divine talisman

Chapter 1548 Shocking secret

The battle broke out suddenly.

Even Chen Xi never expected that the situation would happen to such a degree.

It's not that he is irrational, but that the people in these villages are very irrational, as if they have already regarded him as an enemy, and the scream of the thin man is just a fuse, which became their An excuse to do it yourself.


A huge fist smashed through the air, shattering the void, with extremely violent power.

But Chen Xi removed the opponent's attack with just a swipe of his palm, and he uncontrollably fell to the ground on one side with a thud, making a big hole.


"Dare to be rude!"

"Go together!"

Seeing this, the other villagers roared angrily and rushed forward like a tide.

Chen Xi's gaze swept away, and his heart suddenly settled down. His figure flickered frequently, and every time it flickered, he easily suppressed a villager to the ground, and he never missed.

In just a moment, bodies were already lying on the ground, all in disorder, screaming incessantly.

"Sure enough, although these guys have divine bodies, they don't have any power of the divine way in their attacks, and they don't seem to know how to use the divine way at all..."

Chen Xi's figure suddenly stopped, looking thoughtfully at the villagers lying on the ground.

In this sudden conflict, he almost didn't use any powerful methods at all, and knocked them down one by one. No one could compete with him. The reason was that these villagers were too weak.

They are like a group of children carrying sharp swords. Although the swords are intimidating, they don't know how to use them!

"It's weird, it's obvious that you have the body of a god, but you don't have the power of the order of the gods and the way of fighting. How can there be such weird things in this world?"

Chen Xi frowned, quite puzzled.

"Everyone, this guy has a god crystal in his hand!"

The thin man who was captured by Chen Xi before was also lying on the ground at this time, but he seemed extremely unwilling to see Chen Xi win, and immediately yelled out sharply.

This sentence seemed very abrupt, clouded and misty.

But the word "God Crystal" in the words made the eyes of those villagers who were defeated by Chen Xi turn red all of a sudden. Apart from hatred, there was also an incomparably hot and greedy look in their eyes looking at Chen Xi.

"Kill! Kill him!"

"Shen Jing... As long as you have Shen Jing, I can definitely leave this damned realm of doom!"

The villagers who were lying on the ground after being defeated, suddenly struggled to their feet as if they had been greatly stimulated, and rushed towards Chen Xi again amidst a burst of roaring.

With that appearance, I wish I could tear him to pieces!

"How can these bastards be so obsessed with Shenjing?" Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, murderous intentions emerged, and being treated as prey by others, he couldn't help feeling a little sullen in his heart.


Suddenly, a sonorous sound like metal rubbing resounded between heaven and earth.

Then there was a bang, and a terrifying divine power crushed down, crushing all the villagers present to the ground, unable to get up again.

Then, Chen Xi saw Tie Kun tearing apart time and space and approaching, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"How is this going?"

Tie Kun didn't even look at Chen Xi, but turned his attention to those villagers, "I just left for a while, and this kind of chaos happened, do you want to be sent to the 'hunting area' to be executed?"

Everyone was silent, trembling in unison, there was no hatred and greed in their expressions, replaced by awe, looking at Tie Kun as if watching a great master come.


Tie Kun snorted coldly, and finally waved his hand and said, "It's all gone."

Those villagers left in desperation like Meng Dahe.


Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help asking, "Fellow Daoist Tie Kun, what's going on?"

Tie Kun gave Chen Xi a cold look, was silent for a moment, and said, "Follow me." As he spoke, he put his hands on his back and walked straight towards the end of the village.

Chen Xi followed suit.

Soon, the two came to the head of the village, where nearly a thousand acres of medicine fields were covered, and various kinds of strange plants and elixir were planted in it, all of which had never been seen in the Three Realms.

Chen Xi noticed that the aura permeated in those grass and tree elixir was not the aura of gods, and it was completely different from the immortal medicines he had seen before, but filled with an indescribably obscure aura, which was very strange.

At this time, many villagers were working in the medicine field, concentrating on it and being careful, as if they were afraid that they would damage the herbs.

What shocked Chen Xi was that those grasses and trees were like living things, wisps of colorful light wafted from the branches and leaves, piercing into the bodies of those villagers like tentacles.

Those villagers didn't seem to notice it, their faces were numb, and they didn't dodge from the beginning to the end.

"Could it be that those elixirs are absorbing the power of those villagers' divine bodies as nourishment?" Chen Xi frowned, feeling that this scene was very mysterious and made him quite uncomfortable.

"They were also originally from all walks of life the powerhouses of the divine realm. Before coming to the realm of the end of the Dharma, all of them were big figures who called the wind and rain in their respective realms. They had great power and were admired and revered by hundreds of millions of sentient beings."

Tie Kun said indifferently, "But after coming here, they are just a group of poor people. If they don't want to die, they can only become drug slaves. Their status is humble, and they are no different from ants."

"How could this be?" Chen Xi frowned, and a chill came out of his heart.

"Because with their abilities, it is impossible to reach the ancient gods' domain, and there are only two ways to survive in this degenerated domain."

Tie Kun said, "The first is to act as a medicine slave in this 'Yaotian District'. This is the safest way. Although you will lose the Shinto order and Taoism you have mastered, as long as you work with peace of mind, you will be able to work hard." Unexpectedly, if they encounter danger, relying on their foundation in the divine realm, they can survive here forever."

After a pause, he continued: "The second way is to be sent to the 'hunting area' as prey, but this is very dangerous. Only a few lucky ones can survive, but there is no guarantee that they will not be hunted one day. kill, so no one would want to be sent to the 'hunting zone' to be slaughtered prey if they are not forced to."

"So, the entire Dharma-ending Domain is roughly divided into two areas, one is the medicine field area, and the other is the hunting area?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

Tie Kun said: "Not bad."

Chen Xi's expression also became serious, and he said, "Then who is the owner of this medicine field area and the owner of that hunting area?"

Tie Kun turned around, glanced at Chen Xi lightly, and said, "Even now, can't you guess it? Naturally, it's the major forces in the Ancient God Realm."

Chen Xi's heart trembled violently, his eyes shone coldly, and he roughly understood something.

This realm of the end of the law is completely controlled by the big figures in the ancient gods, and it is divided into two realms: the medicine field area and the hunting area.

Those god-level powerhouses who were arrested and entered the realm of the end of the law, on the premise that they could not enter the ancient gods, could only choose two ways to survive.

The first is to act as a drug slave, planting herbs and elixir for the big shots in the ancient gods. This is the safest way to do things, but it will lose one's own divine order and all kinds of Taoism mastered.

The second is to become prey and be sent to the hunting area, and become the hunting target of those big figures in the ancient gods.

As for the existence of hunting areas, it is easy to understand that the emperors and dignitaries in the mortal world will also open up some hunting forests for themselves to hunt, and regard hunting as a kind of relaxation.

Apparently, the hunting area in this realm of doomed law is roughly equivalent to a similar existence, except that the prey has become those powerful gods who have been trapped in the realm of doomed law, and those who hunt them are big figures from the ancient gods. they!

This reminded Chen Xi of the sniper attack he encountered when he first stepped into the realm of the end of law. In the words of the white-robed boy, Uncle Jiu and the others, they seemed to regard him as a "prey" and didn't even think about it. He really treats it as a real god!

Obviously, the white-robed boy and his party must have come from the ancient gods.

"How do I feel that this Land of Doom is like a place for entertainment opened up by the great figures in the ancient gods?"

Chen Xi's face was already a little gloomy, and there was nothing to blame for entertainment, but if the objects of entertainment were those in the divine realm, treating them as prey and drug slaves, Chen Xi couldn't accept it.

"Not only the Domain of Doom, but even the other interfaces outside the Ancient Gods' Domain are nothing but resources controlled by those big shots."

Tie Kun said indifferently, "If the way of heaven you realized before becoming a god is a fertile field, then you ascetics who are scattered in all walks of life are the crops in the field, and your practice is the process of crops growing. When 'ripe' crops appear in these fields, they are harvested so as not to affect the growth of other crops."

Comparing "the way of heaven" to "fields" and "cultivators" to "crops" growing in the fields!When the "crop is ripe", it is harvested!

If Chen Xi had heard this metaphor before, he would have scoffed, but now, after experiencing everything in the Land of Doom, he suddenly understood how appropriate this metaphor is.

It even caused a bone-chilling cold in his heart, and even an unspeakable anger. He was stunned there, his hands clenched tightly unconsciously, and the veins burst on the surface of his palms.

"The so-called 'crops are ripe' is the step of a cultivator's promotion to Conferred God?" Chen Xi said in a low voice.

"Not bad." Tie Kun nodded.

Chen Xi suddenly remembered everything he had seen in the Three Realms. At that time, the catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms came, and the divine chain of order and order of heaven shrouded it, forcibly confining and taking away existences in the divine realm.

Now that I think about it, what is the difference between the chain of heaven and order in this catastrophe and the "scythe" that harvests "ripe crops"?

And this "scythe" is naturally in the hands of the big shots in the ancient gods!

What to do after harvesting the "crops"?

Naturally, it is to provide "food" that can be enjoyed by those great figures in the ancient gods, and to become wealth for them to enjoy!

After understanding all this, Chen Xi felt chills all over his body, his hands and feet were icy cold, and his face was ashen and gloomy.


ps: Let me explain, the "Fuhuang" book friend groups added by Jinyu only have ordinary 1 and 2 groups, a v group, and a chaos group established by the leader X Hao, and there are no others~~


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