divine talisman

Chapter 1555 The Secret of God's Domain

Chen Xi has roughly understood the situation in the Realm of Doomed Law, but he still knows very little about the Ancient God Realm, and he still cannot tell exactly what kind of area it is.

"In the ancient god domain, there are nearly a thousand known domains. Each domain contains at least [-] universes, and the most contains [-] universes."

Tie Kun pondered for a while, and began to introduce everything about the Ancient God Realm.

According to what he said, the ancient god domain was actually formed by more than 1000 different domains and thousands of universes. It was so vast that it could be called the number of sands in the Ganges River.

Different from many planes in the Three Realms, only those who are strong in the god realm can gain a foothold in the ancient god realm and roam freely.

The world there is filled with the power of divine order beyond imagination, filled with the breath of gods with different attributes, and it is completely different from any other plane.

There, it is also known as the eternal kingdom, which has lasted for an unknown number of years, and is known as immortality. Unless it encounters the "chaos era catastrophe", which is rare in hundreds of millions of years, it will never be destroyed and disappear.

As we all know, the emergence of the Three Realms was born from chaos, and the Ancient God Realm was also born from chaos, but these two kinds of chaos are completely different.

But no matter what kind of chaos it is, it has its own era change.

Every time the era changes, it represents the process of a certain chaotic space from birth to end, and then from end to rebirth.

Like the Three Realms, when the chaos was first opened, it turned into the grand world, and after the change of eras, the three realms of immortals, humans, and the underworld were opened up. This is a process from birth to end, and then to new life.

It is worth mentioning that every time the era changes, it represents a kind of "world-ending catastrophe", which cannot be countered by manpower, nor reversed by gods and demons. It is a kind of original power from chaos and nothingness, which is extremely terrifying.

However, this ancient god's domain is different from other interfaces. From the day it was born until the endless years passed, there has not been any era change.

It is stable and eternal, boundless and grand, filled with the spirit of the gods, and shrouded in the power of the order of the divine way, so it is called the "eternal kingdom" and "the kingdom of the gods".

This also makes it a place where the gods live and practice. In other words, only the gods can roam freely in that supreme plane.

"More than 1000 domains, thousands of universes..."

When Chen Xi learned of all this, his heart was shocked, and he finally understood that the ancient god domain did not refer to a single interface, but contained many domains, and each domain contained many universes!

"I have been cultivating in the Snow Ink Realm, and I know very little about other realms. I can't explain exactly how big the real Ancient God Realm is and what differences exist."

Tie Kun sighed, "Maybe you won't understand everything until you actually get there."

Chen Xi nodded, deeply agreeing.

Next, Chen Xi asked about some things related to Xue Moyu.

Tie Kun knew everything and said everything.

It turns out that this snow-ink domain is quite famous in the entire ancient god domain. The reason is that only through this domain can one enter the domain of the end of law.

In the same way, the end of the passage from the realm of the doomsday to the realm of the ancient gods is the snow and ink realm.

In the eyes of those great figures in the Ancient God Realm, the Realm of Doom is a very special existence. It communicates with many planes in the lower world, and connects with the Ancient God Realm, playing a key role in linking the past and the future.

Moreover, the environment of the Doomsday Domain is also extremely special. The laws of the heavens can quietly deprive the gods of the strong in the gods from the laws of the gods and the various Taoisms controlled by them. Even in the domain of the ancient gods, it is difficult to find a place similar to the domain of the end of law.

It is also because of this that the Realm of Doom is regarded by those big shots in the Ancient God Realm as an excellent medicine garden, a hunting ground that can be played at will.

Only in the realm of doomsday can the "magic medicine of melting Tao" be planted. This is the real value of the doomsday realm in the eyes of those big shots!

"So, the medicine fields distributed in the Realm of Doom are all divided up by forces from the Ancient God Realm?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and asked.

"That's right." Tie Kun nodded, "Those god-level powerhouses who fought against you before came from different forces in the Xuemo Domain."

"So, the passage between the Realm of Doom and the Snow Ink Realm is not as difficult to find as the rumors say?" Chen Xi asked.

This was what he was most concerned about, because he suddenly discovered that since strong men like Tie Kun from the Snow Ink Realm could come to the Realm of Doom, they should naturally know the passage from the Realm of Doom to the Snow Ink Realm.

"The tunnel does exist, but not everyone can enter it." Tie Kun said, and explained the reasons.

"The Supreme Master?" After hearing everything, Chen Xi's face suddenly sank.

According to what Tie Kun said, the passage leading to the ancient God Realm has always been controlled by the Supreme Sect, and the Supreme Sect has stationed a group of powerful gods there. The lowest strength also has Dongwei True God Realm, and there is no shortage of Dongguang Spirits. Gods exist, and there is even a Dongyu ancestor god who visits here all the year round.

Not only that, but if you want to enter the same way, you need to pay a lot of money to the Supreme Sect, and you have to go through a lot of assessments by the Supreme Sect. If someone is found to be carrying a powerful person from the lower realm without permission, they will be executed on the spot. room for maneuver.

In other words, this path controlled by the Supreme Master is forbidden to all the powerful lower realm gods to enter!

"Is the Supreme Sect very powerful in the Ancient God Realm?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

In this realm of degenerated law, it is possible to control a channel and collect "tolls" from those forces in the ancient gods. From this, one can imagine that the influence of the Supreme Master in the ancient gods will not be small. .

Through Chen Xi's words, Tie Kun immediately judged that even if Chen Xi had Luobao copper coins in his hands, he must not be a disciple of the Supreme Master.

After all, how can there be a disciple who doesn't know the power of his sect?

"Very strong, not ordinary strong."

Tie Kun said solemnly, "As far as I know, the gate of the Supreme Sect in the Ancient God Realm is not in the three thousand universes of the Snow and Ink Realm, but they have been controlling the passages here all these years, even in the Snow and Ink Realm. The strongest top powers dare not complain about this, so one can imagine how terrifying this Supreme Master is."

"The mountain gate is not in the Snow Ink Realm, but it controls a passage in the Snow Ink Realm to and from the Realm of Doom..."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes. He never expected that the power of the Supreme Master would penetrate so far and far. Putting it in the domain of the ancient gods, the power and influence could be so overwhelming. This really exceeded Chen Xi's expectations.

"You...you don't have any grudges against the Grand Priest, do you?" Seeing Chen Xi's uncertain expression, Tie Kun couldn't help asking.

"Not bad." Chen Xi said casually.

Tie Kun's heart was shocked, and he took a deep breath. He also didn't expect that Chen Xi would offend the Grand Master, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Even if I have no enmity with the Grand Priest, they won't let me, a guy from the lower realm, pass through." Chen Xi glanced at Tie Kun and said with a smile.

Tie Kun nodded: "That's true."

"However, just because they don't give way, doesn't mean that I will stop here..." Chen Xi murmured, a flash of determination and sharpness flashed in his eyes.

No matter what, he was going to enter the Ancient God Realm. If the other party blocked him, it would be a bloody battle and he would enter it with all his might.

Of course, if there was a better choice, Chen Xi would not choose to fight head-on with the other party. After all, according to what Tie Kun said, the Supreme Sect has dispatched many forces to station in front of the passage.

"If you want to go for a break, you'd better hurry up. I heard that that passage will be closed in a short time, and it will take at least ten thousand years to open it next time."

Tie Kun suddenly reminded.

Chen Xi nodded: "I understand this."

As early as when he came to the realm of the end of the law, there was a hint of omen in his heart, and he knew that what Tie Kun said was not a lie.

"By the way, fellow daoist, what did you entrust before?" Chen Xi asked.

Tie Kun hesitated for a moment, and said: "If you can reach the Xuemo Realm, fellow Taoist, please also go to the Ziming Shenzong in the Biyan universe for me. My only granddaughter is practicing in the Shenzong, and her parents died early. Talented and dull, he can only practice the most superficial skills in the outer sect, and he has not stepped into the realm of gods yet."

After a pause, he took out a storage bag and handed it to Chen Xi, "Fellow Daoist, please also give this to her, and tell her to practice hard, hard work can make up for it, don't worry about my safety, as long as she can be safe If I practice without worry, I... will be very satisfied."

Chen Xi was startled. He never expected that Tie Kun would ask him to do such a favor, let alone that the other party would trust a stranger like him so much.

It is true that this matter is very trivial, but it is no longer a trivial matter when it involves the other party's flesh and blood relatives.

"Okay, I promise, if I can enter the Snow Ink Realm, I will definitely go to the Ziming Shenzong." Chen Xi took the storage bag and said seriously.

Tie Kun was relieved, a rare lightness appeared on his usual indifferent cheeks, and he said gratefully: "Then I would like to thank fellow Taoists first. To be honest, I have never been back since I came to this Dharma-ending realm 6000 years ago. It's not that I don't want to go, but in fact, I can't pass through that passage without the presence of the sect."

At the end, he couldn't help but feel sad.

"But you...why do you trust me so much?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"Because you are brought by the empress, you must not be an ordinary person." Tie Kun replied without hesitation, and there was even a kind of blind worship for that "empress" in his words.

This moved Chen Xi's heart, and took the opportunity to ask, "Fellow Daoist, the identity of that empress..."

Before finishing speaking, Tie Kun apologized with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, I really dare not reveal this. Madam, she hasn't come to the Realm of Doomed Law for a long time, but this time she came so suddenly that even I was surprised."

After a pause, he finally couldn't help reminding, "Fellow Daoist, if you really want to know the identity of the empress, maybe you can go to the South China Sea. There is a good relationship between you and the empress, and you may get a great deal from it." What about chance?"


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