divine talisman

Chapter 1552 Strange Killing

Fighting broke out.

The woman in yellow, Yu Chen, and her party consisted of seven people, and at this moment, they mobilized all their strength, sacrificed various divine treasures, and rushed to kill Chen Xi hand in hand.

Looking from a distance, the seven gods pierced through the sky, and their power and power seemed to break the universe. Fortunately, it was in the realm of the end of the law. If it was placed in the three realms, the laws of heaven could not bear such destruction at all. power up.

"Not good, run away!"

Witnessing this scene, Tie Kun's complexion changed suddenly, and almost subconsciously, he resorted to divine means to coerce all the villagers, and disappeared in the same place in an instant with space teleportation.

Almost at the same time, a thunderous explosion resounded through the sky.

Chen Xi's move "Looking at the Sea and Listening to the Waves" shook the opponent head-on, his sword energy was as blazing as the sun, cutting all kinds of attacks into pieces one by one, the berserk rays of light splashed, the divine way flowed in order, tearing apart time and space, the momentum was extremely terrifying.

They are both true gods of Dongwei, who control the laws of the divine way, use various divine treasures, and control various supreme methods. Once a war starts, it will be like a piece of universe colliding with another piece of universe. It is powerful enough to smash the sun and the moon, and kill all things in the universe.

The fact is exactly the same. True God Dongwei forms a universe in his body, which means that they are already a universe themselves, and the power they exert is naturally terrifying.

"So strong!"

All the attacks of the woman in yellow Yu Chen and the others were disintegrated. Although they were not injured, they were sent out by seven true gods together. They were unexpectedly overwhelmed by Chen Xi with one move and did not lose the wind. All this made their expressions change again. , his face was cloudy and uncertain.

This kid is too strong!

With his cultivation base, he possesses such heaven-defying combat power, which makes people wonder whether he is from the lower realms.

After all, in their cognition, the gods in the lower realm, except for a few great figures born in the ancient times, the other gods are all weak and pitiful, and they can be trampled like ants.

And Chen Xi was obviously not a big shot who was born in the ancient times, he only had a glimpse of the cultivation of the true gods, and his grasp of the order of the divine way was only at the level of "first glimpses", yet he was able to unleash such a terrifying battle Li, this is a bit abnormal!

It is said that when something goes wrong, there must be a monster. At this moment, in their eyes, the combat power displayed by Chen Xi is not only a monster, but a peerless monster!


While their minds were turning, the battle was still erupting. They didn't dare to keep it any longer. They used all their strength to deal with Chen Xi, fighting between nine heavens and ten places, turning the land with a radius of a million miles into a battle field. Rocks crumbled everywhere, Terrible scenes such as cracks in the ground, explosions in the void, etc.

You can also vaguely see shocking visions such as lightning and thunder, the reversal of the five elements, the roar of gods and demons, and the torrential flow of blood, which can make hundreds of millions of sentient beings tremble.

This is the battle of gods!

The power of the gods has surpassed a certain category and reached the highest level!

This is just a confrontation between a group of Dongwei True Gods. If there is a confrontation between higher beings such as Dongguang Lingshen and Dongyu Zushen, the power they display will be even more terrifying.


Holding the sword, Chen Xi charged forward.

His expression is calm, his eyes are horrifying, hundreds of millions of runes are transpired between raising his hands and feet, and the sword in his hand reflects the patterns of mysterious divine talismans, suppressing the evils of the eight wildernesses, and cutting the yin and yang of the world.

Looking from a distance, he looks like an emperor in the sword, commanding the swordsmanship of the heavens, with an incomparable demeanor of whoever is better than the heavens and the earth.

The battle is fierce.

There were a total of seven opponents, but Chen Xi didn't feel much pressure, and it was even easier than fighting that Uncle Jiu from the Dayi clan.

The only thing that made him feel troublesome was the woman in yellow, Yu Chen. This goddess has amazing skills, and her cultivation is only one line away from breaking through the realm of Dongguang Lingshen. What is more important is that she is a body-wandering demon God of flow!

The body refining flow of gods and demons has been hailed as the existence that crushes all refining qi in the same realm since ancient times. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as there is a thought, it can be reborn in an instant. Ordinary means can't kill it at all. them.

But now, with the yellow-clothed woman Yu Chen, a body refiner in the sublime true spirit realm, sitting in command, it made it difficult for Chen Xi to kill all of them in a short time.

The reason is that this Yu Chen is like an incomparably strong fortress, always blocking Chen Xi's decisive blows when there is no time to spare. Although he has suffered heavy injuries, he can recover in an instant.

This also made Chen Xi frowned, knowing very clearly that if he didn't change his strategy, he would definitely be consumed by the opponent to death here.

The most important thing is that the opponent has divine crystals to supplement his strength, but he does not, and even now he has only recovered [-]% of his cultivation. It is destined that if he cannot kill the opponent in a short period of time, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable for Chen Xi!



After half a sound, Chen Xi's sword talisman turned, a wisp of sword energy rose into the air, and with one move, it shook away numerous obstacles, and slashed towards a man in black on the other side.

But at this critical juncture, Yu Chen reappeared, and his fist, which was crystal clear like jade, was like a hammer, slamming hard on this wisp of sword energy.

With a bang, the sword energy shattered, and her entire right arm was torn apart by the sword energy, but soon recovered, intact.

"It really lingers!"

Chen Xi's face was gloomy, and murderous intent shot out from his eyes.

"With me here, it is impossible for you to win, give up resistance."

Yu Chen, a woman in yellow, spoke indifferently. Her hair was like a waterfall, her face was extremely beautiful, and her gestures exuded a superior and indifferent temperament.

Everyone else sneered.

Fighting to such a moment, Chen Xi was repeatedly unable to succeed, and the fear in their hearts disappeared, replaced by excitement and murderous intent.

If they can capture Chen Xi this time and hand it over to Yitian, the third son of the Dayi clan, then they will also gain great benefits from it, so in their eyes, Chen Xi is like an extremely fat prey, and everyone wants to bite.

Chen Xi snorted coldly, and once again held his sword to kill.

"Evil barrier, it's useless to struggle, why don't you just catch him?"

A silver-robed man shouted loudly, and took the opportunity to ruthlessly stab Chen Xi with a golden long spear in his hand. The tip of the spear was entwined with terrifying divine laws, piercing through time and space.

Almost at the same time, Yu Chen dodged and followed the man around like a shadow, as if he was in the posture of resisting the attack for the other party when he saw something bad.


But at this moment, the corners of Chen Xi's lips suddenly curled up in a sneer, and he reached out to grab it, and a clear and dreamy star-like light suddenly emerged out of thin air, covering Yu Chen's head.


Yu Chen's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly unleashed a kind of supernatural power, his fists opened and closed like scissors, and slammed hard on the big one with a bang.

But what shocked her was that the big guy didn't move at all, instead of being shaken back, it enveloped and bound her whole body!

Almost at the same time as he sacrificed "Big Luotian", Chen Xi slashed out with his sword, facing the silver-robed man who had killed him through the air.

This wisp of sword energy was extremely strange, it suddenly appeared and then disappeared in an instant, which made the silver-robed man's heart tremble, and he was unable to lock on to that wisp of sword energy.

"not good!"

The silver-robed man's heart trembled, his whole body was terrified, and the soul of the dead froze, feeling a deadly and dangerous aura pervading his heart.

"help me……"

He roared in fear, but immediately with a puff, a sword qi passed through his throat, beheading his head, and his roar came to an abrupt end.

Crash~~~ The blood of the gods shot out, the head was severed and flew into the air, and a headless corpse crashed into the sky.

A true god of Dongwei died suddenly!


"how is this possible?"

"What kind of sword technique is that?"

The others were horrified and horrified. All this happened so quickly that they didn't have time to help.

call out!

And after beheading the silver-robed man, Chen Xi didn't stop, and took this opportunity to kill others again.

Now Yu Chen is still restrained by Da Luotian, and he is struggling violently. This also makes Chen Xi not only control Da Luotian, but also kill enemies at the same time, which consumes a lot of power.

If it weren't for his extremely solid foundation of the divine way, which is far from being comparable to other powerhouses of the same realm, his current cultivation level of only [-]% would not be able to achieve this step at all.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, in an instant, Chen Xi slashed out thousands of sword qi, each of which was extremely strange and fierce, coming suddenly and leaving in the blink of an eye, erratic and unpredictable, making it impossible to lock on.

Come home!

After Chen Xi stepped into the realm of the Sword Emperor, he mastered the third supreme sword move!

In the previous battle with Uncle Jiu, Chen Xi used this move to defeat the opponent's psychological defense in one fell swoop, forcing the latter to sacrifice his "God Altar" to fight him desperately.

But now, in order to behead the opponent's other people in a short time, Chen Xi didn't care so much, desperately consuming his divine power, and unleashed thousands of "return to return" swords in one fell swoop.

In an instant, the sword whistling in this world was like a tide, sharp and ear-piercing, soul-stirring, but no one in the field could lock the sword energy.

In their field of vision, they clearly saw the trajectory of those sword qi, but they disappeared in an instant, and even their own aura could not perceive the existence of those sword qi!

It's like seeing a ghost, it's weird to the extreme!

"Damn it, what kind of sword technique is this?!"

Someone couldn't bear this dangerous and deadly pressure and screamed, but immediately his whole body was cut by seven or eight sword qi at the same time. One piece, the blood rained torrentially, and the death was extremely miserable.

"Run away!"

Seeing this, Yu Chen who was trapped in Daluotian gritted his silver teeth and reminded sharply.

The others just woke up like a dream, wanting to flee in panic.

It's a pity, after all, it was still a step too late, Chen Xi made a move too fast, it seemed that their reaction speed was a bit slower, and the result of this was——

Waves of sword energy came out of thin air, appeared around their bodies, and killed them suddenly!


Someone's head was beheaded, and his soul was annihilated.


Someone was shot through the throat and killed with one blow.


Someone was cut in half and screamed for a long time before he died.

...All these happened at almost the same time, and those Dongwei True Gods were killed by the sword energy almost at the same time.

Those scenes are weird, bloody, domineering, and cruel... giving people an unparalleled visual impact.

In the blink of an eye, except for Yu Chen, all the other true gods of Dongwei fell under this blow!


ps: On the first day of the Lunar New Year, my parents went to burn incense, and relatives and friends called and ate wine and changed to other times. Jinyu was planning to save more manuscripts with more code words, but unexpectedly, a few cousins ​​came to the house, yes, Can only drink... Sigh, this chapter was written out of anger by the goldfish hiding on the balcony!This hard work is to keep updating~


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