divine talisman

Chapter 1559 Stripping Law

A line clearly divides the world into two completely different areas.

Half of it is as dark as ink, deep and silent, and the other half is as red as blood, which is desolate and permeating.

Chen Xi stood in front of that line, behind him was the pitch-black Eternal Night, and what he looked at was the bloody and bewitching world.

He knew that the dark night represented the "medicine field area", and the bloody world in the distance was the "hunting area".

This is what Tie Kun told Chen Xi. In the world of Yaotian District, day and night alternate, except for the law of heaven, other things are no different from ordinary interfaces.

But the hunting area is different. It is a world shrouded in blood. There is neither day nor night. Whether it is mountains, rivers, forests or valleys, they all appear blood red.

Even the sky and the ground are bright red!

Of course, Chen Xi knew very well that the difference between the medicine field area and the hunting area was not just superficial. The most important thing was that the power of the law of heaven between the two areas was also completely different.



Without any hesitation, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he crossed the line dividing the world and entered the hunting area.

If the Yaotian area is a lifeless and pure land, then this hunting area can definitely be called a bloody place of killing.

There are many strong people here, and many strong people from the ancient gods, all regard this place as a hunting area, and they are in it. , became prey.

In short, this hunting area is a place of competition and fighting. There has never been mercy and kindness in the confrontation between the hunter and the prey.

Similarly, the roles of hunter and prey are never fixed. You may be a hunter one moment, but you may become a prey in the eyes of others the next moment.

In history, there are also examples of those strong men from the ancient gods who hunted here, but were killed by the prey in their eyes.

Tie Kun clearly told Chen Xi about all this, so as soon as he entered the hunting area, Chen Xi immediately heightened his vigilance, restrained his whole body energy, and entered the dangerous forest like a vigilant cheetah.



Not long after Chen Xi entered the hunting area, a series of figures tore through time and space, and the leader was the third son Yitian from the Dayi clan.

"He actually entered the hunting area? This kid is very alert. Uncle Jiu, send a message to our people and come to the hunting area from various places to surround and kill this boy!" color, said with a wave.

"My lord, the situation is a bit troublesome. Why don't you gather your forces first, and then take action after a perfect plan is formulated?" Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice.

"Are you worried about that kid using 'Shameless Skin'?" Yi Tian asked.

On the way to hunt down and kill Chen Xi, they also discovered the place where Chen Xi was fighting with the Huapimu clan, and captured those surviving Huapimu clan from there.

The result is self-evident, the cowardly Huapimu tribe barely resisted, and they confessed everything.

Unfortunately, Yitian and his group were not Chen Xi. After learning all this, they executed all the painted skin wood tribes and deprived them of the tree hearts.

This incident also allowed Yitian and the others to grasp more information about Chen Xi, so they chased them all the way, and finally came to this hunting area.

"That's right, the human form transformed by the 'Phaseless Skin' is said to be difficult for even the ancestor gods to detect the authenticity. If that kid uses the Phaseless Skin to transform into other forms, we will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack, and we will not be able to hunt him down at all." Uncle Jiu frowned and muttered.

"Hahaha." Yitian suddenly laughed, "Uncle Jiu is worrying too much. Now the passage leading to the Snow Ink Realm is about to be closed. In this hunting area, except for the prey that was captured, other animals from the Ancient God Realm Most of the strong men have already left. Under such circumstances, we don’t have to care about what that kid will look like, as long as we find anyone in the hunting area, we can kill them in one fell swoop.”

"Kill them all?" Uncle Jiu's eyes narrowed.

"As long as I can capture that kid, what's the point of killing all the prey in this hunting area?" Yi Tian glanced at Uncle Jiu, somewhat dissatisfied with his cautious attitude.

Uncle Jiu sighed, and said: "The more prey you kill, you have to pay enough god crystals to the Supreme Master. This is not a small amount of expenses. At least for ten years, the young master will not be able to get enough from the clan anymore." God crystal."

"It's just a few god crystals." Yi Tian sneered, quite disapprovingly, "as long as you can capture that kid and get those two innate spirit treasures from his hands, what are some god crystals? You know Even in our Dayi clan, there are only a few innate spiritual treasures."

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu immediately stopped persuading him, because he had already seen that his third son was determined to take the two treasures from Chen Xi's hands.

"I just hope that he has nothing to do with the two great forces of Shenyan Mountain and the Supreme Sect..." Uncle Jiu sighed deeply in his heart.


Next, Yitian and his group rushed into the hunting area without any further hesitation.


Under the blood-red sky, Chen Xi was galloping fast in the billowing red clouds.

"Comparatively speaking, this high-altitude cloud and mist is a relatively safe place..." Chen Xi was vigilant about his surroundings, holding the sword talisman in his right hand, and never slack off.

In his left hand, he held two divine crystals, and continued to supplement his cultivation.

Up to this time, his body's strength had already recovered to about [-]%, and it was about to reach the peak saturation state, and this also consumed more than ten of his god crystals, and now there are only less than seventy left on his body.

"Based on my current state, every time I restore my power, I need to use up about twelve god crystals, which means that the remaining god crystals can only be used about six times..."

Chen Xi carefully calculated that now that his family was so poor that he was almost penniless, he had to calculate carefully. According to his deduction, the only remaining divine crystals could barely support him to fight six times with all his strength.

If calculated in this way, it seems to be enough, but don't forget, once you encounter an extremely dangerous battle, the consumption of divine power is immeasurable!

"Oh, it would be great if the Cangwu seedlings could replenish their divine power..."

Chen Xi sighed softly in his heart. The Cangwu seedlings, which had inconceivable magical effects in the past, have now become a worthless existence, which made him quite helpless.


At this moment, Chen Xi's heart moved, and he suddenly stopped in the clouds. An incomparably gigantic will spread out from his body, and he glanced downward.

Through the thin red mist in the sky, a large mountain came into view. The mountain was majestic and strange, red all over, thousands of feet high, full of red rocks and ancient red trees, and had nothing special about it. .

But when Chen Xi scanned down with his thoughts, he suddenly saw an old man with a withered face and dressed in black, crouching under the mountain.

The black-clothed old man's aura was restrained, like a clay statue, and his whole body was lifeless. If it wasn't for the fact that Chen Xi's spirit power was far beyond ordinary, he would have been almost blinded.

"This guy is obviously a strong man from the lower realm who was exiled here..."

Chen Xi's heart relaxed, and he withdrew his thoughts.

He didn't want to call these strong men from the lower realm who were exiled in the hunting area "prey", because he himself also came from the lower realm. made prey.

"I hope you can live here forever..."

Chen Xi shook his head, turned around and left. If it was normal, he might be tempted to form a companion with the other party and break through the passage leading to the snow-ink region together.

But now that he is being hunted down, he can't protect himself, so he won't bother the other party anymore.


However, just as Chen Xifu made a move, a wisp of sword energy suddenly swept out from under the mountain. The luster was jet-black, and the aura was fierce and sinister. It tore apart time and space, and ruthlessly slashed at Chen Xi from behind.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly realized that this wisp of sword energy was indeed emanating from the black-clothed old man.

"Hmph, for the sake of my kind, I don't want to embarrass you, but you don't know what to do and want to sneak attack and assassinate me, you really deserve to die!"

Chen Xi's face darkened, and the sword talisman flew across the sky, easily shattering this wisp of sword energy.

"Fellow Daoist, please respect yourself. If there is a next time, don't blame Chen for being rude!"

Chen Xi conveyed an idea to warn the old man in black.


The mountain exploded from it, and a figure sprang out, it was the withered old man in black, but his face was cold at the moment, and his eyes flashed with violence and bloodthirsty, which was completely different from the lifeless appearance like a clay sculpture before. .

"You're welcome? Hehe, junior, if you were normal, I wouldn't make it difficult for you, but now it's different, the passage to God's Domain is about to be closed, I don't want to be exiled here for the rest of my life, and become a person who is arbitrary. The slaughtered prey!"

The old man said coldly, with unconcealable resentment in his voice, "And only by killing you, I can obtain the divine way laws and various methods in your body, so that my strength can be improved again. In this way, go to that place. A pass is a point for safety."

"As expected." Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

When he came to the hunting area, he heard from Tie Kun that the most fundamental difference between the hunting area and the medicine field area lies in the power of the law of heaven!

The laws of the heavens in the two regions can unknowingly deprive the gods of the laws of the gods and all kinds of methods.

However, the laws of heaven in the medicine field area will be conceived in the earth after deprivation of these divine laws and methods. Only by planting the "harmonizing Tao magic medicine" can these powers be absorbed and then picked up and used by people.

And under the laws of heaven in the hunting area, as long as one kills an opponent, the laws and methods of the gods on the opponent will be stripped out instantly and become trophies, owned by the winner!

what does this mean?

It means that as long as you keep hunting your opponents in the hunting area, you don't need to spend your mind on cultivation and comprehension, and you can get more divine order and methods in a short time!


ps: Make up for yesterday, there are 2 more updates tonight~


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