divine talisman

Chapter 1551: The Power of the Sword

These bastards really linger!

When it was confirmed that those people in the distance were sent by the white-robed young man from the Dayi clan, Chen Xi felt a strong murderous intent in his heart.

His expression was indifferent, his eyes opened and closed like starry sky turbulent, and his aura became more and more blazing, like a peerless divine sword showing its supreme edge!


Without hesitation, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he came to the air battlefield out of nowhere, and without seeing him move, he brought Tie Kun out of the battle.

"Since it's for me, let me handle it."

At this moment, Tie Kun's body was dripping with blood, and his breath was on the verge of becoming chaotic. If Chen Xi hadn't arrived in time, he might have died in the battle just now.

"Thank you very much." Tie Kun looked at Chen Xi beside him, and said in a hoarse voice, "They come from different forces in the Ancient God Realm, but this time they were dispatched by Yitian, the third son of the Dayi clan, and gathered together to apprehend Yu You, you must be careful, if you can't beat it, you will run away early."

"I understand." Chen Xi nodded, his expression calm.


Seeing this, the three True Gods of Dongwei who were originally fighting with Tie Kun did not pursue, but looked at Chen Xi with great interest, with a sneer on their faces.

"Leave it to you? Ha, what an arrogant little thing." Someone sneered.

"Haha, forgive this ignorant and stupid thing. Guys like them from the lower realms don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and think that the realm of the end of law is the same as the world they were in before." Someone echoed and laughed.

"Do it, capture him, don't waste time." Another person said decisively.


While talking, the three of them had already made their moves, and each sacrificed a purple magic hammer, a green banner, and an ancient seal, bursting with all kinds of monstrous divine splendor, and bombarded Chen Xi.


Regarding this, Chen Xi waved his sleeve robe, and a piece of divine power interwoven with runes flew out, rumbling and roaring, and the sound of divine way shook people's souls.

In an instant, the divine talisman pattern of this piece of heaven and earth emerged, with dense symbols, as if divine light intertwined, terrifying visions appeared in the heaven and earth.


All attacks were crushed, and the divine brilliance exploded, illuminating the mountains and rivers.

And the three Dongwei True Gods were shaken by the blow and staggered back a few steps in the void. This change made their faces suddenly change, and they were shocked.

So strong!

He was able to break through the joint attack of the three of them by himself without using the divine treasure. How could this level of strength not be shocking?

"Take another blow from me!"

Suddenly, a true god rushed over, with a hammer in his hand that was full of purple divine brilliance, incomparable, and the blazing divine brilliance squeezed the world, and the fluctuations made the world's color change.

He has blond hair, a tall and strong figure, like a brave and violent god of war, with immeasurable power.


A sky-shattering loud noise came out, and Chen Xi went up to meet him. One hand collided with the purple magic hammer, and thousands of waves of air blasted out between the two.

Chen Xi was unscathed, and his demeanor was calm.

The blond man trembled from the shock, his face turned pale, and the purple magic hammer in his hand was almost sent flying.

"Damn it!" He roared violently, his blond hair stood on end, he advanced instead of retreating, and attacked again.

Almost at the same time, the two Dongwei True Gods who were holding the green flag and controlling the ancient seal were also dispatched together. The two looked dignified, already aware of Chen Xi's extraordinaryness, and they dared not neglect.

In an instant, Chen Xi and the three of them fought together, the divine voice boomed, and all kinds of blazing precious lights rushed, shaking the whole world, time and space exploded, and there was chaos.


"Huh? The prey from the lower realms is really good. No wonder the third son took a fancy to him, and he didn't hesitate to use all his strength to capture him and tame him as a god slave."

Noticing the battle situation in the distance, the woman in yellow in the central void in the distance said with a little surprise, her hair is like a waterfall, her face is beautiful, her eyes are as clear as gemstones, with a deep blue radiance, like a fairy Lingbo , showing a condescending attitude in his gestures.

"What Miss Yu Chen said is very true. The prey that the third son is looking for is naturally not bad. Otherwise, we would not send us out together to arrest him in the entire realm of the end of the law."

"Hmph, it's just a savage little guy from the lower realm, why bother to elevate him on purpose?"

"Yes, although it looks extraordinary, it is just an ant from the lower realms. It is really ridiculous to dare to be so rampant in the realm of the end of the law."

Everyone spoke and pointed at Chen Xi. Although they were amazed at the aura of the other party, they did not show any fear. On the contrary, their words revealed an indescribable sense of superiority.

"Don't waste your words anymore. I think fellow Daoist Le Xun and the three of them will not be the young man's opponent. Let's go together and try to capture him in one fell swoop to avoid other troubles."

The woman in yellow called Yu Chen spoke calmly.

"That's a great word."

"Just to my liking."

The others nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, Chen Xi's cold and stern voice suddenly came from the battlefield in the distance: "With this little ability, how dare you come and arrest Chen?"

Accompanied by the sound, all the expressions on the scene changed in an instant.

In their field of vision, Chen Xi suddenly drew his sword, and slashed out a stream of blazing sword energy, like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, straddling the sky and the earth.


Between heaven and earth, a straight crack in time and space was cut out, spreading endlessly, sweeping away.

This sword energy is really terrifying, like the blade of the gods, opening the universe, breaking the five elements, killing yin and yang, and beheading all things, it is extremely fierce and dazzling!


The three divine treasures of the Purple God Hammer, the Green Banner, and the Ancient Seal were cut in two!

"not good!"

"Do not--!"

"How can it be so strong?"

Three roars of incomparable shock and anger resounded, and immediately, there was a muffled sound, and the three True God Dongwei who were fighting Chen Xi had no time to dodge, and their bodies were cut into two, their souls collapsed, and their blood spilled world!

Their voices are still echoing, but people have already died suddenly.

From a distance, this picture is so permeating that it is unbelievable.

With one blow, three divine treasures and three true gods of Dongwei can be killed. Who would believe that this is what a true god of Dongwei who has just entered the realm of doom from the lower realms can do?

The audience was shocked and there was no sound.

"No wonder, no wonder he was able to cross the border and fight a cave light spirit god from the Dayi clan. Such a heaven-defying swordsmanship may have reached the realm of the sword emperor..."

Far away, Tie Kun was shocked, his pupils dilated, and he murmured silently.

Those villagers were even more dumbfounded, like clay statues, completely stunned in shock.

And the yellow-clothed woman Yu Chen and the group originally planned to capture Chen Xi, but when they witnessed this scene, they had no time to help them. They watched all this happen, and their expressions changed frequently, cloudy and sunny, and the previous contempt and arrogance in their hearts At this moment, it was replaced by an incomparable solemnity.

The three dead true gods Dongwei were comparable in strength to most of them, but now they were wiped out by Chen Xi's sword. How could they dare to underestimate Chen Xi?

This is the deterrence created by "killing the five elements"!

This sword move is the first sword of the emperor's realm that Chen Xi realized when he advanced to the sword emperor's realm.

Back then when Chen Xi was fighting with Uncle Jiu who possessed the cultivation of Dongguang Spiritual God, he used this move to kill and injure the other party, leaving a deep and visible scar on his chest, but now he was only dealing with three Dongwei True Gods. The power is self-defeating that they can resist.


"Unfortunately, the current cultivation level has only recovered to [-]%. If it was at its peak, killing them would not be so troublesome..." Chen Xi shook his head, then looked at the yellow-clothed woman Yu Chen and the group.

"Give you a chance to keep the treasures and crystals on your body, and I can let you live, otherwise you can keep them all today."

When Chen Xi opened his mouth, there was an unspeakable power in his cold expression.


"Bastard, you dare to talk to us like this, a ants from the lower world?"

Everyone was furious, their hearts were aroused, and their faces were extremely gloomy.

Even Tie Kun and those villagers couldn't help clicking their tongues and gasping for air when they heard this. Those people were all from the ancient God Realm, and they had extraordinary backgrounds. Chen Xi dared to say such things. They were not only powerful, but also extremely domineering. .

"Fellow Daoist, you may not know that you have already offended Yi Tian, ​​the third son of the Dayi Clan. Even if you manage to get away today, you will be hunted down endlessly."

In the presence, only the woman in yellow, Yu Chen, remained calm and said calmly, "Why don't you go back with us, with your strength, if you can become a god slave next to the third son, it will be considered a great fortune gone."

"Heh, I originally thought that the characters in the Ancient God Realm were so extraordinary, but now that I see them, they are not just a group of slave-faced people."

Chen Xi sneered, his eyes showing murderous intent.

"court death!"

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth, don't know how to live or die!"

"How dare you scold me, little thing, you are asking for your own death!"

That group of people was furious. They came from the ancient God Realm. They have always regarded the people in the lower realm as ants, aloof, and in the realm of the end of the law, they are even more like wind and rain. How could they have suffered such humiliation before?

"Since you don't cherish this opportunity, I have no choice but to take it myself!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi was too lazy to talk nonsense. The sword talisman in his hand trembled, and a beam of bright sword energy was split out, like a sea of ​​turbulent sword energy, and it oppressed away with a bang.

This piece of sword energy is too blazing and incomparably majestic, like a piece of cosmic galaxy sweeping across, majestic and majestic, it is the second form of the Emperor's Sword Dao "Watching the Sea and Listening to the Waves" mastered by Chen Xi.

Although this move is not as powerful as "killing the five elements", it has the power of crushing and crushing, and it is very suitable for large-scale attacks.


When Chen Xifu made a move, the sky was turned upside down, and there was a turmoil. The sword energy pierced through the sky and the earth, turning this place into an ocean of divine power, shocking people's souls.

"This one is tricky, let's do it together!"

Seeing the horror of this blow, Yu Chen, the woman in yellow, finally couldn't keep calm, her expression changed, and she yelled.

There is no need to remind, the others have already known it very well, and they dare not neglect at all, sacrifice the treasure at the bottom of the box, cast the strongest method, and attack together.


ps: On New Year's Eve, Goldfish wishes everyone a happy family, a lot of red envelopes, and a happy new year!In addition, everyone, don’t forget to vote for the monthly ticket. I haven’t asked for a monthly ticket for many days~~~


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