divine talisman

Chapter 1557

If you want to enter the Xuemo Realm, you have to go through the passage controlled by the power of the Supreme Sect.

In front of the passage, there are a group of disciples of the Supreme Sect, among which those with the lowest cultivation level have the Dongwei True God Realm, and there are many masters of the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm.

What made Chen Xi particularly vigilant was that it was said that there was also an ancestor god of Dongyu patrolling in front of that passage all the year round.

Facing such a huge and formidable force, Chen Xi, who now only possessed the cultivation level of the Dongwei True God Realm, also felt extremely difficult.

The most important thing is that, according to Tie Kun, that channel will be closed in a short period of time. Once this happens, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to wait for it to open next time.

This also means that if Chen Xi wants to pass, he must take action within this period of time!

"Even if I regain my full strength, I'm afraid I can only fight against the Dongguang Spiritual God. If I meet the Dongyu Ancestor God, I will definitely hit the stone with an egg..."

Under the night sky, Chen Xi fell into deep thought.

Dongyu Ancestor God, that is a terrifying existence that controls the "power of the universe", his strength has reached the stage of returning to the ancestors in the gods, and the ancestors can determine all ways, which can be called divine power.

Chen Xi's fourth senior brother is poor and overbearing, and he is nothing more than a "Dongguang Spiritual God", and the Dongyu Ancestor God is above the Dongguang Spiritual God!

"Forget it, if you find an opportunity, go check out the reality first, and then make another decision. The most urgent thing is to restore your cultivation base with all your strength. If you can temper the Divine Dao of Talisman to the point of 'small success', it will be the best..."

After thinking about it, Chen Xi didn't come up with an excellent idea, so he finally shook his head and stopped thinking about it.


Under the dark night, Chen Xi moved and flew all the way.

Along the way, he saw one piece of medicine field after another, one village after another, and the situation was almost exactly the same as the village he was in before.

There are many medicine slaves working in it, and there is a strong man from the ancient gods guarding it, and all the medicines planted in the medicine fields are "harmonious medicine".

If it was normal, Chen Xi might take the opportunity to search for some magic medicines for melting Tao. Unfortunately, he is being hunted down, and he has to go to great lengths to enter the Snow Ink Realm, and he has no intention of making troubles at all, so as not to cause further disturbances , which affects the action.

Except for the medicine fields and villages seen along the way, most of the Land of Doom is barren mountains, wilderness, and deserts and swamps with harsh environments.

Most of these areas are dead, but there are also some extremely obscure and tyrannical auras dormant, like demons, filled with a penetrating hostility.

For this, Chen Xi directly bypassed it, and did not explore what kind of existence it was at all. Sometimes curiosity can kill people.

"In a short time, we will pass through the hunting area. There are many powerful people from the lower world who have been exiled there, and there are even some people from the God's Domain who are hunting in it..."

Chen Xi took out a map and examined it carefully.

This was given to him by Tie Kun, and some rough outlines about the Land of Doom were drawn on it. It was extremely crude, but it was enough for Chen Xi to judge where he was.

"As long as I can enter the hunting area, although I will encounter many risks, I will be able to find more opportunities to deceive the god-level powerhouse that the third son Yitian sent to chase and kill me."

Putting away the map, Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then decided not to make a detour and directly enter the hunting area.

But at this moment, ripples suddenly appeared in the forbidden path secret pattern around Chen Xi's soul fire, and immediately, a rustling wave of thoughts came out, which he caught instantly.

"Sure enough, it's amazing that this forbidden path secret pattern can still capture the sound of mind communication."

With a movement in Chen Xi's heart, he covered up the energy in his body, landed on the ground without a sound, and approached a dark forest in the distance.

"Idiot, be careful!"

"Hmph, in the middle of the night, who can notice us?"

"Not bad, when it comes to camouflage, in the entire realm of the end of law, no one can compare with our Huapimu clan."

"A group of idiots, haven't you heard that the 'Shenluo King Vine' couple who lived in the Ten Mile Valley were taken away by a big man from the ancient gods because they were too careless? Their fate is destined to be refined. Make it into a magic medicine for those damned gods to enjoy, don't you want to be refined into a magic medicine?"

This dark forest is only ten thousand miles away. The trees in it are uneven, the height difference is like clouds, and it is silent, like a shadow cast by the night on the ground.

But in Chen Xi's eyes, in the depths of the forest, there were more than a dozen trees that were completely different from the other trees around them. In other words, they looked exactly the same as the other trees, but they had an extremely obscure aura from the other trees.

That kind of breath is like the vitality of ordinary trees, but it has an unspeakable rhythm of life. If you search it hastily, it is difficult to find the difference between them.

Even with Chen Xi's current power, without the help of the "Forbidden Path Secret Pattern", it is impossible to distinguish the difference between them.

The sound of the exchange of ideas that came to Chen Xi's ears before came from those dozen or so ancient trees.

"The Huapimu tribe? Interesting, they actually called the Shenluo King Vine a couple..."

Chen Xi remembered that when he was rescued by that "mother" and the young girl Huicong last time, the other party was just trying to pick the "Shenluo King Vine".

And listening to the conversations of these "Painted Wood Clans", it is obvious that they regard the "Shenluo King Vine" as the same kind.

"Be careful. I heard before that the third son Yitian from Xuemoyu is trying his best to arrest a young man from the lower realm. It is said that he has used a lot of force. We'd better restrain ourselves these days."

"Who is Yitian? Who is that young man from the lower realm?"

"Wait a minute, Lao Qi and I will show you a change."

"So best, so best."

Suddenly, in Chen Xi's field of vision, a black light filled the two ancient trees, and immediately, they turned into two people.

One was dressed in a white robe, with a handsome face and a faint smile on his lips. It was Yi Tian, ​​the third son of the Dayi family. The other was dressed in a green shirt, with a clear and handsome face, and his eyes were as vast as the stars. It really looks like Chen Xi!

This shocked Chen Xi's heart, and he was secretly surprised.

If it was just the way of illusion, it would be difficult to get into his eyes. What really surprised Chen Xi was that the "Yi Tian" and "Chen Xi" transformed by the other party were not only the appearance, but also the temperament, breath, and even the appearance of the other party. The demeanor he showed was exactly the same as theirs, and he couldn't find a single flaw!

When Chen Xi stared at the "Chen Xi" transformed by the other party, he almost doubted whether it was him...

"Could it be that this is the innate Taoism mastered by those Huapimu clan?"

Chen Xi was amazed in his heart, this way of illusion was too heaven-defying, even more terrifying than the "thousand-eyed ghost monkey" he had seen in the Netherworld. If it was placed in the Three Realms, once it was transformed into his own by them With a deceitful appearance, I am afraid that it will cause countless disasters, and no one will suspect that it is not me!

"It's terrible, it's terrible, this time I used the magic method, and I lost another piece of skin. This is the accumulation of 3000 years of Taoism."

That "Yi Tian" suddenly yelled, and wisps of black light appeared all over his body, and a layer of skin "faded" unexpectedly, and suddenly turned into the appearance of an ancient tree again.

"Hey, it's not the 'Phaseless Skin' transformed by the power of the original source, why do you feel bad about it, old six?"

That "Chen Xi" smiled, a little gloating.

"Huh, what the seventh brother said was light. Among our thirteen brothers, only the eldest can condense the 'Phaseless Skin' with the power of the original source. This is the supreme method that can blind the eyes of the gods!"

The sixth child snorted coldly.

"Phaseless skin? Can it cover the eyes and ears of the gods?" Chen Xi's heart moved, thoughtful.

"Shut up! How many times have I told you that my secrets are never allowed to be mentioned again. Once those damned gods find out, they must dig out my original heart and make a 'phaseless skin'!"

An ancient tree that had been silent for a long time spoke, very sullen, obviously it was the "boss" in the mouth of those "painted skin wood clan".

As soon as the boss opened his mouth, the other Huapimu clan fell silent.

"Boss, the god corpses we have stored are no longer enough to eat, do you want to take another action and hunt down some gods?" The guy posing as "Chen Xi" asked in a low voice.

"There are many?"

"Sixteen of them are all prey from the lower realms. The meat quality is very bad, far less delicious than the guys in the ancient gods."

"so little?"

The boss was stunned, and said, "That's okay, didn't the third son Yitian send many gods to hunt down and kill that young man from the lower realm these days? Seventh, please feel wronged, and temporarily turn into the appearance of this young man and act as a bait , to attract some gods to take the bait."

Lao Qi, who was pretending to be Chen Xi, screamed, "Why me again?"

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that our Huapimu clan is not good at fighting, how can you be wronged? It's decided like this. Everyone, remember that our combat power can only kill the True God Dongwei at best. Once we encounter the Spiritual God Dongguang, we will hurry up!" Run away, do you understand?" the boss ordered.


The other Huapimu clan agreed one after another.

"Everyone, it's a little late for you to understand." At this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded.


A group of Huapimu tribe suddenly shouted, shaking their bodies like frightened monkeys, wanting to run away one after another.


A big clear star-like shroud descended, blocking all directions and eight poles, forcibly blocking all their escape routes, making them impossible to escape.

At the same time, Chen Xi's stern figure appeared in the field, his eyes swept over the panic-stricken old trees, and he said, "If you want to pretend to be me and kill someone, do you have my consent?"

"He...he is the young man from the lower realm!"

"Damn! How could he find our tracks?"

"God, after so many years, someone can actually find us!"

"Idiot! Is this the time to care about this?"

A group of Huapimu people spoke in a hurry, panicking like a pot exploded.

"A bunch of idiots! Why are you shouting, fight him!" The boss suddenly yelled angrily.


ps: Normal updates will resume tomorrow~~


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