divine talisman

Chapter 1553 Shocking confrontation

With one blow, the sword cuts down the gods!

The audience was shocked.

In the sky, the blood of the gods is floating, the broken limbs are scattered, and the screams before death are still echoing, the picture is poignant and beautiful, shocking.

Tie Kun and those villagers looked dull, their eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe it.

Five days ago, Chen Xi was still seriously injured and weak, and he was in a dire situation, but in just five days, he seemed to have changed into another person. His power was unrivalled, like an emperor and overlord in a sword. God, shocked the audience, and now under one blow, he slaughtered six true gods like a dead man!

Who dared to imagine that he possessed such heaven-defying combat power?

If these people knew that Chen Xi had only recovered [-]% of his cultivation now, they would probably be shocked to the bone.


Killing six true gods with one blow made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief.

This blow seemed easy, but in fact he had already used his strongest strength. First, he bound Yu Chen, the woman in yellow clothes, with Da Luotian, and then unleashed thousands of "return to return" swords under one blow, one by one. In an instant, he consumed a lot of divine power to achieve such an astonishing result.

"Fortunately, the remaining divine power in his physical strength is enough to kill this girl!" The next moment, Chen Xi looked at the yellow-clothed woman Yu Chen in the distance.


At this moment, Yu Chen suddenly displayed a kind of supreme supernatural power of "body transforming into all phenomena". With a stretch of his figure, he transformed into a silver luan bird, with thunder flowing all over his body, and he slammed into the big Luotian , get out of trouble.


The next moment, her figure flashed, and she returned to her original appearance. Looking at Chen Xi from a distance, her black eyebrows were slightly raised, and two brilliant lightning bolts flew out of her beautiful eyes. Her aura suddenly became much stronger.

"I admit that I underestimated you before. If you have the power, in the three thousand universes of the Snow Ink Region, it is not inferior to any top hole true god."

Yu Chen opened his mouth, but he was not in a hurry to start. Her long hair was flying, her graceful and slender figure was swaying, and her beautiful face was indifferent, "However, with your ability, you still can't help me."

Chen Xi said coldly: "Heh, I really want to know who gave you such confidence."

While speaking, he was also working hard to restore the divine power in his body, but unfortunately, the effectiveness of Cangwu seedlings was far inferior to that of Shenjing, and it was difficult to achieve significant results in a short period of time.

This also made Chen Xi more and more aware of the preciousness of the divine crystal. In this realm of the end of the law where the spirit of the gods is scarce, it is simply impossible to move a single step without the divine crystal.

"Confidence is not something to talk about, I'm just explaining a fact." Yu Chen put his ear to the blue hair, and said suddenly, "Actually, if you don't want to be the god slave of the third son, I can give you a second choice. "

Chen Xi remained expressionless.

"How about joining my Yu family?" Yu Chen said bluntly.

"If my strength is low, what will you do?" Chen Xi asked.

"Then I'm afraid you are already dead." Yu Chen said without hesitation, "Only with sufficient strength will you be appreciated by others, isn't it?"

Chen Xi laughed, and said, "So, I have to thank you for thinking highly of me?"

Yu Chen frowned, a little displeased with Chen Xi's attitude, and said, "This is a great opportunity, I have already shown enough sincerity to you, if it were someone else, it would be completely out of my sight."

In the words, there is an attitude of aloofness.

Chen Xi thought deeply, "Is it possible that the existences in the Ancient God Realm are like you, treating people from the lower realms as objects that can be taken or taken away at will?"

Yu Chen frowned again, she had realized Chen Xi's attitude, and said, "It seems that you plan to fight to the end?"

Chen Xi said indifferently: "What I want, I will fight for it myself."

"very good!"

There was a chill in Yu Chen's eyes, and he moved suddenly, rushing like a flash of light, leaving an afterimage of his body on the spot, which was incredibly fast.

Move around!

This is a kind of supreme supernatural power, which is more powerful than shrinking the earth to an inch. It is said that the universe can be easily changed with one step, and the world is so close.

In an instant, she came in front of Chen Xi, and her white and crystal-clear fingers cut across Chen Xi's face like sharp knives.


With a flash of divine light, Chen Xi's figure moved sideways, and he cast the Kunpeng magic technique, which frequently squeezed space and time, which was not inferior to the "moving through the universe".


Yu Chen moved extremely fast, his clothes fluttering, like a god, he slashed down with a knife in his hand, cutting the world and the universe into pieces, fierce and ruthless.

One miss, her figure flashed, her slender right leg swept across like a long whip, disrupted the void with a clatter, and fiercely lashed towards Chen Xi who was in the distance.

This is the fighting method of the god-and-devil body training style. The body is unparalleled, as strong as a god treasure, and every inch of the body can burst out with terrifying and incomparable lethality.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. He had practiced the body-refining technique of gods and demons, and he was extremely familiar with such fighting methods. He was extremely difficult to deal with, and almost had no weaknesses.

But that doesn't mean he's afraid.

Chen Xi no longer dodged, the sword talisman swept through the air, and a simple sword glow without any pyrotechnics slashed out.


This time, the two shook together hard, bursting out with dazzling light.

Chen Xi's sword energy collided with one of her legs, and all kinds of divine lights shot out and then disappeared, turning the world into chaos.

With a sound, Yu Chen's figure flashed, her vigor was astonishing, her right leg was injured by the sword energy, and the blood flowed, but she recovered as before, showing a fierce and powerful aura.

Looking from a distance, if it wasn't for her slender and graceful figure, exquisite and graceful, I would really suspect that this is an extremely beautiful ancient beast.

"Look, you can't help me at all." Yu Chen pursed his bright red lips, his eyes were bright, as if he saw the best prey.


Chen Xi snorted coldly, and came again with the sword in his hand, and in an instant, he unleashed one after another of the supreme swordsmanship techniques, tearing apart the universe, annihilating the yin and yang and five elements, and killing them with extreme vigor.

Yu Chen narrowed his eyes, not daring to be negligent, his figure rushed forward, and his hands condensed hundreds of millions of magic seals in an instant, afterimages rumbling, like ancient gods and demons angry, full of terrifying power.


In just a split second, the two clashed thousands of times. One used the unparalleled and most lethal swordsmanship in the Refining Qi, and the other used the body-refining supernatural power, which was said to crush all Refining Qi in the same realm. Fighting for the front, it is as if the tip of a needle is facing the wheat, but the power is earth-shattering, making the sun and the moon fall, and the color of the world changes.


There was another collision, and the two flew upside down at the same time.

Yu Chen was obviously injured by the sword qi, and shocking scars were cut all over his body. The blood of the gods flowed, but he recovered in just a moment.


She immediately came to fight again, her fighting style became more fierce and powerful, completely inconsistent with her beautiful and indifferent appearance.

"I'd like to see how long you can persist!" Regarding this, Chen Xi was not moved, and once again held his sword to challenge him.

He knew very well that with his current cultivation base alone, he couldn't kill all the opponent's thoughts in one fell swoop, and this also meant that the opponent could not be killed at least now.

However, although the opponent can continue to recover by relying on the powerful and unparalleled body training, each recovery will inevitably consume a certain amount of energy, and as the number of times accumulates, the opponent will eventually be unable to bear it.

As for Chen Xi, what he was waiting for was when the other party ran out of fuel!


Chen Xi didn't think too much about it anymore, he used the way of the sword, killing decisively, and the way of the sword splashed out turned the entire world into a chaotic world of swords.

It has to be said that when it comes to combat experience and mastered combat skills, Yu Chen is no match for Chen Xi at all. If she hadn't relied on her body training, she would have been beheaded countless times already.


After a while, Yu Chen was swept by the sword energy again and cut his throat. Although he recovered in an instant, his face became slightly dignified.

She also realized that she was no match for Chen Xi in terms of combat power.


Another hard shock, Yu Chen's whole body was shattered by the sword energy, turning into pieces of flesh and blood, and immediately stood up again with a buzzing sound.

And her face was extremely serious.

too strong!

She never thought that a person from the lower realms, who only had a glimpse of the true gods, could control such a terrifying swordsmanship, especially his fighting power, which made her feel a little frightened.

What Yu Chen didn't know was that Uncle Jiu, who possessed the spiritual state of the hole light at that time, had been so terrified in his heart, and felt as unbelievable as she did.


"God, that woman's body training is too strong. She has been defeated so many times, but she can still continue to fight."

"This is the power of the God Demon Body Refining Flow. As long as there is a ray of thought, it can be restored in an instant."

"That's right. Back then, I had seen an innate demon born in chaos. A single drop of blood on his body could create a huge world!"

"If this battle continues like this, I'm afraid it will be bad for that kid."

Far away, Tie Kun and a group of villagers witnessed this world-shaking battle, their faces were solemn and their hearts were agitated. Some even became faintly worried about Chen Xi.


A huge air wave erupted, distorting time and space, and roaring continuously.

During the battle, Chen Xi and Yu Chen separated again.

"Want to wait for me to run out of fuel? Don't think about it, you don't have to wait until then, the third son of the Dayi clan will come here upon hearing the news, and then you will have no way out."

When Yu Chen opened his mouth, her face was pale, her breath was slightly panting, but her eyes were still confident and disdainful.

Chen Xi pursed his lips, and the murderous aura in his eyes became more and more pressing. Suddenly, he raised his hand and sacrificed Da Luotian again, enveloping him.

"This trick again? Qian donkey is at the end of his skills?"

Yu Chen sneered, with the lesson learned from last time, this time she didn't challenge Da Luotian at all, but chose to dodge.


But at the moment she dodged, Chen Xi struck again, and three golden copper coins pierced through time and space, like three rainbows penetrating the sun, and rushed towards her.

Xiantian Lingbao drops copper coins!

The three copper coins were in the shape of a Chinese character "pin", and when they turned around, they were immediately suppressed on the top of Na Yuchen's head and the sides of his feet, forming a formation of three talents.

At this moment, Yu Chen's face finally changed, and panic and fear emerged in his eyes.


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