divine talisman

Chapter 1544 Divine Dao Realm


When a battle broke out, Chen Xi held the sword talisman and Uncle Jiu to shake it.

In an instant, the world was filled with terrifying divine power, and everything collapsed, and the terrifying turbulence spread in all directions like a raging hurricane.


Chen Xi's thick and long hair flew up, flying across time and space, like a god in a sword. A sword talisman was manipulated to the extreme by him, transpiring hundreds of millions of sword lights, and countless divine talisman patterns, screaming and killing them.

Strictly speaking, this was Chen Xi's first battle after stepping into the Dongwei True God Realm, and the opponent was a Dongguang Spiritual God whose cultivation level was even higher than his!

If it were someone else, they might have already escaped in such a situation, and their cultivation was completely suppressed, so how could they fight?

But Chen Xi didn't.

On the one hand, he is extremely confident in his own fighting power, and on the other hand, this Uncle Jiu has given up his best "arrow path" and chose to fight in close quarters. This is undoubtedly a short attack, and the deterrent effect on Chen Xi is greatly reduced. .

Even though the pressure that the opponent put on Chen Xi was still extremely strong, it was this heavy pressure that inspired Chen Xi's arrogance on the contrary, and he wanted to use the tempering of this battle to break through the realm of the Sword Emperor in one fell swoop!

However, when the battle really started, Chen Xi finally understood how terrifying the power of a Hollow Spirit God was.



The void was shattered, and a bronze spear filled with divine brilliance smashed towards it. It was unparalleled in sharpness, and seemed to kill everything.

Chen Xi tried his best to dodge, but a strand of long hair was still cut off by the sharp energy brought by the spear, and it almost pierced through his head by a hair's breadth!

This made his eyes narrow, and he didn't dare to neglect.


Sword Qi pierced through the air one after another, and these sword Qis all came from the mysteries on the "Blood-Stained Remnant Sword" map, filled with a pure and extreme killing intent of the sword way in the mysterious, faintly beyond the realm of the Sword God Reach the limit!


There was a flash of light in Uncle Jiu's eyes, as if he had sensed something, he swung the bronze spear, drawing out broken spear shadows, and blocked the sword energy that filled the sky one by one in a deafening explosion.

But his whole body was shaken so that his whole body was shaking, and his mighty body, which was nine feet high like a mountain, trembled imperceptibly a few times.

"So strong!"

"What kind of kendo is this?"

"Although this child's realm is low and weak, his control over the way of the sword has reached the perfection of the sword god, and even a little bit stronger..."

"He is really a remarkable genius. When did such a little monster be born in the lower realm?"

In an instant, a thought flickered in Uncle Jiu's mind, and he realized that Chen Xi was extraordinary.


At this time, Chen Xi came to attack again, every pore in his body seemed to be filled with incomparably sharp sword energy, howling and steaming, killing the world, his power became more and more blazing.

"If this son can't be used by the young master, he must be killed, otherwise it will be a big disaster in the future..." Uncle Jiu didn't dare to think about it any longer, and shot out murderous intent in his heart. With a loud shout, the bronze spear pierced the air, went up to welcome.

"Young man, your realm is too low. Although the way of swordsmanship is strong, you have only just stepped into the door when it comes to mastering the will of the gods. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for you to be the opponent of this old man!"

While fighting, Uncle Jiu said, "As long as you are captured now, the conditions I promised before will still count. Not only will I take you to the ancient gods, but if you perform well, I will also reward you with some secrets of the divine way, which are enough to make you grow up quickly." stand up."

"Old guy, don't waste your words. I know how to follow my own way, and I don't need you to tell me how to go." Chen Xi's offensive became more and more fierce, as if he was determined to fight to the end.

"What a stubborn little guy, he is so stupid!"

Uncle Jiu laughed angrily, and completely cut off any wooing intentions in his heart. He no longer held back his hands and attacked with all his strength. He had already decided to suppress and kill Chen Xi on the spot to wipe out any future troubles.


The bronze spear pierced through the air, and in an instant, it reflected the divine splendor of the five elements, and the five different powers of divine order evolved into each other, condensing into a "world", and Chen Xi was going to be trapped and killed within it.

This is the power of Shinto order!

Used in the hands of a cave light spirit god, one thought can shape a world or destroy a world.

The order of the Shinto is the profound meaning of the Dao mastered by the gods.

Also known as the way of God, it is a higher power of Taoism.

These powers are further divided into five stages: "Initial Glimpse", "Small Success", "Great Achievement", "Peak" and "Consummation".

Every stage is a transformation, a difference between heaven and earth!

For ordinary gods, it is almost unattainable to cultivate these five realms to perfection in their own divine way.

Because every step of leaping is extremely difficult and difficult, even if it takes an incomparably long time, without that kind of talent and understanding, it is impossible to achieve this step.

In other words, because the lifespan of the gods is as immortal as eternity, time is already an insignificant existence in the pursuit of the divine way, and if you want to improve on the way, you must rely on your own understanding, talent, chance, and will. ... and so on.

Like Chen Xi, the "Divinity of Talismans" he has mastered now can only be regarded as the first glimpse of the door.

And this "Nine Uncles" had already mastered the Five Elements Divine Dao to the point of a small success, and innately had an unshakable suppression effect on Chen Xi's Divine Dao power.

Therefore, even if he gave up the archery that he was best at, but relying on his superior cultivation base and small-accomplished divine power, he was still confident enough to kill Chen Xi.

It is worth mentioning that, in order to judge who is more powerful in the power of the divine way controlled by each, in addition to the difference in the realm of the respective divine way, one must also look at the attributes contained in the various divine ways.

Just like the five elements, yin and yang, wind and thunder... etc. are common avenues with different powers, but they only belong to the general divine order.

And like light, darkness, immortality, good fortune, devouring... These gods belong to the rare top-level gods, and they are inherently suppressing ordinary gods.

As for who is more powerful among them, it still depends on the overall strength of their respective controllers.



As soon as Uncle Jiu made a move, he used his divine way to condense a "world of the five elements", intending to restrain and kill Chen Xi, his power was so brilliant that it changed the color of the world.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt that there was no way he could dodge this blow, and he could only fight it head-on.And if he misses, he will fall into a situation of being completely suppressed!

The situation is dangerous!

But it was under this dangerous stimulation that Chen Xi's black eyes became brighter and brighter, and every inch of his skin seemed to be burning, hot and hot, as if ready to move.

And in his heart, there are countless perceptions of the way of the sword.

He has the experience of practicing along the way.

There are thousands of swordsmanship methods that he has realized through his comprehension of classics.

He has the kendo experience honed through countless battles.

In the end, all the comprehension, method, and experience are reflected in a picture of the incomplete blood-stained sword, constantly expanding in the heart, and constantly evolving in it...


Under this indescribable and wonderful understanding, he almost subconsciously slashed out with a sword.


The sky and the earth changed suddenly, the wind and cloud turbulent, time and space split open silently, and a sword energy full of obscure aura, wrapped in invincible power, slashed away.

"Not good! How could this kid's kendo become so much stronger all of a sudden!"

Uncle Jiu was startled, his face changed slightly, and he swung the "Wings of Heavenly Spirit" and dodged to a very far away with a swish.


Almost at the same time, that sword energy cut that "five elements world" into two in an instant, and it collapsed and annihilated!

When he saw this scene, Uncle Jiu's face was full of surprise and uncertainty. Could it be that he was in the realm of the Sword Emperor?

When he thought of this word, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, Sword Emperor!This level of realm can be said to be unparalleled in the world, and it can only be born among those powerful beings who have already reached the level of "ancestor gods" in the three thousand universes of the Snow and Ink Region, and the number is pitifully small!

But... how could such a swordsmanship be performed by a little guy in the Dongwei True God Realm?


"Slashing the five elements with one sword, this sword should be called 'killing the five elements'..." Sensing the power of this blow, Chen Xi murmured in his heart.

But immediately, he didn't care to think about it anymore, because his perception of the way of swordsmanship was still improving, constantly evolving and transforming!

"Damn it, this kid's aura is getting fiercer and fiercer, and it seems that he is undergoing an astonishing transformation..." When he noticed the change in Chen Xi's aura, Uncle Jiu's face suddenly became extremely gloomy and extremely sullen.

He finally realized that he had unknowingly acted as Chen Xi's sharpening stone!

"Little thing, this old man won't let you get what you want!"

Uncle Jiu roared angrily, his body was like an ancient great god and demon, his muscles were surging with terrifying divine power, and he came again violently with a bronze spear in his hand.


The spear pierced through the air, entangled with five elements of divine brilliance, and phantoms of gods emerged, mixed with a magnificent and incomparable divine voice, the power and influence were immeasurable!

Under this blow, Chen Xi's thick long hair was blown upside down, and his skin ached from the pricks, as if being pierced by thousands of awls.

And this is only caused by the power of this blow!

Obviously, this blow has used all of Uncle Jiu's full strength, and it was a thunderous blow from his fury!

But even under such circumstances, Chen Xi's expression was still surprisingly calm and calm, only his pair of Ruyuan black eyes became brighter and brighter, as if they were burning with a pair of scorching suns.


He struck out a sword again, simple and ordinary.

But at this moment, all sounds in this world fell into silence, and everything was shocked, except that there was a sword chant resounding, like a dragon chant, more like the sound of the supreme divine way.


An earth-shattering collision sound resounded, the sky was shaken into countless fragments, and they fell one after another.

And under this blow, Uncle Jiu's mighty mountain-like body staggered back uncontrollably, his arms were numb from the shock, and the bronze spear in his hand trembled violently, almost flying out of his hand!


ps: New Year’s Eve, I wish you all good food, drink and fun~ I don’t have one tonight, so don’t wait~


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