divine talisman

Chapter 1556

South China Sea?

Chen Xi thought for a while, and finally shook his head. He hasn't even arrived in the Snow Ink Region, so how could he care about the South Sea Region.

Next, Tie Kun handed over a volume of map to Chen Xi, on which was drawn a pattern of three thousand universes in the Snow and Ink Region, and also clearly marked the path to Biyan Zhouyu where the Purple Dark Sect was located.

After finishing all this, Tie Kun took his leave and left, leaving Chen Xi time to concentrate on recovering his strength.

"In any case, we must leave this place today..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to cultivate quietly.

Although the previous battle had ended, the troubles had not been eradicated. He knew very well that once he was overtaken by the third son Yitian and his party from the Dayi clan, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, today he must leave.

No matter where you go, it's better than staying here.



In an ancient forest high into the clouds, a black divine arrow tore through time and space like lightning, and shot fiercely to the extreme distance.

In just a moment, a shrill scream came from a distance.

"Excellent archery skills, I believe it won't be long before you can advance to the realm of 'Arrow God' and become a true archer in the clan! The ancestors will be very happy if they know it." In the forest, Uncle Jiu clapped his hands and praised.

Beside him, all the guards also echoed.

Wearing a white robe with a handsome face, Yi Tian put away his bow and arrow, casually threw it to an attendant beside him, and said with a light smile, "You don't need to praise me, I know how far I am from the realm of the Arrow God."

Having said that, there was a hint of arrogance on the corner of his lips.

There was a rustling sound, and a guard rushed over with a seriously injured and unconscious body, bowed and said, "My lord, this is your prey."

"The strength is so poor, it's useless to keep it, let's kill it." Yi Tian waved his hand without looking at it.


With a pop, the guard slapped it down with a palm, directly shattering the soul of that body.

"Boring, originally thought that the realm of doomsday was opened, and the power of catastrophe swept across the lower realms, and more powerful prey could be caught. Who would have thought that the strength of these prey is getting worse and worse."

Yitian shook his head with some disappointment, and immediately, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and said: "By the way, do you have any news about that kid?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present became a little gloomy. They knew that the third son Yitian was talking about Chen Xi, that cunning and tyrannical young man from the lower realm.

Especially Uncle Jiu, who almost squeezed out the water with a gloomy face. He was almost killed when he hunted down Chen Xi last time, and this incident made him extremely aggrieved.

The reason is that at that time, he couldn't exert his most powerful "arrow path" power at all, so he could only fight with the opponent in close quarters, but he was at a disadvantage.

"Interesting, this kid has been able to hide until now, and I want to tame him more and more as a god slave." Yi Tian chuckled, with a playful look in his eyes.

"But, my lord, we only have seven days left. If we don't go back, we won't be able to sign up for the 'Star Hunting Conference' held by Empress Yu Che." Uncle Jiu hesitated and reminded.

Yi Tian was startled, then waved his hand and said, "Isn't there still seven days left, it's too late."


At this time, there was a sharp piercing sound in the distance, and along with the sound, a blood-colored lightning flashed in an instant, paused in mid-air, and suddenly transformed into a woman.

She was dressed in yellow, her hair was like a waterfall, and she had a peaceful expression. She was the Yu Chen who had narrowly escaped from Chen Xi's hands.

It's just that her face is pale and transparent at the moment, and her breath is sluggish. It is obvious that she has not fully recovered from the serious injury.

"Yu Chen, what happened?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.

Others also looked sideways, with a look of surprise on their faces. They all knew that Yu Chen was a body refiner of gods and demons. Dare to underestimate each other.

But at this time, she was seriously injured, and she looked like she was running for her life in a panic, which made them not startled.

"Third Young Master, I'm sorry, the prey is too strong, and the action failed..." Yu Chen replied bitterly with a gloomy expression.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Even though they had already guessed the result, when Yu Chen said it himself, they still felt a little unbelievable.

"What's going on?" Yi Tian frowned.

Yu Chen took a deep breath, not daring to hide anything, and told everything about the battle.

"What? With him alone, he was able to kill nine true gods in one fell swoop, and almost killed you?" Everyone exclaimed, their faces changing.

Yitian and Jiubo looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes, but relatively speaking, they were quite calm.

Even in Uncle Jiu's opinion, even he was almost defeated by Chen Xi, let alone these true gods, what really surprised him was Yu Chen's defeat.

This is a true body refiner, how could he lose so miserably?

"The reason why this son is so difficult is that his combat power is far beyond ordinary, and on the other hand, it is also because he holds two extremely terrifying innate spirit treasures in his hands."

Soon, Yu Chen told them the answer, "One of them is a precious copper coin from the Supreme Master!"


At this moment, Uncle Jiu and Yi Tian were both moved and exclaimed, which shows the impact that the secret treasure of falling copper coins has brought to them.

"Are you reading that right?" Yi Tian couldn't help asking.

"I can't read it wrong. If he hadn't suddenly sacrificed the Luobao copper coin, I would never have lost so badly." Yu Chen gritted his teeth, and there was a strong sense of unwillingness in his voice.

"So, is he a disciple of the Supreme Master?" Uncle Jiu frowned, his expression extremely heavy.

"Definitely not." Yitian denied without hesitation, "If he is a disciple of the Supreme Master, how could he not know the rules of the Land of Doom?"

"I also suspect that he is not. One is because he has never mastered the divine power of calamity, and the other is because of another innate spiritual treasure in his hands." Yu Chen said.

"Oh?" Everyone else looked at Yu Chen in unison.

"Because that Xiantian Lingbao seems...it seems...it's Da Luotian..." Yu Chen hesitated for a long time before he said uncertainly.

Da Luotian!

Everyone was shocked again.

"If you put it this way, it seems that he might have something to do with Shenyan Mountain. I fought with him once, and his swordsmanship contains the supreme talisman, which is very similar to the inheritance of Shenyan Mountain. I had doubts at that time. , I just can’t believe it.” Uncle Jiu murmured beside him.

"It's weird, if this kid is related to any of these two sects, then his background is a bit extraordinary, but unfortunately, he came to the realm of the end of the law alone, and it seems that he doesn't understand the rules of this place at all. It's kind of weird."

When everyone heard the words, they were also puzzled.

"Hmph, the more this is the case, the more I look forward to capturing this son." Suddenly, Yitian showed a rare look of excitement, "This kind of prey is called prey! The others are all a group of pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered." That's it, no challenge!"

The others were startled and said one after another: "Young Master, no!"

"Young master, this son's identity is strange, I think it's better to stop?" Uncle Jiu also tried to persuade him.

Among the three thousand universes in the Snow and Ink Region, their Dayi clan can be regarded as the most powerful top force, controlling many universes, but compared with the Supreme Sect, they are a bit weak.

As for Shenyan Mountain, this lineage is mysterious. No one has even seen the descendant of Shenyan Mountain enter the world, but this does not mean that Shenyan Mountain is not strong enough.

At least Uncle Jiu knew that in the entire Ancient God Realm, there were countless rumors about Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, almost everyone knew about it.

"Stop? Hmph, he didn't reveal his identity, why should I stop? Uncle Jiu, from this moment on, mobilize all the relationships of our Dayi clan in the Realm of Doom, and try our best to round up this son!" Yi at this moment The sky looked a little arrogant, and said with burning eyes.

When other people wanted to persuade him again, Yitian immediately took advantage of his face and said: "Just do as I say, and I will be responsible for everything that happens!"

The others immediately shut up.

"My lord, I think it's better to inform the Supreme Master about this matter. If that kid becomes a disciple of the Supreme Master, the consequences will be serious." Uncle Jiu pondered for a long time, but finally he couldn't hold back his words.

"Absolutely not!" Yitian said categorically, "Not only can't, but all the news about this son is absolutely not allowed to be leaked!"

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu immediately understood in his heart that the third son of his family had taken a fancy to the copper coin and the big Luotian on that kid, and planned to kill him to silence him!

"Start to act." Yitian waved his hand, "If this operation fails, then you will stay in the realm of doom for the rest of your life!"



Under the night sky, a figure travels through time and space, constantly flying towards the distance. If you don't observe carefully, it is difficult to find his trace.

Different from other places, the night in the Domain of Doom is extraordinarily gloomy and deep. There are no stars, no moon, and it is as black as thick ink.

"Sure enough, this secret pattern of the forbidden path can not only cut off the aura of other people's glances, but also cover my own aura at the same time."

This flying figure was none other than Chen Xi. While flying, he was recovering his cultivation with the help of the divine crystal, and now he has recovered nearly [-]% of his strength.

But this is still far from allowing him to exert his peak strength, and even once he meets a master of Uncle Jiu's level, it will definitely be a dead end.

Fortunately, what made Chen Xi gratified was that the secret lines of the forbidden path that shrouded his soul's divine fire could cover his whole body's energy. Unless he encountered some terrifying existences with great supernatural powers, ordinary people, even if they found his trace, would It is also difficult to feel his breath at all.

"Probably at dawn tomorrow, I can recover my full cultivation..." Chen Xi sensed his own strength, and felt a little more at ease, knowing that if he survived this night, he would not be afraid of being chased and killed by the third son Yitian and his party.

The only thing that made Chen Xi frown was, with his current combat power, how on earth could he break through the heavy guards of the Supreme Master and enter the Snow and Ink Domain smoothly?


ps: Today is the birthday of the "Da Cong" girl, I wish you happiness and health, and make great progress in your studies. The most important thing is that school will start soon, don't forget to write winter homework...


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