divine talisman

Chapter 1560 Refining the Divine Way

Thank you Brother Tiger for the big gift bag~~


Under the law of heaven in the hunting area, after killing an enemy, the enemy's own law of God and the method he has mastered will be immediately deprived and won by the winner.

This is almost no different from the Divine Dao laws and methods that directly devour the other party for your own use!

And all of this is what attracts the most powerful people from the Ancient God Realm.

They came to hunt in the hunting area of ​​the Realm of Doom, not only for entertainment, but also for the purpose of obtaining the divine order and methods from their prey.

But now, the black-clothed old man obviously regarded Chen Xi as a prey, and wanted to kill him and deprive him of the Divine Dao laws and techniques that he controlled.

"You want to fight against me just to have a little more confidence when entering the passage leading to the Snow Ink Field?" Chen Xi's face turned cold all of a sudden, and there was a hint of chill in his voice.

"Young man, it seems that you still don't understand the horror of the Doomsday Realm. Those of us from the lower realms will not only be hunted and killed by those powerful experts in the God Realm, but also have to contend with the laws of heaven here at all times. If you stay for ten years, you will be ruthlessly deprived of the principles and methods of the divine way, and you will be completely reduced to a waste!"

The old man in black became more and more excited as he spoke, his old face was full of resentment and violence, "Reduce to waste! Do you want to? Therefore, only by leaving here and entering the ancient gods can we gain a new life and become the truly supreme gods , with eternal and boundless lifespan!"

There was a hint of disdain and pity in Chen Xi's eyes. This old fellow still expected to live forever after entering the Ancient God Realm. Obviously, he didn't know at all what kind of side the Ancient God Realm actually existed.

As if enraged by the look of disdain on Chen Xi's face, the black-clothed old man stopped talking, and with a bang, he sacrificed a jet-black sword and came to kill him.


This sword is black, filled with billowing evil energy, entangled with the violent divine law, as soon as it is swept away, it is like a black cloud covering the sky, and it is quite shocking.

"Since you are looking for death, then Chen will help you." Seeing this, Chen Xi's only trace of warmth disappeared, replaced by a bone-chilling indifference and murderous intent.


The sword talismans flew into the air, and the patterns of divine talismans steamed up, blazing and dazzling, shattering time and space, and crushing them away with a rumble.

With a loud bang, the black evil spirit was broken away by a sword, and the old man was shaken by the shock, his whole body was boiling with blood.

"What a strong swordsmanship!"

The old man in black was startled, he couldn't believe it, he thought that a young man with a small hole in the true spirit could easily win, but who would have thought that this blow would actually cause him a lot of losses.

"It seems that this seat has underestimated you."

The face of the old man in black darkened, and his breath became more and more violent, like a demon god revived, the divine light shot from his body, and he rushed straight to the sky, and the momentum was quite grand.

"I can only blame you for being too stupid." Chen Xi said expressionlessly. At best, this old thing is only a true god of holes, not even as good as that Yu Chen, so it is impossible for him to cause any pressure on Chen Xi.


The black-clothed old man grasped the pitch-black divine sword, and in an instant, thousands of heavy sword shadows were chopped out, and crushed fiercely towards Chen Xi.

This time, Chen Xi didn't hold back his hand any more, and used the move "Killing Invisible", and the unparalleled sharpness of the sword turned into the sharpest blade in the world, and roared away.

Bang!Bang!Bang! ...

The thousands of heavy sword shadows cast by the opponent were shattered under Chen Xi's blow, and turned into explosive sword rain fragments, disappearing without a trace.

This trick can be called invincible!

"not good--!"

The face of the old man in black changed suddenly, and before he could react, there was a muffled pop, and his entire right arm flew off his body, and the divine blood spilled out, dyeing the void.


The old man in black roared in pain, his face twisted ferociously, he finally understood that he had kicked the iron plate this time, so he didn't dare to hesitate, and flew away into the distance.

"Since you have done it, let's stay there completely!"

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late, and Chen Xi easily caught up with him, killing him on the spot with a single blow of his sword, and almost transparent divine blood poured out all over the sky.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi keenly noticed that just after the death of the black-clothed old man, a deep and strange blood-colored vortex suddenly appeared on the sky where he was, and it spun violently, abruptly emerging from the corpse of the black-clothed old man. Two incomparably blazing light clusters were peeled off.

A light cluster is filled with the power of pure divine law, and a light cluster emerges with various Taoist powers, which are extremely heterogeneous.


As soon as these two light clusters appeared, they were about to be swallowed by the bloody vortex like arrows leaving the string.

Seeing this, Chen Xi, who had already been prepared for this, sacrificed Da Luotian without any hesitation, and enveloped the two balls of light before he could, capturing them in his hands in an instant.


The bloody vortex formed by that day's Dao Order trembled suddenly, then shattered, turned into Heaven's Dao Order again, and disappeared in the field.

As for Chen Xi, his figure flashed and he left the battle ground.

After a cup of tea.

In the hinterland of a low mountain.

"I didn't expect that this Divine Dao order light group is extremely pure and free of impurities. In this way, even if it is refined, there is no need to worry about the conflict of laws..."

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, carefully looking at the two balls of light in his hand.

"As for this Dharma Gate Light Group, it contains too many Dharma Gates, which are extremely heterogeneous. Most of them are obviously not cultivated by that old man. It seems that he has also killed many god-level powerhouses in the hunting area these years. They took away the Shinto order and all kinds of methods."

After a little thought, Chen Xi figured out the reason, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, this is the hunting zone, where killings are rampant, bloody everywhere, dangers are everywhere, and some killings are fundamentally inevitable.


Without any further hesitation, Chen Xi began to refine that light group that contained the laws of the divine way, and strands of divine power poured into his body like a gurgling stream, and began to circulate and boil...


Just after Chen Xi killed the black-clothed old man and left a stick of incense, a group of powerful men in the divine realm came through the air, about seven or eight of them, and one of the purple-shirted youths took a deep breath, then closed his eyes to perceive it carefully.

"Before a stick of incense, there was a battle here."

"There were two people fighting. The deceased was a prey caught from the lower realm. The aura of the person who killed him was very similar to what the third son described."

"Based on this judgment, our opponent this time must have just left."

As he said that, the young man in Zishan suddenly opened his eyes, and said in surprise, "No, I can't figure out his escape route."

"Oh?" The leading man with a white complexion, a tall figure, and a pair of golden pupils frowned, "Could it be that his aura has disappeared?"

Others also looked at the young man in purple shirt.

"That's right, he should have some kind of supreme method that can conceal the aura, even my 'Looking for Spirit Art' can hardly find his aura." The young man in purple shirt said solemnly.

The others were also stunned.

This young man in purple shirt is named Lu Ting, and he has mastered a rare method of perception "Looking for Spiritual Art", and any breath in this world can't hinder his perception.

But today, Lu Ting said that he couldn't lock the target's aura with the "Looking for Spirit Art", which immediately made them feel the seriousness of the situation.

"Notify the third son that this son has appeared in this area, let the third son mobilize manpower to search this area with all his strength!" The man with golden pupils frowned and pondered for a moment before making a decision.


One of them bowed to promise, and immediately took out a dark gray jade talisman, branded a will in it, and was crushed by him forcefully.


The dark gray jade talisman burst into pieces, turning into a flash of golden luster that flashed across time and space.

"Brother Qin Tong, what should we do next?" Zishan youth Lu Ting asked.

"Start the operation and search this area with all your strength. Except for our people, no matter who you meet, you will be killed!" The young man with golden pupils said murderously.



All around Chen Xi, wisps of divine power of order permeated, and the forms that evolved into runes circulated continuously, making Chen Xi look like he was sitting in the source of the great avenue, with a solemn treasure, and a clearness between his brows.

After a while.

With a bang, a grand Dao sound came out from Chen Xi's body, and in an instant, the power of divine order order lingering around his body surged into his body and disappeared.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi opened his eyes.

"It's just that I don't have enough time to make a cup of tea, but I have improved my control of the Talisman's Divine Dao. This kind of enlightenment speed is too unbelievable..."

Sensing the changes in the power of the divine way around his body, Chen Xi couldn't help but marvel in his heart. The group of divine way order power from the old man in black was almost like a pill, allowing him to directly improve his own divine way of talisman without comprehending and figuring it out. A trace!

This magical effect is not only amazing, it is simply appalling!

You know, this is the great way of the gods, and it is far and wide. If you only rely on yourself to comprehend it, even if it takes a long time, you may not be able to improve it a bit!

"It's no wonder that all the strong men from the ancient gods came to this hunting area to kill. I'm afraid no one can refuse this kind of temptation."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in his heart. If he continued at this speed of enlightenment, he might not be long before he would be able to improve the "Shen Dao of Talismans" from the stage of just getting a glimpse of the door to the stage of completion!

At that time, if he encounters a first-class existence like Uncle Jiu again, Chen Xi is absolutely confident that he will be captured and killed completely.

"Unfortunately, the various methods contained in this light group are too complicated and have limited power, so they are not suitable for me at all..." Chen Xi took out another light group, pondered for a while, and finally decided to seal it.

If he had the opportunity to enter the Snow Ink Realm, he might take out this thing and exchange it for some divine crystals, but he himself would not practice.

The reason is very simple, the method he controls is enough for him to exert a stronger power, and to practice the method in this light sphere is undoubtedly no different from eating chicken ribs, it is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.


Chen Xi stood up, and was about to leave the hinterland of this low mountain. Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, and suddenly activated the "Secret Pattern of Forbidden Path", completely covering up all his aura.

Almost at the same time, a voice of conversation came from far away.


ps: The third one is later, brothers and sisters who can’t wait will watch it tomorrow~


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