divine talisman

Chapter 1549

The way of heaven is like a cage, like a shed, like a field.

All living beings from all walks of life have become birds in cages, animals in sheds, and crops in fields in the eyes of the great figures in the ancient gods, being played with, slaughtered, and harvested...

If this is the truth, then it is too cruel!

This was the reason why Chen Xi was completely angry, because he was also one of them, if he hadn't understood all of this, maybe he wouldn't have thought about it at all.

But now, he understands and recognizes the truth, how can he restrain the anger in his heart?

"Why did you tell me this?" Chen Xi's voice was low.

"Because you were sent by your empress." Tie Kun's answer was simple.

Suddenly, Chen Xi woke up suddenly, and realized that no matter how angry he was, it would be useless, and he could not change the reality. He even knew that if it wasn't for the sake of that mysterious "mother", Tie Kun would never have told himself so much. .

Even, when he was seriously injured, he was very likely to be captured, either to become a drug slave, to become a prey, or... to be killed!

this is the truth.

This is also the true face of the Realm of the Doomed Law. It is dangerous, cruel, and full of murderous intentions. If you make a careless move, your fate may be ruined, even the gods will not be spared!

"Dare to ask, what is the identity of that empress?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and he had completely calmed down. He has gone through countless battles and blood baptisms during his cultivation so far, and he has already honed a courageous, tenacious, and outstanding Dao Heart.

"Since the empress is unwilling to tell you, I, a servant, dare not reveal it."

Tie Kun said indifferently, "Perhaps, if you have the opportunity to enter the Ancient God Realm, you will know the identity of the empress. If you can't, it's useless to know so much."

As he said that, he pointed to the medicine fields in the distance, and said, "Look at those medicine slaves, when they entered the realm of doomed law, they also robbed their heads one by one in order to enter the realm of doomed law, but in the end, they could only accept this The fate of slavery. You definitely don’t want to be one of them, so, hurry up and restore your cultivation, and leave here as soon as possible.”

Chen Xi pursed his lips, but suddenly asked another question, "Did the power of divine order and the method they mastered be taken away by the elixir from the medicine field?"

"Not bad." Tie Kun nodded and explained the reason.

It turned out that this Dharma-ending realm is vast and almost boundless, and there are various medicine fields scattered everywhere. Those medicine fields were all opened up by great figures in the ancient gods and belonged to different forces.

Unlike the medicine fields in other places, the medicine fields in this realm of the end of the Dharma only grow one type of elixir——"harmonious Tao magic medicine"!

This is the name for a type of magical medicine, which is extremely peculiar and extremely overbearing, and it is nourished by the order of the divine way and the Taoism controlled by the strong in the divine realm, so that it can survive.

This is no different from the method of "seize the house" in the practice world, the only difference is that it is not the body that is seized by the Taoist medicine, but the order and method of the divine way mastered by the strong in the divine realm.

The reason why those medicine slaves are so incomparably weak in combat power is because these god-melting medicines have absorbed the divine order and Taoism in their bodies!

Knowing all this, Chen Xi felt another chill in his heart. The existence of this magic medicine for fusion of Taoism is simply extremely cruel, and it is no different from demons and heretics.

"When they are mature, they will be harvested and sent to the Ancient God Realm, where they will be refined by the pharmacists of those great powers into divine pills for their disciples to swallow, and obtain the divine order and methods contained in them."

Tie Kun continued, "In other words, you can regard these magical medicines for blending Taoism as various powers of divine Taoism order, one after another different Taoism classics, as long as you swallow them, you can make a person as long as you swallow them. Disciples who have the foundation of the divine way can master the order of the divine way and various methods overnight!"

Hearing this, Chen Xi's pupils shrank, and his heart was shocked again.

He finally understood that those great figures in the ancient gods opened up these medicine fields, and then planted the magic medicine of melting Tao, using those captured gods as nourishment, absorbing the power of order and Taoism they mastered, When these Tao-melting magic medicines are mature, they will be sent to the ancient gods to be refined into magic pills for the disciples in the sect to swallow.

And these disciples can obtain the order of the divine way and various methods in a short time after swallowing these divine pills!

Aside from the various links in this process, wait for those powerful disciples in the ancient gods to use the magic medicine of fusion of Tao as a medium to capture the divine order and Taoism in the bodies of these powerful gods who were captured in the realm of doomsday. Law!

What kind of cruel method is this?

"People are knives, I'm fish..." Chen Xi murmured, the anger in his heart reached the extreme, even beyond anger.

He originally thought that the ancient gods' domain was an eternal kingdom, a pure land where the beings of the gods lived in peace and contentment. Even if there were battles and disputes, it was still desirable.

But who ever thought that the truth would be like this!

"Actually, even without these medicine fields, the existence of the gods who have reached the realm of the end of the law will be suppressed by the power of heaven and earth in this world."

Tie Kun glanced at Chen Xi, seeming a little surprised by Chen Xi's calmness, but soon he calmed down, and said indifferently, "Under this kind of suppression, the power possessed by any strong person in the divine realm will be lost without knowing it. , no matter how high your divine way cultivation is, within ten years at the most, all the power of order and methods of the divine way you have mastered will be lost."

After a pause, he continued: "This is the most dangerous place in the realm of the Doomed Dharma. The Doomed Dharma, the Doomed Dharma, is to deprive you of the Taoism that beats you without a sound!"

"So this name came from time to time..." Chen Xi muttered, but then he suddenly realized something, and looked at Tie Kun, "Why did you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tie Kun said: "Because I come from the ancient God Realm, what I have mastered is the power of the order of the Divine Dao in the God Realm, and I am not afraid of being suppressed by the power of the Heavenly Dao in the Realm of Doom."

Chen Xi nodded, and finally realized.

The power of the way of heaven is also different, like the power of the way of heaven in the Great Chu Dynasty, it cannot be compared with the power of the way of heaven in the Xuanhuan domain, and the power of the way of heaven in the realm of Xuanhuan is also incomparable with the power of the way of heaven in the fairy world .

Based on this deduction, the power of heaven in the Three Realms cannot be compared with the power of heaven in the realm of doomsday. Obviously, the power of heaven in the realm of ancient gods is obviously higher than that in the realm of doomsday. Tie Kun is not afraid of all this.

"Cultivate quickly. If you stay in the realm of the end of law for one more day, you will lose some divine order and methods. If you want to enter the realm of the ancient gods, time is the most critical."

Tie Kun turned around and was about to leave.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a minute, I still have some doubts in my heart." Chen Xi chased after him.


"Why do you want me to leave here within seven days?"

"Because you were injured, you were obviously targeted by some people when you entered the Realm of Doom. Although you escaped by chance and were rescued by your empress, I don't want to offend other people by taking you in."

Tie Kun replied indifferently and directly, "What's more, I'm just a servant, and I can't afford to offend anyone from the ancient gods."

Chen Xi frowned, but finally took a deep breath, cupped his fists and said, "No matter what, I still want to thank you for your guidance." His words were serious and sincere.

He really didn't hate the other party for rejecting him too ruthlessly, because he had no friendship with the other party in the first place, so why should he let the other party protect him?

Of course, Chen Xi never planned to ask the other party to protect him.

Tie Kun was stunned, as if he didn't expect Chen Xi to have such an attitude towards him, his face softened a little, and he said, "You don't need to thank me, all this is what your mother ordered."

Chen Xi said: "I will also repay my mother's kindness in the future."

Tie Kun nodded, and suddenly asked, "Who did you offend when you entered the realm of doom?"

"I didn't offend anyone at all." Chen Xi smiled wryly, spread his hands, and told the story.

"That Uncle Jiu you mentioned has a tattoo of a divine bow on his cheek?"

Tie Kun raised his brows, his expression was rarely moved, and he said solemnly, "If my guess is correct, then the young man in white robe should come from the 'Da Yi clan' in the Snow Ink Region, and he is one of the top protoss in the Snow Ink Region. Controlling many cosmic planes."

"Da Yi?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and vaguely remembered that there was a legend in the Three Realms. In the ancient times, there was an innate god and demon born in the chaos, named Dayi, who controlled the unparalleled arrow path, and shot and killed continuously in a fit of anger. In the sky is only the golden crow divine bird, its majesty is so powerful that it shocked the world.

It's just that as early as the beginning of the opening of the Three Realms, this innate god and demon Dayi disappeared, and became a legend that future generations can only talk about.

"Huh? No, you said you escaped from the hands of a cave light spirit god?" Suddenly, Tie Kun thought of something, and a ray of divine light suddenly burst out in his eyes, locking onto Chen Xi tightly, as if to recognize nothing the same.

Chen Xi's words were ambiguous and he said: "It was just a fluke for a while, if it wasn't for the empress to save me in time, the consequences would be unimaginable."

He didn't tell the other party that if the Uncle Jiu hadn't sacrificed the "Sacred Altar" to die with him, it would be impossible for him to escape injured.

The most important thing is that he ran away first, and then met the empress and the girl Huicong by chance. As for being rescued by the other party in the end, it can be regarded as a smooth move by the other party.

It wasn't that the other party rescued himself from Uncle Jiu.

Hearing this, Tie Kun uttered an ooh, looked at Chen Xi thoughtfully, and said with a little deep meaning: "As far as I know, not every True God of Dongwei can fight a Spiritual God of Dongguang, and Not everyone can get the help of the empress."

Chen Xi smiled, but didn't explain, appearing a little unfathomable.

"You are unusual."

Tie Kun no longer entangled in this issue, took another deep look at Chen Xi, and said, "Although I can't help you, if you have any questions, you can come to me. The premise is that you must wait seven days later. leave here."

Come on, he has already floated away with his hands behind his back.

"This Tie Kun is also a wonderful person. Perhaps through him, I can get more valuable news..." Chen Xi stared at Tie Kun leaving, pondered for a while, then shook his head, turned and returned to his house .


ps: Many friends are still asking about updates. Goldfish will explain again. During the Chinese New Year, goldfish can only maintain one update. This is already the limit. It is easier said than done, but it is really difficult. I hope everyone understands it.


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