divine talisman

Chapter 1554 Booty

Falling precious copper coins.

This treasure has a circle on the outside and a square on the inside, with obscure chaotic patterns imprinted on the surface. On the three copper coins, the images of "heaven", "earth" and "people" distributing wealth are respectively displayed, which are pure, thick, and incomparably magical.

As early as in the primordial chaotic period, the Supreme Leader used this treasure to take away an unknown number of treasures from a group of powerful people, claiming that he could get rid of all acquired spiritual treasures, and his power was overwhelming.

And among the 20 innate spiritual treasures of the Chaos of the Three Realms, the power of Luobao Copper Coin can even be ranked No. [-]. From this ranking alone, we can see how extraordinary this treasure is.

Now, after Chen Xi sacrificed Da Luotian, he unexpectedly sacrificed three falling copper coins, and suppressed them around Yu Chen's body in one fell swoop, immediately achieving a miraculous effect.


The three copper coins may seem small, but in fact each one has the power to crush the universe. Once it exerts its power, it immediately looks like three golden mountains, squeezing hard from the top of the head and under the feet of Yu Chen who is trapped in it. Squeeze the void inch by inch, making a thunderous explosion.

"Falling copper coins!! Isn't this the secret treasure of the Supreme Master? How could it fall into your hands?"

The trapped Yu Chen recognized the fetish, and screamed in shock and anger, as if he couldn't believe it.

While speaking, she struggled hard, her whole body glowing like the scorching sun, and she operated her body training to the extreme, trying to break through the bondage and get out.

It's a pity that this is a well-known congenital spiritual treasure in the Three Realms, inherited from the primordial chaos. Its divine power is so powerful that it can not only be used as the most acquired treasure in the world, but it can also be used to kill enemies, and it can also exert terrifying and suppressive power.


Yu Chen coughed up blood, his whole body trembling with radiance, like a scorching sun that was squeezed by a round and was about to explode.

She struggled with all her strength, and exerted all kinds of supernatural powers, but she couldn't do anything about the falling copper coins. Instead, she was squeezed so that her figure kept shrinking, and the space for struggling was also shrinking inch by inch.

"Are you... are you a disciple of the Supreme Master?"

Yu Chen's face was pale, hissed and screamed, with a look of horror, as if a trapped animal on the verge of death was whining.

"Falling precious copper coins, the Supreme Master... Could it be that his identity is really... No, if he is a disciple of the Supreme Master, how could he be reduced to such a state in this realm of desolation?"

From far away, when he saw Chen Xi offering the precious copper coins and suppressing Yu Chen to the point of defeat, Tie Kun's expression also changed slightly. There was shock, but more doubts.

He also recognized the precious copper coins, which belonged to the supreme leader, but he couldn't figure out how this supreme divine treasure fell into Chen Xi's hands.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't say a word, he concentrated on controlling the precious copper coins, and used all his strength to suppress Yu Chen.

There was too much commotion in this battle, and he had to seize the time to kill the opponent, otherwise, once the third son of the Dayi clan, Yitian, and his team arrived in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

bang bang bang...

The golden blazing light erupted from the Luobao copper coin, which was continuously suppressed, and various obscure chaotic patterns emerged on the surface, releasing a terrifying coercion.

Under such circumstances, it was too late for Yu Chen to speak, he was suppressed and hissed again and again, his long hair was loose, blood stains overflowed, every inch of his body was crackling, as if he was about to be overwhelmed.

"too horrible!"

"I'm afraid this kid has an extraordinary background. It's unimaginable that he can control Luobao copper coins."

"Not only the Luobao copper coin, but the one he sacrificed before is as powerful and powerful as the Luobao copper coin, and even worse. It is obviously an incomparably rare innate spiritual treasure. Think about it, in the lower realm , is there any true god Dongwei who can control two supreme gods like him?"

"That said, the origin of this son is indeed very mysterious."

"I seem to have heard of the big one. It seems to come from the hands of Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain in the Three Realms. It is called Da Luotian. It claims to be able to hunt the traces of the heavens and the luck of all things, but I can't confirm it. After all, this thing, but It’s slightly better than falling copper coins.”

"Da Luotian? My dear, one is from Shenyan Mountain and the other is from the Supreme Master. If he is a disciple of either of these two great Shenzongs, how could he be hunted down by the men of the Dayi clan in the realm of the end of the law? "

"Strange, really weird."

Although those villagers had no combat power for a long time, they were also omnipotent gods who could summon wind and rain in the lower realm back then. They still had vision and experience, so they could see all kinds of strange and mysterious things in Chen Xi at a glance.

This made them feel surprised, shocked, and confused, and made the image of Chen Xi in their hearts even more mysterious.


Just when everyone was amazed, there was a shocking roar from the battlefield in the distance. The golden light was dazzling, covering the sky and covering the sun, and dyed the mountains and rivers of a hundred thousand miles into a golden color.

And amidst the roar, came Yu Chen's shrill and unwilling scream.

Immediately, with a bang, her whole body exploded and turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood, but what was shocking was that these pieces of flesh and blood turned into bloody arrows and flew towards all directions like living things.

Even though Chen Xi had already taken precautions, in the end he only wiped out most of the flesh and blood fragments, and was escaped by a few of them.

This is also a helpless thing. The gods and demons are too tyrannical, and they can be resurrected if their thoughts are not extinguished. Unless their cultivation base is far superior to that of the other party, or they sacrifice some kind of powerful secret treasure, it is almost impossible to kill them completely. Hard to do.

"Unfortunately, the divine power in my body is consumed too much, otherwise I would definitely not let her escape this time..." Chen Xi looked at the direction in which the other party was escaping, took a deep breath, and stopped thinking about it.

After this battle, he also consumed a lot. The [-]% of his original recovery is now on the verge of exhaustion again. If he was in the Three Realms before, with the power of the Cangwu seedlings, he would not need to worry about this at all. .

But now, in this realm of degenerated law, the aura of gods and spirits is almost non-existent, so Chen Xi also has to face the problem of depleting and replenishing his divine power.

Without any hesitation, Chen Xi started to clean up the battlefield.

In this battle, he killed nine Dongwei True Gods in a row and seriously injured Yu Chen. Now is the time to search for spoils.

Chen Xi searched very carefully. Those divine treasures that he chopped into pieces during the battle, and even all the treasures on those Dongwei True Gods, were all cleaned up by him.

This is also a helpless thing. He entered the realm of the end of the Dharma this time, and he only carried two innate spiritual treasures, the Da Luotian and the Luobao copper coin, as well as a sword talisman, a sword of Taoism, and a sword to punish evil spirits. A pen, a Nether Record.

Other than that, nothing else.

In other words, his current net worth seems to be rich, but in fact it is extremely dry, and he urgently needs some treasures to supplement it, such as Shen Jing.

"so little?"

After a while, Chen Xi finished cleaning the battlefield, looked at the divine crystals he had collected, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

The total number of divine crystals on the bodies of the nine Dongwei True Gods is only 87, which is less than a hundred. With such a rare number, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised.

This also made Chen Xi more and more aware of how cherished and precious the existence of the Divine Crystal is, at least in the realm of the end of the Dharma.

In addition, the trophies include some scattered treasures and broken Houtian spiritual treasures. There are only three intact divine treasures, and they are all ordinary Houtian spiritual treasures. one-tenth of the value.

"These gadgets can be stored up, and it would be great if they can be exchanged for God Crystals in the future." Chen Xi pondered for a while, and then put away all the spoils of war.

He knew very well that even if he left this realm of degenerated law and went to the realm of the ancient gods, the god crystal was a necessary thing, like currency, without it, it would be absolutely impossible to move forward.


After the battle ended, not long after, all the villagers returned to the village under Tie Kun's order.

"No one is allowed to leave the village without my order!" Tie Kun issued a command with a stern expression. The big battle that broke out just now made him smell a serious crisis.

Those villagers also knew that once other strong men came, it would be an unimaginable disaster for them.

After doing all this, Tie Kun left in a hurry and went to find Chen Xi.

"Sorry to cause you trouble this time."

Looking at Tie Kun who came forward, Chen Xi said apologetically while holding a few god crystals to supplement the consumed divine power.

"This is already doomed, and it's not your fault."

Tie Kun waved his hand, "You don't have to worry about me waiting. I come from the Ziming Shenzong in the ancient God Realm. This medicine field is the industry controlled by the Ziming Shenzong. Now that there is a drastic change, I have already sent a rescue message to the sect. , in less than a day, there will be a strong sect coming."

Purple Underworld Divine Sect?

Chen Xi was stunned, thoughtful, and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Tie Kun, I will leave later, so as not to cause trouble for everyone."

Tie Kun said: "Thank you."

He really couldn't let Chen Xi stay here anymore, even if the other party resolved a monstrous killing with his own strength just now, but when he thought of the forces behind those dead god-level powerhouses, his heart felt heavy and he felt extremely troublesome.

Among these forces are the three sons of the Dayi clan, the descendants of the Yu clan of the ancient protoss, and some other powerful sects in the three thousand universes of the Xuemo Region... combined, it is simply not something that Tie Kun can compete with.

Chen Xi could also vaguely guess this point, and couldn't help feeling a little apologetic in his heart. He knew very well that the reason why Tie Kun took him in was for the sake of that "mother".

But after all, the other party helped him a lot, but now he brought a series of troubles because of him, which made Chen Xi feel a little bit sorry.

After thinking about it, he wanted to give Tie Kun the three Houtian Lingbao trophies looted from the battlefield, but he refused.

"I can't use it, and I don't dare to use it at all."

When Tie Kun said this, a look of hesitation suddenly appeared on Tie Kun's face. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Chen Xi, if you can enter the Realm of Doom, can you do me a little favor?"

Chen Xi was stunned when he heard the words: "Fellow Daoist, it's okay to say, if it can be done, I will definitely not refuse."

Seeing this, Tie Kun was overjoyed immediately, and said: "It's just a trivial matter, and it can be done easily for you."

Chen Xi nodded, and then said with a wry smile: "The point is, I'm still not sure that I will be able to enter the Ancient God Realm, and I don't know anything about it, so please don't expect too much, fellow Taoist."

"It's very simple, I will tell you everything I know about the Ancient God Realm." Tie Kun laughed.

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, he had been waiting for Tie Kun's words for a long time!


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