divine talisman

Chapter 1545 Advance to Sword Emperor


Uncle Jiu took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to cough up blood. This sword qi was so terrifying that it almost hurt his internal organs. If it wasn't for the fact that his own realm was far superior to Chen Xi, he would have been killed by this blow alone. Can't carry it.

"This little thing's swordsmanship is changing. If we don't stop it, I'm afraid there's really nothing we can do to him today..."

Uncle Jiu's eyes flickered with divine light, and murderous intent lingered.

His strongest strike failed to injure Chen Xi, on the contrary, he was almost injured by the shock of his sword. This made him fully realize that the situation was suddenly a little ominous.


Uncle Jiu didn't dare to hesitate, he raised his bronze spear horizontally, roared angrily, rolled up the radiance of the sky, and killed him violently.

He absolutely couldn't just watch Chen Xi transform successfully, and he couldn't accept the situation where Chen Xi escaped from him safely!


"This sword, seeing immortality in the ordinary, listening to the thunder in the silent place, is like the raging waves of the blue sea, rolling up ten thousand gravity. It can be used as the second sword move after stepping into the divine way - watching the sea and listening to the waves."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, immersed in the transformation of his own way of swordsmanship.

With the first sword, he beheaded the "five elements world" condensed by the opponent, which is the most powerful in killing, so he named it "killing the five elements".

With the second sword, he broke the opponent's attack in one fell swoop and knocked him back, which is the most concussive and oppressive force, so he named it "Jinglei Tingtao".

Both of these two sword moves come from the mysteries of the way of the sword that he has comprehended at this moment. They are full of the essence of the divine way, and they are also a kind of exploration of the way of the way of the sword. Big weather!

"It's not enough, the power of swordsmanship still has the possibility to become stronger..."

At this moment, Chen Xi, under Uncle Jiu's powerful oppressive force, completely grasped a chance to break through the cultivation of the way of swordsmanship, and thousands of insights surged in his heart.

At this time, he seems to have completely forgotten that there is still such a tyrannical opponent as Uncle Jiu, immersed in his own world of swordsmanship, constantly interpreting and comprehending the various wonderful truths he has obtained.

Jian Huang!

The emperor of the sword, who controls the gods, is the emperor of the sword god, and controls all kinds of swords in the heavens!

This level, from ancient times to the present, even in the existence of the gods, only a handful of gods can reach it, which can be called a rare and rare existence.

With this, one can imagine how difficult it is to set foot in this realm.

Like Chen Xi, he also stayed in the sword god's perfect state for a long time without making any further progress. If he hadn't accidentally obtained the "Blood-stained Remnant Sword" map from the fragments of the river map, and found a trace of the secret of promotion from it, it would be impossible for him to undergo transformation at this moment. .

This is the power of chance!

For the existence of the divine realm, the amount of time spent practicing is no longer the criterion for judging a strong person, but one's own potential, comprehension, roots, and opportunities play a vital role in one's own path.

Talent, roots, savvy...Maybe you can use foreign things to change, but chance is a kind of power that can't be met.

Especially for the existence of the God Realm, sometimes a small chance, like the lightly fluttering wings of a butterfly, might set off a hurricane that sweeps across the ten directions!

Of course, if you want to get an opportunity, you need to meet it on the one hand, and you need to have the ability to grasp it on the other hand.

Just like in the battle before him, Chen Xi had indeed grasped the opportunity of the "Blood-stained Remnant Sword" picture, but if he wanted to advance to the realm of the Sword Emperor, he also needed to grasp it himself.

Therefore, Chen Xi put this kind of "hold" on Uncle Jiu in front of him, treating him as a sharpening stone, and he wanted to use the heavy pressure brought by him to break through in one fell swoop!



It was too late and then soon, Uncle Jiu came violently again. The bronze spear in his hand was obviously a great treasure.

It is even more permeated with the ruthless atmosphere of iron and blood, filled with the supreme mighty power of the ancient gods and demons.

Putting it in the Three Realms, under this blow, thousands of cities might be destroyed, causing a catastrophe that cannot be repaired!

Almost out of a subconscious feeling, Chen Xi turned his right arm, and the pitch-dark sword talisman hummed, and suddenly drew a trajectory.


This beam of sword energy steamed into the sky and was extremely blazing, but it disappeared in an instant, as if it had evaporated from the universe.


Uncle Jiu's pupils suddenly shrank, what is this?

At this moment, he could no longer catch the trajectory of that wisp of sword energy, and he couldn't even lock its breath?It's as if it really disappeared.

Is this kid bluffing?


A voice as thin as a gnat sounded, but it fell into Uncle Jiu's ears like a thunderbolt, which made his hair stand on end, and he felt an extremely dangerous breath rushing towards him.

Almost without any hesitation, Uncle Jiu let out a loud roar, and cast the "Wings of Heavenly Spirit" to teleport suddenly, sweeping towards one side at full speed.


At the moment when he acted, a sword energy appeared behind him without a sound, brushed against his shoulder abruptly, and brought up a bunch of blood, the wound was deep enough to see the bone.

If he hadn't dodged in time, this blow would have pierced his throat!

"Injured!? I was actually injured by a little guy from Dongwei Zhenshen?"

Uncle Jiu couldn't believe it, and at the same time he was angry, an unspeakable panic rose up uncontrollably, what kind of swordsmanship is this?Why so secretive?

As a skilled archer, Uncle Jiu was proficient in the art of assassination and sneak attacks, but when faced with this sudden sword that appeared out of nowhere, even he couldn't help but feel a touch of fear in his heart.

This sword is clueless, silent, and extremely mysterious. It can escape his lock and induction, is it more than a terrifying thing?


At this moment, Chen Xi, who was in the distance, burst out with an incomparably terrifying aura, as if he had transformed into another person in an instant.

Wisps of blazing and unparalleled sword energy lingered around his body, shooting out of the nine heavens and ten places, making him look like an emperor with swords, who wants to control the way of thousands of swords and patrol the world!

That kind of aura stirred up the wind and clouds in all directions, causing all things to evolve into wisps of sword aura at this moment, echoing the aura of his whole body.

This is a very grand vision.

The clouds, rocks, earth, time and space, and even the light in this world seem to have a sword intent, howling and surging.

It's like becoming a world of swords.

Although it is not a real sword, it has the implication of a sword.

Everything was inspired by Chen Xi's whole body energy!

Turning all things into swords, reflecting and echoing the heavens and the universe, and controlling them with the movement of the mind, this is the realm of the sword emperor!

Its power lies in the word "control"!

Control everything in the world, control all kinds of swordsmanship, and control your own Dao Heart!

"This sword is mysterious and changeable. It comes suddenly and goes away suddenly. It can be regarded as my third sword move after stepping into the realm of gods—return back!"

Chen Xi murmured in his heart, and the fiery color in his eyes began to return to calm, deep, and vast like the boundless starry sky.

After realizing this point, everything turned into the way of swords controlled by the heart.

At this moment, he finally broke through the Sword God Perfection Realm and stepped into the ranks of the Sword Emperor Realm!


"The realm of the sword emperor? Today, the old man actually became a stepping stone for a little thing to advance to the realm..."

When he saw the changes in Chen Xi's aura, Uncle Jiu's incomparably mighty old face became incomparably different, gloomily dripping water.

"Little guy, you have to die today!!"

The voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, filled with endless anger and hatred. Uncle Jiu held a bronze spear, and with one step, he slammed into Chen Xi violently across the void.

If it was said that before, he only regarded Chen Xi as an ant that ravaged at will, but now, Chen Xi, who has transformed and advanced to the realm of Sword Emperor, has already made him a serious worry!


Uncle Jiu roared furiously, his mountain-like body [-] feet high shattered space and time, and the "God Bow" tattoo on his cheek actually revealed a halo of divinity, which made his aura suddenly soar!

"Don't talk nonsense, old guy, you've lost your chance!"

Chen Xi opened his mouth indifferently, his figure flickered, and he took the initiative to meet him. He casually swiped the sword in his hand, and with a "Destroy the Five Elements", easily wiped out the opponent's attack.

Then, he stretched out his body suddenly, like an emperor pacing the universe, howling hundreds of millions of sword qi from his body, rushing towards Uncle Jiu together with his whole body.

Uncle Jiu's complexion changed suddenly, he knew very well, he used the "Wings of Heavenly Spirit" to dodge frequently and flickered, not daring to challenge it head-on.But he was shocked to find that he was trapped in a "world of swords" like a small boat, floating erratically, unable to break free, and might even be destroyed anytime, anywhere!

"How is this possible? Could this be the might of the Sword Emperor Realm?"

A turbulent wave rose in Uncle Jiu's heart, veins burst open on his forehead, and his whole body shook with divine brilliance, stirring the bronze spear, trying to break through the shackles and break out of the encirclement.

A young man who was in the realm of the real gods, a small ant who had just stepped into the way of the gods, but now he stepped into the realm of the sword emperor in the battle, and displayed the supreme power that could turn the situation around, forcing him to become a hole in the spirit of the gods. It's exhausting, if this spreads, who would dare to believe it?

In the past, he himself would not have believed all of this.

But when he really confronted it, he finally realized how abnormal such a young man who cannot be measured by common sense is!


The battle broke out and was extremely fierce, turning everything within a radius of a million miles into ruins. The two fought between the sky and the earth. The sun and the moon dimmed, and everything trembled, as if the doomsday had come.


After half a sound, there was another "Go back, come back" which suddenly appeared, taking advantage of a fleeting gap, to draw a scar on Uncle Jiu's chest, blood dripping, bones looming.

"This is impossible!!"

Uncle Jiu's earth-shattering roar resounded through, full of shock and anger, and even with a touch of unconcealable suspicion, how could the realm of the Sword Emperor be so terrifying? ?

He can't believe it!

Also unacceptable!

All of this broke his inherent cognition, and it was the first time he had encountered such a weird and unbelievable situation after living for countless years.


Before he could recover, Chen Xi's majestic figure like an emperor came over with a vast sword intent to kill him.

This time, Chen Xi wanted to capture this old thing thoroughly, and force him to confess everything about the Realm of Doomsday and the Realm of the Ancient Gods, so as to facilitate his next actions!


ps: On the surface, these chapters are about fighting, but in fact, they are intended to intersperse and introduce some divine realms, as well as some specific factors of the confrontation between the powerful in the divine realm, and pave the way for Chen Xi's future battles in the realm of the gods.

After all, this is a brand new realm, a brand new world of gods.

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Well, tomorrow Goldfish will recharge some vertical and horizontal coins on the page of "Fu Huang" for everyone to grab. The specific time is to be determined. Other authors will also give red envelopes from time to time for everyone to grab when they watch the update. If children's shoes are familiar with the rules, this The first time you grab the red envelope, you can read genuine books for a long time, everyone can actively participate, the opportunity is rare~


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