divine talisman

Chapter 1558 Obtaining the Tree Heart


A group of Huapimu clan started their actions, billowing green light billowed from their bodies, waved thick branches and leaves like chains, and ruthlessly charged towards Chen Xi who was in the distance.

Their bodies are towering ancient trees, seemingly fragile, but as soon as they move, they are vigorous and vigorous, traversing time and space, like gods in trees, releasing terrifying power.

In an instant, the forest suddenly turned into ashes, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the deep night was replaced by a blazing green light, which was extremely dazzling.

"Kill! Kill this kid first!"

"He eavesdropped on our conversation, we must not let him escape!"

"Yes, he must be killed."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and without any hesitation, his figure flashed, and he sacrificed the sword talisman with a clang.


A surging sword energy pierced through the air like a vast sea.

The second form of the Sword Emperor Realm - watching the sea and listening to the waves!

Bang, bang, bang~~~ The surging attack was crushed and shattered by the sword energy, and it couldn't be resisted at all, just like a pile of foam that was squeezed and shattered.

Immediately, there was a bang, and the more than ten Huapimu clan who rushed to kill were violently shaken by the sword energy, and fell backwards suddenly, with countless branches and leaves broken off.

"These guys are really not good at fighting, and their strength can only be regarded as mediocre in Dongwei's True God Realm." With a successful blow, Chen Xi immediately judged the opponent's ability.

This made him secretly relieved. In fact, he also knew very well that what these weird creatures are best at is stealth and illusion, and all kinds of illusions that are false and real.

It's a pity that Chen Xi has seen through their strongest method, and in the case of a head-on attack, even if more than a dozen of them attack together, it is difficult to pose any threat to Chen Xi.

"It's amazing~!"

"No, what if we are killed this time?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't we have to be refined into divine pills like the 'Shenluo King Vine' couple?"

"No, no, we are killed, at best we will be used to refine all kinds of deceptive skins, how can we be refined into divine pills."

"Oh, that's right, our skins are the most valuable."

"Idiots! A group of idiots! This is a battle, you...you heartless idiots deserve to be killed, skinned and cramped!"

What surprised Chen Xi was that after the Huapimu clan was defeated in one blow, they actually made a loud noise together, and the "boss" was so angry that he roared loudly.

In fact, Chen Xi didn't know that the Huapimu race was a peculiar race in the realm of the end of the Dharma. They were born with divine fetuses, and would give birth to a tree heart every 3000 years.

It is not until the 36-petal tree heart is born that it can be regarded as a real god, possessing wisdom like the sea, and begin to comprehend the power of Shinto laws.

And without condensing the real tree heart, wisdom and concentration will appear dull. Apart from having a god-like body, intelligence and heart are no different from ordinary monsters and spirits.

In layman's terms, these Huapimu people who don't have a complete tree heart are "heartless".

For those painted skin wood tribes in front of them, only their bosses have condensed 36 petals of tree hearts, so they repeatedly scolded other companions for idiots and stupidity.

However, although Chen Xi didn't understand this, he could roughly judge that among the opponents, only the "boss" was considered normal, and the behavior of the other Huapimu clan was no different from that of mountain spirits.


These thoughts flashed through his mind, and Chen Xi's movements did not stop. After identifying the opponent's strength, he had already made a plan for a quick fight.

There was another flash of sword energy across the sky.

The void is like a canvas, and this wisp of sword energy is like the sharpest blade between heaven and earth. With a chirping sound, it cuts through time and space, and the sharp blade sweeps away those Huapimu clan.


"Run away, I feel like I'm going to die!"

Amidst howling screams, the sword qi slashed one of the Huapimu clan into two with a puff.

Immediately, with a crash, its body turned into an incomparably rich green light, which suddenly condensed into a green tree core as clear as emeralds, spinning in mid-air, and was about to escape.

Wow~~ Da Luotian, who was under Chen Xi's control, suddenly shrouded down, directly bound that piece of tree heart, and grabbed it in his hands.

"The heart of the tree is in the shape of three petals, this treasure may be their origin..." Chen Xi looked it up and put it away.

"Oh my god, Lao Jiu was killed!"

"This is how to do?"

"Let's run away together, I don't want to fight with this guy anymore, it's so scary~"

A group of Huapimu clan yelled and ran away in panic, looking like they were scared to death.

"A bunch of idiots!"

The old man was so angry that he jumped into a rage, roared continuously, and was about to go crazy.


At this moment, a slash of sword energy struck the boss, causing the boss to tremble all over in fright, the branches and leaves trembled, his figure flashed, and he wanted to run away.

It's a pity that whether it's the boss or the other Huapimu clan, their auras have already been locked by Chen Xi, and before they could escape in time, they were sealed off by Da Luotian.

In the end, Chen Xi beheaded five or six Huapimu clan again, and the rest of the Huapimu clan were immediately frightened to the point where they completely lost their fighting spirit, and they all knelt down on the ground, begging for mercy loudly.

"Master, please forgive me~"

"I am willing to give everything, and I hope the great god will forgive me."

"That's right, as long as we are kept alive, we will agree to anything."

Looking at this scene, Chen Xi even felt a little ridiculous.

Since he practiced so far, this is the first time he has encountered such a battle. The opponent clearly has the power to fight, but they don't concentrate on fighting. They have no courage, but they can yell about some irrelevant things in the battle , Let’s say they have courage, and they are so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, without a trace of dignity and bottom line.

In short, this battle was very strange, and it was also the first time Chen Xi encountered such a strange opponent.

"It's fine if you forgive me." Chen Xi said after a moment of pondering.

"God, please speak!"

All the Huapimu clan were overjoyed.

"Hand over the 'Wuxiangpi', and I will let you live." Chen Xi said, this was his real purpose.

No skin?

With a swipe, those Huapimu clan all looked at the boss on one side.

The phaseless skin can only be condensed by the Huapi Mu clan who has a complete 36-petal tree heart, and this boss is the only painted skin wood demon in the field who can condense the phaseless skin.

The boss's face was changing, and he said: "If you want my Wuxiangpi, you can just kill me!" As he spoke, he straightened his head, with a look of death.


Hearing this, Chen Xi shook the sword directly, pointed the tip of the sword at the boss, and pressed it away with a chilling sharp air, "Then it will be as you wish."

"Wait a minute!"

The boss suddenly went limp and prostrated himself on the ground, "I...I hand over..."

Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, these guys really didn't feel scared, they treated death like home before, but they were completely wilted the next moment.


A strange fluctuation occurred, and the boss suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a tree heart shaped like a lotus flower, which dripped and filled with a strong blue light. It can be clearly seen that the tree heart is divided into 36 petals, and each petal is Branded with a clear pattern of veins, like the mysterious lines of the divine way, it releases an intoxicating breath.

With just a glance, strange scenes appeared in Chen Xi's field of vision. They were the appearances of all living beings, in which joy, anger, sorrow, joy, emotions, and desires were all clearly presented.

Even, if it wasn't for Chen Xi's firm Dao heart, his soul would almost be lost in it.

"This is 'Faceless Skin'?" Chen Xi took a deep breath, waved his sleeves to roll out a cloud of green glow, took that tree heart away, and held it in front of his eyes for examination.

But the boss seemed to have lost his vitality, his breath was exhausted to the extreme, and the bark all over his body was also dull, as if the oil had run out and the lamp had dried up.

"This is my tree heart. If you sacrifice this thing, you can change it into the appearance of any person as you like. Even the ancestor gods can't tell the authenticity."

The boss said hoarsely, "But this thing is in the hands of your human race, and it can only be used three times. After three times, it will be completely wiped out..."

In the end, he couldn't help but cast a sense of sadness in his voice. This is his original power. Every 3000 years, he can condense a tree heart. There are 36 tree hearts, which means that he paid 8000 yuan for it. [-] years!

But now, let him give away his tree heart to others, and he will not feel good in his heart.

Seeing this, the other Huapimu tribes also showed a hint of grief, and some Muzu tribes even began to sob, as if they were suffering from each other.

Chen Xi thought for a while, and threw out a storage bag, "This is some kind of wish from me, please accept it."

Say it, and he drifts away.

Inside the storage bag were some treasures that he had looted from Yu Chen's companions when he killed them. They were not worth much, and it was Chen Xi's wish to use them to compensate the Huapimu tribe.

Sometimes it takes more courage to stop killing than to kill.

After reaching Chen Xi's level, his state of mind is different from before, and he has a brand new understanding of killing, but no matter what, no matter what he does, he never goes against his will, and this is enough.


"With this faceless skin, combined with the Luobao money in his hand, he can pretend to be Yin Huaikong. In this way, he may be able to pass through that passage..."

In mid-air, Chen Xi, who was speeding on his way, was quite happy in his heart.

Luobao money is a thing of the Supreme Sect, and that Yin Huaikong is a true disciple of the Supreme Sect. Now that Chen Xi has accidentally obtained a complete tree heart of the Huapimu clan, he can just pretend to be Yin Huaikong and go to Nayou The passage controlled by the Supreme Master.

If you are lucky, you can even enter the Snow Ink Domain without any effort!

"Huh? There are so many tyrannical auras, it seems that there is a hunting area..."

After burning a stick of incense, Chen Xi stopped walking abruptly, and looked far into the distance. The scene in the distance was completely changed from what he had seen before, and it had the taste of "reversal of heaven and earth, division of yin and yang".

There seems to be an invisible line in the distance, dividing the world into two halves, one half is as black as ink, and the other half is as red as blood. The scenery remains the same, but the atmosphere has become mysterious and dense.

Chen Xi knew that within that piece of blood-colored world was the "hunting zone" of the Domain of Doom!


ps: I originally planned to resume normal updates today, but an unexpected situation happened, and I was forced to drink and get dizzy, crying~~ Don't worry, everyone, I will make up tomorrow!That is tomorrow 3 more!


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