice, and said a word lightly, revealing an incomparable arrogance.

"Young master, since you like it, the old slave will spare his life and capture him alive to you."


The sound of bursting the void resounded one after another, and the red arrows shot again, piercing through the sky and smashing time and space, and the sharpness was unmatched to the extreme.

Thousands of miles away, the mighty old man with a height of nine feet shot again, pulling the big bow of animal bones, and in an instant, he shot nine divine arrows in succession, showing the momentum of nine stars in a row, covering the whole world, locking Chen Xi retreats!

"Prey? God slave?"

A killing intent welled up in Chen Xi's heart. When he was in the Three Realms, he was honored as No.1, admired by all, and his status was incomparably lofty. But now, as soon as he arrived in this Dharma-ending realm, he suffered such insults. Chen Xi's bottom line was broken.


The sword talisman flew across the sky, and Chen Xi jumped up, and the divine power in his body circulated surgingly, and he slashed away.


A red divine arrow came first, and Chen Xi's sword accurately slashed at the tip of the arrow. The two collided, bursting out with divine brilliance, and then, the red divine arrow exploded into pieces, turning into light and rain.

As for Chen Xi's whole body, his figure was shaken by the shock, and his whole body was churning with energy and blood.

"What a terrifying arrow power! Although this old thing's arrow power has only reached the level of the 'God of Arrow', his own strength is probably already higher than the True God Dongwei!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes.

Above the True God Dongwei is the Spiritual God Dongguang!

This realm, on the basis of the soul fire, has once again built the "hole light altar" and controlled the "power of the domain"!

bang~~ bang~~ bang~~

Thoughts in his mind were fleeting, but Chen Xi's hand didn't stop. He moved the sword and chopped the remaining eight red divine arrows that pierced through the air one by one, creating waves of terrifying explosive torrents that spread in all directions. The rocks collapsed, the void became chaotic, and the earth was reduced to ruins.

After doing all of this, Chen Xi's entire body was filled with qi and blood, and his bones were trembling. The power was so terrifying that he suffered a lot from such hard work.

"This realm of law-ending realm is indeed extremely dangerous, and the presence of a divine realm here is like walking on thin ice..." Chen Xi sighed inwardly, and he became more and more aware of the abnormality of this law-ending realm.


"This prey from the lower realm actually blocked Uncle Jiu's arrow!"

Chen Xi was full of surprises and doubts. The group of young men in white robes thousands of miles away were even more surprised than him. They seemed to have never expected that under such circumstances, they would not be able to capture Chen Xi.

"Uncle Jiu, I'm going to decide on this god slave! Three months later, I'm going to participate in the 'Star Hunting Conference' held by Empress Yu Che, and I just lack a more powerful slave of the true god Dongwei, so I think he is the only one! "

The young man in white robe smiled, his eyes were aggressive, with a sense of domineering and inviolable.

"Young master, this prey from the lower world cannot be brought back to the Xuemo Realm. It can only be sold to the minions of the 'Supreme Sect', and they will be sent to the unknown realm to open up wasteland and mine, and open up new territories for our God's Realm."

The mighty old man hesitated.

"It's just some minions of the Supreme Master, and it's not their leader and deity who came in person. I believe Uncle Jiu must have a way to help me do it, right?"

The young man in white robe glanced at the mighty old man with a calm expression.

The mighty old man called Uncle Jiu felt his heart tremble, and he nodded in agreement.

He knew very well that the young master of his family looked harmless on the outside, but in fact he was extremely cruel and bloody, and his methods were even more cruel, so he dared not disobey him.

"No, the prey will escape!"

At this moment, a group of guards yelled loudly and noticed that Chen Xi was running away in the distance.

"Hmph! You protect the young master, I'll go and capture him!"

There was a flash of divine light in Uncle Jiu's eyes, and with a bang, his mighty body, which was nine feet tall, disappeared on the spot.

"What a vigilant prey. With the cultivation base of True God Dongwei, he can block Jiu Bo's arrows. This level of strength is really rare. It will definitely be possible to capture him as a god slave and take him to the Star Hunting Conference. You have won me a lot of prizes." The white-robed boy smiled leisurely, full of ambition, as if everything was under control.


Chen Xi did escape.

When he first came to the Realm of Doomed Law, he was blinded by everything here, he didn't know anything, and he didn't have the heart to fight with those guys at all.

What's more, the opponent's camp has a sharp archer at the level of Dongguang Spiritual God sitting in command, which makes him very afraid, and he is unwilling to take risks at such a moment.

Of course, Chen Xi will never forget this enmity, and when he understands the situation clearly, he will have various methods to get back everything he suffered today!


Time and space were tumbling, and Chen Xi's figure was speeding in it at full speed, his whole body was like a flash of light, flickering endlessly in the boundless wilderness.

"Among the group of people, apart from the old man, there are six other existences in the Dongwei True God Realm acting as the guards of the white-robed boy, but unfortunately, the white-robed boy only has the cultivation base of the Immortal King Realm. It seems that his identity It must be extraordinary..."

While speeding at top speed, Chen Xi thought in his heart.

At the beginning, when the third senior brother Tie Yunhai, the fourth senior brother Lao Qiongan, and the young senior sister Li Yang went to the realm of the end of the law, they took Weiyang fairy king Diandian, Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Tuobei and other fairy kings with them, and took them away together.So when he recognized that the white-robed boy appeared in the realm of the end of the law with the cultivation base of an immortal king, he was not surprised.

What really surprised him was that the boy in white robe could actually have a master archer in the spiritual state of Dongguang as his servant, and six true gods of Dongwei as his followers. This is not something everyone can do!

Putting it in the Three Realms, the power this white-robed boy possesses is simply unimaginable!

"What kind of place is this realm of the end of law?"

With the above knowledge, Chen Xi became more and more curious about this mysterious and dangerous area.


Suddenly, Chen Xi's heart trembled, and a warning sign appeared.

Chi la~

A red divine arrow pierced through the air, extremely fierce, tearing the void into an extremely long and narrow crack, nothing can stop it.


This blow was too fast, as powerful as a thunderbolt, piercing through time and space, making it impossible for Chen Xi to avoid it, so he could only fold his body, control the sword talisman and slash down fiercely.

The sword and the arrow collided, burst into billions of torrents, and spread apart.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, the mighty and incomparable figure of Jiubo has already appeared thousands of miles away, his bare skin protruding with muscles like rocks, filled with divine brilliance.

He grasped the big bow of animal bones, like looking down on the gods, locked on Chen Xi, and did not rush to do it. He said in a deep voice: "The little thing from the lower realm, no matter how respectful you are in the lower realm, as long as you come to this realm of the end of the law, you will be fine." It's just an ant-like character. Since your practice is not easy, this old man can give you a chance to survive."

"Oh?" Chen Xi narrowed his eyes.

"As long as you surrender to my young master now and swear to follow my young master as a godly slave, this old man will not only let you go, but also take you out of this realm of doom and go to the snowy ink realm."

Uncle Jiu said indifferently, showing a sense of superiority in his gestures.

Snow Moyu?

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, is that an area in the Ancient God Realm?

"Well, you can think about it. This is a rare great creation. Since ancient times, the gods who entered the realm of doom from various planes have either fallen here, or been imprisoned and reduced to slaves, and sent to the unknown together. Opening up wasteland and expanding the land in the domain is almost a narrow escape, and there are very few survivors. Very few people can have such a great opportunity."

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking slowly, he shut up. He is a spiritual god, and he threw out such an extremely attractive condition. He didn't believe that the young man in front of him could refuse.


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