divine talisman

Chapter 1543 Magical Use of Secret Patterns [Part 2]

The realm of doom is dangerous and unpredictable, and the existence of the gods brought into it by the prison is indeed close to death. Only a small group of people can find the passage to the ancient gods, so they are safe and sound.

Chen Xi had learned all this from his junior sister Li Yang back in the Three Realms.

But this does not mean that, in order to enter the Ancient God Realm, Chen Xi will give up his dignity and become a servant beside others!

What is the difference between doing this and giving up your own way?

So, as soon as Uncle Jiu's words fell, Chen Xi said coldly without hesitation: "Great good luck? I think you are used to being a servant, and you deserve to serve others for the rest of your life."

Uncle Jiu's face darkened, and a cold light burst into his eyes. He never expected that this young man would dare to challenge his dignity.

He took a deep breath and said: "Young man, you have just arrived in the realm of the end of the Dharma, and you don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. I don't blame you, but if you continue to be so obsessed, don't blame the old man for killing you!"


Chen Xi raised his sword talisman, pointed at Uncle Jiu from a distance, and showed his murderous intent: "Old man, I forgot to tell you, my spine, Chen Xi, would rather be broken than submit to anyone!"


When he was speaking, his figure flashed, and the sword talisman rose into the sky like a round of brilliant and scorching sun, engulfing the vast divine brilliance, and violently killed him.

This old man controls the unsurpassed arrow path, and possesses the cultivation level of the Hollow Spiritual God Realm. For the current Chen Xi, it is almost impossible to kill the other party. After all, there is a big difference between them. A big realm!

The power exerted by different realms is completely different, just like the difference between a saint immortal and an immortal king, which cannot be overcome at all.

Even if Chen Xi is confident that he can face any opponent in the Dongwei True God Realm, it doesn't mean that he can fight across borders and kill spirit gods of higher realms.

However, although he was not sure that he could kill the opponent, Chen Xi was still confident that he would have the power to fight, so that he would not be slaughtered wantonly by him.

Especially when dealing with a strong archer, only close combat can gain a certain advantage.

Therefore, as soon as he made a move, he made up his mind to fight in close quarters!


"Hmph, stubborn!"

Uncle Jiu snorted coldly, his figure stretched out suddenly, and a pair of pitch-black wings emerged from behind. The divine splendor surged on the wings, and the figure of ancient gods and demons emerged, releasing an incomparably terrifying force of deterrence.

Heavenly Spirit Wings!

A kind of supernatural power with supreme power, inherited from the ancient god and demon Yi!

It is rumored that in the ancient times, Dayi, with the help of the wings of the sky spirit, hunted and killed nine innate gods and demons born in chaos-the Golden Crow Bird with the supreme arrow.


With a flap of his wings, Uncle Jiu disappeared suddenly, making Chen Xi's blow miss in an instant.

"So fast!"

Chen Xi's face changed slightly, and he sensed in an instant that the figure of the other party had appeared a hundred thousand miles away!

"Young man, this old man has already given you a chance, but unfortunately, you don't cherish it." Uncle Jiu's deep and cold voice resounded through the world.



One after another, the red divine arrows pierced through the air, tearing time and space apart, blazing unparalleled, possessing a terrifying power to kill the world and penetrate the universe.

All of this was shot from a hundred thousand miles away!

This shows how terrifying a sharp archer is. Across thousands of mountains and rivers, time and space, he can accurately lock your aura and carry out sniping!

The fact is exactly the same. When it comes to combat power, the Dao of the Sword is the most powerful Dao, but when it comes to the power of sniping, the "Dao of the Arrow" should be respected.

Even, the existence of sharp archers is often the most dreaded by all ascetics. Once they are stared at by them, they will definitely make people uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and they may be attacked by surprise at any time.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt that his aura was locked from all directions, and there was no way to avoid it, no way to escape.

However, Chen Xi snorted coldly, and the secret lines of the forbidden path in the sea of ​​consciousness evaporated, smashing all these Qi locks.

Then, with a vertical movement of his figure, he flew away to the distance again, easily avoiding the divine arrows that pierced through the air.

"Old man, since you don't have the guts to fight head-on, then I'll leave!"

Chen Xi used the method of teleportation, like a Kunpeng, smashing through time and space, and teleporting at full speed. He is not bad at long-distance combat, but at this time, it is definitely the most stupid way to fight a master archer at long-distance.

Since this is the case, and it is impossible to fight in close quarters, the only choice is to take the initiative to escape.


"Huh? This kid can actually open my air machine lock? Could it be that he is carrying some kind of unpredictable magical treasure?"

Uncle Jiu's eyes contracted, a little startled and uncertain.

As a master archer, he mastered a supreme soul secret method to assist his arrow path, which can be within a million miles, so any opponent has never missed it.

Because of the locking of Qi, it is a must-have power for a master of archery. Once he can't lock the opponent's trace, no matter how terrifying his archery is, how can he kill his opponent?

This is the problem of "accurate head".

For archery masters, air lock is the prerequisite for a one-hit kill. Without this condition, everything is in vain.

Uncle Jiu, as an existence who has reached the level of "Arrow God" in "Arrow Dao", and as a Hollow Spirit God, now has consecutive defeats, which makes him feel turbulent and unable to calm down.

If Chen Xi's cultivation realm far surpassed his, that would be fine, but unfortunately, his cultivation was only at the Dongwei True God realm, how could Uncle Jiu accept this?

"This kid is really weird, no wonder the young master took a fancy to him at a glance, and wanted to accept him as a god slave and take him to the 'Star Hunting Conference' held by Empress Yuche. Ability, even in the three thousand universes of Xuemoyu, it is rare..."

A thought flashed in his mind, but Uncle Jiu kept moving. The "Wings of the Heavenly Spirit" flashed behind him, and there was a roar of gods and demons, and he chased after him in an instant.

After half a sound.

Uncle Jiu re-locked the energy in Chen Xi's whole body, set his arrow and bent his bow, opened his arms, and his whole body was filled with divine brilliance, like a great ancient god who wanted to hunt down the scorching sun in the sky, releasing a terrifying aura.

This time, he used all his strength, and almost showed his arrow path at the bottom of the box at this moment.

But before he could shoot the arrow, in his mind, Chen Xi's figure disappeared again!

"Damn! How is this possible?"

Uncle Jiu shrank his pupils, the arrow was on the string, but he resisted not to shoot it.

It's too abnormal for a true god Dongwei who entered the realm of doomed law from the lower realm to escape his qi lock one after another!

What's more important is that if this situation continues, his "Arrow Dao" cultivation level will be completely useless.

"How on earth did he do it?"

Uncle Jiu's face was as gloomy as water, but his heart was filled with surprise and suspicion. He had survived for an unknown number of years and experienced countless battles, but this was the first time he encountered such a mysterious situation with a true god Dongwei.


He gritted his teeth and chased after him again.

This time, he changed his strategy, abandoned the way of arrows, and relied on his superior cultivation to crush the opponent!


"This forbidden path secret pattern is really strange, like the treasure armor of the soul, but it is not a magic treasure. It can move with the mind, and it can cut off all Qi locks. In this way, it can completely avoid many murders ..."

While Chen Xi secretly sighed, he flickered frequently in the void and galloped at extreme speed.

At this time, he didn't know where he galloped to, but he couldn't care so much anymore. He was being chased and killed by a cave light spirit god behind him. Under this kind of stimulation, he couldn't care so much at all.

"Huh? This old thing actually caught up!"

With a swish, Chen Xi suddenly stopped.

He is very clear that the opponent's movement speed is more than twice as fast as his own. If he gives up long-distance sniping and chooses to rob and kill himself in close quarters, then it will be useless to try his best to escape.

"Young man, amazing!"

Uncle Jiu stepped forward, flapping the "Wings of the Heavenly Spirit" behind him, standing a hundred miles away, staring at Chen Xi with a gloomy face, "Tell me how you escaped the air mechanism lock, I can give you another chance , save you from death."

"Old man, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Chen Xi snorted coldly, held the sword talisman, and directly slashed and killed them with a single sword. They were only separated by a hundred miles. For the current Chen Xi, this distance was no different from melee combat.

Wow~~ The sword intent surged, and a series of divine talisman patterns evolved, reflecting the nine heavens and ten earths, wrapped in the terrifying power of the sword, and ruthlessly killed that Jiubo town.

"court death!"

Uncle Jiu was completely enraged, he grabbed it in his palm, and a bronze spear emerged, charging towards him.


The sword intent collided with the spear, instantly turning the land with a radius of [-] miles into ruins, the ground was devastated, and there was no one intact thing to be found.

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Xi's figure was shaken by a terrifying force so that he took three steps back in the void, but he was not surprised but pleased. This old thing is best at arrows, and now he abandons it and chooses to fight in close quarters. , This is no different from breaking your own arm.

And for him, this happened to be the best situation to display his own power, attacking weaknesses with strengths was enough to make up for a certain gap in realm!


Without any hesitation, Chen Xi jumped forward again.

Before arriving at the Land of Doom, he had been concentrating on comprehending the mysteries of the pattern of the "Blood-stained Remnant Sword", and he had gained a lot, and there was already a faint sign of a breakthrough.

But now, facing a powerful opponent whose cultivation level is far beyond his own, under such absolute pressure, Chen Xi is even confident that as long as he can persevere for a while, his swordsmanship cultivation base may be able to break through in one fell swoop!


At this moment, Chen Xi abandoned all distracting thoughts, immersed himself in the battle, and displayed all the powers of the sword that he had comprehended, violently killing away.

"Hmph! Little things that don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, the old man will let you understand today, what is the gap in the realm of cultivation!"

Being repeatedly provoked by Chen Xi made Uncle Jiu completely furious. He mobilized his murderous intent and shouted loudly, if an ancient god and demon gets angry, it will destroy the world!


ps: Tomorrow is the new year, so there is a lot of pressure to update~~Ask for a monthly pass to stimulate motivation~~


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