divine talisman

Chapter 1547 Divine Crystal

In a daze of consciousness, Chen Xi heard a conversation.

"This young man has a predestined relationship with me. After I leave, don't touch his treasures." The voice was quiet and solemn, with a force that reached people's hearts, and it was the "mother".

"Don't worry, madam."

This voice was deep and deep, with a clanging feeling like metal friction, which was extremely strange.

"Huicong, let's go."


At this moment, Chen Xi didn't know where the strength came from, opened his eyes suddenly, struggled to get up, and said, "Two benefactors, wait a minute, can you tell my name, if there is a chance in the future, Chen will definitely repay you ten times. "

When he was speaking, his mind felt dizzy again, and his vision was blurred. He could only see two figures clearly, but he couldn't even see the face of the other side clearly.

This made him feel bitter again. It is really unlucky to be reduced to such a state just after arriving in the realm of the end of law.

"Repay? Hee hee, you don't need it, young master, you should take good care of yourself." Huicong, a young girl with buns on her head, a delicate face, a green dress and a flower basket, said with a smile.

"Let's go."

That "mother" spoke indifferently, directly ignoring Chen Xi's request, her attitude was not overbearing, but naturally she carried a superior demeanor.

It seemed that they just took Chen Xi's words as a joke.

Or in her opinion, with Chen Xi's current situation, even if his injuries recovered, it would be impossible for him to repay her anything.

"He just left like this..."

Chen Xi was stunned, his mind was dizzy and dazed, but he murmured in his heart, "Even if you don't care, I owe you a kindness, and I, Chen Xi, will definitely repay it."

With a plop, his vision went dark, and he passed out again.


When Chen Xi woke up again, it was already two days later.

He found that he had actually appeared in a village. The village was not big, with hundreds of people living in it, more like a tiny tribe.

At the head of the village, there is a medicine field with an area of ​​a thousand mu, in which many strange herbs and elixir are planted, densely packed, releasing all kinds of colorful and gorgeous luster.

Hundreds of people in the village work in this medicine field. In other words, they are more like a group of servants guarding the medicine field. Their time, energy, and thoughts are all spent on the medicine field.

"Is this... still the domain of the end of law?"

When he sensed everything, Chen Xi felt puzzled and was very puzzled.

And he noticed that everyone in this village is extraordinary, and they are covered with wisps of divine aura, but their every move is no different from ordinary people, and they don't know how to use various methods Supernatural powers.

"It's weird, this village is filled with a lifeless smell, as if it has lost energy..." Chen Xi became more and more puzzled.

"you're awake."

A hoarse sound sounded like metal friction.

Chen Xi raised his head abruptly, and saw a middle-aged man with a bronze ring on his forehead, a resolute face, and skin as dark as a stone pushing the door into the room.

This middle-aged man has a sturdy aura, which is obviously very different from other people in the village. He has an extra smell of iron and blood killing, and his whole body is full of divine aura, possessing the aura that only a real strong man in the divine realm possesses.

For Chen Xi, this was the breath of "the same kind".

And the other people in the village obviously don't look like the real God Realm Village.

What's more important is that as soon as the middle-aged man opened his mouth, he judged that this was the owner of the voice that he had spoken to "Niang Niang" before he fell into a coma!

"I'm Tie Kun, the guardian here. I don't care how you were injured or where you came from. Please leave after your injury recovers."

The middle-aged man who claimed to be Tie Kun looked very indifferent, cold and without any emotion.

Chen Xi was startled, but still nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

Tie Kun remained indifferent, and said, "Can the injury be healed within seven days?"

"It's probably enough to move." Chen Xi took a deep breath, and said slowly, sensing the energy in his body.

Although his injuries were serious before, they did not damage the foundation of the divine way. In addition, his background is extremely strong. In these two days, those external and internal injuries have already been repaired in sevens and eighties.

The only thing lacking is enough divine power.

This is also a helpless thing, the Cangwu seedlings in his body can only spew out the power of the fairy, and the power of the ten times the fairy can only transform into a ray of divine power.

According to this speed, only about [-]% of the cultivation base can be recovered within seven days.

And in this world, the power of the gods is extremely thin, and it is not enough for Chen Xi to absorb it. Under such circumstances, Chen Xi can only rely on the Cangwu seedlings to replenish the power.

"Well, you will leave after seven days." After Tie Kun finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Fellow daoist, is this still the realm of the end of the Dharma?" Chen Xi hurriedly asked.


Tie Kun stood still, as if hesitating in deep thought, after a while he suddenly raised his hand and threw out five crystals, "This is the Divine Crystal, you will recover faster if you practice with it, remember, don't let other people see it. "

With a bang, the door closed, and only Chen Xi was left in the room.

God Crystal!

Chen Xi raised his hand to grab the five spar stones, and began to size them up carefully.

This crystal stone is only the size of a little finger, and its whole body is crystal clear, with a faint chaotic mist, and what is contained in it is the purest spirit of the gods.

"This is the same as Immortal Stone and Immortal Liquid. Obviously, they are all needed for cultivators' cultivation." Chen Xi was thoughtful.

Just now when Tie Kun took out the Divine Crystal, he acted very cautiously, as if he was taking out a rare treasure, which made Chen Xi vaguely feel that the value of this Divine Crystal must be extraordinary.

In fact, if you think about it, if the power of the gods is scarce in this realm of the end of the law, and it is almost non-existent, then the existence of the god crystal will become more and more valuable.

"It's just, why did he warn himself not to let other people see the Divine Crystal? Could it be that he is still worried that other people will try to grab it?" Chen Xi frowned.

Even though he was sure that he was still in the realm of the end of law, he still felt that everything in this village was too weird.

"Forget it, the immortal recovers his physical strength with the help of the divine crystal, and leave immediately when his strength recovers." Chen Xi recalled Tie Kun's indifferent attitude towards him, and knew very well that if he didn't leave after seven days, Tie Kun might be the first one. I don't agree.

When mentioning Tie Kun, Chen Xi couldn't help thinking of that "mother" and Huicong again, "Where did they... come from?"


Next, Chen Xi stopped thinking about it, sat cross-legged, grasped the divine crystal, and was about to cultivate, when at this moment, footsteps sounded outside the door.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and put away those divine crystals without a trace.

When he had just finished all this, with a creak, the door was directly opened from the outside.

A skinny man with a sallow complexion walked in. He cast a cold glance at Chen Xi, and said, "Boy, hand over the divine crystal, or you will surely die today."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said without changing his expression, "What divine crystal?"

"Hmph, you're still playing tricks with me. I saw it clearly just now, so I'll ask you if you want to pay?" the skinny man said sullenly.

"Oh?" Chen Xi thought thoughtfully, "If my guess is correct, Tie Kun didn't know about you coming to me, did he?"

"You bastard, if you are asked to hand over your divine crystal, then hand it over. How can there be so much nonsense!" The skinny man suddenly changed his face, as if he was extremely afraid of Tie Kun, but immediately, he flashed a certain ruthlessness, and rushed Go up and grab Chen Xi's neck with one palm.


The strong wind howled, and the void made a vibration sound.

But from Chen Xi's point of view, this kind of attack was limp and powerless, and did not contain any methods or secrets. This made him more certain of the point he just made. Except for Tie Kun, everyone else in this village None of them are real gods.

In other words, they have nothing but aura of divinity, but they have lost the power possessed by the powerful in the divine realm!

But now, although Chen Xi's injuries have not been healed, after all, he has mastered many supreme methods, coupled with his own solid foundation of the divine way, such attacks are basically no threat to him.


As soon as Chen Xi raised his hand, he locked the opponent's right arm like iron tongs, and the grasping sound of the opponent's muscles and bones almost shattered.


The thin man was in pain and let out a scream.


Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he covered the opponent's mouth with his hand, and the screams came to an abrupt end.

But it was still too late. Although the thin man's scream was short, it was extremely ear-piercing. It spread outside the house and was heard by many people in the village.

"What happened?"

"It's Wu Yu's voice!"

"Let's go and have a look~~"

Soon, miscellaneous sounds mixed with various footsteps gathered from a distance.

Sensing all of this, Chen Xi's face suddenly darkened. Murderous intent surged in Chen Xi's heart, and he wished he could kill the skinny man in front of him, but in the end, he still restrained himself.

Not long after, those noisy voices came to the door along with footsteps.

"Everyone, save me quickly!"

The skinny man yelled with all his might.

This made Chen Xi's face darken again, he jumped up, and with a bang in his palm, he suppressed the skinny man and fell to his knees.

"Wu Yu? How could you..."

"Damn it, I waited to save you with kindness, but you treated me like this!"

"Kill! Let's kill this ungrateful thing together!"

When the people in the village saw this scene, they were immediately angry, and pointed their finger at Chen Xi, not caring about injustice, and rushed to kill Chen Xi who was in the house.


Before Chen Xi could open his mouth to explain, these people had already killed in anger, trampled down the houses, the void shook, and the situation fell into chaos.

"These bastards!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being so angry that he slammed his foot hard on the thin man's body, and after a flash of his figure, he left the room abruptly.

"Everyone, please let me explain..."

Chen Xi wanted to defend himself.

But what chilled him was that these villagers didn't listen to his explanation at all, and roared and killed him one after another, as if they regarded him as the number one enemy.

The situation was chaotic.


PS: Valentine's Day?Hehe, I don’t live alone... In addition, red envelopes will be given out in the Chinese New Year group these days. Children’s shoes who like to participate in the red envelope grabbing activity can join the group, group number: 410189159


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