divine talisman

Chapter 1546: Shinto Altar

The realm of doom, the realm of the ancient gods...

All of this was still extremely unfamiliar to Chen Xi, and he knew nothing about it.

The reason is that, as soon as he entered the realm of doomed law, before he had time to carefully perceive the difference in the realm of doomed law, he was besieged and killed by Uncle Jiu and his group.

Under such circumstances, for Chen Xi, what is urgently needed is to grasp the clues about the Realm of the Dead Law and the Ancient God Realm; Still a problem.

And Uncle Jiu came from the "Snow and Ink Field", and he obviously knew all the news quite well. As long as he was captured, he would be able to obtain some valuable news at his fingertips.



Chen Xi approached with a sword, using the most shocking power of "Watching the Sea and Listening to the Waves". Looking from a distance, it was like a sea of ​​swords rushing towards him, extremely frightening.

There was a loud bang, as if Uncle Jiu had been struck by lightning, Zhang Jiugao's body flew upside down, his face turned pale, and he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Before, he was cut across the chest by a "go back, come back", leaving a bloodstain, but it was just a flesh wound, not a big deal.

But now, he was shaken by the sword energy, but it hurt his internal organs, which also had a certain impact on his combat effectiveness.

This result was never expected by Uncle Jiu before.

"No, the power of the sword emperor's realm is used in the hands of a young man in the hole of the true god realm. It is absolutely impossible to be so terrifying. His foundation of the divine way, the way of becoming a god, and even the treasures he has mastered must be extraordinary. Only Only in this way can it be allowed to exert such power..."

At this moment, Uncle Jiu's face was as gloomy as water. Having suffered repeated setbacks, he finally realized clearly that Chen Xi's combat power was not just as simple as being in the "Sword Emperor" realm.

This made him startled, angry and unbelievable. How could a little thing who had just set foot in the Realm of Dongwei have such a heaven-defying cultivation foundation?


Before he could react, Chen Xi's attack struck again.


"Bastard! Really think that the old man can't help you as a true god of Dongwei?"

Being forced to such a point, Uncle Jiu fell into a complete rage, almost insane, he no longer kept everything, and with a buzzing sound, a "God Altar" appeared above his head.

This altar is about the size of a palm, nine inches high, and the whole body is as transparent as it is. It contains the incomparably surging divine power of the five elements, which are colorful and blazing, taking away the luster of the world.

In an instant, it was like a divine sun shining in the sky, illuminating the nine heavens and the ten earths!

This is the "Divine Altar", also known as the "Divine Dao Altar". Soul fire.

In other words, this "Shinto Altar" is the original core power of a cave light spirit god!

Now, under repeated persecution by Chen Xi, Uncle Jiu unexpectedly displayed his own "Sacred Altar" and accumulated all his strength in it. The power of that level is simply incalculable!

In just an instant, Chen Xi felt a terrifying oppressive force that was almost suffocating. The stimulation was so horrifying that his complexion also changed slightly.

not good!

Could it be that this old thing wants to fight to the death?

Chen Xi immediately gave up the idea of ​​capturing the opponent alive, and used all his strength without hesitation to shake him hard!

Under such circumstances, he has no way to escape, no way to avoid, once he shows any hesitation, he will be severely injured by the opponent's blow.


The sky was shaken, a big explosion occurred here, all kinds of clouds rushed up, and one after another, large cracks in the void spread out, leading to the distance, which was extremely terrifying.

In the smoke and dust, Uncle Jiu's mighty body trembled violently, his breath suddenly became sluggish, and his face was extremely pale and transparent.

Obviously, after sacrificing the "Sacred Altar", he also suffered a great backlash and was seriously injured.

"Little thing, let me spare your life for now, this old man will definitely kill you in the future!" He glanced at Chen Xi in the distance with resentment, then cast his "Wings of Heavenly Spirit" and turned around to run away!

He had no choice but to flee, and the injuries all over his body had seriously affected his combat effectiveness. If he didn't flee again, he was really worried that he would die here today.

On the other hand, Chen Xi's face turned slightly pale under this blow, and he didn't seem to have received any real damage.This discovery also made Uncle Jiu completely cut off the idea of ​​continuing to fight, and made a move to escape.

For a Dongguang Spiritual God, being forced to such a degree by a Dongwei True God is indeed embarrassing and humiliating.

That's why Uncle Jiu said a harsh word the moment he was about to leave.



It's a pity that Uncle Jiu didn't see that Chen Xi's entire figure flickered, as if he had lost his support, he fell to the ground suddenly and fell into a big pit like an abyss after he left.

His body twitched, deformed, and suffered extremely severe trauma.

"A Hollow Spirit God, if I try my best, I really can't resist..." Chen Xi struggled to open his eyes, his whole body was in excruciating pain, and when he moved a little, his whole body rushed wildly, especially in many parts of his body. Broken bones were exposed, and the injury was more serious than he expected.

All of this is thanks to Najiu Bo's "God Altar"!

That kind of power represents the original power possessed by a Dongguang Spiritual God, and it is extremely terrifying. It is not something that a true Dongwei God like Chen Xi can completely resist.

"No, you can't stay here. The previous battle was too noisy, maybe it will attract some attention." Chen Xi gritted his teeth, forcibly operated his cultivation base, repaired the injured body, connected all the broken bones together, and then struggled stood up.

It was too dangerous just now, which made him still have lingering fears, and he dared not underestimate any Dongguang Spiritual God in his heart. The reason why he was hit hard before was that he understood the power of Dongguang Spiritual God. Too superficial.


Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi silently sensed that the aura of divinity in this world was extremely thin, almost non-existent, lifeless, and could not give him much help at all.

"Could it be that there is no divine spirit in this realm of doom?"

Chen Xi frowned. The spirit of the gods exists just like the spirit of the gods. Unfortunately, this realm of the end of law is not a real realm of the gods, and the spirit of the gods in the world is pitifully small.

And vaguely, Chen Xi also felt a kind of oppression, and endured some inexplicable pressure of order. It was the breath of the realm of doom, which was completely different from the Three Realms, and it seemed to have a great oppressive effect on any existence in the divine realm.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after leaving here."

Chen Xi endured the severe pain and injuries all over his body, identified a direction, then gritted his teeth and used the method of teleportation, and left in the blink of an eye. During this process, the injuries all over his body split open again, and blood flowed out.

It can be seen how seriously injured he suffered in the blow just now.

Even if Uncle Jiu turned around and took another look, he might be able to easily kill Chen Xi.


After a stick of incense.

Chen Xi only felt that the injuries all over his body were getting worse, and dizziness surged in his mind one after another, and he couldn't help but stop, not daring to force himself to move anymore.

"Huh? This is?"

Chen Xi glanced casually, and found that he had come to a canyon. There were all kinds of strange vegetation growing here, lush and dense, shining brightly.

And what attracted Chen Xi's attention was the pitch-black plants that looked like vines. They spread all over the canyon, like chains covering the ground one after another. Light.

Immediately, Chen Xi's expression suddenly changed, because he discovered that the light emitted by these vines could corrode divine power without knowing it.

"What a weird thing!" Chen Xi hurriedly activated his cultivation to cheer himself up to avoid accidents.

He was seriously injured, and he moved another stick of incense time continuously. At this moment, he forcibly operated his cultivation base, and his whole body trembled suddenly, and he was on the verge of falling.

And those weird vines below were even more radiant, and wisps of grayish-white light mist filled up, and there was a faint stance about to fly up and attack Chen Xi.

"It's really bad luck!" Chen Xi cursed secretly, and was about to use his strength to turn around and leave.

"My lady, look quickly, 'Shenluo King Vine'! Isn't that the kind of treasure you need to refine 'Shen Ting Bao Ling Pill'?"

At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice sounded, "Huh? Someone came before us, unfortunately, it's a waste of time..."

"Huicong, don't make any noise. The young man is seriously injured and is being attacked by the Shinra King Vine. It would be a merit for you to save him."

Immediately, a solemn and quiet voice sounded long and leisurely, seemingly ordinary, but with a quiet power that reached people's hearts, it seemed to be deafening, and it made people feel awe.

Hearing this, Chen Xi's heart was shocked, he raised his head with difficulty and wanted to look away, only to feel that there was a blur in front of his eyes, and there was a girl in green clothes with a bun next to him.

The girl has a delicate face, a petite figure, and a flower basket in her left hand. She looks like a maidservant, her eyes are dark and bright, and her aura is compelling.

"It turns out that you were indeed injured."

The girl looked Chen Xi up and down, then smiled, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Chen Xi was startled in his heart, what a speed!He didn't even have time to react, the girl had already appeared beside him.

"Young master, you stay safe, these Shenluowang vines are handed over to me."

The girl smiled brightly, and shook the flower basket in her hand, there was a strange buzzing sound, and two kinds of divine light, wind and thunder, appeared, and with a light sweep, the Shenluo King vines in the canyon were swept away, and they were all put into the flower basket with a clatter. .

"This little flower basket is actually an innate spiritual treasure!"

With a twitch in Chen Xi's heart, he became more and more aware of the extraordinaryness of this girl.

But immediately, there was a buzzing sound in his head, and a strong dizziness flooded his whole body. It was actually the attack of the injury, which made him almost lose consciousness. He immediately lost control of his body and fell towards the ground.

"Hey~~ Your Majesty, this young master seems to be seriously injured, should we save him or not?"

"Forget it, take him with you."


After hearing these conversations, Chen Xi immediately let go of all the vigilance in his heart, and fell into a coma with darkness before his eyes.


ps: Half an hour later, that is, at 8:5000, Goldfish will give out [-] Zongheng coins. Book friends who have registered Zongheng account and book friends can grab it~ In addition, the updates are all one for the past few days. For the Chinese New Year, please be considerate , I really can't spare the energy to write more ~ ​​New Year's Efforts are the limit of a goldfish.


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