divine talisman

Chapter 1550

In the village room.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, surrounded by clouds and mist, divine radiance permeated, and wisps of auspicious light wafted out.

In his hands, the two divine crystals condensed out a bubbling of pure divine power, which entered into Chen Xi's body through the great cycle of heaven and earth, constantly replenishing his divine power.

This divine crystal is indeed incredible, completely different from ordinary fairy stones. Not only does it conceive an astonishingly pure divine power, but it also has a faint power of order, which is of great benefit to the tempering of the foundation of the divine way.


With the help of Shenjing, majestic divine power flowed through Chen Xi's body like a tide, and his severely depleted cultivation base was repaired at an astonishing speed.

Two days later.

With two bang bangs, the two divine crystals in Chen Xi's hands shattered and turned into powder and dissipated.

"Two pieces of divine crystals are enough for me to use Cangwu seedlings to cultivate for a month, but this is far from enough. If I want to fully recover my strength, I need at least ten pieces of divine crystals."

While Chen Xi was cultivating, he examined the condition in his body.

This time Tie Kun only gave him six divine crystals, which was far from enough to allow him to recover to his peak state in a short period of time, but Chen Xi was already very satisfied.

According to his deduction, when he left the village five days later, he had almost recovered to about [-]% of his cultivation, and this kind of strength was more than enough to deal with the ordinary True God Dongwei.

Of course, if he encounters that "Uncle Nine" from the Dayi Clan again, Chen Xi can only choose to run away, unless he recovers to his peak state, maybe he can use some secret methods to obliterate him.

But Chen Xi would not do this unless it was absolutely necessary.

The secret method is also extremely harmful to oneself. For example, if you use the explosive gas killing god skill, you will not be able to fight at all for at least three months.

"Now that I have just advanced to the True God of Dongwei, there is no way to improve my cultivation base in a short period of time. If I want to improve my combat power, I can only choose to temper the order of the divine way..."

While thinking about it, Chen Xi took out two pieces of divine crystals again, and practiced silently.

In the battle with Uncle Jiu, he was allowed to break through and advance to the "Sword Emperor" realm in one fell swoop, possessing the supreme power to control the swords of the heavens, just like the emperor among the sword gods, which is enough to make all the swordsmen God bowed his head and bowed his head.

Although Chen Xi's mastery of the laws of the Divine Dao was only at the level of "first peeking at the door", his breakthrough in the way of swordsmanship greatly made up for his shortcoming.

On the whole, his current level of cultivation and kendo cultivation can no longer make breakthroughs in a short period of time, and the only thing that can improve his combat effectiveness is the law of the divine way.

The laws of the divine way are divided into five major realms: the first glimpse, the small success, the great success, the peak, and the consummation.

Every stage is a completely different transformation, a difference between heaven and earth!

Because this is the way of the gods, the supreme path sought by the gods, every step of the leap is extremely difficult and difficult, even if it takes a long time, without that kind of talent and understanding, it is impossible to take a step forward .

Generally speaking, being able to reach the level of "minor success" in one's divine way law while in the "Dongguang Spiritual God" realm is already a remarkable achievement.

Like that "Nine Uncles", he is also a first-class master in the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm. The reason is that his Five Elements Divine Dao has reached the "Minor Accomplishment" realm.

Most of the other ordinary "spiritual gods of hole light" are still in the stage of first seeing the door.

And Chen Xi was able to fight "Uncle Nine", crossing borders without defeat, and even forcing the other party to use the "Sacred Altar" to die with him. It can be seen how abnormal the fighting power of Chen Xi who has just stepped into the divine realm, if this If the war spreads, no one will believe it to be true.

Now, Chen Xi puts his cultivation focus on tempering the "Shen Dao Law". He has a feeling that if he can master the "Shen Dao of Talismans" that he has grasped to a small level, then he will meet that Uncle Jiu, even if The other party tried their best, but it was of no avail!


three days later.

The remaining four divine crystals were also refined and absorbed by Chen Xi, and at this time, his cultivation had recovered to about [-]%!

"According to the agreement, we will leave this village in two days. Taking this opportunity, we can go to Tie Kun to learn more about the Realm of Doom and the Realm of the Ancient Gods."

Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from his cultivation.

Now, he only understands that this realm of the end of law has a boundless territory, and the power of heaven is extremely special, which can silently consume the divine order and various Taoism mastered by the strong in the divine realm.

At the same time, this territory is roughly divided into "medicine field area" and "hunting area", but he has no idea how these two areas are divided and how to identify them.

More importantly, he urgently needs to know where the same path leading to the ancient gods is!

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, stood up, pushed the door and walked out.


As soon as Chen Xifu stepped out of the room, a violent roar sounded, extremely intense, like thunder shaking, the sound was transmitted between heaven and earth, and the entire village was startled.

And in the far distance, a group of villagers rushed out with weapons in their hands, rushing towards the distance.


"It must be that Qinglian Shenzong's dog has invaded again!"

"Hmph, they have been thinking about our medicine field for a long time, if Lord Tie Kun hadn't guarded us, I'm afraid they would have succeeded."

"Quick! Let's go together."

"What happened?" Chen Xi chased after him and asked a villager.

"Lord Tie Kun is fighting, let's go support!" the man said angrily.


Chen Xi glanced at them, and muttered in his heart, with you alone, you don't even have any combat power, so what's the difference between going there and dying?

"Little thing, look down on us? Before we came to the Dharma-Ending Realm, wasn't that an existence that ruled the world?" The man seemed to see Chen Xi's thoughts, and said with a gloomy face.

Chen Xi smiled, noncommittal.

Of course he knows that these villagers are all shocking and supreme existences in the outside world, but now...they have lost the order of the gods and the way of fighting, just like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, without any deterrent force Word.

However, Chen Xi admired the other party very much in his heart. He clearly knew that there was no difference between going to death and going to death, but he still went to support Tie Kun regardless of his own safety. This kind of disposition was very rare.

This also shows how high Tie Kun's prestige is in the hearts of these villagers.

Soon, Chen Xi followed a group of people to an empty and desolate plain far away.

And at this time, Chen Xi finally saw clearly that Tie Kun was under siege, with one against three, and was suppressed almost to the point of defeat. His whole body was covered with scars, his clothes were stained with blood, and he was in an extremely dangerous situation.

Not only that, there was a group of figures standing in the distance of the battle situation, about seven or eight people, all standing proudly in the void, pointing and pointing at Tie Kun in the battle situation, with a relaxed expression, but extremely powerful and arrogant.

In just an instant, Chen Xi judged that the strength of these strangers who appeared were all at the level of the true god Dongwei, and they were completely different from those medicine slaves, and their own divine way order and method had not been lost.

This also means that these people must also come from the ancient gods!

Only the strong in the ancient gods are not afraid of being suppressed by the power of heaven in the realm of the end of law.

"There are ten people in total, each of them has Dongwei True God Realm, and the most powerful one is the woman in yellow at the center. Her aura is obviously stronger than the others, and I'm afraid she is about to step into the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm. It's..."

Chen Xi quickly deduced it in his mind, and in an instant, he reflected the strength of each of the opponents in his heart, "But he doesn't seem to be in the same group, there is obviously a gap between them, it should be a temporary cooperation relationship... ...Strange, how did Tie Kun provoke them?"

Immediately, Chen Xi's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly saw that there was a picture scroll in the hands of the woman in yellow, on which was drawn a portrait of a young man.

And that portrait is clearly himself!

"Could it be that these guys came here to search and arrest me?" Chen Xi's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he roughly understood that the reason why Tie Kun was besieged was probably to protect himself.


"Heh, a group of drug slaves dare to come to save people? Please stay where you are, or you will be killed without mercy!"

At this time, the group of people who occupied the outside also noticed the villagers who came to support them. Among them, a man in golden robes with gray hair and a handsome face like a boy suddenly sneered and made a loud noise.

Accompanied by the sound, a terrifying divine power spread from his body like a tide, and it was suppressed fiercely in this direction, shaking the void and whining endlessly.

A burst of painful screams rang out. Those villagers were just medicine slaves with no combat effectiveness. How could they withstand such coercion?


At this moment, Chen Xi took a sudden step, and between his eyes opened and closed, wisps of frightening divine brilliance surged forth.


Just one step, but it was like a god beating a big drum, shaking the world. Almost at the same time, a terrifying and cold murderous intent spread like a sea of ​​swords raging.

bang bang bang~~~

Swept by Chen Xi's terrifying aura, the majesty released by the man in the golden robe was easily shattered, disintegrated, and disintegrated like a bubble, without any power to parry.

Moreover, Chen Xi's divine power remained undiminished, and it spread all over the world, causing the entire world to change color. Everyone in the distance trembled in shock, and their eyes all looked towards this side.


"That kid doesn't seem to be a drug slave?"

"Wait, isn't he the kid we're looking for!?"

"Hahaha, it's really hidden here. This damn Tie Kun dares to hide it. He deserves death. If the third son of the Dayi family finds out, he must be punished by his nine clans!"

When they saw Chen Xi's appearance clearly, the group of people including the woman in yellow were slightly surprised, and a look of joy appeared on their cheeks, as if they had found the prey they had been looking for for a long time.

But at this time, Chen Xi finally judged that the other party really came for him, and the person who ordered them was the white-robed boy and his party from the Dayi clan!


ps: Let me solemnly say one thing. Today, someone pretended to be the QQ account of Jinyu to swindle money in the group. One of our hardcore leaders was cheated of 1000 yuan. Here, Jinyu will say it again: Jinyu will never use any name to ask you directly Money, if you find such news, please be vigilant and don't believe it!

Goldfish's QQ is available in every group, you can confirm the authenticity with the group administrator, be careful!must be careful! !This incident has almost pissed me off, I am disgusted by the Chinese New Year, curse these bastards and the whole family to die!


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